Hello, lovely readers! I apologize, this is not a new chapter.

However, it is an update! ...about the fact that a rewrite is happening. Haha. Oops? So yeah, after a couple years of hiatus and gaining a lot of writing experience, I kind of bang my head against a table whenever I read my old work.

Let me state a few things really quickly: I haven't changed the core concept of the story too much - the biggest change I made is that they are now "soulmates" instead of Dragon Slayers having some kind of weird mate thing because that's too overused. Also, there WILL be an update schedule for this story. Yay! It will be updated approximately every week (more details will be in the fic itself). It's right here on this profile, the newest story, and it's called "Recovered Files". You're smart, you should find it.

Also, going to be cross-posting this on my AO3 account, although not right now. Look under the account name "Happers" if you wish to find it there.

That's all in regards to the rewrite.

Now I just want to say: what the hell? All this time that the story was inactive, sometimes I would randomly get a notification about someone following or favoriting or even leaving a review.

You guys are all precious, seriously.

Thank you, everyone who has supported, or heck, even READ this story. Seriously, you're awesome. And I'm sorry for being inactive and stuff, but finally, I want to finish what I started. This time, I'll definitely finish it and make sure to make the story as awesome as possible and actually plan it out :3 Stay tuned, folks!