A Serious Warning
Yamcha finally sensed the life energy he'd been searching for. Dropping from the sky, he softly landed on the dry, barren ground and approached the last person he wanted to speak with...who didn't even have the courtesy to acknowledge his presence. He wasn't looking forward to the encounter, but he'd given his word to do whatever he could to help. If not for the desire to keep the woman he cared for safe, he wouldn't have bothered looking for the reclusive fighter in the first place.
"Bulma's pregnant," he blurted out, hands clenched in a mixture of anger and fear.
Silence stretched between them with only the sound of the sand skittering across the rocks at their feet. When Yamcha realized the single word would be the Saiyan's only response, he gathered his courage to walk around and face him. The other man turned his head away, refusing to look at the intruder to his solitude.
"It's yours," Yamcha announced.
"I expect it is."
The complete disinterest in what Yamcha considered monumental news made his stomach turn. He knew the surly warrior was ruthless, yet he held out hope he wasn't completely heartless. At least for Bulma's sake...and the imminent child.
"What are you going to do about it?" he demanded, his voice laced with anger.
Vegeta finally deigned to face Yamcha, his face showing the disdain the Saiyan felt for such a lowly, earthling fighter. He sneered in a combination of arrogance and amusement, looking pleased that his dalliance with Yamcha's woman bothered him so much. If Yamcha didn't know any better, he'd suspect Vegeta did it just to prove he could.
"I make no claim to any inferior half-breed. Kill it for all I care."
Yamcha was shocked at Vegeta's total lack of responsibility for his actions. If the baby had been his, Yamcha would've been shocked and scared, but would never have turned his back on it. Anger flowed through his veins, and he brought his clenched fists up in challenge, even though he knew fighting Vegeta would be suicide.
"I'm warning you, Vegeta! If you harm Bulma or that defenseless child, I'll...I'll..."
The proud Saiyan prince smirked at the weak human, completely confident in his ability to take anything Yamcha could possibly try against him.
"...I'll tell Goku on you!"