Author's Note: This story was requested by LilEngineGirl. I try to give people who are the 100th reviewer on my stories a prize. This was her request. Any reviews are greatly appreciated.
Warning: Darker Sasuke than usual. She seems to have wanted them more in character. That means Sasuke wants revenge. Hinata is shy. He's probably going to come off as a villain at first. But all my stories do eventually have happy endings. ^^
Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit off of any of my stories.
Chapter One
Sasuke Uchiha had always been a very goal driven individual. As a child, he had sought his father's approval more than anything. After the massacre, he had wanted revenge with an even greater intensity. His quest for revenge had nearly consumed him. After he learned the truth about the Uchiha Massacre and the HELL the Leaf had put his brother through, well a new goal formed in his mind. He could and would do BETTER.
The Leaf's sunny façade was a joke. It was built on a foundation of lies and secrets. They liked to present themselves as the "good guys." They were not.
Well at least those who were REALLY in charge were not. Most of the population as oblivious to what was going on behind the scenes. People such as Danzo and Obito had played the Leaf like a fiddle for years.
"It was almost too easy," he mutters as he heads into the Leaf's Prison.
Naruto had wanted so badly to believe that Sasuke had a change of heart. He had fought side by side with his former team to take out Madara. So maybe the blonde could be forgiven for being naïve.
Did the blonde think he was actually going to just let it all go? His clan had helped to found the Leaf Village. And how were they repaid? They were completely isolated from the rest of the village. Eventually they had been isolated to such an extent, that they had felt they had no other option other than to pull off a coup.
The Leaf found out about the plot though. Then they had forced his beloved older brother to butcher every single member of their clan, save for himself. They were too chicken to do it themselves. No, they wouldn't stand against the might of his clan. They'd have Itachi carry out the dirty work.
"Their biggest mistake was sparing me," he says, smirking to himself.
Sasuke had told Naruto that he wanted to go on a journey of redemption. Both he and Kakashi bought it. He expected Naruto to be easily fooled. But the fact that Kakashi bought it, well that was somewhat disappointing. He had thought his former teacher smarter than that. Oh well.
"How many have been captured," Sasuke asks Jugo.
Sasuke liked Jugo. Well as much as the dark haired avenger ever liked anyone. Jugo was strong. Jugo was loyal. Jugo didn't ask questions. He'd be perfect if the other side of his personality could be channeled. For whatever reason, the orange haired man viewed Sasuke as a "replacement" for Kimimaro and thus was calmed by his presence.
"We've captured and restrained all the Leaf ninjas who weren't able to flee," he answers.
"Good," Sasuke says.
While on his journey of "redemption", Sasuke had actually been recruiting. Sasuke and Naruto were now widely viewed as the two strongest ninjas in the world. Not all ninjas shared Naruto's sunny philosophy on life. Some were all too happy to share Sasuke's more…realistic view on life.
They would work together and rebuild the ninja world from scratch. Never again would another ninja be forced into Itachi's position, if Sasuke had his way. It wasn't going to happen. He'd ensure it by becoming Hokage. But a different kind of Hokage. One who knew all too well what happened in the shadows.
"The attack was a success. Now just need to do the sorting of who to keep and who to kill," he states.
The attack had been swift and brutal. The Leaf had lulled itself into a false sense of security. They had Naruto and Sasuke after all. Who could possibly pose a threat to their village when they had the two titans to watch over them?
Sasuke had easily knocked Naruto out with a blow to his head, while they were in his office. The blonde had been doing some paperwork and actually trusted Sasuke enough to expose his back to him. Foolish move.
Now it had come to this. Sasuke was going to the prison to assess the number of captives and who, if anyone, would be useful. It looked like some of his followers had placed the female and male ninjas in separate rooms. He smacks his forehead. This had better not be going, where he thought it was.
"They better not be that stupid," he mutters to himself.
He had told them to strip search the men and women. Check to see if they had any hidden weapons on them. Sasuke had specifically told them to keep the lingerie and underwear on. They were ninjas. They should be afforded at least some dignity.
He noticed one of the guards seeming to enjoy his task a little too much. The man was practically groping one of the women. He loathed to admit it, but the guard had good taste. She was beautiful. Her name escaped Sasuke at the moment, but her eyes told him that she was a Hyuga.
"Get your filthy hands off of her before I remove them for you," Sasuke hisses.
The guard blinks and turns around. Uh oh. It was the boss and he looked pissed. His voice promised pain. With his Sharingan and Rinnegan whirling, the last Uchiha looked like a demon straight out of the pits of Hell. He gulps and takes his hands off the lovely silk clad breasts of the pretty little ninja he had tied up. Yeah, was gorgeous but she wasn't worth dying for.
"We are going to start a new era in the ninja world. Anyone who wants to tarnish that legacy with rape, WILL die. Do I make myself clear," he growls.
"YES, SIR," they all chorus.
"Good. Leave all of you," he orders.
His henchmen say what you want about them, were smart enough to scram. He looks at the women. The last Uchiha decided to test their temperament.
All of them had to know now that he had the upper hand. The only reason they were still alive is because he wanted to be. Best to draw out the martyrs first.
"Kurenai," he says walking over one of the older female ninjas.
She wisely chooses to remain silent. Her hot pink or red eyes, depending on the light, were eying him warily. Sasuke couldn't blame her.
"You have a daughter if memory serves," he states conversationally.
"Don't you touch her," she hisses.
"What kind of monster do you take me for? I'll take that as a yes. Be smart and surrender. I don't have a reason kill you. Don't give me one," he says, walking over to Ino.
"Ino, you're annoying. But your clan's mental jutsus are useful. You aren't going to be annoying this time, are you," he questions.
Ino freezes up. She was like a deer in the headlights. Those eyes were the eyes of a killer. He'd do it. She knew he'd actually kill her and possibly everyone in this room if they gave the "wrong answer."
"I'll take that as a no," he states, gliding over to Tenten.
"Tenten right? You I don't know that much about. I saw you lose to Temari in the Chunin exams, but she was older. You performed decently. So would you prefer a quick martyr's death now or to live," he asks.
Sasuke continues going around the room. He did so slowly, deliberately trying to make them more nervous as he gives these brief assessments. Finally, it was Sakura's turn.
"You claimed to love me. Yet you tried to kill me. But you just weren't strong enough. Then after realizing that it would be better for the village if I was dead, you actually believed that I was going to allow myself to become a lapdog for the village. You believed that I'd just forget everything the Leaf has done to my family. So I guess the question is just how dumb are you," he asks mockingly.
"Sasuke," she starts to say.
"Give me a reason to do it Sakura. The only reason you are still breathing is because of your medical skills. You tried to stab me in the back once, you'll try it again. Not that you ever could kill me. You're weak. But it's the principle of the thing," he says and presses his sword against her throat.
"NO! PLEASE DON'T," Hinata cries out.
Sasuke smirks, withdrawing his sword. He looks to see which one of them had intervened. He tilts his head to the side. The Hyuga?
From what little he remembered of her, she was a little mouse. The girl had a crush on Naruto for years and always fainted around him. He hadn't expected her to try to save Sakura. Were they even friends?
"That was unexpected," he murmurs as he walks over to Hinata.
"Why shouldn't I," he asks in amusement.
"Because you don't kill in cold bloo-d," she stammers.
"And what makes you say that," he demands.
"If you d-id, we'd already be dea-d," Hinata somehow manages stutter out.
"You're perceptive," he says, grabbing her chin.
"Th-ank you," Hinata didn't know what else to say.
"But don't mistake the fact that everyone in this room is still breathing for some sense of mercy or honor. All of you are skilled ninjas. You know the Leaf. That makes you more useful than most of the followers I've gathered," he states.
"I don't think you are l-ying, but you aren't telling the wh-ole truth. There's a part of you that doesn't want to do this," she replies.
"You're brave. I expected there to be a martyr in the crowd. I didn't expect it to be you. Out of all these women, you are the only one who tried to help your comrade. The loser is an idiot," Sasuke unsheathes his sword.
"NO DON'T," the other ninjas all cry out in horror.
Hinata shuts her eyes. She firmly expected to die immediately. But instead of delivering a lethal blow, it slashed through the chains. She opens her eyes cautiously.
"I'm not going to kill you," he states.
"You aren't," she asks.
"No. You're too valuable," he responds.
"How," Hinata asks warily.
"I'll leave it to your imagination," he replies and starts pulling his long sleeved shirt off.
That draws looks of confusion, shock, and concern from the other women. Sasuke clearly had stopped the guard from having a go at Hinata. But did that mean that Sasuke would hold himself to the same standard?
"Here, it will work for now. Come with me. I'm assuming that you are smarter than Sakura and not stupid enough to try to stab me in the back," he says as he pulls his shirt onto Hinata.
Sasuke was significantly taller than Hinata and it was a long shirt. So it reached to her knees with ease. It was more than enough to preserve her modesty, even if it did look odd.
"Th-ank you," she says in shock.
Sasuke doesn't respond to that. He walks ahead of her, at a swift pace. One that Hinata could keep up with some difficulty.
As they were walking out of the prison, she noticed some of Sasuke's "followers," giving them looks. She feels her face heat up. It didn't take a genius to realize what they were thinking.
She was walking behind Sasuke, wearing only his shirt. They probably thought that they were lovers. It was almost enough to make her faint. But she couldn't faint. Not now!
"Where are we going," she asks.
Sasuke was well aware of what everyone who saw them walking together probably thought. He personally did not give a fuck. He had two options. He could lend her his shirt or he could have her parade about in her lingerie. The second of which made him seem like a sadistic deviant. The first option made it look like they were lovers. The first option as more acceptable than the second.
"To your new home," he answers smoothly.
He heads to the Uchiha District. Hinata could see people setting up a base there. There had to be at least a hundred or more ninjas bringing things in, cleaning out various houses, or accomplishing other tasks. Few of these ninjas had headbands. All Five Great Nations and even a couple of the Island Nations were represented by the handful of headbands that were present. Sasuke it seemed was not picky about where his followers hailed from.
"Come," he orders, taking her hand, and pulling her inside what seemed to be the largest of the buildings.
"Was this your home," she inquires.
"Yes," he answers simply and leads her towards one of the rooms.
Hinata looks around. It was a beautiful room, though simple. The walls were white and the carpet a lovely light blue color. There was a fairly large bed with navy blue blankets, pillows, and sheets. In the back of the room there was a white door, she assumed it connected to a bathroom. There was a desk by the bed, which had a lamp. In the corner of the room there was a rather stately looking grandfather clock. The crowning jewels of the room as far as furniture went was an oak wardrobe and a gorgeous vanity.
"It's beautiful," she finds herself saying, without thinking.
"I'm glad you like it. It's yours now," he states.
"You're giving me this room," she asks, perplexed.
"It suits you," he says as if that explained everything.
"Oh…thank you," she says, deciding it'd be a really dumb idea to argue at the moment.
"The clothes might be old fashioned, but I imagine you'll prefer them to wearing my shirt. This was my grandmother's room after my grandfather died. He passed a couple years before the massacre," Sasuke states.
"I'm sorry," she replies.
"You have nothing to apologize for. But don't worry, those who have will suffer," he promises with conviction.
He frowns. With most people, he knew that any expression of sympathy was done out of politeness or fear. Hinata actually sounded sincere. He barely knew her, but one look at those eyes and he knew she was incapable of lying. Her expressive eyes gave away her every thought.
"You brought me here for a reason," Hinata says.
"Yes. You're a Hyuga. Your clan still carries a tremendous amount of prestige. If you publicly swear loyalty to me, it will make things go more smoothly. That and you are well liked. Your word goes a long way," Sasuke explains.
"You won't hurt anyone, if I do what you are asking," she pleads.
Sasuke tilts his head to the side, as if considering something. The last Uchiha strides over to her. He walks around her in a circle, until he was at her back. Slowly, he slides his hands underneath his shirt that she was wearing.
"Funny," he muses.
"What is," Hinata dares to ask.
"I half expected angel wings. Only you would be trying to bargain for the lives of others in your position," he states in a tone she couldn't quite identify. (Was that mocking? Was it amusement?)
"I don't know you well enough to tell if you mean that as a compliment or insult," she finds herself saying.
Instantly she regretted it. It wasn't wise to grab a tiger's tail and expect them not to bite. She braces herself for whatever he'd do.
"A little of both. I admire your loyalty. It's just to the wrong people," he shocks her by saying.
"What do you mean to the wrong people," she finds herself asking.
"Think about it. Ignore what happened to my family. Nearly all of the village treated Naruto as an outcast until he saved their sorry asses. They made a child into a pariah because he hosted a demon unwittingly. They left both of us to fend for ourselves. Not one person ever offered to take us in. Your Clan forces half of its members into slavery. As for you, they don't see you. They take you for granted," he elaborates.
Hinata winces. She couldn't argue with his logic. The village had treated Naruto horribly as a child. No one had offered Naruto or Sasuke a home. They were neglected children. Nor could she deny the slavery remark. As much as it stung, it was the truth. The only thing she could take any issue with was his last remark.
"How do they take me for granted," she asks.
"Your kindness. They take advantage of it. It's easy to overlook you because you are so kind. Look at Naruto. You were in love with him for years and he never noticed you," Sasuke continues.
"H-e noticed me. He's my friend," Hinata protests.
"You didn't want to be just friends though," Sasuke responds.
It was true. Every since the day Naruto stood up for Hinata as a small child getting teased by those older kids, she had felt something for the blonde. When she got older, she realized what it was. It was love.
Well at least she had convinced herself it was love. It was really crush. Naruto was everything she wasn't. He was loud, outspoken, confident, and he never gave up. Everyone noticed him (for better or worse.) While she was just a wallflower. She was a disappointment to her father, she knew.
It had taken her years. But she finally had worked up the courage to tell Naruto how she felt. She found him at the training grounds and approached him.
"N-aruto," she calls out.
"Oh, hey Hinata," he had said.
"Th-ere's something I need to tell you," the bluenette told him.
"Alright. What is it? Why do you look all serious," the blonde questioned, while tilting his head.
"I love you! I always have," she declared.
"I love you too, Hinata," the blue eyed ninja had responded.
"Really," she had asked, beaming.
"Of course," the orange loving man had replied.
Hinata smiled widely. She ran over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Hinata placed a shy kiss on his lips. Naruto loved her! He loved her!
Something was wrong though. He wasn't kissing back. Why wasn't he kissing back? He said he loved her. People in love kissed…
"Whoa! Hinata, I think we got a little mixed up there," Naruto says sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.
"Mixed up," she asks in confusion.
"Yeah. When I said I loved you, I meant as a friend. You know like a sister," he says awkwardly.
"Oh," Hinata murmured as she felt her heart shattered into a thousand pieces.
"Please don't be sad! I mean you're great! Really. You're really nice and you're pretty! Lots of guys would love to have you as their girlfriend. I just don't feel that way about you," he continued.
"I-t's okay, Naruto. I understand. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," she responds, looking at her feet, trying to use her long hair to hide her tears.
"It's fine. I'm glad you told me. Friends should be able to be honest. Do you want to go get some ramen or something," he offered awkwardly.
"No. I thin-k I should head home. Father will worry if I'm out much later," she had said and walked off.
She had wanted nothing more than to run like a bat out of Hell. But she knew she couldn't. If Naruto saw her running, he'd feel awful. He might not love her, but she loved him. (Or so she thought at the time.)
"So you told him after all," Sasuke says.
"Wh-at do you mean," she asks.
"I can tell by the look in your eyes. The sadness speaks for itself. He rejected you," the last Uchiha states.
"You c-an't force love," she replies, trying to avoid his gaze.
It was bad enough that Naruto didn't return her feelings. She definitely didn't need Sasuke mocking her about it. She had just barely formed a scab over that open wound in her heart. She didn't want it ripped off.
"You're right about that. Too bad you didn't explain that to Sakura, Ino, and Karin a few years ago," he replies, dryly.
"Was that a joke," she responds, blinking.
"Partially. Mostly it was true though. But the point remains, the Leaf has done nothing for you. It's only caused you pain," he continues.
"It's not like that," she replies.
"Oh really. So you are telling me that half of your clan isn't enslaved, you aren't overlooked, and the loser didn't break your heart," he inquires.
"…," Hinata chooses to remain silent, she couldn't argue with the truth.
"You see, you know it's the truth. You just won't admit it," he says, reaching into his pocket for something.
She felt his arms around her neck. There was something cool placed between the valley of her breasts. The Hyuga Heiress looks to see what it was.
It was a necklace. It was stunning. A simple black leather chain with the Uchiha crest attached. It was carved out of diamonds and rubies.
"Keep that on you. It'll let the others know you are off limits. I don't want any repeats of earlier," he says, referring to when the guard he touched her.
Hinata was grateful Sasuke had stepped in. She wasn't completely naïve. She realized that it was very possible that the last Uchiha had prevented something horrible from happening. He was no White Knight but there was at least some small part of him that was still good. Maybe she could use that to save everyone.
I'll keep it on," she promises.
"Good. Get some rest. In the morning, a Revolution starts. Don't try to run. There will be over 200 ninjas stationed at the District tonight. One of them will catch you," he states, sauntering to the door with the grace of a predator.
That's what Sasuke reminded her of. He was like a black panther that had taken human form. It was all deadly grace. At any moment, he might pounce, and rip you to shreds.
"Okay," she squeaks.
Sasuke sighs heads to check on his new team. Suigetsu, Karin, and Jugo had become relatively permanent fixtures in his new life. Suigetsu he was sure was going to be an idiot. Karin was going to howl like a banshee if she found out what happened to his shirt. Jugo… well he'd probably be quiet.
"There you are. Sasuke why are you walking around shirtless," Suigetsu asks.
"I lent my shirt to one of the prisoners, who I believe will prove useful," he answers.
"Who'd you give your shirt to," Karin asks.
"That's none of your concern," Sasuke replies in a slightly irritated way.
"Yo boss, did you get the Hyuga girl set up," one of the guards asks.
"Dammit," Sasuke smacks his forehead with his head for the second time that evening.
"Yes, I did. GO," he barks at the stupid guard.
"Ohhh. I get it. So that's your thing," Suigetsu says slyly.
"Excuse me," Sasuke asks, twitching.
"No wonder you aren't into Karin. In addition to being a banshee, she's flat as a board. But Hinata has a gorgeous pair of ti-," Suigetsu didn't get to finish his sentence as Sasuke slams him into the side of a building.
"Don't talk about her that way. She's a Hyuga. Hyugas are a noble clan. The Hyugas are the closest thing to family I have. I won't have you dishonor them by talking about her like she's some prostitute at a brothel," he hisses.
"Whoa. Easy. Easy. Wait you are related to the Hyugas? Then why didn't they take you in," the white haired man asks.
"It's very distant. My Clan and the Hyugas both are descended from the Otsutsuki clan," he explains.
"Oh that shit goes back hundreds of years, if not thousands. So if you wanted to fuck her, it wouldn't be incest," he muses.
"What did I just say," Sasuke growls, grasping Suigetsu's neck in his hands.
Suigetsu flails wildly. He was rapidly losing the ability to breathe. The decreased amount of oxygen to his brain was sending him into a panic.
"Sasuke, if you don't let go of him, you are going to kill him," Jugo offers.
"Fine," Sasuke says and drops Suigetsu to the ground.
"Damn you need an anger management class," the sword lover says, gasping for breath.
"And you need a functional brain. I guess we are both out of luck," Sasuke says dryly.