Hi guy's I think this is a new record even for me (Nine months) I won't promise anything other than it will not be that long again. I'm done with another semester at University and besides searching for a job I don't have much else going on, besides three other stories that I've been working on and which will update soon on those, so keep a look out. As always

TWDFAN2016-I know you said not to but thank you as always, and I hope you like this chapter

Wolverine1975-sorry, seriously though I hope this chapter makes up for the lack of chapters. Let me know what you think

MsJackson53-thank you as always for your support I can't wait to hear what you think

RinnaZeveran1987-glad you love the story and I hope you love this chapter

I really hope you guys like it and sorry about any errors, I just had an idea for this chapter so I ran with it. Enjoy!

Chapter 17 (Always Another)

The ceaseless buzzing of an alarm radiated throughout the compound as James and Rosita made their way down red illuminated corridor. The sound would occasionally be overridden by the crack of a gun or the scream of some unknown entity but none of that concerned the pair, they only had one thing on their mind and that was to get Carl and then get out.

"You ok?" Rosita asked

No James did not feel ok, his head was pounding, various parts of his body were screaming at his to rest and his left eye was completely swollen shut, constantly throbbing reminding him that he needed to see a doctor.

"Yeah I'm good" James gritted the through the pain, and attempted to flash a smile to prove that he was indeed fine and not in fact about ready to collapse from both pain and exhaustion.

Rosita nodded and whispered an unconvinced "sure" before returning her attention to the hallway which like before was awash in dark red emergency lights.

Shadows began dancing and playing off each other, mimicking various shapes and faces as they continued walking down the hallway. James was trying to get his bearings but it almost seemed impossible, him and Carl had been knocked out and blindfolded when brought to this place and James himself was blindfolded again when they had taken him to die. So despite having a pace count he had no idea which way to turn and the more they continued the more he felt his head begin to spin, which in turn caused bile to rise in his throat.

They reached a fork in the road or in their case hallway, two paths both could equally lead to the desired outcome and both could equally fuck them over.

"Which way?" Rosita asked

James said nothing leaning against the wall as the spinning was beginning to get worse and the pain in his eye doubling. He felt his legs begin to buckle. Carl was going to die and it was all his fault, he was going to lose his brother a second time all because he couldn't figure out the God Damn direction.

"James, which way?" Rosita's voice was beginning to sound more panicked as James slid to the ground ready to throw up the contents of his stomach.

Before expelling the contents James murmured a single statement "I have no fucking clue"


Carl sat in the chair nervously thumping his knee, his captor who insisted to being called Carver who also just as nervous walked around the room. The only sounds that could be heard were the constant barrage of gunshots mixed in with the ever annoying sound of an alarm going off.

James is back at Alexandria getting the help he needs and right now his Dad is there to save him, though it would be nice to be free now.

He hadn't realized the pain before but now that he had a moment to think straight the more his wrists began aching, to be free for just a moment. And the more he sat there, the more he wished that he could just leave and be back in Alexandria with his family and friends...to be home.

"God damn it, would you stop" Carver hissed indicating for Carl to stop the constant jerking motion with his left leg.

The sharpness of the order snapped Carl out of his day dream and due to his current predicament the boy obeyed slowing his leg a tad bit not wanting to upset the man further.

"I should've just killed him when I had the chance" Carver whispered under his breath as he continued to pace back and forth in the room.

Carl watched as his captor continued back and forth it was apparent that this experience was new to him, the feeling of defeat the feeling that everything that he worked so hard for was being taken away, all because he fucked with the wrong people, the wrong person...Carl had to admit he was enjoying it a little.

Fuck what if it wasn't James coming back, what if its…the thought crossed Carver's brain

Now that thought was truly terrifying, they had paid their dues this month but what if he didn't care anymore, what if he was going to kill them all because he was done, done dealing with them.

Carver looked over at the boy who currently seemed to be trying to stare him down. No way he wasn't taking him with him.

"Get the fuck up!" The man growled stomping over to the boy who involuntarily flinched as the man grabbed him by the shirt ripping it in the process of standing the boy up and taking him over to the door, grabbing his pack as he went.

"I'm not going anywhere with you" Carl stated defiantly before receiving another slap to the face and a dirty rag tied over his mouth.

"Listen kid I'm about to lose everything, now I could just cut my loss and slit your throat but I'd rather have some companionship later on so if you would be so kind." He said wiping away a thick layer of sweat from his forehead before motioning for the kid to head out first.

Carl obeyed and slowly stepped out into the dimly lit hallway not sure what he should be scared of most, the man behind him or what had suddenly scared Carver.


Rick stuck his knife into another one of the men before quickly taking cover behind an old truck as a rain of gunfire shot around him, barely missing him. Without missing a beat he took the Deadman's gun and turned it to where the shots had rang out and quickly returned fire, hopefully taking out whoever it was.

There was a lapse of fire as Michonne quickly made her way to the same spot and took cover behind the truck alongside her friend. She was almost shocked by his appearance, it had been a long time since she had seen Rick in full warrior mode. Sweat streamed down his face, blood was caked on his clothes and beard, his hair was hanging in various directions but what really caught her attention was the eyes. His icy blue eyes were full of a mixture of determination and fear. Determined to get his son back, afraid if he didn't, it was that look that struck fear into the hearts of the enemies that they now faced, just like they had before.

Another barrage of gunfire erupted around them as Rick gave her another look and a nod, and he was off. No words needed, they knew what each other had to do and they knew the other could do it. Michonne turned her attention to her next target and ran.


The pain had begun to subside but it was still there, constantly reminding him that he was in a world of shit without a choice but to keep on going.

"You going to be ok" Rosita's voice once again reverberating around the enclosed space.

James simply nodded, thankful that she had come with him instead of Rick. Who would probably be at James's throat right about now, wondering how he didn't know the way.

James didn't respond to her question but instead got back onto his feet, not because he wanted to but the sound of running feet caused him to move quicker than he ever thought possible.

His companion heard the same noise and too followed his move and embraced the shadows of the wall. Hoping that they would get the jump on whoever walked past. Two figures soon entered their line of sight, one clearly a man and greatly contrasted with the other figure who had to be a child or teenager.

James gathered his energy going back to his training "STOP WHERE YOU ARE!" His voice thundered around the space not only causing the two figures in front of them to stop but also making himself nearly jump out of his skin.

"PUT YOUR HANDS ABOVE You!" His voice pitched slightly downward from a shout to a horse cry.

The man quickly did as he was told but the smaller figure next to him began to frantically move up against the wall shaking back and forth. A bright light from Rosita quickly flashed on the pair, causing James's blood to boil.

Carl stood in front of them, next to the man who kidnapped them. His mouth was gagged with an old dirty rag, his shirt was nearly torn from his body. His chocolate hair was matted to his head and face by a mixture of both blood and sweat, and yet despite the rage of seeing him in that condition James couldn't help but feel a little pride as Carl's eyes showed not a hint of fear but instead remained calm and collected.

The man next to him however was the complete opposite and was to the point of shaking, "Get up against the wall!" James's voice was now quieter as he beckoned Carl over to him.

A mistake that he hadn't made in a long time as Carl made the move to get closer to Rosita and James the man named Carver just as quickly grabbed the boy, his arms quickly finding their places around the boy's neck ready to break it if it came down to it.

"God damn it you stupid bastard" James kept his gun trained on the pair in front of them hoping that he could talk the guy out of what he was doing, or at least get a chance to take a shot. It would be difficult that was for damn sure especially with only one eye...but not impossible.

Carl was still acting the part but James could see the smallest twitch in his eye's that now showed terror. Rosita still kept the light trained on them but also took the time to un holster her weapon and along with her flashlight keep it down the hall.

"Listen, I'm walking out of here with the boy. The minute that I'm safe I'll let him go." Carver stuttered

"You think we're just going to let you..." James began

"You don't get it, I didn't even know it was you breaking down my door. Sure I thought it briefly but…" Carver began to speak in the sternness that James had been used to before this encounter.

"What do you mean?" James asked

"There's a man, he runs a larger group somewhat nearby. If I don't or can't produce what he wants then I'm a dead man anyway, at least with him I have a chance"

Carl grunted as the man tightened his grip around him. "Who is it, why bring Carl at all? Why didn't you just leave?" James blurted out

"I figured if it was him and he caught me before I could get out then I could simply use the boy as a bartering token, wasn't sure if it would work but he always needs new people." The man looked back and forth down the hallway as Carl began to gag, he clearly wasn't able to breathe to well. And it was time to end it.

"Well that's not..." James began before firing his weapon, the chance was ever so small, the guy left just enough of his leg open. James took the shot missing his mark by an inch but still hitting the intended target but also going through Carl's leg in order to do it...something that he wished he could take back immediately.

Rosita and James quickly moved up to Carl whose screams were muffled against the gag, Rosita took him over to the side and untied/tended to his wounds as James looked at the man before him.

"Who is it" he said putting the gun under the man's chin

"I'm a dead man anyway..." He uttered sitting his head against the wall

"Not YET" James said putting extra emphasis on yet, as he placed the pistol against Carver's wound and began prying into it ever so slightly.

"Fucken...fucken Negan" Carver cursed, as he desperately wanted the pain to stop.

Without hesitation James replaced his pistol underneath the man's chin and fired a single round into the man's head.

"Is he good to walk?" James asked his brain processing what Carver had just told to him.

Nothing was said as James turned around to see a shocked expression on both their faces, Carl showing more relief than shock.

"Is he good to walk?" James repeated standing on his feet and now staring down at the pair.

"Ye...yeah he's good" Rosita finally uttered helping Carl get up and head out the way that they came. The red lights still lit most of their way but now was accompanied by a flashlight that Rosita continued to hold in her hand. Carl stayed in the middle, not that he had much choice, the boy having one arm over the pair's shoulders as they soon exited the building into blinding light.

The reunion outside went about as well as expected, Carl was for more or less ok. And despite what had happened and thanks to Michonne the Car ride back home was mostly uneventful almost calming. James almost welcomed the sight of walkers alongside the road, the new animals that inhabited the world. Though they are what caused the end of the world or end of civilization they weren't the one's stopping it from coming back, no they were now more of an annoyance. No the real problem was other people. no matter where they would go, no matter the hope that was contained in their little world, it could be taken...from them by anyone. With that final depressing thought James closed his eye, wishing that he would never wake up.

Home (Prologue)

James poured the amber liquid into the glass that he had placed on the counter. Taking his time but still spilling various drops of the liquid onto the countertop, feeling his temper begin to boil. It was as if half the world was turned off from him which seemed selfish since there were other people that couldn't walk, who had been blind in both eyes since birth. And he at least could still hear and see out of one of his eyes but there was still that blackness that cut his vision in half, and no matter how good he knew he had it, the more he was reminded of what he didn't have. And the more that he stared down at the glass the more his anger began to take over.

Going to pick up the glass his hand hit the top of the object causing it to spill over and onto the floor, sending shards of glass and whiskey into various directions. Without thinking he picked up the nearest thing that he could and threw it against the wall causing it shatter. It was nothing special just a simple plate but it did relief some of the anger that had crept it's was in before, though now there was a bigger mess.

They had been back a few hours now and while the people seemed to want to see them and congratulate them on making it back, he wanted nothing to do with it. He wanted to be left alone, to just crawl into be for a couple days and simply let the world melt away and just not give a shit. He couldn't do that however until the doctor looked him over and declared that his eye couldn't be saved.

Picking up the bottle and his iPod James proceeded into the bathroom and turned on to the first song that came on which was Yellow Card's ocean avenue. As he stepped into the bathroom he suddently felt dirty, like every inch and every pore was caked in dirt, like he hadn't taken a shower in months, and after being in Alexandria for so long the feeling of being dirty was foreign to him. He put the shower on full blast and jumped in feeling the warmth as the water cascades down his body. Various cuts and bruises stung and burned as water and soap went into them.

He didn't know how long he stayed in there but after a while the music stopped from his iPod leaving him in total deafening silence besides the constant cascade of water. He stopped himself from getting out on instinct. He didn't feel clean, if anything he felt dirtier than before. After more time had passed the once boiling water was now lukewarm at best and was only getting colder, and yet the feeling of being unclean seemed to wrap itself around him not wanting him to leave.

The shower was now ice-cold and an empty bottle laid at his feet, the alcohol was having a numbing effect on the rest of his body that he hadn't felt in a long time. He was now laying down on a cold tile floor as the water continued to wash over him, completely engulfing him beneath an endless stream of water, keeping him from the outside world.

There was a knock upon the door that didn't even register in his mind to say anything, instead he continued to stare at the ceiling feeling a warmth on his face as a tears began flowing down his face mixing in with the cold shower. He could not get up from where he was. The knocking persisted and this time was accompanied by a voice, Rosita.

It took only a second of silence before the door was opened and the sound of footsteps could be heard sloshing their way across the floor before Rosita pulled back the curtain in tears and shock. "James what are you doing"

James didn't answer her instead held up the empty bottle shaking his head. Not willing to answer or just completely unable to, the feeling of wanting to be alone had faded and now only wanted to be with her. It didn't matter if she would stay for pettiness sake but God he no longer wanted to be alone.

Rosita went to the door and grabbed a towel and quickly returned back to James's side and helped him onto his feet, leading him away from the shower after shutting off the water and allowing him to tie the towel around his waist to save him some dignity.

Now that he was out of the shower he could see how bad the situation had probably looked from the outside as water had cascaded out of the shower and onto the bathroom floor leading to the door and presumably to the feet of Rosita who God knows how long she was waiting. He left the room and went to his bedroom and put on a pair of shorts before falling onto the bed feeling the room spinning around and around as he wanted desperately for this all to be over.

To wake up in his home, to not be left alone.

Rosita was in his room now clearly fighting back tears and was losing the battle, "Don't fucking do that again" She trembled as a single tear escaped from the tear duct and ran down her face. "I've lost too many people, and I can't lose another friend"

"Anyway I'm sure you won't remember this in the morning so I'll see you tomorrow" Rosita was barely out the door before James called out to her. Speaking for the first time in hours.

"Please don't leave..."


"I really just don't want to be alone tonight"

After uttering the phrase he wished that he could take it back, she was, no she had someone else, she, she...

"OK, I'll stay"

"Let me know what you think with a review, as always I always enjoy reading what you guys have to say and what you thought of the latest chapter. As stated above I will try to do better, and that is all I can promise. I'll be updating my other stories soon and as always thank you...seriously thank you.

Next chapter "Where are we Headed?"