Note: Boy trying to get into the head of Hieronymous is harder than you think! I want to keep him true to the game, however we will end up evolving as Rose keeps chipping away at his cold heart 3 whether he likes it or not! Anyway chapter 2!

Please fave/review etc etc 3


Chapter 2 -Welcome back!

The next week past swiftly Hieronymous received no reply from Rose but he was not surprised when she turned up at the academy gates that Saturday. It was early afternoon and he spotted her slowly lugging a very heavy looking suitcase slowly through the gate and up the grounds. He figured it would be impolite if he didn't go and help her so he swiftly walked down to greet her. As he boldly strolled up she apparently didn't notice, fixated on her bag, so she Jumped slightly when he first spoke.

"Good afternoon Miss Applewood." His voice was warm and soft. Rose blushed and looked up at him, her long wavy black hair covering most of her pale face, which she quickly tried to fix.

"Good…good afternoon Professor…" She huffed a little worn out from her task and the heat. Hieronymous gestured to her bag.

"If you like I will take your luggage to your room…" He gave a tiny polite smile as he spoke.

"Eh! Sure! Thanks…um what room am I in? still in the Horse hall dorms I assume?"

"Second year students do not change houses unless requested, so yes you are still in Horse hall. You are on the second floor above the first years, the rooms are much bigger you will find." He grabbed her bag and started up the pathway as he spoke, Rose in tow.

"So am I still rooming with Ellen and Virginia?" She asked quizzically.

"Yes I checked the dorm list yesterday in fact, you are in room 105…We can get your key as we pass the security room on the way." He had in fact checked the room listings several weeks ago soon as they was made, it seemed important he knew exactly where his wife would be sleeping when she returned. They walked up to the entrance of the dorm house in silence the summer heat bearing down making everything uncomfortable. After they obtained her dorm keys, Rose spoke up.

"It's so empty and quiet here…is it like this all summer?"

"It can be yes…especially at weekends, it's rather nice considering the rest of the year; generally there's never a moments peace with all the unruly students." The sides of his mouth twitched into an almost smile.

"heh, yeah, must be kinda boring though after a little while? With not many people to talk to…" She trailed of as if realising just who she was talking to; "Eh well in my opinion…" She added meekly.

He shook his head bemused.

"You of all people know how I loathe the chaos of the loud students…" He replied. She looked at him as if to say 'does that include me?'; "Least most of the time…there is the odd exceptions though…" He added swiftly. She laughed a little.

"Well I have been pretty much alone for most of my holiday and quite frankly it's been pretty dull; chaos is always more fun than dull!" She winked at him. He looked mildly amused.

"You are more of a social flower after all…"

"Only when the mood suits me!" She ginned as she spoke, there was almost a little spring of joy in her step, clearly coming back early was going to be best for her after all. By this point they had reached room 105. He put down her luggage and handed her the keys.

"Thank you…Hieronymous." She sounded a little hesitant when saying his name, unsure if it was ok or not. He merely nodded.

"You are most welcome. Well I must be off, I will leave you to get settled." He gave a small curt bow and turned to leave.

"Eh…Professor?" she asked with a hint of nervousness. "Are you free tomorrow? It's Sunday and I wanted to know if you wanted to erm, spend some time with me?" He looked at her mildly surprised; "You know, get lunch together in the cafeteria, catch up like friends and such?" She quickly added, fidgeting on the spot. He blinked and then sighed.

"That is acceptable, I suppose, I have no real plans, I will see you tomorrow then at 12 in the cafeteria. Good day then Miss Applewood." He turned again and moved swiftly away hiding the small smile that had appeared on his face. Her nervousness amused him, to see someone nervous because they liked him rather than feared him was an interesting and rare site indeed.

As he walked back towards his room he wondered if tomorrow would constitute as a 'date' something he would rather not have. However being it was on school grounds, and she declared it as 'catching up as friends' he figured it was fine and nothing for him to worry about in that regards.

The next day Hieronymous made sure to go down to the cafeteria early, carrying the latest book he had been reading. He sat down on the corner table after grabbing a light chicken salad; he didn't feel all that hungry but he had do get something. He got comfy whist waiting for Rose and ended up engrossed in his book once again. It was quite a while before he heard Rose approach and put down her plate of sandwiches and a drink.

"Hi, Hieronymous…" She said quietly as she sat down. He looked at her above his book with a mildly unimpressed look in his face.

"You took your time" he replied.

"I Overslept….sorry!" she blushed greatly and avoided his gaze.

"Not a habit you will keep once the school year starts I hope…" He replied with a stern tone.

"No Sir! I apparently just slept a lot better here than I did at home" she quickly looked at his book wanting to change the subject; "So what are you reading?"

He decided to let the matter drop and replied to her in great detail what the book he was reading was; '18th century magical quirks and discovery's' was interesting to him after all.

The conversation continued with various small talk for a while as they both slowly ate, the day was much cooler than the last so they decided to take a walk through the grounds after. The more they talked the more they both relaxed. Hieronymous surprisingly felt a lot calmer in her company and had even almost forgot that she was a student and was happy to treat her like the equal she was behaving as. Their enjoyment however was shattered when they caught one of the summer school students out in the academy woodland trail; drinking some sort of beer and apparently waiting for someone.

"MR SAMSON! WHAT IN BLAZES ARE YOU DOING?" Hieronymous practically yelled causing the boy to jump. The boy blinked a guilty look crossed his face as he looked around seemingly considering if he should run or not.

"Pppp..professor!" He stammered.

Hieronymous grabbed the can out of Samson's hand and looked at it, before seeing the other few cans on the floor. He used magic do crush the cans into oblivion, causing the brown liquid of the can's contents to squirt out onto the ground and disappear, before turning back on the now terrified Samson.

"Alcohol? Do you know how much trouble you are in boy? State laws still apply here even if this is a magical academy and you are most certainly underage!" He snarled as he spoke. Rose looked like she might say something but clearly thought better of it as she remained silent.

"Sorry Sir, only it's my birthday and we….where just going to celebrate it…." He mumbled the words, shaking like a leaf.

"You and who else?" Hieronymous grabbed the arm of Samson and shook him a little; "Come on boy! Tell me now and perhaps you won't be expelled, though considering your record from last year that won't be likely…."

Samson struggled against the grasp of his teacher, who merely held him tighter in response.

"Sir, it was just me and my dorm mate….Ricky….we didn't mean anything by it…"

"Well lets go discuss all this with the headmistress shall we? We can go fetch your friend on the way…" He growled. Hieronymous then remembered Rose was still there and he glanced her way; "Miss Applewood I take you can get back by yourself, sadly it appears I have to deal with this insolent child."

Rose simply nodded. He couldn't gauge her expression from here but he partly hoped she wasn't too upset by it all. He teleported with Samson to go and fetch 'Ricky' before going to Professor Potsdam's office.

Much to Hieronymous disappointment Mr Samson and his friend wasn't expelled. It was evident it was a one of 'celebration' they had planned and neither boys hesitated in telling them everything. They both however where given detention for the next eight Saturdays and where banned from going to the mall; where they had obtained the beer to being with, up until Christmas. They both also informed if they did anything out of line they would be expelled and their magic wiped without question.

That evening Hieronymous reflected on the day, over the glass of whiskey. As mature as Rose behaved, she wasn't even old enough to drink and so nor should she be considering getting into a serious relationship with an older man. He sighed as he sipped his drink, pulling a book closer to him. Just holding a book gave him comfort.

Perhaps in a few years they could look at….He sighed again and rubbed his temples, the more he spent time with her the more he thought about such things, and the more selfish he felt at even thinking it. She wouldn't be his student forever but she was still so young...He tussled with these conflicting thoughts late into the night before giving up even trying to read and went to bed in a huff.