disclaimer i do not own kuroko no basket


Akashi Seijuroo had long been an idol of mine before I had the opportunity to meet him personally several years ago. I have been a member of one of his International Akashi foundations that specializes in child care for a year now. Being the head of an international business corporation makes him very busy and always travelling so the chance to see him was quite rare.

It was two weeks ago, that Akashi Seijuroo came to the main branch in Tokyo to check on a charity project in which I am supposed to demonstrate its outlined features concerning the kindergarten architectural building strategy.

It is not like it's my first time seeing him; in fact we went to the same middle school. Back in Teiko when I was fifteen, I used to play with the boys' basketball team since the girls' team got cut, he was the one that discovered my skills and I became the shadow sixth member. We spent a whole year during which we won several championships nationally, and then he had to leave because his father wanted him to finish his studies in London preparing him to carry his family legacy in the world of business.

Sometimes I wonder if it's pathetic of me thinking, or maybe hoping he could remember me but then I figured how can he-the recently voted the most handsome young businessman - remember someone like me a mere shadow with no light.

My train of thoughts has been halted as soon as I heard the squealing sound of the chief manager

'' They are here everyone take your seats…you .. yes you the one with the glasses your tie is a mess, boss dislikes disorganized employees.''

And then all necks turned and I gaped openly as he entered the show room, he was wearing Armani navy blue suit as expected from the emperor no less than flawlessness.

His suit was exquisitely cut and a perfect match for his gracious manners, daring across the shoulders, gentle lines around the waist with an impeccable length…now when I think of it I might have a suit fetish or something because I felt my cheeks burning or maybe it's the air conditioning's fault.

He walked into the room and I tried my best to compose my demeanor and look professional, i greeted him along with everyone else, then I sat on the left side of the long four-sided timber table waiting for the chief manager to signal for me to start the slide-show demonstration, which he has after giving a welcoming speech for the king of my thoughts.


Her thin wavy, long unusual blue sky hair gracefully falls down to her shoulders and encircles her oval-shaped face. A baby pink blush usually brings out her smooth clear complexion and kissable cute cheeks. Her large blue orbs remind me of a flawless azure sky. Her curved small nose gives her little girl's look that makes me want to pinch it when she talks. And her mouth is also small outlined by puffy lips that she often accentuates with glossy pink lipstick. When she smiles, which is a rare event her well-formed and even, white teeth brighten up her whole face, sometimes I think it can blind me, I guess you can tell that I am head over heels in love with kuroko Tetsumi since I first saw her in middle school.

Life went on and I did not even get the chance to confess my heart's content to her, i thought it was just an adolescent's crush and the feeling would fade away after a period of time at first but It was more than that, I always see her when I close my eyes every single night, remembering her chuckle became my drive when I feel down. That's why I swore to myself that I would find her and plan our reunion so as she falls for me as I am for her.