no A/N because I don't want to say sorry for not updating.
part 2 of legacy
I woke up in a haze of exhaustion and emotion, good emotion for once. I wasn't quite sure what was going on or where I was but I felt a hand running through my hair and another rubbing up and down my back, I felt warm and safe and loved, but I still couldn't tell you where I was or how I ended up wherever I am, and I was okay with that. I slowly breathed in and smelled a scent that could only be described as work ethic and compassion. Kanan.
I smiled and snuggled into him still not quite understanding the situation.
"You're awake." Kanan said holding me a little closer.
I kept my eyes closed and tried to look asleep.
"I know you're awake." Kanan chuckled a little.
I sighed, I didn't want to open my eyes because I knew that when I did he'd stop stroking my hair and the feeling of safety would end. But I did any way and I loved up at him slightly uncomfortable realizing how close we were but I saw he had that same look of love and care that he had on the phantom...the phantom...CRASH
Everything came back in a flash of pain.
The realization must have shown on my face because the soft smile on Kanans face disappeared and turned into one of sympathy and worry. I throw my head back into his chest and tried to hold back tears. Why did this have to hurt so much? My body shook with held back sobs and some kind of whimpering sound came out of my mouth.
"Cry Ezra. It's okay I'm here for you, you need to cry let yourself."
The tone of his voice was so soft it would have brought me to tears itself because he never talk to me so lovingly, so gently. Bursting into tears I tried so hard to form words but all that came out was gasps for air. All the emotion of the last few days, the adrenaline of the vision, the hope when her a told me that my parents were alive, the anger of stupid five and seven getting in my way, the fear, shock and horror of what I was hearing talking to prisoner X-10. And now the realization as the truth sets in. I cried and cried and cried, all of it out until I felt to weak to even breath. But as always Kanan gave me strength, sending comfort and encouragement through the force. I could never thank him enough.
Kanan sat up taking me with him because I had at some point intertwined with him and through I should be pulling away, the worst part of all of this isn't losing my parents, it's the fear that I could lose Kanan too. I mean I knew that, I did, but regardless how many times Kanan says 'we have to be willing to sacrifice for the greater good' and crap like that, you always kind of subconsciously think 'it could never happen to me, not my best friend, not my life.' And I shouldn't have after the life I've had but I did, I didn't really grasp the possibility of someone I love dying, as many friends I lost on the street I'd never had said I'd loved them, would die for them, so losing them wasn't that bad, my parents were already gone. But kanan...
So I clang to him not caring how weak I look because I know I'm safe to be weak with him, I know if I fall apart he will be there to put me back together, I know I'm safe with him and I can't loss him, I can't loss that.
"It's not fair." I whispered. Not enough energy to speak.
"No its not, it never was. Nothing was ever fair for, you've had the most unfair life I could imagine. I'm so sorry."
"Thank for, everything. I don't know how I would have made it through all this without you." My voice sounded years older than my real age.
"Of course, we don't have to train today, or do anything for that matter, I told Hera to clear my schedule today. "
"Really...k..kanan have no idea what that means to me. Thank you."
"Of course. I'm here for."
"Thanks." I said tearing up again.
Kanan rubbed my back and smiled at me, nodding encouraging me.
"Are you hungry?" Kanan asked.
"I am but I don't think I'll be able to keep anything down. Maybe later."
"Ok, what do you want to, do if anything?"
"Can we just watch a movie or something?
"Sure, I don't know if we have anything okay for you to watch but we can look."
We didn't but we watched TV and I did eat eventually, kanan held me for several hours and at the end of the night I felt better. Not great but better and I know I'll be okay. With my family's help of course.