Heya! As promised, lots of new updates! Again really sorry but my account wasn't working :(Hope you enjoy this!

The TARDIS materialised in front of 20th century England, Cardiff. The occupants now consisted of Amy, Rory and the newest but most lovable member, Jenny. Jenny, who called herself Jenny Smith in public had easily adapted to the life of a time-traveller and nowadays was the only person excluding the Doctor and River who could pilot the TARDIS capably. They weren't planning on staying for long, just to refuel when a knock sounded at the door. The four occupants slowly turned. There weren't many creatures who registered the boxes existence and the ones that did more often than not wanted to kill them. The Doctor shot a worried look before the knock sounded again, this time accompanied with a strong american accent yelling "Doctor, I know you're in there. It's me Harkness!"The Doctor immediately relaxed and jumped down the stairs to open the door to his old friend. Upon the doors opening Jack walked straight in… Past the Doctor before enveloping Rory in a huge hug.

"Hey doc, how's it been the last few millennia, huh, y'now, you're the only person on Earth I can say that to without being thought crazy."

Rory was utterly confused while Jack Harkness babbled on. The girls were laughing at the Doctors angry face which was holding an incredulous look that seems to be saying 'how could that be me!' Rory's face on the other hand was completely blank and he was opening and closing his mouth like a guppy fish.

"OY!" The 'real' Doctor stomped over, resembling a child in a temper tantrum. "It's me! Whole new regeneration cycle, I'm cool now!" Jack Harkness looked as though he was going to pass out. "You. You are the Doctor!" He exclaimed with wide eyes. "You!?" He repeated as though saying it twice would help it to sink in. It didn't.

"Oy! Yes, me! And don't you dare flirt." Jack recovered from his shock outwardly but he was still reeling inside.

"Well of course I won't I only flirt with pretty angels such as yourself ma'am." He immediately flirted, turning to Jenny as he spoke, giving a small wink. Jenny looked like she was going to hurl but before she could the panelling that Jack was standing on flipped and he fell into a pool far below. Amy and Rory shrieked and looked down at him. Jack was spluttering and cursing the Doctor while inhaling rather large amounts of water. The Doctor gave a small innocent look to all the angry glares he was receiving. "Oh no, what a pity. I don't have a ladder to get him out." The other three could only keep up their angry faces for so long and soon all broke down laughing. Jenny even stuck her head down the hole and shouted. "You heard the Doctor! Hands off!" Jack pouted in his little paddling pool. "Not fair, how come you get special treatment?" Amy, lounging against the control with her arm looped around Rory raised his eyebrows innocently and said, in the air of somebody giving the weather. "I think that it is to be expected 'Jack' after all, you did kiss the Doctors daughter."

A second of silence.

"WHAT!" Rory, feeling pity for the man flipped the lever that would dump him on the floor of the control room. The man, no longer having to tread water collapsed against the side of the console for small amount of time before shooting a grin at The Doctor. "Congratulations Doc, I never knew you had it in ya!"

The Doctor let out a low groan. This was going to be a long long day…

Sorry but I have to ask. What would happen if Voldemort tried to kill Jack Harkness? I mean like what would his reaction be?

