Ok, old author's note has been removed, on the advice of Andou Misaki. Holy shit that thing was long.

The metamorphological line that leads to the Darkbeast has been uncovered at long last. This line can be formally recognized to begin with the Beast variety commonly referred to as the Silverbeast, first observed to emerge from the now lost land of Loran. The first instance of Arcane Bolt emerges in the line at this point, laying the groundwork for the Bolt that the Darkbeasts are so famous for. It has been determined that the Insight of the Silverbeasts is contained in the muscle tissue, skin, and fur; not the blood or nervous system. The most distinctive feature of the Silverbeasts is the skull, oriented 90° from a human, their mouth being vertical rather than horizontal like all other Beasts and men.

The second stage of this line is the Abhorrent Beast, a much larger and more intelligent Silverbeast. The distinctive silver fur darkens dramatically and the distinctive head is oriented more like a human. Muscle mass increases dramatically, to the point that the same individual is completely unrecognizable after the metamorphosis. The observed molting (there exists no better word that I am aware of) seems to be painful, with the new abhorrent stage emerging from the Silverbeast, which bulges and splits from the pressure exerted by the new muscle mass in a process identical to insect molting. The Insight that generates the Arcane Bolt is beginning to calcify into the bones, but hasn't fully settled yet; with the vast majority still located in the muscles and skin. A few Abhorrent Beasts have been observed to speak and take on human form, but these accounts are all sadly anecdotal, with no known specimens being observed to speak in a human language.

The third stage, the Bloodletting Beast, is the stage that finalizes the line's appearance. This variety of Beast was also believed to be a distinctive line, not connected to the Darkbeasts in any way. These dangerous Beasts are almost helpless against the Kin, being completely incapable of using Arcane Bolt, but have greatly enhanced reach and physical strength. The Insight is further calcifying into the bones, with the muscles being completely devoid of any Insight, but the tendons and ligaments still possess some Insight. In the event that the Bloodletting Beast managed to lose it's head, it will not die of that injury alone. However that injury is a deal-breaker for the Beast, being completely incapable of continuing along the Darkbeast line. I haven't managed to figure out the reason for this yet, but the bodies tend to be parasitized quickly by maggot-like worms.

The fourth stage, the Duskbeast, the most mysterious stage. Until the year 2016, there was one documented sighting of a Duskbeast, and it fled the area as soon as it noticed the Hunter that spotted it. These Beasts are almost helpless, more akin to a moving cocoon rather than a Beast. However, that being said, do not underestimate them as they are still capable of killing if provoked.

Finally, the fifth stage is the Darkbeast; the most iconic and well-known stage. The flesh has been abandoned, sloughed off, leaving only intermittent patches of fur to cling to the bone. The Arcane Bolt is revealed in full, more than capable of fending off most any threat, up to and including greater Kin. The face of the human that once was is revealed as a skull, each one unique, each one horrifying in it's own way. Darkbeasts are of little threat to Hunters unless provoked, but once their hand is forced, the have a devastating slew of abilities at their disposal. Add on the lack of meat and blood, and most weapons become far less effective. Darkbeasts also happen to have a form of immortality being capable of living on through their bones, so filled with Insight they are.

Izzy paused, lifting his pen from the paper. This list just to organize his thoughts, greater detail on each of these stages would take a fortnight, if not more. To be clear, it would take a fortnight for each stage. Ten weeks in total, just to create a reasonable effective primer, with years to perform full dissections and mapping out the anatomy, how their Insight interacts with them, general range of motion, anything that might be useful for a Hunter to know before their first Hunt. It is true that actual experience is superior to book learning in this field, but knowing that a Beast can survive decapitation could literally save lives. Practice in controlled environments, being able to make mistakes and not pay in blood is invaluable, but not always an option.

Still, summoning Justin was the right call. I have a new Darkbeast to study and to call my own.


Maki is going to kill me, isn't she?

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."

"There is no remedy for love but to love more. "

"Like all dreamers, I mistook disenchantment for truth."

"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference." Mother never said this, exactly, but Father found the original quote for me.

"You should spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor… Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting."

"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried."

"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is to great a burden to bear."

"Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own."

"A man has a choice… I chose the impossible."

"A man chooses, a slave obeys."

"We all make choices. But in the end, our choices make us."

"Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses."

My Father taught me all of these things, quotes from people much greater than himself-and Izzy. But still, Father asked us to find our home, to find our own views on love. Many things that we learn come from listening to him when he thinks he's alone, when he can be said to truly speak his mind, his true personal thoughts and views. It's almost time for my birth, and I don't want to miss it.

Swearing everyone to secrecy was easy, making sure that they keep that secret will be the hard part. ADAM, a seeming medical miracle with horrible side effects. Extreme addiction and insanity being the least of our worries. The doctors needed to consult with experts on Hunter Weapons and Tools, mainly Irreverent Izzy.

Then there is the secret on the young patient's biology. Being Kin means nothing to me, but it is an interesting curiosity. However, if it is possible that being a Kin served as an impetus for the assault, that would change things dramatically.

Heh, let's be honest, I'm really more of a face for the Nishikino family. I happened to be in the city and convenient to ask. Luckily, I'm getting paid really well, for what that's worth.

I had other things on my mind. The attack last night had three people involved, but only one person was injured and left for dead. So, who is our mystery witness and how do we protect them? Going over my notes, organizing my thoughts, thinking about Nanako. My sister would take care of her while he was on this case, but he can't help but worry. Beast attacks haven't let up, haven't decreased in frequency, haven't become any less devastating. But if not for the Hunters, things would be much worse. But Hunters are human, and they can be injured. Killed, even. Brunestud-san is proof positive of that fact, and all I can ask is that Yu doesn't become a statistic.

If this murderer is part of a larger conspiracy targeting Hunters, then the UN would have something to consider. Hunters are the only real defense against the Beasts at the moment, so we can't just have our children put down their arms; as much as we wish it to be so, we can't truly force them to stop killing. My phone buzzed for my attention, there's always someone that needs my attentions, some new lead to chase down.

A repulsive, humanoid being with a seemingly pieced-together body. Stitches and open scar-like wounds cover its pasty and stained skin, with bandages wound tightly around its feet and other parts of its torso. Its "skin" also functions as its clothing, as shown by the skirt-like protrusion of loose skin around its waist and the sound of rubbing skin made when they walk. Its head is malformed, with a distended jaw that hangs over its torso, stretched to an absurd length. There are clumps of hair still attached to its head. Its eyes are large, bulging and reptilian. The creature is missing its fingers on the left hand; they are instead replaced by a swollen club studded with crude blades, and are stained with blood. In the right, a great cleaver with a heavily chipped blade, stained with blood and eaten away by rust. Almost like a saw, no? Making this creature-this Wickerman-was physically painful to my sense of aesthetics, but sacrifices sometimes have to be made.

I can hear that cleaver, dragging along the ground. Perhaps a warning, perhaps intimidation, perhaps just a lack of intelligence, perhaps a combination thereof, or maybe even none of these. A trail of blood and pus tells me, and the scholar by extension, where it went and where it's going.

"Good morning, little brother." He can hear me, that much is obvious. "Now now, little brother, don't move so much." Making me perform surgery, that scholar will be the death of me, I swear. A bone scalpel makes a fine incision, allowing his infected blood to drain from him. Purple-grey blood trickles from his throat and heart, pooling in his palm, streaming between his fingers. That blind scholar, not realizing that she was sent here to die or go mad, which ever comes first. How could she not realize that my little brother's blood is not red?

This place, how could I not know this place. A gravestone, constructed in the offerings of a thousand dead stars, a mausoleum that exists to cradle the yet living. A tomb that protects not a single corpse, not one deep sleeper. A place of sacred rest, not for the dead-they are forbidden, for they have no need for this place. This is a memorial, not a crypt, and everyone knows that funerals are for the living, not the dead.

Isz. The great labyrinth of the memories of the Great Ones.

Someone else is here as well, part of him at least, his body if not his mind. A trickle from the throat and heart, sweet red blood to sustain me, keep me whole. I don't care about what others think of me, but I need this blood, to explore this fantastic location. There is so much to learn, so much to see, so much I have to know. But... I also can't stray too far, lest I run out of blood. I would then be forced to leave, and everything would have been for nothing.

The Scholar of the Gods would not accept that, never. I would likely forget everything, the greatest of tragedies.