"Savage," breathes Maul, at the stirring form at his side. "Savage, brother. It's me. Are you alright?"

"Brother?" he croaks. The relief which washes over him is unparalleled, even to Plagueis first telling him of his ability to perform such a miracle in the first place.

"I'm here."

"Did…. did we win?"

Plagueis - Snoke - looks on from the doorway. At Maul's glance, he gives a nod, disappearing into the works of the Nightsisters' temple.

"Yes, brother. We did."

"What do you mean he's gone?"

Hera's found his ship, it's parked in a clearing, and Ezra's is a click away with Zeb and Sabine. She hadn't been more than two steps into ground between them both when Chopper had appeared from between the trees telling her just that.

The explanation isn't reassuring in the slightest, but it's also not wrong. The temple Chopper leads her to is empty. The forests are empty, in scan after scan.

Kanan is gone.

Kanan comes to with light filtering through the windows, blinding as he cracks open his eyes. This is the Jedi Temple infirmary, his mind provides him, second to the hand which squeezes his own.

"... Master?"

In fact, it's a beautiful mirror of the scene in the Temple's healing wing, all those years ago, when he stumbled upon the bacta tank.

"Hello, Caleb."

She looks no different, aside from the motherly smile gracing her features. She chases away the disbelief and confusion with a hand on his cheek, cradling his face, a thumb close to his eye - his working eyes.

"Look at you," she murmurs. "You grew up."