Obviously I wrote this after the second season and didn't know Amber was a vampire. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from the books or True Blood. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Agnus Dei

Chapter 1

Sarah blinked. She was standing in front of an open window. Why did she come over here? Oh right, she was spending the night in turmoil. That was exactly the reason why she was here. She was troubled. Very troubled.

She had betrayed her marriage vows with Jason Stackhouse, artful deceiver. After hailing down a ride back to the church from where Jason left her, she walked in on the most incredible scene. Vampires in their church. This was Steve's moment to shine … but he didn't. It was Godric.

She had spoken to him briefly while he was in the basement. He had politely looked at her photograph of her sister, Amber, and said he had never met her. He even said he was sorry. Not that his words meant anything then because he was a lying vampire. Godric was so rational during the conflict in the church. No one was hurt, and he commanded all the other vampires to leave, they obeyed him.

Hugo had told them that Godric was the local vampire leader, but never that he wielded this sort of power. He gave a command, and it was obeyed. Even the vampires with their fangs out, less than an from the necks of helpless humans, released them, without even a little taste of blood.

Eric grinned, looking down at the blond twit from above. A glamour and a few suggestions, and she was babbling about all sorts of things. It wasn't his idea for her to start fancying Godric, yet she must have secretly to suddenly think Godric was the answer to everything that was wrong in her little, soap bubble of a self-righteous, intolerant world. She could be very entertaining since Eric had no clue what she had in mind.

*** Tru Blood *** Tru Blood *** Tru Blood ***

It wasn't until Steve's plan was well underway that Sarah realized how her husband planned on getting back on the vampire leader. Sending Luke McDonald to his house to blow it up? Followed by men armed with guns with silver and wooden bullets, along with those with crossbows? She had gone into Steve's office, and found Hugo's cell phone number, but there was no answer. The police? Sarah didn't need that kind of scandal touching her church. She had worked too hard to allow Steve to turn their dream of honesty, love and God's grace into this. Vampires were evil, and God was vengeful. Forgiveness was only for God's children, humans, made in His own image. They did not need to take matters into their own hands. Vampires all died eventually, and they'd spend eternity in hell. That was much longer than even Godric's incredibly long life of two thousand years.

By the time Sarah got a set of keys and drove to the other side of Dallas, it was too late. There were police cars, EMT and fire engines everywhere. Streets were closed off. She went back home, and joined Steve watching the news. What she really wanted to do was find something heavy and hit him on the back of the head, hard enough to cross his eyes and wipe that self-satisfied grin off his face. Not only were vampires killed, but humans as well.

Sarah went to pray. Her sister, Amber, could have easily have been one of those humans. A fangbanger. God was always willing to give a second chance and offer forgiveness, but it was denied to all the humans that died tonight. Perhaps Steve was not even serious about what he told Godric about forgiveness. Just luring him here to have him burn up. Lying. Dishonesty … dishonesty, the very thing to which the Fellowship was opposed. Honesty was one of their main tenets.

She even planned to be honest with Steve regarding Jason. Sarah was going to leave Steve for Jason … now what did she have? Even with Gabe dead, Steve was still closing her out, doing foul deeds, and certainly was not the man of God she believed him to be.

Suddenly, she had an epiphany. Sarah already knew she had sinned. However, God forgave and there had been one person she had recently met that was an unlikely vessel for God's grace, but perhaps he could be the one. She knew it certainly was not Steve. And certainly not Jason Stackhouse.

*** Tru Blood *** Tru Blood *** Tru Blood ***

Sookie was having a late lunch at the Hotel Carmilla, or more like their continental breakfast switched over to lunch things for the afternoon, with more humans now, then before a suicide bomber blew himself up in Godric's nest. She was surprised because she knew these people didn't live there, but sensed they were here because they were worried and wanted the security. There were certainly a bunch of security folk around now, both uniformed and not. The shifty eyed fellow drinking a coffee two tables over was one.

Jason had joined her for a moment, but then someone from the night before caught his eye. Her brother thought she was hot so Sookie didn't stand in his way. He had to realize a vampire was involved in some way for her to have been at the gathering last night.

She had already watched television before coming down. The highlights of Nan Flanagan versus the Newlins was repeated every half hour on Headline News, and then there were a couple other news stations breaking down what was said. The Newlins were not looking so good, even on the non-vampire friendly station. Attacking someone's hair style? There was also a behind the scenes thing about the Newlins, but Sookie wasn't so sure that they were really breaking up. Steve and Sarah sort of went together like white bread and mayonnaise.

Down here at least, Sookie could relax with a drink and try to figure out if there was something special about vampire relationships other than the sex. Sex with Bill was great, but they had a lot more going for them than that.

Sex … Sex with Blood … Sex … can't be noticed … Sex … what? Sookie tried to tune into that other thought. Was it someone from the Fellowship? Or another human companion that worked for them, like Hugo?

It's daytime. How am I going to find him? If I could only call on the telephone, but in person's better. He's met me. He knows I wouldn't have done something like that. How am I going to find him?

Sookie looked around. No one sitting here was looking for 'him'. She stood, and saw the least camouflaged outfit ever. Someone was wearing a bright yellow, terrycloth two-piece workout set that probably never saw a gym, with pristine white sneakers, a white baseball cap with the brim pulled low over a pair of huge sunglasses, and a blonde ponytail sticking out the back with a matching yellow scrunchy. The woman was even carrying a white handbag. A big, blond canary before Labor Day.

She glanced back at the group eating. No one was wearing a bright color other than a few splashes of red. Sookie was wearing a yellow and white dress. She went towards the lobby where the suspicious person was lurking. She had sat down and held a newspaper in front of her face. Sookie could tell she wasn't reading but listening.

How am I going to find him? I can't just ask, can I? How am I going to find him? I'm not going back to Steve. This is it. How am I going to find him? This is my calling. I need to find him.

Approaching the strange woman, Sookie thought she recognized her profile from the nose down. She seemed very familiar. It wasn't from last night … "Sarah?" she asked.

The head turned slightly, and a whispered, "It's not what you think."

"I don't know what I think."

"If you're not going to tell on me, go away. You'll draw attention to me."

"We're the only two people in this whole building wearing yellow. Maybe we should stick together."

"This is a huge mistake coming here, but I had to do something."

"Are you looking for my brother?"

"No," Sarah said, her voice raising to express a indignant whine.

"Than who?"

"I shouldn't say." Godric.

Sookie did not know how to answer that thought. Was Sarah thinking she was looking for Godric, or did his name randomly enter her head?

"Are you looking for one of the human friends of a vampire to save him or her?" Sookie asked, trying to put the best spin on it as possible.

"No. Please go away." How am I going to find him?

"Listen, you already know I'm a telepath and a name or two has already gone through your mind. What are you here for?" Then Sookie realized that if Sarah had some sort of weapon, she could use it on her. Smooth move, Ex-Lax.

"Fine. I want to speak to Godric. I want him to know I had nothing to do with some of the horrible things Steve did. I didn't even know. At first it was Steve and Gabe plotting together, and then last night, Steve came up with that bombing plan."

"Godric's not the kind of person to hold a grudge so I don't think he's going to need you to track him down to explain that."

"I need to see him." She doesn't understand. How can she? Woman's been steeped in sin for years. She has no idea of what she saw yesterday.

"I am not steeped in sin," Sookie answered, even though Sarah didn't say it aloud. "Are you going to try to hurt him? 'Cause he's really fast and he could accidentally hurt you without meaning to while defending himself."

"I tried calling the hotel, but they said they have no one under his name staying here."

Sookie paused. Why wouldn't Godric be here? Where else could he be? Did he have somewhere else to hide in Dallas? Was it safer than here, and if it was, why were these people here, if there was someplace safer? She speculated, "They can't go tellin' on him to everyone that calls here. I didn't hear his name on the news, but there's gotta be some humans that know that was his house that y'all blew up."

"I had nothing to do with that. Violence is not the solution."

"So sneaking into hotels is?"

"I wouldn't sneak, but between my husband probably having this place watched and the vampire sympathizers, I can't openly walk into here."

Sookie could tell Sarah was afraid, but for the reasons she said, with the heavier fear being about her husband. This was crazy. If Steve sent her like a Trojan Horse or something, Sarah wouldn't be afraid of him. "Okay, I'll ask, but if I see a stake or a piece of silver, I'll fry your head so your brain leaks out your ears," Sookie bluffed.

Sarah had sat where she could overhear both one side of the Front Desk and the Concierge. Since it was afternoon, Sookie was not sure what she hoped to hear.

She plastered on her Crazy Sookie smile and asked, "Hi y'all. I'm Sookie Stackhouse, staying with Bill Compton, and when I tried to call Godric's room for Bill earlier, I didn't get connected. Could y'all help me?"

"Who's room?"


That's Keith Moon. "There is no one of that name staying here, miss."

"Oh, well I guess Bill forgot to tell me somethin' before he dropped off to sleep then. Vampires," she added with a shrug, "they think we can read their minds."

Sookie went around the corner to the house phone by the elevator. She picked it up, and asked, "May I be connected to Keith Moon's room please?"

The phone already began ringing before she thought of what she'd leave as a message. She could hang up, when it went to voice mail.

It stopped ringing after two rings. She listened, but there was nothing about leaving a message. A deep, male voice asked after close to ten seconds, "What?"

"Oh, ah … I might have gotten the wrong room. I was looking for Godric's room."


"Well, this is Sookie Stackhouse."

"What can I do to help you, Miss Stackhouse?" Godric asked.

"Wait, was that you?"

"Yes. What do you need assistance with?"

"Uh … Sarah Newlin's in the lobby and would like to speak to you."

"That's unexpected. Sunset is not for hours yet."

"But you're awake."


"Uh … so what should I do?"

"Can Mrs. Newlin come to the phone?"

"I guess … hold on, I need to get her. I left her sittin' 'round the corner after I fished your alias out of someone's mind."

Sookie left the phone off the hook, peeked around the corner, and then waved furiously for Sarah to come over. The woman tried to appear nonchalant as she crossed the floor, holding the folded newspaper up at shoulder level to block her face from one side.

"I got him on the phone."

Sarah nodded dumbly. She remembered Gabe complaining to Steve that Godric was awake at all hours, not just at night, like vampires were supposed to be.

"You can talk to him. It's that phone there."

Picking it up, Sarah cleared her throat and asked, "Are you there?"

"Yes, Mrs. Newlin."

His voice was so calming and patient.

Godric waited, then asked, "Is there something you wanted from me?"

"I … I'm downstairs in the hotel. I didn't know where to go to find you."

"I am fine, Mrs. Newlin. Thank you."

He was thanking her? Yes, turn the other cheek. "Uh, could I speak with you? I mean, I'm glad you're okay after what Steve did. It … I … I'm sorry he did that. I didn't know until it was too late. He planned that on his own, or I mean with the people that he sent over to do it. That was the sort of thing he'd plan with Gabe. I've never been involved with that sort of thing."

"I believe you, Mrs. Newlin."

"So … uh …?"

"I apologize. I may have misunderstood something. Did you have some request?"

"I wanted to speak to you."

"Aren't we speaking?"

"No, I meant in person."


"If you're busy, I could wait."

"I could agree I am, but you know I'm not since it's still daylight."

"In that case, can I see you?"

"I am not understanding what you wish to accomplish with that."

"I miss you. You are a good listener."

Sookie could only understand that Sarah really wanted to be with Godric. Images of him in the church basement. Nothing beyond that. No thoughts of injuries or death. No fear of Godric. Fear of every other vampire. Dislike of Nan Flanagan's hair. Fear of Steve Newlin. Hatred of her brother, Jason. Oh no, Jason … what the hell was wrong with him? Jason taunted Steve Newlin last night, but who would have believed him? And in the church too.

Sarah held out the phone and said, "He wants to speak to you."

"Oh," Sookie answered and took it. She had stopped paying attention to what Sarah had been saying to Godric.

"Miss Stackhouse, are you the only one that knows Mrs. Newlin is here?"


"Can you please perform two favors for me?"

"I guess."

"My clothes are inaccessible in the basement of my home still. Could you go up to the Le Fanu conference room and ask for Seymour's clothes?"


"Yes, from Little Shop of Horrors. I am in room 712."

"What's the second favor?"

"Bring Mrs. Newlin with you."

"Uh, okay."

Sookie hung up, and looked at Sarah. What did she really want with Godric? Maybe she should keep talking and see if that got Sarah to think of something she could understand.

"I'm happy you're gonna take the time to speak to Godric. He's very nice. I don't know any vampires as nice as him, except Bill."


"My boyfriend."

"You said at the desk you were rooming with him here at the hotel? You're not ..."

Sookie could tell what Sarah was saying before she said it, and she didn't need to read her mind. "I wouldn't go throwin' stones. Jason's a dog, but he caught you too."

"He misled me."

"You ain't the first."

"What makes you think your Bill's honest?"

"I don't know. He's such a gentleman."

"Good. I would like to believe there could still be a way to be a good Christian while still … being a good Christian. The stories I hear about some of these vampires are repulsive. They prey on women, having intimate relations with them within hours or days of meeting them, drinking their blood, and giving them some of theirs so they can't think of anything but them. They even dream about them."

"You're right. I had a doozy of a dream earlier from just a couple drops of another vampire's blood."

"Luckily for you, your Bill's willing to wait, and only drink Tru Blood. He might have been a Christian … before. I hear that they've legalized vampire human marriages in Vermont. They'll allow anything up there. Surprised Ben and Jerry aren't married to their cows yet."

Sookie's face colored, and she said, "I prefer a modern relationship, Mrs. Newlin."

She found the Le Fanu conference room. There were other human companions here. A couple were browsing through clothes on racks.

"Is there clothes put aside for Seymour?" she asked the fellow watching the room.

"Are there," he responded, with a bit of buzz in his head about hicks and their grammar based on the accent he perceived. "Here, and sign on this line with your room number."

There were other garment bags hung behind him. Maybe some vampires didn't like their human picking their outfits, including 'Velma' and 'Riff'. Sookie remembered the old black and white movie, Little Shop of Horrors, had a monster plant from outer space, but nothing about the people. One of their local stations ran horror movies on Saturday nights when she was young.

Sarah asked, "Anything for Audrey?"

"No Audrey."

"Who's Audrey?"

"The woman Seymour is in love with."

"Do you know who Velma is?" Sookie asked. She was in Scooby Doo.

"If they're all from musicals, she's in Chicago. I'm guessing that because Riff's from West Side Story."


"When I went to theater camp," Sarah explained, "I loved musicals. I wish more shows came to Dallas. Steve doesn't have much time to go to places like New York. They're all vampire lovers up there."

Getting on the elevator, Sookie quipped, "I think they are in the Hotel Carmilla too."

Despite what Sookie Stackhouse said about her vampire being a gentleman, Sarah bet she was really a fangbanger, not just 'dating'. Lying to enter their church was proof of that. Just look at the low morals of her brother. She had to believe God was giving her a sign, and put her on this path. Sarah had made a mistake with Jason, knew it, and now was being shown the path to redemption. This had to be the right one. There was a need for her here. How was she going to express that to Godric though? He was not a captive audience here.

The seventh floor was quiet, like much of the hotel. There was one room service tray out in the hallway that still needed to be picked up. Housekeeping did not fix up the rooms during daylight either. 712 looked no different than the other rooms' doors in this hall, except the door slowly opened as they got close to it.

Sookie whispered, "Godric?"

"Yes," was the answer as the door opened more fully. Only one lamp was lit in the opposite corner of the room. It was a suite, like Bill's room, so this was a sitting room. Maybe they were all suites at this hotel. The sliding doors to the bedroom portion were closed.

"Come in," he invited, while standing behind the door.

Sookie moved out of the doorway to allow Sarah in. Godric reached for the bag in her hands as he closed the door. "Thank you, my clothes from last night are quite dirty," he explained.

"Right," Sookie agreed, letting him take it.

"Please sit. I'll be back shortly."

Sookie had seen him in the poor light, wearing one of the hotel robes, but then he disappeared. She acted like that was normal, and walked around the room turning on the lights. As she reached the last one, one of the double doors to the bedroom slid open and Godric stepped out, wearing white pants and a long white shirt, not completely buttoned so that necklace tattoo was in plain sight.

With a nod to each, he greeted them, "Miss Stackhouse. Mrs. Newlin."

Sookie sat down on one of the sofas.

He walked into the middle of them and stated, "I am not opposed to talking with you, Mrs. Newlin, yet I find it strange that you wish to do so. May I please use my ability as a vampire to influence you in order to assure you are speaking the truth?"

"What's stopping you?"

"I don't mean to show you disrespect. Asking seems polite, though I can see how you may interpret it as one-sided since I have no means of guaranteeing my word as truthful."

Sarah let out a little laugh, "Disrespect?"

"Although my perceptions are different, I don't believe that makes you inferior to me. The events of the past day lead me to think that it is odd you have found me and state you desire to speak to me."

"I had nothing to do with what Steve did last night. I didn't find out till it was too late. I believe in honesty, but if you want to do something to make sure I'm telling the truth, go 'head."

"I won't make you forget," Godric promised, now focusing his gaze on Sarah's eyes. He asked, "Would you like to sit down?"

"Yes, thank you."

Sookie knew the way Bill got someone under his spell, and had seen him teach Jessica. Godric only sat next to Sarah, and then took her hand between his while giving her his full attention.

"Are you comfortable, Mrs. Newlin?"

"Yes, thank you for asking," she replied.

To Sookie, it sounded like she said that a hundred times a day.

"Please remain calm."

Sookie noticed that Sarah was nervous about Godric rejecting her when her mind stopped worrying about anything. All tenseness left her body as the vampire leaned closer to study her, before asking, "Mrs. Newlin, who suggested you visit the Hotel Carmilla today?"

"I did."

"To someone else or yourself?"

"To myself."

"Other than Miss Stackhouse, did anyone else know you came here?"


"Why did you come here?"

"To find you."

"What do you want with me?"

"To talk with you."

"Talk about what?"


"Me," he said quietly, more to himself, before he rephrased his question. "Why would you want to talk about me?"

"I need to be with you."

"Why would you want to be in my company?"

"I love you."

Godric pulled back and paced around the chair, before asking, "You love your husband, Steve Newlin?"


"Why not?"

"He's betrayed our beliefs. He lies and arranges for people to get murdered."

"Is staking or otherwise killing a vampire murder?"


"Have you always believed that killing a vampire is murder?"


"What changed your mind?"


Godric paused before asking, "Why do you think you love me?"

"You are patient and understanding, and try to live a good life, even if it's unnatural. You avoid injuring both humans and vampires. You try to lead vampires by example to make them better. You would make a wonderful Christian, if you weren't already damned."

"I am not harmless," he assured her. "Would you like me to meet the dawn tomorrow morning?"


"Would you like to drink my blood?"


"Would you like me to drink your blood?"


"Would you like to have sex with me?"


"Let me rephrase that then. Do you plan on remaining married to Steve Newlin?"


"After your marriage is legally dissolved, do you want to have sex with me, or before that?"

"I don't know."

"All right," Godric said, turning and walking across the room. He glanced at Sookie as he walked by her. He sat down in another chair and murmured, "Mrs. Newlin, crawl across the floor and kiss my feet."

When Sarah immediately fell to her knees to crawl, Sookie exclaimed, "What are you doing?"

"Quiet," warned Godric.

Sookie got up and tried to pull Sarah up. Sarah fought hard to reach Godric, and freed herself by elbowing Sookie in the stomach.

"Why are you starting an altercation, Miss Stackhouse?"

"Because you're foul," Sookie gasped, still clutching her stomach.

"Yes," Godric agreed, before leaning forward and saying, "Mrs. Newlin, please stop kissing me."

Sarah knelt before Godric, looking at him expectantly.

Sookie grew impatient because Godric was looking into space above Sarah's head for over a minute. When she noticed five minutes had passed on the digital display on the satellite box, she verbally prodded, "Well?"

He turned his head to look at her and said, "I apologize. I didn't realize you were pressed for time, Miss Stackhouse. You may go."

"What about her?" Sookie challenged.

"I don't require a chaperone."

"But ya glamoured her so she'll do anythin' for ya."

"I am vampire."

"I don't care. I'm not goin' to leave her here for you to do whatever you like."

Godric stood and moved around Sarah, so as not to disturb her. Sarah's head turned to watch him approach Sookie. "Please go. I need to consider this situation without you interrupting my thoughts."

"You're not goin' to take advantage of her, are you?"

Godric's forehead furrowed and he replied, "Mrs. Newlin wants something of me. I believe that is the reason why she came here to find me."

Sookie stood and returned, "But that's no reason to do whatever you want to her."

"Is what I want wrong?"


"Elucidate, Miss Stackhouse."


"Explain why I am wrong. Is it simply because I am vampire and must always be wrong?"


Godric raised one of his hands palm up signaling for her to continue.

"You glamoured her before she got a chance to talk."

"I wanted to know if Mrs. Newlin was here to waste my time. We will talk once you have left. I believe she wants to have a private conversation with me."

"Yeah, but … what if you don't like what she says?"

"I am frequently told things I don't value hearing. I am asking you again to please leave my room, Miss Stackhouse."

Sookie didn't like it, but Godric wasn't like other vampires. He even said 'please'.

"I'm gonna check with her later, and you know I'm a telepath," she threatened.

An eyebrow raised as he inquired, "Is that part of what Eric hired you to do, telepath?"

Although she could not read his mind, Sookie knew that he was suggesting that she only was here to work for Eric. True, but it wasn't as if she couldn't do things on her own. It'd be a cold day in Hell before she did whatever Eric told her, especially after that stunt with sucking out those silver bullets.