This is a collection of Rodolphus' memories of becoming and being a Death Eater. It also includes some of his early life and some random extra scenes. This fic was inspired by the memories taken from Rodolphus in another of my fics, Now and Forevermore. This is supposed to be that collection. Thanks to The Purple Black who gave me the extra prod to actually scribe it! ;)

Chapter 1: Meeting Bella

Five year old Rodolphus Lestrange frowned at his father's back, his left hand reaching up to rub his cheek where he'd been reprimanded with a magical slap. He did not want to leave his play room to follow his father to Merlin-knew-where to do something stupid and boring. He didn't dare ask to stay home again, and put his hand down innocently when his father turned back to him.

"You will be going to the Black mansion with me, and I do not want to hear another word of complaint," Desmond Lestrange told the boy sharply.

"Yes, Father," the boy answered obediently, though he was not as willing inside.

Father and son Lestrange left the halls of their home, Desmond taking his son's hand before disapparating. The man barely waited for his son to recover from the sudden long apparition before he strode forward to the gates. The boy stuck close by his father, silent and solemn, dignified as he'd always been taught as they were admitted to the manor.

"Lestrange," said man before them as a house elf offered to take their traveling cloaks.

"Go away," Rodolphus told it when the two adults weren't looking. "I'm keeping mine."

The elf was gone, and Cygnus Black looked down at the small boy, his brow furrowing. "Brought your son?" Rodolphus looked up at the man, realizing the conversation was about him. His father glanced down at him, and the other man asked, "What is your name, boy?"

"My name is Rodolphus," he answered, careful to say his own name right. It had been a struggle to learn to say his own name correctly, but his mother had drilled it into him enough that it was more natural. He still said his name wrong whenever he got nervous, though.

"If you would rather, he could join Bellatrix and Andromeda in their playroom."

The little boy only just noticed the dark-haired woman who had been standing slightly behind the man of the house. She was looking at him calculatingly, and then stepped forward to stand beside her husband.

Moments later, Rodolphus found himself following Druella Black down the hall of the mansion, his father going off to the study with Cygnus. She led him to a door obviously decorated to appeal to children, then knocked specially before opening the door and leading him inside.

Two little girls stood in the middle of the room, toys laid aside, waiting. The brown-haired child was watching her mother for instruction, but the older girl, the black-haired one, was staring at him. "Bellatrix, Andromeda, this is Rodolphus Lestrange. He and his father are visiting us for a little while today." The woman frowned at her older daughter, who grinned innocently at her mother.

"Hello," said the smaller girl courteously. "I'm Andromeda. Pleased to meet you, Rodolphus."

He answered politely, then glanced back at the black-haired girl, who was smirking at him now that her mother had gone. "And you areā€¦?" he asked her, almost frowning. He didn't know why she would be smirking at him, and it annoyed him.

"I'm Bella," answered the girl. "Andy, you should have asked Mother if we could go out in the grounds." The brown-haired child looked over at the door, and Bella decided, "Let's just go."

Rodolphus wondered why the girl wouldn't have asked her own mother, but followed the two as Bella opened the door and led the way down the hall. Andy told their new acquaintance that she was three and Bella was four, almost five, and Rodolphus didn't reply, Bella beginning to chatter about their younger sister, baby Cissa.

"Bella, shhh," Andy said, grabbing her sister's hand, and received a frown. "You're talking too much."

"But if I don't talk, no one will," Bella said haughtily, tossing her hair. "He doesn't want to, and you've said all the nice things that Mother taught you already anyway."

"Bella!" Andromeda said in horror, glancing apologetically at the dark-haired boy.

Rodolphus shuffled uncomfortably, then said, "Do you two remember your first magic?"

Bella giggled, then answered, "I hurt a house-elf, and now we don't have it anymore. I don't know where it went."

"That wasn't your first," Andy muttered, but Bella ignored her. "I...broke something in the nursery, I think. I wanted Mum, but she wasn't there."

"And you broke something because you wanted Mum," Bella said, still giggling. "That's stupid. What did you do?" She turned on Rodolphus suddenly.

He stared at her for a second, then said, "I broke a mirror when I was two."

Bella shrieked, "You broke a mirror?! Seven years bad luck!" She stopped. "You were two years old?"

"Bella," Andromeda began cautiously, but Bella wasn't listening.

"Two years old before your magic awakened," the black-haired girl taunted him. "And broke a mirror. You're just bad luck, Dolphie."

"Don't call me that," Rodolphus said before he realised that it was a bad idea. He'd made her start giggling again.

"Bellatrix!" the girl stopped giggling, both Black sisters turning to see their father walking toward them, Rodolphus' father with him. "What are you doing out here? You were to stay in the playroom!"

Andromeda stepped forward. "It was my idea, Father," she said. "We would have made a mess if we did wandless magic in there."

Rodolphus stood to the side, watching the three-year-old lie to her father. He saw Bella glance at him, magic crackling in her small hands before she closed her fists over it. He knew she meant to tease him about how old he was when he first used magic, and he didn't like it.

The two girls walked in their father's wake back up to the house, looking at each other with satisfaction. Rodolphus didn't say anything until he had to say goodbye, quietly saying what was required of him before his father took him by the arm and disapparated.

Desmond Lestrange looked down at his heir, both standing in the Entrance Hall of Lestrange Manor as an elf took their cloaks. "What did you think of the Black sisters?"

"Andy's nice," Rodolphus told his father after a moment, not knowing how to say that he thought Bella Black was the rudest witch he'd ever met in his young life.