Okay! Quick note! A lot of you had pointed out that I made a mistake with the whole country and summer time thing. So just ignore that! Ignore the summer time thing, I'll get that fixed in the rest of the chapters. Good news though, the state and country mix up has been fixed in this chapter! Now, ONTO THE STORY!
In life, there are times to be excited, to jump out of bed and ready for the day with high curiosity and seeking for adventure. Other times, however, are when someone can't seem to find the energy or will to lift their foot a cementer off the ground. On those days, people tend to want something to do or have something excite them or peek at their interests to keep going.
Interestingly enough, the people of Gravity Falls were no different in finding interests in their daily lives. And being such a small town in the middle of nowhere deep inside a forest, gossip and rumors were easily spread like a wildfire.
Now, not a lot of stuff happened in Gravity Falls that were rumor worthy, and most of it was just gossip of someone doing something or what news someone has heard or what was on sale at the store this week. However, there were some rare occasions where there was more than some small news that people got day to day by. A rare something that people would eat up like a special once in a life time delicacy. Some rare that it was legend or a myth, to be passed up if forgotten that some were ignorant to its presence.
But in Gravity Falls, there was no possible way that anyone could miss a certain rumor spreading around. Not even this one.
Especially since it was about the town's well known man of mystery and high genius.
Yes, with just two days after Ford's departure from the small town that the news spread quicker than a balloon popping. Now, Ford wasn't much of a… 'interactive' type of guy. Sure he made some small talk here and there with a few of the folks in the town, and had the few occasions of walking around the town once or twice, but other than that, he was reclusive and mostly kept to himself, so no one really knew much about him.
But that only helped speared rumors even farther. And sometimes, rumors could lead to ridicules and outrageous arguments.
"And I heard Dr. Pines was going to pick up some freaky creature from another country to bring back and experiment on!"
"Na-ah! I heard that it was some massive weapon that the government didn't want anybody having! Bet ya Mr. Ford went to go nab it before they dismantle it for good."
"No way! It has to be a super freaky, ugly, gross monster! Probably to add it to the Mystery Shack to bring in more customers."
"Heh heh yeah! Like Mr. Ford needs any more weird stuff for that place. I bet ten bucks that it's a super weapon."
"Well I bet twenty that it's a monster!"
"Thirty for weapon!"
"Forty for monster!"
"Hey! You can't go higher! A hundred!"
"Oh Yeah?! Two Hundred!"
Wendy rolled her eyes, smiling halfheartedly as she continued to stare out the Greasy's Diner window she sat beside. She was in no mood to talk with her friends, her mind was going over what Soos had told her over a week back.
Okay, sure, she had some doubts about this. Heck, she and Ford weren't on solid trusting terms with each other as he was with Soos. Possibly it was because Soos was more loyal to Ford and shown a great deal of trust to the man that Ford had actually trusted Soos with more things than her.
But then there were the rare few moments when Ford needed her more than what Soos could handle on his own. Big, important things that he couldn't trust even Soos with. Sure Ford still trusted Soos, but there were some things that even he didn't trust the big guy with.
They were the moments when she knew that it was serious. Deeply serious.
Still, as serious as it would get, she knew that her relationship with the man of science wasn't completely steady if not shaky at times. She was alright with it though. Let the man have his space and keep his secrets to himself. It wasn't her job to poke and probe at something she probably wouldn't understand.
And then there were his… moments.
A visible shiver went through her body, recalling the first time she had accidentally stumbled across Ford during those. It was not a pleasant memory to go by.
It didn't sit right with her, she KNEW Ford was, in no doubt of her mind, possibly the WORST choice to be a caretaker of two small children, let alone family members. The guy hardly ever mentioned family and didn't really hang with the crowd well. So why was it that he'd go out and come back bringing a pair of twins to care for?
"Hey, Wendy! Earth to Wendy!"
"Hm?" Wendy blinked, turning her head around and looked at her friends. "What?"
"We asked what you thought about the rumors." Nate, the boy sitting next to her, said, looking at her with a brow high against his head.
"Yeah. You know Mr. Ford better than the rest of us here." Lee chimed in, leaning in on his elbows. "I mean you kinda work at the place, so you have to know if he went to go get a super weapon."
"He didn't leave to go get a weapon you dummy! He went to go get a monster!" Nate shoot back.
"Super weapon!"
"So, Wendy." Robbie butted in as the two teens argued back and forth between each other. "What is the reason for six fingers leaving Gravity Falls?"
"Yeah." Tambry said without glancing up from her phone. "You've been working for the guy since you were, like, twelve or something."
"Eleven and a half actually. And for the record, I didn't work for him till I turned thirteen. I was only helping around the place at first 'cause I accidentally broke one of Ford's machines by mistake." Wendy said, propping an elbow on the table and lean her chin against it, smiling. "Just the little works. By the time that I paid back what I owed, I kinda got used to working around the place."
"Then you should know a bit about him, right? You're only one of the few people who actually talk to him besides that giant gopher." Robbie tilted his head and shrugged. "I mean, you have to know why he left."
"Sure I do." Her smile turned into a playful smirk, glancing out the window again. "But where's the fun in telling you?"
Collective groans and whines came from her friends as she just grinned like a cheshire cat. She couldn't help herself. It was fun to tease her friends and keep them in the dark of her mysteries. Even when it concerned Ford.
He never liked it when someone went jabbing away about his work, so she kept a tight lip about it.
Her friends kept complaining to her till Lazy Eye Susan came with their lunches, settling the teens down and dug into their food while talking between each bite.
"So, when did you say that Mr. Pines would be back again?" Nate asked, stuffing as many fries into his mouth as he could before chewing.
"Today." Wendy shrugged, sipping her drink. "Don't know when exactly, but I'm sure he'll be back sometime soon. After all, tomorrow is the first day of summer break. The Mystery Shake needs someone to run it, and Ford's never been known to leave people hanging." Her gaze went out to the window. A small part of her hoping to see a familiar looking car drive past.
"I still say it's a monster."
"Super weapon."
The stench of chemicals was thick and heavy in the air, leaving little room of fresh air for him to breathe properly. His nose stung with each intake of the foul odor, making him gag and cough heavily.
Clamping a hand over his mouth, he continued forward, trying hard not to breathe in so much chemicals.
Whoever was in charge of this place had a poor health maintenance.
Rounding a corner, he stopped briefly. A cold grip wrapped around his body, clenching his teeth together tightly as his eyes remained glued to what he saw. Shaking his head, he continued forward. He didn't need to worry about that now. Right now, he needed to find them before the security was back online.
Adjusting his night vision goggles, he could clearly see that he was heading in the right direction with each visible items in the halls became fewer and fewer the deeper he went in. He knew not many of the people who worked here were allowed down here. Only the higher and more efficient workers were allowed.
They were the ones who worked on the more… unnatural aspects.
Nails dug into his skin, hurrying his pace. He had to find them. He had to find them now! It wouldn't be forever before the commotion above was fixed and the security to reboot. He had to find them and get them out of here before it was too late to do so.
Finally, after turning another corner, he spotted it. Heavy thick magnesium doors with high efficient security locks, more high advanced than any lock he'd ever seen. And why wouldn't it be? The people here were quite determined to keep what they have here. Running over to it, he tugged, pulled, and pounded he fists against it, but it wouldn't budge.
Of course it wouldn't. He chastised himself. They weren't stupid. They probably had thought of something like this happening and still want things they had here kept where they are.
Cursing, he pulled out one of his guns, setting it to high blast and aimed it at the door. With a pull of the trigger, the gun fired, creating resonating loud bang that echoed the hallways. He swore again. No doubt someone would hear that and come running to check it out, but the door barely even budged by the blast.
Great! Just great! Now he had MORE problems to deal with! If he hadn't left in the first place and come back to finding a hole in his house—
Stepping sideways, he re-aimed his gun. This time, it was aimed at the wall next to the door, calculating were it should be at the weakest point and fired.
When the dust settled, the results were what he'd hoped for.
"YES!" He smiled triumphantly at the large man sized hole he made. Quickly, he slipped through the hole, keeping his gun ready just in case there was someone on the other side. It took him a moment to scan the room to find no one else hiding in the dark in there, but when his eyes landed on the still from, everything around him was forgotten.
"… no."
The gun slipped from his hand, falling to the ground with a clatter that he didn't even acknowledge. All his focus was on the form in the far back of the room.
"No, no, No, NO!" He cried out, running towards the form he so clearly identified despite the injuries all over them. "Oh god, no!" Throwing his arms around them, shaking them and shouting their name. Pleading them to wake up.
But they never did.
His words were all but falling on stone cold ears.
Tears fell down his face, shaking them more and screaming at the top of his lungs for them to wake up, not once considering that his shouts could draw attention, or bother to look behind himself, or acknowledge the sound of a gun charging behind him.
Till the cold end tip of his own gun was pressed against the back of his head before the white hot pa—
Gasping in fright, Ford shot up from his sleep. It took exactly seven minutes of even breathing for his heart rate to slow down to normal level before he could register that, one, he was inside a car parked to the side off of the main road. Two, the car was parked in front of a very familiar sign with a few boards added to the bottom. Three, his body was in uncomfortable pain from sleeping in an odd position. And finally number four, it was only a dream.
A soft sigh of relief filled him, patting his chest.
"Just a dream. Just a dream." He mumbled to himself.
Of course it had been a dream. It was only a dream and nothing more. A very silly, almost real, vivid, memory like dream…
Just a dream.
Ford cringed as he sat up, feeling, or rather hearing, something in his back pop back in its rightful place. How foolish of him to be sleeping in an odd position in a car in his age. He was sure to feel that for the rest of the day for a certainty. But then again, it was his fault for driving most of the night without stopping till he was certain that he was nearby familiar ground. Which was a grand relief when the sign came into view that he finally parked the car beside it and finally allowed sleep to overcome him.
Not really the best choice to do so, but he could criticize his actions later.
What his main focus should be was to get to the Mystery Shack. Summer vacation had started, and the place needed someone to run it. He had to make sure that he was there.
Turning the key to ignition, he drove in silence down the road, letting his thoughts wonder.
Somehow, his thoughts drifted back to the week he had spent away from the little town and into a different state. He had to admit… he liked Gravity Falls better. The people there were more, as someone could put it gently, accepting to some level of oddness. But other people? Not a chance.
Of course people would be wary of him if he carried a gun or two around. Of course not many people were accustomed to strangeness or oddities. Of course he would be avoided like some dame disease.
But when they noticed his hands…
It was almost like his youthful years. The stares, the whispering, the name calling… okay, there wasn't really any name calling while he was there, but it still felt like it!
Honestly, couldn't people just ignore six finger hands? It really wasn't all that noticeable.
Still, as the rest of the week went, despite some… uncomfortable memories, it was quite interesting.
Not only did he leave Gravity Falls and come back in one piece, but he also discovered that there was also an anomaly in Californian! Who knew?! It was certainly something that he could write down in one of his journals. They certainly needed some new documentation in them!
The sheer size of the thing was massive! And able to spit out acid? Amazing! And the tails! Oh he certainly wouldn't forget those any time soon! But the display of intelligence was what got his interest. Such display! Such quick thinking and action! Such remarkable feats!
But, such was fate that he sadly couldn't study the creature for so long. But in his defense, he was running for his life at the time. He would have taken the creature head on, he had the tools to do so, but it wasn't more so his life that he was worried about.
His life was not important at that moment. Not in a million years or many more.
For once in his life time, Ford was running not for his life, but for others lives.
Glancing at the review mirror, he couldn't help but let a small smile etch its way onto his face.
The reason why he went to California, the reason why he put his life second and other first, the reason why he knew he could do this, were fast asleep, slumped against each other without worry or care.
His great niece and nephew.
Mabel and Dipper Pines.
There was no question. He was indeed their uncle, great uncle to be exact. The blood test was positive. The resemblance of the Pines heritage was defiantly in their young features. And the unmistakable stubbornness inside them that only a Pines could have was no doubt inside of them.
Yes, he did have doubts at first.
Yes, he still didn't quite believe that they were family.
Yes, he still didn't believe that he would be a good caretaker.
But dame to any unnatural forces that could kiss the ends of his guns. He had family! Family! Who knew that Shermy, his young brother, would get lucky and get a girl? And much less have a family and become a grandpa?! He really needed to get in touch with his brother more often.
His smiled faded, turning his focus back on the road that lead to the woods. Getting in touch with family would have to wait. There were more pressing matters to attend to.
Like legal issues.
One week to claim the kids didn't just magically solve everything. There were still some legal issues to deal with. Stanford had study up on some of the legal requirements that he was sure to help him gain some leverage in taking both twins into his care, but it wasn't enough to make it steady. His custody over them wasn't permanent. Thanks to being so isolated and the 'dangerous quality's' they oh so deemed him to have, his custody over the children would be taken away at the end of summer, if not right then and there had he not been the only nearby family member that they had. However, there was some good news.
A case worker would be sent to his home in the near end of summer. If he could prove that he was capable of caring for the twins and provide a steady home for them to live in, then they would reconsider taking the children away.
Which was good on his case. Ford would never admit it out loud to anyone, but the week he had spent with the twins, they kind of grew on him.
He could tell that they took a liking to him as well. Even being okay with his six fingered hands without worry or care.
Well, Mabel didn't care. She just smiled when she saw his hands, saying that they were an extra finger friendlier. He took a liking to her quite quickly. She was weird! And quite an easy going child. Already she had warmed up to him before he warmed up to her when they first met.
And then, there was Dipper. Oh Dipper. Ford could see a lot of similarities between him and the boy. Smarts, curiosity, adventure seeking, love of mysteries and high complicated problems. Though, it took some time for him to warm up to Ford. He wasn't as trusting as his sister and was more open minded as well. That was something Ford didn't expect for someone his age to have. But surprises could pop up anywhere.
Bonding with the boy was not a simple task as it was with Mabel. It took patience and some time to get use to each other, but it was rewarding in the end when the boy finally opened up to Ford. Dipper still had some of his guard up around him and didn't quite trust him fully yet, but at least they could have a simple conversation or two with each other.
But maybe now over the summer, he could properly bond with the twins. After all, how hard could it be to watch over a pair of twelve year old's? It shouldn't be too hard to handle them.
And if he couldn't watch over them for a time, that wouldn't be much of a problem either. He had extra eyes that could do the job for him.
Shifting his glance out to the woods, his smile returned. Yes, he could rely on them to watch the kids when he couldn't. Possibly better than him.
Eyes back on the road, he turned the car to the pathway to his home, smiling in both relief and happiness of a familiar looking shack coming into view. Home again.
It was a relief to see it still standing. Not that he didn't doubt Soos for a moment. The handyman was quite reliable when it came down to loyalty and work. But there were other worries that had to be taken into precaution.
Frowning, he drove around the shack and up to a stop in front of the back porch, turning the car off. He had forgotten about the dangers that lurked around the shack. Even the bigger dangers in the woods. Dangers that were sure to take advantage of him now that he brought the twins here. He had to be extra careful in keeping his home safe for the twins if he was going to keep them.
"Great uncle Ford?" A tired voice caught his attention. Turning around, he smiled as the boy, Dipper, drowsily awoke from his slumber. "What time is it?" He asked with a yawn, rubbing one eye with his bandaged arm.
Ford cringed slightly. Both of the twins were lucky enough only to have some scrapes and bruises as any aftermath of the accident. One or two cuts on their body and Mabel… poor girl. She had a new reason for wearing sweaters. "It's an hour past noon Dipper. You and your sister have slept for quite some time now." He answered with an easy tone.
Dipper nodded his head numbly, yawning again. "Why is the car off? Are we there?"
"Yes. We've just arrived at the shack." Unbuckling, Ford opened the door and stepped out, walking over to the back door and opening it wide. "Now then, let's get you and Mabel inside and settled shall we? I'm sure that Soos has gotten the attic ready for you two and a bed would be a much more suitable place to sleep on."
"Bed sound nice." Dipper agreed, unbuckling himself and his sister, carefully maneuvering her as he did so. "Mabel still seems to be on her medication anyway." He noted, easing her to her side.
Ford nodded, moving aside to let Dipper slip out of the car first before reaching in and carefully scooping up his sister in his arms. "I'm sure the medicine will wear off soon." And for that he was grateful. Having Mable sleep through most of the car ride back to Gravity Falls was a blessing for Ford. "Now then, let's get you both inside." He shifted the girl to one arm, holding out his hand for Dipper to take.
"Wha'd about our stuff?" Dipper mumbled, grabbing onto Ford's fingers in one hand as his other was rubbing his eyes again.
"I'll have Soos bring your stuff in, don't you worry." He reassured, leading the boy up the porch stairs. "Right now, you both need some sleep."
Dipper nodded his head, yawning as he leaned against Ford's leg. Smiling fondly, Ford released his hand from Dipper's lose grasp, fishing around his pockets till finally grabbing the keys and unlocking the door. Pushing the door open with his foot, he readjusted his hold on Mabel, taking hold of Dipper's hand again and led the boy inside. Once they were inside, Ford smiled as he looked about the room.
Soos did an excellent job of cleaning the place up. It even looked better than he ever remembered it being. Not a speck in sight. But also no handyman in sight. He was certain that Soos would be here waiting for him to arrive with the twins. He was quite eager to meet them once he told him about the, now confirmed, possibility of coming home with twins.
Maybe he was out? That seemed likely. Soos never left the shack unlocked when he was away.
Shrugging, Ford closed the door with the end of his boot and continued to lead Dipper as they ascended the stairs to the upper floors. He could worry about the gopher-man later. Getting the children in a comfortable bed was the main objective right now.
Once on the third floor, Ford noted how Dipper was leaning against him heavily, eyes nearly closed all the way under the brim of his hat. With a soft smile, Ford bent down and wrapped his free arm around Dipper waist and hefted him up. Dipper mumbled something that Ford could not make out fully before slumping against the man's chest and falling asleep.
Ford chuckled quietly, walking the rest of the way to the attic door and opening it wide with a soft kick of his boot. His smile turned into a frown as he stepped into the room. The attic wasn't as presentable as it was down stairs. It was cleaned out of all the boxes and old equipment, but it looked like Soos didn't have enough time to clean up everything in here. There were still cobwebs on the rafters, some items that weren't taken out of the room were put in the far back or on shelves, and there were old empty bird nests still everywhere.
With a sigh, Ford shook his head. This will have to do for now. He'd clean up the place later.
At least Soos was able to get the beds ready. Strolling over, he carefully placed Dipper on the left bed and place Mabel on the right, tucking them in. Once he was sure that they were comfortable enough, he quickly and quietly left the room, closing the door shut behind him.
"It's official." Ford sighed, descending the stairs. "I have two family members living with me in my own home."
With a chuckle, he went down into the kitchen, running a hand through his hair. "This will be some summer to remember." He mussed, opening the cabaret and taking out the coffee mix. "New changes, new faces, new adventures, heh. I might need to make a new journal for this." He laughed lightly, pouring in the amount of coffee he needed into the machine and waited for his coffee to be made.
"Now then, what to do." He glanced about the kitchen, rubbing his chin in thought as he sat down.
There was nothing in his sight that he could do. Soos had obviously made sure to clean out the kitchen, so cleaning in here wasn't going to be an option. He even got rid of the dead possum! … At least, he thought it was dead. He could never tell if it was playing dead or not. Oh well. Guess he'd never find out now.
Sighing, he took out a pen and grabbed some nearby paper that was clean enough for use. Might as well start writing down the creature before he forgot about it.
"So, these are the twins that you spoke of?"
They nodded, keeping their eyes locked on the window. Not once had they taken their attention away from the two small forms the moment he felt their presence and their scent in the air. Now they sat perched in the shadows, far off from the shack that their form was cloaked in shadows, but near enough that they could see the small pair that Stanford had brought back with him.
"… Pathetic."
A sharp growl left their mouth, turning their head away from the twins to the shadows.
"We expected… more, from them. They are not what we would expect the man of science to bring home."
They hissed, digging into the bark of the thick oak tree. How dare they mock them!
"Cease your anger. We only speak truth."
Their only response was a sharp huff, returning their focus back on the twins.
"… We sense your desire… but you know the consequence if you do so."
They were silent, watching the pair as they slept peacefully. Oh so peacefully.
"… Very well. You have our promise."
They didn't move as the voices became soft, or budge when the trees around them groaned, or flinch when the earth shook slightly, or acknowledge the fading scent of burned earth, oak of a pine tree, sea water, fresh grass, and crushed up mountains. They only focused on the small pair inside the house, and, for the first time in their long life, smiled.
Yes, they would protect them.
That promise they would keep.
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