30 Days of Winter

Disclaimer: I don't own Ghost Hunt

Day 1: Missed Meetings



A quiet note on a winter day.

A break from the monotonous play.

The sound of birds chirping in the sky.

The smell of spring closing by.

Day 1.

He started noticing her in the first day of winter. He was waiting for the train, as per his daily routine dictates. He never saw her at this time and on this train before, but she was there.

He can't remember when was the last time he became interested in other people. 'When was the last time I cared?' he mildly thought to himself. He wondered when was the last time curiosity piqued his interest. Ever since his wife died, his world suddenly spiraled downhill. His life became dull, like an old picture buried in the backyard. His once colorful and bright world became lifeless and colorless. The once full of life suddenly turned into black and white, a distant memory of the past.

Oliver and his other friends tried getting him out of his funk, but Koujo Lin couldn't just forget. The death of his wife took a toll in his life. His friends tried everything – getting more work done, going out for a drink every night, travelling to new places – but nothing could ever make him feel better. Oliver couldn't blame Lin for how he's acting – he knew perfectly well how it feels when an important person dies. The death of his twin made Oliver move to Japan.

His other friend Takigawa introduced him to otherfemale friends that he knew, but none of them made any appeal nor struck his interest.

Yet this girl, standing a few feet away from him, managed to catch his attention. She was there, standing behind the yellow line, patiently waiting for the train as well, all the while tapping her left foot in tune to whatever song she's currently listening to.

He couldn't help not to stare at her. Her petite body. Her dark brown hair that falls above her shoulder. Her big hazel eyes. There was something about her eyes that made him do a double take – a look of grief but still clinging to hope. The way she stands made Lin surmised that she's fighting her grief for the way she carries herself seemed to shout that she's ready to take the world again.

Koujo Lin just wanted to talk to her. He wanted to get to know her better. He wanted to know whether her voice is the same as his late wife's. He wanted to know what life beyond those eyes of her. He wanted to know her secret – what makes her fight to the very end. He wanted her to notice him; he wanted himself to pull her out of her grief so she can do the same to him. He wanted to stare at her eyes full of hope and let it overcome his loss, grief, and misery. But knowing himself, Koujo Lin didn't budge. He would not budge.

The train came and Lin lost her in the sea of crowd. He felt a slight pain of loss and wondered when would be the next time he will see her.


A/N: Well, what do you think?