AN: My growing displeasure for this story is compromising my ability to continue writing it. I'm not going to abandon the story. However, I do need to take a break and re-think about what it is that I want to express, and how I'm going to do it.
I feel like this story has fallen flat compared to how I wanted it to be. It feels more like an underwater road with potholes than a river with varying bends and depths. I want my stories to be able to consistently express ideas and leave significant emotional impressions.
My new goal for this story is to practice the above desires, without the need of intricate plot. In other words: I won't allow myself to compensate by simply adding these scenes into a more complex plot (like I initially considered); I plan to intentionally practice expressing specific concepts through their already existing interactions. (ex: Denial).
If I'm successful, Obsession will retain its PWP status and deliciously smutty nature, but will leave you with more than just masturbation inspiration ;P
Luckily, simply writing this had inspired me to organize my intentions. Now all I need to do is figure out how to effectively incorporate them. Then I'll be back on track for continuing the story!