Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own the wonderful world of Harry Potter or LOTR.

-Chapter 15-

"This is not the end of it! You hear me? Let us out of here!" Dwalin shouted as he banged against the iron gates that comprised his prison.

"Aren't you going to search me? I could have anything down my trousers." Kili smirked as Tauriel escorted him to his prison.

"Or nothing." Tauriel smirked back.

"Why does the dwarf stare at you, Tauriel?" Legolas asked.

"Why can say?" Tauriel looks away from Legolas and stares back at Kili whom smiles in return. "He's quite tall for a Dwarf."

Legolas only stares at her and Tauriel is brought up short as she realizes what she just said. She could not meet Legolas's eyes and looks down as she moves past him.

"Taller than some, but no less ugly." Legolas said as his eyes followed her out.

Tauriel pauses and turns her head slightly before making her way back up the stairs and out of the dungeon.

Hermione, who was observing all this in her cell, could not help but make a comment. "You know, you'll never get her if you talk to her like that…"

Legolas turned sharply to Hermione's cell. "You know not of what you speak."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Am I not female? Are you insinuating that you know the minds of the opposite sex more so than I? I did not know you were an elleth as well. You surely fooled me."

Legolas's cheeks burned red as his eyes narrowed before he too stormed up the stairs.

"HEY! Where do you think your'e going?! Let us out!" Dori shouted.

"Leave it! There is no way out. This is no orc dungeon; these are the halls of the Woodland Realm. No one leaves here but by the king's consent." Balin sighed.

"Tell me, Balin. What do you know of Mirkwood?" Hermione asked as she leaned towards where she heard his voice.

"Mirkwood was once a bright and beautiful kingdom. Led by Elvinking Thranduil, son of Oropher. they are of Sindar descent. King Thranduil rules with an iron fist – focused on keeping to his kingdom. After fighting in the Battle of Dagorlad and loosing many of his kin, Thranduil has kept his people confined within their caves. Dealings with the outside have been hesitant at best, putting his own kin's welfare above all others." Balin huffed.

Hermione frowned. Though he sounded like a good king, worrying about his people's safety, isolation is not always good. She may have no rights to comment on how he rules his kingdom, she knows a little about socializing. Turning a blind eye to all that unfolds around you can only be labeled as ignorant. Thranduil cannot possibly think that that is the best for his people in the long run.

Meanwhile in the throne room…

Gandalf stood with Thorin as they faced Thranduil in the spacious room.

"Some may imagine that a noble is at hand. A quest to reclaim a homeland and slay a dragon." Thranduil drawled as he paced in front of the two.

"King Thranduil, we seek only to pass through Mirkwood to get to our destination." Gandalf bowed.

"So you have found a way in to the impenetrable mountain." Thranduil paused and faced them, eyes boring into Thorin. "You seek that which would bestow upon you the right to rule – the King's Jewel, the Arkenstone."

Thorin only glares at Thranduil in return.

"I too desire to reclaim what is rightfully mine. White gems of pure starlight." Thranduil said as he stepped towards the two.

"I am listening." Thorin grunted.

"I will let you go, if you but return those gems to me." Thranduil bowed his head.

"A favor for a favor." Thorin growled.

"You have my word. One king to another."

Thorin snaps his head up and glares at Thranduil. "I would not trust Thranduil, the great king, to honor his word should the end of all days be upon us! You lack all honor! I have seen how you treat your friends! We came to you once, starving, homeless, seeking your help, but you turned your back. You turned away from the suffering of my people and the inferno that destroyed us!' Thorin's voice thundered and echoed in the large room.

Thraduil's gaze darkened. "Do not talk to me of dragon fire. I know its wrath and ruin. I have faced the great serpents of the north. I warned your grandfather of what his greed would summon, but he would not listen."

Seeing that things were quickly going south, Gandalf decided to intervene. "Please, my lord. We have done nothing to threaten your kingdom. You cannot keep us prisoners here. We only ask to be on our way without causing you further inconvenience."

"Nothing to threaten our kingdom? Your quest itself has brought wargs to our borders. Word of the White Orc hunting you has flown faster than your company to my gates. Not only that, but you are attempting to tangle with a firedrake not but a few days journey from here!" Thranduil retorted. "Stay here if you will, and rot. A hundred years is a mere blink in the life of an elf. I am patient, I can wait."

"Hold us prisoner if you will. But will you be willing to risk the wrath of both Imladris and Lothlorien?" Gandalf frowned, not wishing to use this tactic. But he is left with no choice if they were to get of here in time to open the hidden doors of the Lonely Mountain.

"Then you may leave, Mithrandir. But I will not let the dwarves go." Thranduil waved his hand as he sat on his throne, dismissing Gandalf.

"It is not I that would bring you grief. There is another you are holding in your cells that would cause more commotion should the other two elvin kingdoms hear of it." Gandalf huffed.

At this, Thranduil turned his full attention to him. "Surely Lord Elrond and the Lord and Lady of Lothlorien are not condoning this quest in favor of the dwarves."

'Forgive me, dear Hermione.' Gandalf straightened his back. "No. Along with this company of dwarves travels and elleth who offered her aide to this quest. She is the ward of Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel and sworn sister to Lord Elrond. You holding her prisoner in your dungeons will cause you more trouble with the them than letting us go and taking back the Lonely Mountain would."

Thranduil shot up from his throne. "There was no mention of this. Why would one of our kin offer aide to Thorin Oakenshield?"

"You do not believe me? Ask your son. He was there as we were brought in." Gandalf scowled.

"Guards!" Thranduil shouted as two elves rushed into the room and bowed. "Bring me Legolas!"

The two rushed out before said blonde-headed elf walked in. "You called for me, father?"

"Mirthrandir here says we have one other that was captured with the dwarves. An elleth. Is that true?" Thranduil asked.

Legolas frowned. "Yes, but what of it?"

Thranduil scowled before cursing softly. "Bring her here."

Back in the dungeons…

Hermione was pacing in her cell, wondering if there was any way out. She could use her fire to try and melt the bars, but did not want to risk setting everything else on fire. She lightly touched the cell doors to see if there was any loose setting of the sort. Unfortunately, everything was solidly built and structured. Hermione frowned and quickly backed up to the back of the cell when she heard hurried steps headed towards them. Legolas popped out into view as Hermione was nervous as he walked straight to her cell. He cast her a warning glanced before he proceeded to open the door.

"You have been summoned before the king." Legolas said shortly as he grabbed her arm and proceeded to drag her up the stairs.

"Hey, let go of me! I can walk up without your rough assistance." Hermione hissed as she tried to pull her arm away.

Legolas only tightened his grip as he ignored her.

"We haven't done anything wrong! Why are we being kept prisoner!" Hermione demanded as they made their way through hallways.

When she was only met with silence, Hermione huffed in frustration. Soon they were brought to the throne room and Hermione relaxed when she saw Gandalf, who smiled apologetically at her.

"So this is the ward of Lothlorien?"

Hermione turned her attention to the source of the voice only to stop short. She was looking at a slightly older version of Legolas, but with eyes that were much colder.

"You are to bow in the presence of King Thranduil of Mirkwood." Legolas said.

Hermione frowned. "You may be king, but you are not MY king. Why should I bow to one who is holding us prisoner for no reason."

Thranduil frowned. "I am told you are a ward of Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel."

Hermione looked to Gandalf, the only person in this room privy to that information. And the only one who would use it to get them out of this pickle. Deciding to run with it for now and give Gandalf an earful later, Hermione lifted her chin in defiance.

"I am."

"Tell me, what is a ward of Lothlorien doing traveling with dwarves and an istari?" Thranduil drawled as he walked closer to Hermione.

"That is not of your concern. The only thing that you should worry about, my lord, is that we were merely passing through." Hermione said.

Thranduil hummed as he circled around Hermione. "And how do I know you are telling the truth? How do I know that you are affiliated with Lothlorien, much less with Imladris. For Mithrandir also tells me that Lord Elrond has accepted you as sister."

"As a ward of Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel, I have of course been introduced to Celebrian. I am sure you have heard of the joyous news of Lord Elrond's and Lady Celebrian's joining. Though funny, I do not recall seeing you at the celebration…" Hermione muttered the last part, knowing full well Thranduil heard it anyways.

Thranduil narrowed his eyes. "Very well. We shall send out missives to both Lothlorien and Imladris to corroborate. In the meantime, the dwarves stay in the dungeon."

Thranduil motioned for the guards and Thorin was taken away, kicking and screaming. Gandalf made to follow Thorin before stopping and turning to Hermione. "Come, my dear. Let us return to our friends."

Hermione moved to walk before she was stopped by the sudden appearance of Legolas's chest. She looked up in anger and was about to tell Legolas where to shove it before Thranduil interjected.

"Lady Hermione shall have a room prepared for her. If she is who she claims to be, then it would be wise to treat her as such. But if I find that all this has been a farce to stay my hand at keeping everyone safely in prison, you will face my retribution ten-fold." Thranduil said.

"What? No! I thank you for your hospitality, but I would rather be with their company." Hermione glared.

Before she could make matters worse, Gandalf quickly shook his head at her in signal. 'Play along.'

"Show her to one of the guest rooms in the east wing, Legolas." Thranduil turned in dismissal.

Legolas once again grabbed her arm and started to roughly lead her to who knows where this time. Getting tired of being man-handled, Hermione roughly tore her arm away from his grasped and glared at Legolas.

"Enough! I can walk on my own perfectly well!" Hermione glared.

Legolas's eyes narrowed. "You may be a guest for now in these halls, but I still do not trust you. Why would you go on a fool's quest with these dwarves? Surely Lord Elrond and Lord Celeborn do not honestly condone this!"

Hermione has had about enough of this discrimination between the elves and the dwarves. It was maddening that she had to deal with it while on the road. But to see it shining so evidently his someone's eyes like Legolas, a prince who had the power to lead by example, made something snap in her. She may not have been able to do much when she was younger and labeled "mudblood", she sure as hell will do something about it now. She huffed before she quickly walked up to Legolas and stood toe to toe with the elvin prince.

"I may not fully understand the hatred between elves and dwarves, but that was over an event that was decades ago. I have seen what hatred and discrimination does to people. It never ends well for both sides. All it does is bring pain. These dwarves have lost their home. The only thing they ever knew. They watched as loved ones were cut down in front of them. No one should have had to endure that. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy! Look around you Prince Legolas. What would you feel if this was all gone? No home to return to. No loved ones to welcome you back." Hermione said.

Legloas's eyes widened. Hermione wasn't sure if it was because of what she said hitting the mark or if he was still baffled that she defended Thorin and his kin. Either way, Legolas turned and walked off, this time without grabbing her arm roughtly.

Realizing that he was walking away, Hermione quickly made to catch up and they walked the rest of the way in silence. Legolas then stopped at a door and turned to look at her.

"These will be your quarters from now on. There will be guards stationed right outside, so I wouldn't try anything if I were you." Legolas turned to walk down the hall.

Hermione faced the door to her new accommodations and placed her hand on the door to open it. A voice drifted back to her as she opened the door ajar.

"I too know that pain…"

Hermione started and turned her head and made brief eye contact with the elf as he turned to be on his way. It was a split second, but it was all she needed to see the pain reflected in his eyes. Pain that she saw in herself sometimes when she stared in the mirror. Did he too lose something or someone dear to him like she did? Maybe, just maybe his eyes weren't as cold as she thought…

A/N: And there you have it! Another chapter done! And within a week too! Kinda surprised at myself. Hope ya'll enjoyed it and as always, please leave a review!
