Hey guys. So, by the chapter title, you could tell what this is about. Obviously you are in panic and are wondering if I'm serious or just joking around.
Unfortunately, I am serious. This series is cancelled. The reason why is that I don't feel as fueled up for the next chapter as I used to be.
I appreciate the fact that you guys loved this... thing... I've created. Honestly, I thought this would be a thing that would be glanced at and forgotten but I got many views, favorites and comments/replies on Wattpad and FanFiction that say otherwise.
So I personally want to thank all of you for your love and support for this story, and it truly makes me happy that you guys look at this and say, "This is pretty good."
I bet you're wondering, what I'm going to do now? Well, I'm not gonna disappear so don't worry about that. I will be creating/updating my original stories on Wattpad and (possibly) FictionPress, as well as fanfics on Wattpad and FanFiction. I'm also considering on creating a remake of Invader Zim with a few new main characters and a consistent storyline, as well as a fan continuation of Kids Next Door.
But that's not all!
Because, I'm close to graduating high school and my aunt is planning on getting me a guitar, I will be working on my YouTube channel as well, writing original songs, parody songs and covers. I also want to do some skits, review videos and collaborations, whether in the form of a series, a movie, etc.
Also, I'm so fond what I've done here that I'm thinking about creating a new Ask or Dare only on Wattpad. Why only on Wattpad I hear you ask? Well that's because (insert I WANT YOU poster here) I WANT YOU TO BE A PART OF IT. You and four others have the chance to be a part of this project.
This ask or dare is much more different as it has more of a story which can/cannot be determined by you. I'm calling it The Allegiance (think The Office, but with superheroes).
What is required of you?
Well, all I need is the basic info of the character you want to be a part of the series (ex: background, name, age, powers, appearance (both in and out of costume), etc.)
Anyways, thank you so much. I wish I could continue this. But, hey, if you want a trilogy surrounding my OC and the New Order of the Stone, let me know and don't forget to check out Wattpad, FanFiction and FictionPress for any of my stories.
Now, let us take a moment of silence to commemorate this story...
(Insert bad joke here)