Hi everyone, this story started on wattpad and will continue there but I thought I would give this website a try. Tell me what you think!

Robin smiled when the bus stopped and the doors opened letting their new neighbor out. It didn't take long for a short young woman to come out with two duffle bags and a backpack. Robin looked the new comer over when she got off the bus, she reminded her of her son. She was pail like she had never been in the sun in her life, black hair was curly and came to about her shoulders, with bangs just barely brushing her eyes. She wore dark red lipstick, black eye liner and gray eye shadow. For clothing she wore a black tank top with a weird purple bunny that she's seen on a game Sebastian had played at some point, dark blue ripped skinny jeans, black ankle boots with silver chains on it, several silver rings on her fingers, silver charm bracelet, along with several other assortment of bracelets, and a silver chain attached to her black belt that went into her pocket.

"Hello! You must be Raven, I'm Robin, the local carpenter. Mayor Lewis sent me here to fetch you and show you the way to your new home. He's there right now tidying things up for your arrival" Robin said walking up to her, "The farm's right over here, if you'll follow me."

"Ello Robin, nice to meet ya." Raven said with an accent she couldn't place

"I've never heard your accent before, where are you from?" Robin asked as they walked

"Well my family traveled a lot when I was young, so it's a mix of general American, southern, British, and Irish." Raven said brushing her hair back, showing that her ear was pierced several times

"You have a lot of things that I recognize but can't place." Robin said eyeing her bracelets, there was a sun with a pentagram inside it, a blond haired cartoon character in a blue and yellow outfit, an old fashion police box, a red circle with a line down the middle and two white half circles on either side, a crest that had what looked like a white wing overlapping a blue wing, and one bracelet had the word 'bazinga'.

"Then you must be really good friends with a huge geek or nerd. There are so many references to things on my person." Raven said and began to look her things over, "I currently have seven different things that are being referenced."

"You might just get along with my son, I've seen a lot of that stuff in his room." Robin said as they arrived at the farm, "this is Muse Farm."

"Christ on a bike..." Raven gapped at the condition of her grandfather's ranch

"What's the matter? Sure it's a bit over grown, but there's some good soil underneath that mess!" Robin said smiling "With a little dedication you'll have it cleaned up in no time."

"My doctor is going to murder me." Raven muttered under her breath as Robin led her to the farm house.

"And here we are, your new home." Robin chirped and then Lewis, the town mayor came out of the house.

"Ah, the new farmer!" Lewis said walking over to Raven and sook her hand, "Welcome! I'm Lewis, Mayor of Pelican Town."

"Yes, we talked on the phone, Sorry it's taken me a year to get down here." Raven said smiling at him

"Perfectly acceptable, you were recovering and if you tried to tackle your grandfather's farm back then you could have hurt yourself." Lewis said waving off her concern, "how is everything by the way?"

"All healed up, I just have to be careful in the rain." Raven said

"Good, you know everyone has been asking about you. It's not everyday that someone new moves in. it's quite a big deal!" Lewis said

"Well I can't wait to meet everyone." Raven chirped

"Glad to see you're so full of energy. So... you're moving into your grandfather's old cottage." Lewis said turning to the farm house. "it's a good house... very 'rustic'."

"Rustic? That's one way to put it, 'Crusty' might be a little more apt, though." Robin chuckled making Raven snort as she tried to cover up her laugh

"Rude!" Lewis yelled making Raven erupt in a fit of giggles

"It's ok Lewis, it was funny." Raven said

"Don't listen to her, Raven. She's just trying to make you dissatisfied so that you buy one of her house upgrades." Lewis huffed making Robin stop chuckling and humph herself as she crossed her arms

"Oh snap." Raven thought

"Anyway... you must be tired from the long journey. You should get some rest. Tomorrow you ought to explore the town a bit and introduce yourself. The townspeople would appreciate that." Lewis said

"Yeah I think I'll unpack and rest. Maybe I'll swing by the doctor's office if they're still open." Raven said as Lewis began to leave

"Oh I almost forgot. If you have anything to sell, just place it in this box here. I'll come by during the night to collect it." Lewis said "Well good luck!"

"Thanks..." Raven said

"Well Raven I'll be seeing you later. Good luck, and stop by my place, maybe you can get my son out of his room." Robin said and waved good bye as she too left

"I am not waiting for tomorrow to start." Raven muttered as she went into her cabin

Raven quickly unpacked a few things, like her brown boots, jewelry box and gloves. She changed into her worn in boots that may have looked fashionable but were made with tough materials. She removed her bracelets and her rings, before slipping on her gloves. By the door, she found a back pack with tools attached to it.

"Nice, I won't have to buy them." Raven said picking up the bag and tools and left her little cabin.

She set the watering can and hoe down to the side and first started on the trees, saplings and fallen branches and logs. Then she did rocks, then weeds and grass. It was late by the time she finished clearing out a decent area of land in front of her cottage.

"Ok good work, now time to stuff your face, and off to bed." Raven thought to herself as she headed inside