Thanks to everyone who has favorited/followed/reviewed. It's been a joy and an honor writing this small short story for you guys.

Special thanks to my reviewers:

pastaaddict: Yeah, gotta love America's bomb naming, and you are correct! The second was Fat Man and I was a little sad I couldn't get it into the dialogue without it sounding too forced in my opinion.

Time Traverser: I'll admit I'm not exactly knowledgeable on the science side of the bomb other than the obvious radiation. It's good to know that America stepped up! I do know, however, that the scientists responsible for the Manhattan Project highly advised Truman not to use the bomb, but Truman felt that it was worth using rather than putting American lives at risk. He even defended his actions citing his decision was military.

Kitten1313: America and the world definitely regrets his decision. It was the start of the reputation we have today. As far as the research goes, I'll admit I did a little spot reading, but my family is big into military history. My dad especially loves WWII, which is where most of my information came from. Thanks for your review!

No historical quotes I'm afraid.

I do not own Hetalia.


The Fourth of July, the day that started America's rise to power. Britain had known after he had lost the Revolutionary War America was destined for great things. However, he'd never known the extent to which his old colonies would go.

The atom bomb had changed to world for the worst. Britain sighed remembering the Cold War, an Iron Curtain that had lasted decades with Russia. He had been worried for America then. No matter how psychotic America became Britain stayed by his side and attempted to keep him sane, but World War II had changed him.

America had never demilitarized after the war, and continued to build his military to this day to the point where even if the entire world went to war with him Britain was unsure the world could beat him. After World War II, America emerged as a superpower and was the only remaining one today. So far, he had kept his promise in keeping the world from raging another all-out war. Now though tensions were building once again. America's paranoia was as large as his ego going as far as to even spy on Britain.

"Yo, Britain, it's a birthday party! Keyword, party! Come on!" America was joyful on his birthday throwing his arm around Britain's shoulders.

Britain smiled absently, "Birthday indeed," he muttered.

America paused and cast Britain a worried glance, "What's up?" he questioned.

"Just thinking about the past," Britain waved a dismissive hand.

America nodded thoughtfully, "Yeah, we've been through some shit," America stated.

"Remember World War II?" Britain asked.

"How could I not," America sighed with a small smile and shake of his head.

"Never should have introduced the world to nuclear weapons."

"You gave us all quite a fright," Britain agreed with a nod.

Yes, even though America could become your worst nightmare should you anger him, he would come to Britain's defense in a heartbeat. Britain, while not happy with his spying, still loved America.

"Still the only country to drop a nuclear bomb on another country," America stated pointedly.

"It is not something to be proud of," Britain rebuked him.

How frightening it was indeed for someone as young as America to be the most powerful country in the world. He was boastful and foolish meddling in everything he could get his greedy paws on. America at least had the sense to look chastened.

"I know that. It took Japan decades to recover," America answered defensively.

Britain paused sensing America's mood and decided it was time to change the subject. It was America's birthday after all. Despite the fact that it was also the day Britain lost him, Britain didn't intend on ruining it. America loved his birthdays.

"So, what color is your cake this year?" Britain asked to lift the awkward silence.

America's eyes brightened and he grinned his million dollar smile, his previous sulk forgotten, "You won't believe it! I got the best cake ever this year! It glows in the dark!" America shouted excitedly.

Britain rolled his eyes, "Of course it does," and allowed America to steer him back into the house.

Italy, Germany, and Japan all mingled in the room happily with Axis and Allied powers no longer mattering. Gifts were piled high from the other countries each wishing to stay in America's good graces. Most of the world remained on good terms the age of empires dying out after the war. America waved excitedly to Japan and went to speak with him in enthusiastic tones.

Britain never would have imagined back in the 40s that America and Japan would become as close as they had now. Memories of finding America holding Japan, the surrendering country no longer able to move on his own still haunted Britain to this day, but it was the look of utter contentment and satisfaction on America's face that stuck with him the most. America acted like and truly believed he had done nothing wrong. It had taken time for America to understand why what he did was wrong.

However, the past was the past and Britain couldn't deny his contentment as he watched America blow out the candles with one mighty gust. America's strength had multiplied since the Second World War, but others were starting to step on his heels now. Britain hoped things would remain peaceful. Cheers erupted in the room and even as France came to speak with Britain smelling of red wine Britain was still happy.

"What the hell do you want, frog!?"

And there we have it! I would like to thank pastaaddict and Time Traverser for staying with me consistently through the story. I'm going to miss getting reviews from you guys!

Currently, I am in the process of making an outline for both a Cold War and a Civil War full length story. I don't know which one I'll start on first, but it won't be up until after May at least. Maybe at the start of August? I also have a start on a small story on the Battle of Britain, but I'm on the fence with it.

Thanks for reading! The story may be over, but you can still review or favorite. I'll be replying via PM now that the story is wrapped up when I can. Don't be discouraged if I take a few days I will get back to you!