Sonic X: The Return Saga
P.S. whether or not you are a fan of Sonic Boom game/ show, Sonic X or anything in the Sonic universe I promise you this will be ten times better.
I will be posting once a week (or two weeks) at least
Remember idealize style are setting descriptions, sounds, reading a text or someone's thoughts
Setting: Jump City
The area of Jump City is just like any other city. During the day, it is full of life, cars speeding back and forth, pedestrians walking through the streets in large clusters. At night, the energy downsizes, very few cars remain on the road. Most people would be found inside their houses, resting and preparing for the next day to repeat the cycle. Jump City is just like any other place, perfectly normal, simply people living their normal lives day after day.
Right now, it is the dead of night. In a certain part of the city, lays a suburban area, with small living residences, a park, some stores and where the middle school resides. There is no one roaming the streets this late at night. The area is practically deserted. The only things visible on this quiet and peaceful neighborhood are a few parked cars, a couple of lit street lamps….
and two kids coming out of the school's entrance and running down the street, screaming for their lives. A few seconds later, a robot with red eyes, blasters for arms, a huge metallic body, with no legs but hovering from the ground and using a rocket on his back to maneuver itself, comes zooming out of the school and continues to give chase.
"AAAHHHHHHHHH!" (both boys)
"We are going to die!"
"Run, just run. Don't look back!"
"Oh man! Here it comes! It's the robot apocalypse!"
So I bet for those who are now just tuning in, you must be wondering why a couple of kids are being chased a ten foot killing machine in the deserted streets of Jump City, in the middle of night. Well I got a tell you, it is the craziest thing that ever happened in my life. I mean, I'm still trying to process this.
One minute, I was looking up at the stars with my best friend, without a care in the world. The next thing I knew, a giant robot came out of nowhere and started chasing us, repeating its quota for us to surrender willing or face elimination. Now we are running for our lives, trying to get away from this killer machine.
Both boys kept on running, until they took a sharp turn and headed between two buildings, hoping they can lose the robot in the alley way. Unfortunately, they reached a dead end and the robot was blocking the only way out. It held out both its arms, preparing to fire the blasters.
Oh man, just when my life can't get any worse…
All of a sudden, a flash of blue came out of nowhere and began to hit the top of the robot's head repeatedly. Then it zoomed around the robot, until a small tornado developed, spinning the robot around. Pieces flew apart due to the increased speed until there was nothing left, but a pile of robot scrape…
and a blue hedgehog standing in his heroic pose on top of the pile.
or completely weird and exciting.
Who knew in that one moment, my life would change forever.
I thought surviving school and a new town was going to be hard. If that wasn't enough, now I am going to have to deal with an evil scientist, mischievous robot minions, talking animals, floating islands, magic gems, the fate of the whole world….
Wait a minute. I am getting ahead of myself. Like I said, there is a lot to process here.
I think it is best if I start from the beginning.
I guess it all started a little while ago. someplace far away from here, with an overweight madman with an inferiority complex and a speedy blue hedgehog.
A few days ago
Setting: Mobius, Eggman's lab
Normal Narrative
It's a busy day in the lab. The sounds of scanners humming in the air, lights flashing in a slow pace. Levers were pulled, the quick pace of typing on a keyboard, moving robotic mechanics working overtime and printers printing huge amounts of data. The room was covered with hard drives, computer screens, measuring equipment and digital devices. In the center of the room was a metallic pedestal, with what looks like a stone tablet on top of it, written in ancient language, unspoken for ages. A scanner hovering above the object emit a blue light upon the stone's surface, as it analyzes the secret message and wirelessly sending the data to a computer screen.
"Beep Beep Beep Decoding of ancient tablet complete," replied the computer.
A man with an egg shaped body, wearing a red and yellow suit, black paints and boots, white gloves, goggles on top of his head and an extremely large mustache, was the only organic being in this metallic fortress. He is known to this world as Dr. Eggman, an evil genius with an IQ of 300 and a constant desire for world domination through the usage of his robotic army. He is currently looking over the data gained from the analysis of the stone tablet. He came across this mysterious object some time ago during his weekly takeover attempts, along with a few other useful artifacts. As a man of science, he found his discovery quite interesting and worth digger deeper. After scanning the tablet, researching every possible lead and "borrowing" some files from the government's data base, he was about to uncover what he believed will be his crowning achievement and the key needed to complete his plans for the Eggman Empire. He walked up to the screen and began to read the translated story.
Through all living things, a bond connects us all, in which all energy flows as they become one with nature itself through the mystic gems, which are the pillars sustaining the balance of good and evil. Once the bond is severed, fire and earth will clash, and darkness will cover the heavens, bringing forth the beast. Once the bond is realized, strengthened as a whole, it will bring forth the dawn.
This is belief of the Ancients as it led the rise to their civilization, standing tall with metal and green. The empire rose from the ashes, becoming one with the earth, synched in perfect harmony.
But the age was not meant to last, as the end was brought upon by one consumed with hatred, vengeance and corruption. A plague of soulless warriors covered in metal sieged war upon the city. Many were lost. Very few survived. The city of the Ancients fell. The storm continued to grow fiercely, soon to spread to other lands, in the form of Ammit, possessing the power of the gods to reshape the world.
But before the dark hand could pass judgement, the last of the Ancients overpowered the root of the storm and bound him to an eternal imprison. Judgement was prevented but still remained, as it was impossible to destroy due to the broken contract between the gems and the Ancients. The gems were scattered and the broken key hidden away.
If the temple of the last Ancient becomes undone and the keys united one once more, the wave only the demon controls will be unleashed upon the world.
Beware of the darkness that resides in the heart of the temple, brought into the light by the power of chaos.
"Mmm, how very interesting. A power of the gods, you say." Eggman's face grew a sinister smile and began to rub his hands manically. "It is just a shame such a weapon is hidden away in a dusty tomb, waiting for a certain doctor to harness control. He he he"
"Hey. What ya reading there, Doc?" it was the high pitch childish voice of a small robot named Bokkun, using his jet pack to hover over Eggman's soulder, trying to see the screen.
"Ugh! Eggman, startled, slammed his fist on top of Bokkun's head, causing a bump to develop.
"Bookun! Don't sneak up at me like that. Can't you see I am busy reading? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"
"You will still have a greater chance at a heart attack with all that junk food you keep stuffing your fat face with" Bokkun muttered as he rubbed the sore on his head.
"What was that?!"
"Oh! Nothing, sir! I am just wondering if you need anything."
"Well, as a matter a fact, I do" Eggman went to his monitor, pushed a button and spoke through the microphone. "Bocoe! Decoe! Get your last bums over to the main lab this instance!"
A moment later, two robots came crashing in, after rushing through the door. They both landed in a twisted dog pile. Once they saw their boss's angry face, they jumped up and stood straight with a soldier salute.
(Together) "reporting for duty, Doctor Eggman."
"Very good. Now listen up you two, start up the factory and get busy building those robots. I am going to need plenty of muscle and fire power for our little project. While you're at it, send some scouts to scan the heavily forested areas for anything interesting. And make sure the Eggmobile is at tip top shape."
"Yes, sir."
Eggman nodded his head and turned to face Bokkun. "As for you, Bokkun, go make me a sandwich."
"Oh man! Why do I get the pity jobs?" whined Bokkun.
"Because I told you to. Besides, all this evil scheming is making me hungry. I need constant nourishment to maintain my eggy physique."
The three robots sweat dropped as Eggman turned to the console and pressed another button, signaling his spy bots.
"I want you to keep an eye out on Sonic and his rag tag team. I want to know what they are doing and if they have acquired any emeralds. We would not want them sticking their noses before we reveal the big surprise."
"What surprise?" all three robots in the room exclaimed.
Eggman turned off the screen. Rubbing his hands together, he turned to face the ancient tablet. He smiled sinisterly, full of confidence, positive that this time his plan will not fail.
"Why the beginning of their demise, of course. And the key to my absolute control of this pathetic world, for I have discovered a possible energy source so strong, completely indestructible, that it will recreate the world as I see fit."
He spread his hand towards the tablet. "Based on my findings, a long lost civilization known as the Ancients hid away their most dangerous secret and I am going to find it. Just imagine it"
Eggman looked up towards the ceiling with hands held high (evil villain moment).
"Once I obtain the power of the Ancients and combine it with my robotic designs, I'll have an unstoppable army of powerful metallic warriors. I'll take over this planet with ease and establish the long waited Eggman Empire. Then no one, not even that pesky blue pest, will be able to stop the great Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik. Mwhahaha. Ahahahahaha. Ho ho ho. Cough Cough Ho ho ho he he he".
"When have we hear that one before?" Bokkun said as he leaned towards the two tall minions, so Eggman would not hear him.
"Here we go again" said Decoe, putting his hand on his shaking head. "Something tells me we are going to need new processors after this."
Bocoe joined in "Do you think it is too late to file for unemployment?"
"Becoe! Decoe! Bookun! Stop fooling around and get to work.
"Yes, sir!" The robotic minions quickly left the room, leaving the evil scientist to remanence in the moment.
"You better watch out, Sonic. Once this is over, everything is going to change."
You bet it will. Eggman and his classic robot minions, they always crack me up.
What do you think? As always, Eggman is planning another take over the world bit. Will Sonic be able to stop him and what adventures will wait for him?
What do you think of the introduction. This is a new character. Not telling who yet. Focusing on familiar Sonic and friends first.
I promise you, this fanfic will be filled with twists and turns, along with your favorite characters. It will blow you away. Find out next time on Sonic X: The Return Saga
Sonic and friends, Eggman, Mobius and anything from the Sonic universe belong to SEGA
OC characters belong to me.
Sonic the Hedgehog was one of my favorite icons growing up. Still is, with his confident, kind, cool headed and go to attitude, Sonic is one of a kind. Even my favorite color is blue, but that was decided long before seeing Sonic. I remember during my time at middle school and high school, I would run to my classes (in this level of education, classes are in longer distances from each other, with only 5 minutes to get there). No matter how far my classes were, I would always run, not just to make it in time but because I wanted to run, to go faster and feel the rush of the wind and increased beating of my heart. In the end, I was the fastest, most determined girl, especially in gym class, where I beat everyone in races, even the boys. I would take an extra lap or two for extra credit or just to beat the time as I waited for everyone else to finish their laps. Though I am older, in an age in which cartoon characters are for little kids, I can never forget. Though I am more serious now, once in a while I look back on the memories of that blue hedgehog. Of course, I used to watch the shows they did of him and I have to say I am disappointed on the cancelations, unanswered question, cliffhangers and/ or the inability to display the aspects of Sonic. For example, the new version Sonic Boom, horrible, like the designs but the game was weak and the show makes the gang look so dumb and the adventures are not mind-blowing. One of my favorite shows was Sonic X but they left everything in a cliffhanger, literally. What happened to Chris and Shadow after the Meterax? What about Dark Sonic, who I may remind, only had literally two minutes of fame? And the master emerald? And let us not forget about the connection between the two planets? So much more could have been done if the program had more solid story guidelines and details. Maybe even included Metal Sonic? Oh, well. The need for answers and more adventures lead me to write this fanfiction.
Feel free to comment and/ or provide suggestions. Provide as much as you can and spread the word.
The more comments and/ or advice I collect, the farther I can go. I am hoping to get at least 100 or more for the time this story is half done.
Most importantly, I hope you enjoy reading my fanfiction. Good Luck.
Be sure to comment.