Good morning all. I have the day off today and was able to finalize this chapter. My apologies once again. Very busy time for me. Hope you enjoy this next installment. Almost at the finish line. So happy!

Snyperlady: You have to send it to me! I haven't been on the site for a while. Been working crazy hours and I realized you posted. I'm going to read it this weekend. Can't wait! So excited. So glad you were somewhat surprised. Yay!

Guest: I would love to write the movie. Have so many ideas! But, Hollywood is just not ready for creative minds such as ours. LOL!

FroobyB: So glad you're enjoying. Just a few more secrets coming soon. Hope you like.

LibAkilah: Thank you. I really wish I had more time to write. I'm working on two more stories as I finish this one. Wish this paid the bills. LOL!

RossoDiSera: Yay! You have a favorite chapter. You know…I've never thought of that. Like I told LibAkilah, I have two more stories I'm working on, but they don't relate to the pandemic. I actually prefer to run away from real life when I write. Hope you guys enjoy the next two stories once they are completed.

Feli3: Still wondering that myself. I honestly can't imaging anyone NOT falling for Keith. That man is so hot! LOL.

Shiranai Atsune: I'm so so so glad you are enjoying the story! Nice! I've always loved partnering up in writing stories. Did that once. It's hard work, but it's cool to learn to flex and meeting half way in the creative process. Would love to work on a fic with you if interested!

Sunshineleo: Aww! Sorry you've waited this long. I've been swamped with work. Almost done with this fic and then off to the next.

Benedetta Maria Campana: Thank you so much!

GoPinkLion: I'm so glad you liked it! Hope you like the rest. And yeah, you've suspected for a while. LOL

AutumnSea9: I would LOVE to do a new rendition of Voltron. But like I said, Hollywood isn't ready for real writers like us! LOL. Thank you so much for reading and your patience.

Guest 009: LOL. Sorry to disappoint. But I am glad you're enjoying the fic. Thank you for reading!


Audiomachine-Dusk of War

Audiomachine-Strategic Alignment

Audiomachine-We are Gods

Chapter 36

Romelle looked at herself in her vanity mirror, touching parts of her face where fine lines used to be. Astonished, she shook her head in disbelief. They had disappeared. No lines, no wrinkles, lay on her face, just fresh smooth porcelain skin.

"I look…so young," she finally said aloud.

From behind, Lance approached and kissed her cheek, "You have always looked young, Romelle. The power of the Lions has just enhanced that beauty. That's all."

"Lance, it's not just looking young," she turned around to face him, "I…actually feel younger, stronger…"

He laughed softly, "That's part of it too." Gently taking her in his arms, he asked, "Do you regret it?"

She shook her head firmly, "How could I? I've loved you for so long, I feel so blessed right now."

"No, I'm the one that feels blessed, Romelle. I'm the one who dreamed of this day and it finally came." Lance told then kissed her gently.

At that moment when Lance's comm. unit went off and he groaned.

"Lance come in," he heard Keith's voice.

Quickly walking over the nightstand, he picked it up, "Yeah, you alright?"

"I'm fine, but I need you, Hunk and Darrell to meet me at the base in a half hour."

"See you then," Lance immediately told him without hesitation.

"What's going on?" Romelle asked.

"Something is up. Keith's not even on duty right now and he wants us all at the base. I have to go."

"I'm going with you," she told him as she walked to her closet to pick up a change of clothes.

Lance shook his head, "Honey, you don't have to−"

"Yes, I do. If something is happening, I want to be there to help in any way I can." Romelle watched as Lance smiled at her. She smiled back, "We're in this together, my love. Where you go, I go."


Keith and Allura walked out of the brownstone, heading for the base.

"We'll take my car, you're in no condition to drive," Allura began when she suddenly stopped. "Damn it!" Altair exclaimed as she saw her car wedged between two other vehicles. "Tell me you have a car, Kogane?"

"I have something better," he told her, turning away as he withdrew an object from his pocket. It looked like a comm. unit, but shaped a bit differently, more circular without edges. It had three black square buttons, and a large rectangular one in the middle. When Keith pressed the center button, the garage section of the brownstone opened. He walked in and seconds later, Altair heard the rumbling sounds of a motorcycle.

Slowing walking back out, he said, "We'll be able to avoid highway traffic. Think you can handle driving her?"

She smiled sarcastically, "I can handle everything you throw at me, Kogane. Let's go."


It had been days since Lotor heard from Haggar, and even though he did not show or spoke of it, to anyone, there was a little part of him that worried. He was not afraid of anything happening to her. After all, the witch was cunning, ruthless and very smart. She had to have been to hide them both for two decades, some of those years right under Garrison's nose.

He walked over to his cabinet, wanting to relax with a glass, or two, of wine when he heard the doors of his chambers open. Turning around, he smiled when the woman approach, "I was getting a little worried." He went to his mother and took her into his arms, "I've waited so long for you."

Hugging her son, the smile on Haggar's face was grandiose, "And I for you, my son." Haggar often wondered if Zarkon would have ever given Lotor the affection she gave him. She doubted it. Zolon was just as cold as Zarkon. He had taught him to be rough, spontaneous at times with his thinking. He allowed his emotions to rule him. That is why Kogane had been able to kill him and Zarkon.

Haggar studied Kogane during the years of the first war. As she cradled Lotor in her arms, she knew exactly how to raise him in terms of thinking. Keith had been loved as a child, albeit, not for long. His parents left him at a young age and even that molded him into the person he was. Lotor mirrored that life to a certain extent. He lost his father while still a baby and raised outside a family circle just like Kogane.

Haggar made sure that the parallel upbringing also brought some of the same thinking and ideals. She did a fabulous job. Lotor was Kogane's equal in terms of thinking and strategizing. He would beat him, even if she couldn't. Perhaps, she had observed him for too long and those observation made her want something very unnatural for her.

"I wasn't expecting you to come back so soon," Lotor continued as he gently let go of her.

"The plan has changed a bit," she answered, walking over to a chair in his room and sitting down. "Lotor, we need to attack sooner than expected."

The prince looked at her curiously, "Why?"

"Are they ready?" she looked at him seriously, ignoring his question.

"We're done with the testing. I'd say two days or so…it'll be perfect," he nodded. He knew that when her attitude changed in a drastic way and she was all business, changes that he wasn't expecting would take place. "Why do we have to attack now, Haggar?"

"Because, Kogane is alive," she simply answered. "I wasn't able to kill him."

"And why not?" he sounded surprised, but didn't raise his voice and there wasn't a bit of anger in it. Lotor knew how to handle his emotions.

"Too much surveillance," she lied. "Didn't have the opportunity."

Lotor kept silent for a moment. There was something she wasn't telling him, "Why are you here? Kogane alive doesn't explain why you are here. You weren't due back−"

"They know about the mole, Lotor," she immediately answered. "It was just a matter of time before they'd find the truth. I took the opportunity to get ahead of them."

"What are you hiding?" he kept staring at her, trying to read her cold, green eyes.

She answered calmly, "Lotor, you are reading too much into this." She stood up and walked to him, caressing his cheek like a mother would show affection toward her child. "There isn't any time to spare. Kogane will not hesitate to act."

He'd have to talk to her at another time, she wasn't going to budge. She was right. Kogane wouldn't hesitate, "What do you want me to do?"

"Prepare your army," she kissed his cheek. "I'm going to the lab…I'll finish the preparations there."


Moments after Keith and Allura walked into the Lion's Lair, the rest of the group filtered in. When Allura saw Romelle and Lance walk in, hand in hand, her eyes widened with shock. "What the hell?"

"It was time, Allura. We're finally together," Romelle answered, her gaze moving to her beloved. Lance squeezed her hand to reassure her of his sentiments.

Allura smiled, "I'm happy for both of you."

Walking up to Keith, Lance reached to embrace his friend. The action took Keith by surprise at first and he stiffened for a moment before allowing himself to relax and reciprocate the action.

"You and I have a lot to talk about, brother," Lance said as he held his friend close. "But just so you know, I still want to beat the crap out of you."

"I know, Lance," was all Keith could say. The words were not coming easy to him at this moment.

Finally letting go, Lance looked at his friend. Keith still looked pale and his eyes were glassy. Lance could tell his was having a hard time focusing, "If you're thinking what I'm thinking…you're not ready, man."

"I'll be, soon," he answered.

About to question the statement, Lance was interrupted by Coran and Hunk, who suddenly walked in. Halfway to the group, they stopped when they also saw Romelle and Lance.

Hunk gasped, "Now, this I wasn't expecting."

Coran just stopped and stared at his daughter. Romelle didn't know what to expect, but when she saw her father smile at her and take her into his arms in an embrace, she sighed in relief, "Oh, Father. You knew all this time, didn't you?"

"I had my suspicions," Coran stated and then looked at Lance, "Welcome to my family, Lieutenant."

"Thank you, Coran."

"This day is getting crazier and crazier," Hunk shook his head, "What else can we expect?"

"I lot more," Keith answered, "Where's Darrell?"

"Here," another voice yelled as the doors of the lair opened. Darrell came in running. As soon as he looked at the group and saw Romelle and Lance, his mouth dropped, "Don't tell me you're going to be my father-in-law?"

At this, Lance gave him a devilish grin.

"I'm so screwed," Darrell shook his head. Looking at his Commander and Chief, he sighed, "What's the plan, boss?"

"First things first," Keith replied as he looked at Allura for confirmation. "Coran, find Mosley. I want her detained right now."

"What?" Coran asked surprised. "Why?"

"I'll explain everything," he answered as he slowly walked ahead of them, "Conference room, let's go."


As Darrell listened to what Keith and Allura shared, he couldn't believe the story. Hunk always doubted the younger woman, but he never expected that she was the witch in disguise. Lance and Romelle just looked worried and at a loss for words. That was rare for Lance. Coran was just pale. Earlier, he tried to contact Mosley, only to find that she took a transport off of Arus. She purposely deactivated the tracking mechanism and the flight recorder. They had no doubt as to where she was and it would have surprise them if she left things intact.

Lance sighed then asked, "What do we do now?"

"We attack Korrinth at dawn," Keith answered as he sat back.

Hunk laughed, "Are you serious? We aren't ready."

"And neither are they," Keith responded seriously. "At least they won't be ready if we attack first. Haggar is probably organizing their army to come here. We can't give them that advantage. We need to fight them there."

"Oh God," Romelle whispered.

Hunk laid back in his chair, a look of defeat his features. Keith was right. Having the Drules come here would prove horrible to the citizens and he couldn't bare being in the air and not knowing what Lucy and the baby would be going through on the ground. No. He rather go over there. It was settled, "What do you want us to do?"

Looking at the group, Keith replied, "Hunk make sure that every damn system on this base is active and ready. If the Drules come here, we need the Corps to be ready. We cannot leave the base unprotected. Altair, activate the underground shelters just in case, but make sure that the news stations do not get wind of it. At least, not until we're on Korrinth."

"You don't want to leak anything to Korrinth," she nodded.

Keith continued, "Coran, work with the generals to put their fleets together. The lions are not the only ones going to Korrinth."

"You're really thinking of taking an Arusian air fleet over?" Coran was surprised.

"Corps and Garrison. It's our only chance, Coran," he replied. "If they expect us to go over, they'll be ready for the lions, and from what we already know, what they have cooked in that lab will require solely the attention of Voltron. We can't fight that thing and their troops. Garrison and Corps can take on their army, while we take care of the robeast. Lance, work with the Garrison. Get me a fleet to meet us half way to Korrinth."

"On it," he nodded. He paused for a brief second before he asked, You think it's a robeast?"

"More than that," Allura answered. "It's not the normal robeasts we fought in the past. This is different. You heard me speak of it. If there was ever an opponent for Voltron, it's that monstrosity."

"From what Keith and Allura described, I have to agree. The initial research found areas within the galaxy that houses some of the technology that you both described to me. Maybe Lotor conquered those worlds and took it with him. I can dig into more on those worlds and possible points of weakness," Darrell jumped in. "If you'll let me, I'll continue running preliminary scans and see if I can hypothesize any weak points. Again, these are just hypotheses. I don't have samples of the specimen to come up with something more concrete."

"Do your best, Darrell," Keith sighed. "Lance, work with Garrison. Get them to give you as many fighters as they can. We may not be able to stop them, but we can weaken them to a point that it will make it easier for us if there is a next time."

"On it," he nodded.

"Aright team, let's get going. We have a long night ahead of us. Dismissed," Keith watched as the group stood up, sans two others. Looking at Lance and Allura, he asked, "Did I miss anything?"

"Well," Lance began, "For starters, you didn't say what you were planning on doing?"

"I need to heal," he simply answered as he slowly stood up. "Get going. I need some time with the lions."

Lance looked at Allura before his eyes went back to his Keith, "They can heal you?"

Keith nodded, "Yes, but I've never asked them to. This will be a first. I don't like having them use their power on me. I rather have them use it only when necessary."

"This is the second time they'll heal you," Allura corrected.

"What do you mean?" he seemed surprised.

"You coded at MedTech when you were sick," she answered. "I thought I lost you, but…somehow…I don't know, Keith, they brought you back."

Keith stayed quiet for a moment before offering a small smile, "I didn't know. I guess they don't tell me everything."

"Keith, how is this possible?" Lance asked. "There's nothing in the history that says the lions have these powers. I don't even think Coran knows how far their powers go. How could you?"

Looking at his friend, Keith walked up to him and rested his hand on Lance's shoulders, "All in due time, Lance. There's a lot I have to share with all of you, but they decide when. I have to respect them, and I know you will too."

Sighing and trying to contain his own impatience, Lance nodded, "Alright, but they will tell us soon, right?"

At this, Keith laughed.


"Red says you haven't changed one bit," he answered. "He says you're still an annoying prick."

Allura broke into laughter.

Eyes widened in surprise, Lance shook his head, "They're talking to you now?"

"They're always talking to me, Lance," he answered. "Now, I promise that when they let me, I'll tell you what they want to share. But, right now, they're calling me. I need time with them. I'll call you back into the Lair when it's time."

Looking at each other, slightly disappointed, Lance and Allura began walking out.

"Guys," Keith stopped them.

"Yeah," Allura turned around.

"They told me to tell you to be patient."


As they walked out, Hunk called Romelle.

Turning around, she smiled gently, "Yeah."

Hunk noticed that smile, a smile filled with happiness. Romelle was happy. He knew it. The sadness in her features was gone and that gave him such a warm feeling. Despite all that had happened, Romelle deserved happiness. He couldn't imagine what it was like to protect her daughter and her father. It couldn't have been easy, "Congratulations."

"Thank you," she smiled back.

"Listen, I know there's a lot going on right now, but I need your help."

Looking at him, Romelle noticed the concerned look that overtook his smile, "What's going on, Hunk?"

"We'll be leaving in a few hours, and I don't know what's going to happen here," he began. "I mean, I know nothing's going to happen, I'm going to do everything in my power not to let anything happen…but…"

"Do you want Lucy to stay with us?" she interrupted. "I'm pretty sure Hope will be staying over my apartment until Darrell returns. Lucy is more than welcome."

Hunk looked relieved, "I don't want her to be alone."

"She shouldn't," Romelle agreed. "And, she won't. I'll call her now and tell her I'm picking her up. Hunk, I will take care of her until you come back. You need not worry."

Nodding his appreciation, he sighed, "Okay. And, can I ask for another favor from you?"

"Of course, anything."

"I need you to do something for me while I'm gone," Hunk replied as he told Romelle his next request.


The woman who was in fact Haggar continued studying her creation from the window inside the lab. She was in a state of awe watching the millions of little critters flying around freely in the containment. To think that these tiniest of organisms could destroy an enemy that plagued her for years mesmerized her.

They were maybe a millimeter in length and half of that in width. A single critter would fit on the tip of your finger but it was strong enough to break it…if provoked. They were smart. They thought quickly, learned a great deal quicker. That was just one. Imagine over a hundred million. That was just a third of what she had produced. And that was only what was in the containment. The rest were just about to be born.

Voltron didn't stand a chance. She smiled.

"My lady," the head scientist in the lab approached her from behind, "All we need is your approval."

She didn't turn around, just continued looking at her creation. Her marvelous creation, "Do it. We leave tomorrow morning. Have them all ready."

Nodding, the Drule answered, "As you wish." Turning around, the man left just as Lotor walked in.

"Everything is almost ready," he said as he stood next to her, staring at the same window she couldn't take her eyes off from, "One thousand fighters and three robeasts. All ready to go, upon our command."

Haggar nodded, "Perfect. The robeast should give them a trip down memory lane before the real show begins."

"They'll destroy them quickly. We didn't put too much effort into making them," Lotor replied with a sigh, "It will take them time, but they will bring them down. You know they are experienced in destroying robeasts."

Haggar shrugged, "It's all a distraction, Lotor. You know that. It will give us the time we need to prepare the children."

He snorted as he looked at the chamber in front of him, "You really love these things."

She smiled, "They are my greatest creation, as it relates to robeasts. Your father preferred using humans or harvested alien species to become robeasts when he needed them. That always proved to be a failure. Keith always found a way to destroy them."


Turning around, Haggar faced her son, "His team was smart, but he…he's really the brains of the operation."

"Can I ask you a question?"

Haggar nodded cautiously, "Sure. What do you want to know?"

"How close?"

Looking at Lotor curiously, she asked, "How close what?"

"How close did you get to him? I'm not sure what I'm feeling, Haggar, but I'm thinking you did get close, but not in the way I expected you to."

The witch looked at her son closely. Zarkon gave her the same look when he didn't like what she was doing. So much like his father at times, she thought as she raised her hand and touched his chest in a motherly way, "Don't over analyze, Lotor. I had to be close to know more. It was the only way. Sometimes to get what you need you have to do things you don't want to do."

"I realize that," he answered, "But that's not what I mean. My worry is that you wanted…or still want to do them."

"What is it that you really want to ask me, Lotor?"

"Do you have feelings for the captain?"

Haggar looked at her son with an expression of shock combined with mockery, "Have you gone out of your mind, my son? What would ever make you think such atrocious thoughts?"

"I have a hard time believing you didn't have the opportunity to get rid of him, Mother," he answered with equal shock and mockery, "The plan was perfect. If I didn't end his life here, you ended it there. Yet, he is still here. Time? You yourself told me he was on his deathbed. And now he probably knows who you are, and they are waiting for us."

"Don't doubt me, Lotor," Haggar answered with a chilling calmness. "Your father began doubting and questioning me and every one of his people before he met his end. Do not follow his path. I am truthful when I say that I didn't have the opportunity."

He backed down, slightly ashamed in questioning the one person who had never let him down, "My apologies, Haggar."

"Don't apologize," she dismissed it. "There's no need. Lotor, you have to realize that everything, everything that I've done has been for you."

"I do," Lotor finally relented and walked away from her in frustration, "I'm afraid Haggar."

"Of what?"

Looking at his mother, he replied, "When I first saw Allura. She awakened feelings that I never had before. Sure, the carnal feelings were there, but there was more. Something I can't explain. She's my enemy. They are all my enemies and I know that I should hate her. After all, she loves the man that I despise the most. Yet…I can't stop thinking about her. That's a danger to the mission. It's a danger to me and to you. I realize that, but I can't help myself. Haggar, I have to think things through, so I don't make a mistake and I don't jeopardize everything that we've worked for. I'm not sure if you feel the same way."

Haggar stayed quiet for a moment, "I can't say that I do. I have no feelings for the captain, other than to see his life end in front of my eyes. And I look forward to that soon."

Lotor looked at her carefully, not sure he believed her, but he had to admit she sounded convincing, "I hope so, Haggar. I'd hate to find out you're in love with the man that destroyed our family."

"Are you in love with her?" she turned it around on him. "Because I know your father would have been livid to find you in love with his enemy's daughter. Don't forget, Allura is the daughter of Alfor, your father's enemy."

Looking at her in anger, Lotor couldn't find the words to answer her.

"Be careful, Lotor," she replied. "Contraire to what you believe, I've had more experience than you when it comes to human feelings. With what you've shared with me, you are more of a danger to this mission than I am. Stubbornness and pride was your father's downfall. Don't let Allura be yours."


Darrell worked like a crazed man. Looking at the chronometer, he sighed. It was two thirty in the morning and he still wasn't satisfied with his analysis. In just a few hours, they headed to Korrinth on a mission he thought was crazy. They weren't prepared. Keith, always the strategic mind in just about anything, had apparently gone rogue. This was definitely not Keith's MO. Then again, this wasn't the same Keith from twenty years ago.

"The man's gone crazy!" he sighed in frustration as he went back to his analysis. He looked at the five screens in front of him. Each told a story of Korrinth's layout. One screen had the blueprints of the castle. They were old; he doubted much upgrades other than aesthetics were done. In case they had to go in there, he would know where they were and where they needed to go. The other screens were outer parts of the castle, the mountains and the cities. He didn't think he would find anything in the cities, but you couldn't be too careful.

Now, he was studying the Korrith's base of operation. The exact same area where they had rescued Allura. The base was gone, it was only desert. It had taken hours, but Darrell hacked once again through the Drule database, albeit, much more carefully this time around, and found the blueprints to the underground base. He found the area where he thought those...things were housed. If they could destroy it before they came out, well, that would be half the battle right there, right?

His comm unit alerted him of a call. He picked it up when he read who it was, "Hey babe."

"Darrell, you're okay?"

"Yeah," he replied, trying to sound upbeat. It was the farthest thing from the truth, but he couldn't leave Hope feeling scared, "Just a little tired, but otherwise good."

"When are you leaving?"

"In a few hours," he answered. "I'm just finishing up a few more things and then I'll get some rest before suiting up."

Hope remained quiet for a time before finally answering, "I'm afraid. The first time this happened, I was a child. I have no memory of it. Now…Darrell, I'm scared. I'm scared you won't come back to me."

"Don't think that way," he told her as calmly as he could. "Hope, of course I'm coming back. How could I not? And leave my girl? Not in a million years."

At this, she laughed then stopped, her expression going somber.

"Besides, I wouldn't want Jason…Joshua…whatever that guy's name is, to steal you away from me," he joked, trying to coax a smile.

"No one could steal me away from you," Hope whispered, crying a little, "My mother once told me how she felt when you all went to battle. I don't think I really ever understood that until now."

He hated having this conversation over the comm unit. He couldn't touch her, couldn't be there to soothe her. At that moment, Darrell wished he was there with her, "Babe, I know it's a waste of time to tell you that you shouldn't worry. But, I want to make sure you know this and you believe it with all your heart. I will be back, Hope. I'm coming home and I'm coming home to you."

She nodded, really trying to believe.

"I need you to understand that, alright?"

"Okay," her voice cracked, but she remained firm, "I do, Darrell. I believe it."

"Good," he smiled. "And while I'm gone, I need you to start thinking about good things, cool things."

"Like what?" she laughed as she wiped her tears away.

"Like our wedding."

"What?" she yelled. "Are you serious?"

Darrell laughed, "Yeah, I'm serious! Hope, I love you. I want to be with you. I want to marry you. And, I'm going to do that when I'm back."

"Oh my God, Darrell!" Hope yelled excitedly. "I love you! I love you."

"I love you too. Baby, I wish I could have proposed to you the right way, but I wanted you to know. I needed you to know that."

"That' alright with me," she replied. "But, I do hope you surprise me when you come back."

"You bet I will," he told her with a smile, "You'll be the first girl to know she's getting married without knowing when you'll get the ring. This is going to be fun."

"Oh! You're going to trick me, aren't you?"

"Damn right!"

As they both laughed, Darrell spotted sudden light shining from the screen the showed the mountain. It was so subtle that he barely missed it the second time it shined again, "What the…"


"Babe, I have to go, I'll call you back before heading out, okay?"

"Yeah, of course," she immediately answered, understanding that his attention has suddenly gone back to business. "I love you. Don't leave without calling."

"Never," he answered. "Love you too." Quickly hanging up, Darrell went back to the screen and zoomed in on the area where he saw the blinking lights. "What did I just see?"


When Keith walked into the lair, the five lions, sitting in a semi-circle position, greeted him with low growls and shining eyes. They left their cylinders as if knowing what to expect.

He didn't waste any time and he knew that they didn't want to waste any either. There was so much to do, "Will it take long?"

The lions continued to growl harmoniously as their eyes glowed in different hues. Keith looked at them and even though they never spoke, he understood every sound they made. Their thoughts, their way of communication, all went through his mind. Within moments, he knew how long the healing session would take. Then, another thought went through his mind; this one shocked him.

"How powerful is she?"

The black lion growled louder as if telling him the answer.

"What will it take?"

This time, the red lion growled.

Sighing, shock poured from his eyes, he nodded, "Okay, let's do it."

Stepping forward, Keith stood in front of the black lion as the rest of the lions formed a full circle around him. When they did, Green Lion stepped forward as Yellow Lion formed a dome around all of them. Keith turned to Green Lion. Raising his hand, he knew what he had to do. Closing his eyes as he reached for the lion's snout and whispered, "Now."


The first thing Lance noticed when he walked in the lair after Keith called them, a few hours after their dismissal, was the pallor of his friend. Keith didn't look sick, if anything he looked better, stronger. "You're healed."

Keith nodded, "Yes, I'm fine now."

Allura stared at him, something was different.

"How is this possible?" Hunk asked as he looked at Coran.

The older man shook his head before looking at the captain, "I'm do not know their secrets. I believe they've share them with only one."

"They will only share when ready," Keith repeated himself to the group. "That day will come. But for now, we have more important things to take care of…Arus' salvation."

All agreeing, Darrell spoke up, "Are we ready?"

Yellow Lion roared and the rest followed suit.

Looking at the group, Keith replied, "We are. Let's go."