Hey guys!

So whilst i was finishing my other story (Mafia), i came up with this so i wrote it during the weekend because i got some free time, i hope you enjoy ;)

"Hey guys" Tori said nicely as she walked towards Beck and Jade, who were in Sikowitz's classroom but they were just looking at the stage clearly upset.

"Hi" Beck said coldly and Tori sat down next to them awkwardly.

"What's wrong?" Tori questioned confused.

"None of your god damn business, Vega" Jade responded angrily.

"Why do you have to be so rude?" Beck questioned. "She is just asking a question"

"Whatever, it's not her problem" Jade said and he rolled his eyes. A few minutes later everyone else arrived and the class started.

"Improvisation! Jade, Beck, come on stage" Sikowitz said and they did. "You're a couple in a troubled marriage trying to rescue your relationship, go!"

"Hello, my love" Beck said and tried to kiss Jade but she leaned back so he stared at her coldly.

"Hi" Jade simply said.

"If you want this to work, you need to cooperate" Beck said.

"Really? Cooperate how? By letting you have as many as affairs as you want?" Jade questioned upset and he rolled his eyes.

"They're just friends, I'm not having affairs with anyone" Beck affirmed.

"I don't believe you" Jade said. "You've been getting home late for months"

"I have to work" He responded.

"If you say so…" Jade said and sighed.

"You know what? I don't have to keep going with this" Beck said and she turned to him slightly confused. "You clearly don't care and I'm tired of fighting"

"Because I do care, I can't stand seeing you flirting around with other girls" Jade affirmed.

"You're so insecure, god" Beck responded and Jade stared at him angrily.

"Maybe if you didn't give me reasons, I wouldn't have to feel this way" Jade commented.

"You create everything in your head, you're sick!" Beck exclaimed.

"So you think I'm sick? Wow!" Jade said coldly.

"Yes, I think you're sick and insecure and that's why it's getting harder and harder to be with you" Beck affirmed and Jade felt her heart crashing because she knew their discussion wasn't acting. "You're making my life miserable, I can't even smile to any other girl because you go nuts"

"The thing is you don't just smile" Jade said. "You like them, I can see it in your eyes"

"So what if I do? They're pretty but that doesn't mean I am after them" Beck commented. "Although, you know what? I'm tired of this, I should go after them"

"Excuse me?" Jade asked.

"Yes, I'm done trying to keep you happy…You don't know how to be happy" Beck affirmed. "You were born to be alone and miserable"

"I can't believe you're saying this to me" Jade said sincerely.

"Well, you better start believing it!" Beck responded and Jade stared at him completely heartbroken.

"Whoa…Good job but I think things are getting heated, go back to your seat" Sikowitz said but they ignored him.

"So that's what you feel…" Jade said emotionlessly and Beck was so angry at that moment that he didn't even care that he was hurting her.

"Yes, what you did today was above the line! It was the last thing I'm putting up with, you killed our relationship" Beck affirmed. "But I'm glad it's over, we are done, Jade West" He informed and she stared at him shocked, not knowing what to say. "Now I'm free to talk to all the girls I want and be happy and you're free to go lock yourself up in your room and cut yourself like you used to, I won't stop you again" He said and Jade's mouth dropped as her eyes filled with tears.

"Beck!" Andre said angrily as he stood up and Beck closed his eyes in frustration because he knew he shouldn't have said that.

"Jade…" Beck said because he was aware of the big mistake he'd made but Jade didn't say anything, she simply grabbed her backpack and stormed out of the classroom while looking down.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Andre questioned madly and pushed Beck back.

"Yes, Beck, what happened? Why did you act like that?" Tori questioned upset as he looked down. "And what did that last sentence mean? Jade self-harms?" she asked confused and Andre sighed while shaking his head at Beck.

"I have to talk to her" Beck simply said and ran out of the classroom.

"She used to do it" Andre informed.

"Everyone, please out!" Sikowitz said to the rest of the class and they had to leave the room.

"What?" Tori asked shocked. "But she seems so strong"

"It was a very long time ago, Tori, you weren't here back then" Robbie said.

"When we entered Hollywood Arts, she was a very lonely person…she was dark like she's now but worse" Andre informed. "She only talked to Cat so we started talking to her too but months went by before she considered us her friends, one day I noticed she had some scars on her legs and I asked her but she panicked and left"

"Jade had a lot of problems with her dad back then" Cat said sadly. "They always fought and one time I was there when he told her she was his biggest mistake"

"Oh my god" Tori said surprised.

"Her cuts became more obvious as weeks went by but she refused to talk about it, one day we went to her house without telling her and…" Robbie continued.

"And we found her about to cut her wrists, she wanted to kill herself…she'd even left a note" Andre affirmed sadly. "But Beck took the scissors from her hand and convinced her not to do it, he made her promise she wouldn't cut herself again and after a couple of months they started dating" He informed.

"Jade did it a couple of times after that but then she stopped and realized she was making a mistake" Cat commented.

"That's right, Jade's first months in Hollywood Arts were very dark…she never showed off her talents and then she suddenly became one of the best students once she stopped harming herself" Sikowitz commented.

"Wow…that's shocking news" Tori said sincerely and they nodded. A few seconds later Beck walked into the room and Andre immediately grabbed him by his shirt.

"If she does it again, it'll be on you" Andre said angrily. "If Jade hurts herself again, you'll pay for it"

"I know I shouldn't have said that but I didn't think" Beck responded sincerely and pushed Andre's hands off him.

"Yes, that's obvious…a thinking person wouldn't have said that" Sikowitz said coldly.

"God, Beck, I can't believe what you just did" Tori said shaking her head.

"How could you use that against her? You know what the consequences could be" Robbie said upset.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry, I know I was a jerk" Beck said honestly. "I shouldn't have said any of the things I said"

"Why did you act like that?" Cat questioned.

"Because Jade and I fought all morning, she picked me up because my car doesn't work and she found me talking to my cousin" Beck informed. "She went nuts and threatened her, Annie was so confused…she didn't know what was going on and Jade started getting violent, you know her, I had to pull her back"

"That doesn't give you the right to do what you did" Tori said coldly.

"I know and I want to apologize but she left and she won't pick up the god damn phone" Beck commented.

"She's right" Andre said and sighed before they all walked out of the classroom; leaving Beck alone and feeling miserable.

Beck spent the whole day calling Jade but she never picked up so he was worried she might've tried to do it again, he went to her house but only her car was there which meant she was alone and she never opened the door. "Jade! JADE, OPEN THE DOOR!" Beck screamed and kept insisting for about an hour but she never came down so he gave up. "Damn it!"

Next morning Beck was in the hall anxiously waiting for Jade to appear but the gang showed up first. "Did you see her? She won't respond to any of us" Tori commented worriedly and he shook his head.

"No, I went to her house last night but nobody opened the door" Beck said and sighed mortified.

"What if she is dead?" Cat questioned scared.

"No, no, Cat, let's not be negative" Tori said nervously and Andre stared at Beck coldly.

"If she's dead, it'll be on you" He said to him but then they saw Jade walking into the school normally so they exhaled relieved.

"Hey Jade, why didn't you answer our texts?" Tori asked and Jade shrugged.

"Because I didn't feel like it" Jade simply said.

"Jade, I'm sorry…I shouldn't have said any of that, I didn't mean it" Beck said sincerely but she only stared at him coldly. "We need to talk"

"No, we don't, you've made your point" Jade simply said.

"Jade, did you…" Beck started but he didn't know how to finish so she was only staring at him emotionlessly.

"Cut myself again?" Jade finished and he sighed.

"Did you?" Beck asked sadly.

"For you? Of course not" Jade said laughing and she showed them her arms, which were normal, she didn't have any cuts on them. "Don't worry, Beck, I'm not going to kill myself…although, that's probably what you want"

"No, it's not" Beck affirmed.

"I'm glad because it's not going to happen" Jade responded.

"Please let me explain, we need to fix things" Beck said.

"No" Jade simply said proudly. "Yesterday I realized something very important, Beck, you're not worth my time or my energy"

"Jade, come on…" Beck insisted and tried to grab her arm but she moved it back.

"Don't touch me, we are done so go after all those girls and be happy" Jade ordered "Don't worry, I certainly won't be after you ever again…I deserve much, much better"

I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter!

I know the self-harming thing is sooooooooooo cliche for Jade but I needed it here haha.

Don't forget to review! :)