The Long awaited next chapter is here rejoice all my faithful Gundam Agito followers, the drought of Agito Unicorn is over! No long need you wait for the next chapter for it is here right now and brought to you by yours truly JAGA03 at the urgings of tf330129

I have a message for you all of you at the bottom willing to read.


Chapter Nine

"If fighting could provide us with the truth, nobody would make any mistakes in their lives. A person's life is not that easy. The truth you must learn from yourself, from how you live your life." Kenshin Himura (Rurouni Kenshin)

With Anthony

Anthony and Marida were on their way to Torrington, so may out from where the battle would take place Anthony made the MS Agito Zero come to a stop. Standing up now he turned around to face Marida saying "I do believe this is where we part ways, I'll put you down out here and signal to your forces that you are here, then on it is up to you."

Marida at first did not budge she just stared at the pilot of the MS Agito Zero. It was hard to tell what was on her mind, but if Anthony was to hazard a guess it would be either why he was doing this. Or if she should at least try to take him down here and now. The latter was the least likely of the two, well there was a third option of her trying to dissuade him from doing this, to tell him how this was not his fight.

But that was not going to happen, there were people there who were going to die, if he did not do something. Did Anthony know who they were, no not really. Anthony was a man from another world who had watched Marida in a anime, he only really knew the named cast of the show along with those from the shows before them. So no, he did not know a soul in there at all, but he had the desire to protect them none the less.

It was after a brief and somewhat tense silence before Marida spoke asking Anthony "You are going to go and fight, if I were to meet you in combat, if I were to fight you Mobile Suit to Mobile Suit, would it reveal why you are doing this?"

Anthony gave a slight chuckle at that and looked at Marida with eyes that told her he was tired. It was not his body, but he as a person was tired of this, but he was going to go out and fight all the same. But now Anthony replied to her "If a person could achieve enlightenment through battle, if fighting could provide us with the correct answers, I am not sure what tye of world that would be, but I know that it is not our one."

As the front of the cockpit of the MS Agito Zero began to open up, Anthony told her "If you and I were to do battle as you said Mobile Suit to Mobile Suit, would it give either of us an answer as to why we exist at all. No it would not, I believe that everyone is born and exists for a reason, by living our lives we will find that reason our purpose. I know what I am doing and I know the future that I desire to see."

Taking in a deep breath now Anthony finished off by telling Marida "If I were to let people I could have saved died, it would be incompatible with the future I desire to see, I cannot lose sight of it, but I cannot ignore what is before me."

Marida seemed to concede this to Anthony, if it was his power as a Newtype or her own desire, she was unsure. But one thing was she was sure was, that even though she did not know him for very long, Anthony was at heart a kind man. If those memories told her anything it was that he was also damaged in his own way. So now seeing as they were parting ways she addressed him with the name that lady called Tomoyo in his memories had asking him "Is it really true that when you are having the most fun, time flies?"

Marida now thought she might of seen a tear roll down Anthony's cheek when she said this, but that was not the case. No he simply closed his eyes and said "Yes, it is true every word of it and if you felt real joy, you can recall every minute of it."

Now Marida and Anthony parted ways as she complied with him finally, getting out of the cockpit and being placed down on the ground. Now as Anthony sent a signal to the Garencieres in order to tell them to come pick up Marida, he even sent a few live images of her as well. As he did this Anthony closed his eyes and pictured Ayu within his mind, he had held in his tears in front of Marida. But now that she was gone they flowed freely from his eyes down to his chin.

Opening his eyes Anthony stopped his tears and wiped them away, he had a something to do. Something that he had to do now, but he had to admit, being away from home for so long was taking its toll on him. Being someone he was not but having to rise to occasion and grow also did weigh him down a little. But now he got rid of all that dilly dally as he said to Ayu "We've come a long way from where we began and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again."

With that Anthony set off towards Torrington, partly concealing his presence so he could take the Zeon Remnants by surprise. He would not fire at the cockpits if he did not have to, but he knew that a real monster of a Mobile Armour was going to appear and that he could not afford to have second thoughts.

Marida for her part watched him leave, he had saved her life. She had lost her own Mobile Suit the MS Kshatriya, that was her own fault. But she was alive and she was not a prisoner of the Earth Federation and for that she was grateful to Anthony. He had saved her due to his own moral compass and his own ideals and values, though he was a hard man to understand, Marida knew that she did indeed wish to speak with him again.

Now that she had spoken with him more closely there were two conflicting images of him, one was the pilot the man who had managed to beat her and Full Frontal back with ease. The other was that of a young man who was gentle, but firm, kind yet strict. But overall the second image she now had was that of a man who wanted nothing to do with war.



The attack On Torrington came by the sea as a wave of missiles suddenly were launched from the ocean. The sirens at the docks sounded and men and women scrambled to get into positions. The first wave of missiles hit the hangars at the docks, behind the GM Mobile Suit line.

Zeonic Aquatic Mobile Suits of multiple models and eras emerged from the water taking the FederationAquaticMobile Suits by surprise. The GM Mobile Suits that tried to return fire came under attack from two rather odd Zeonic looking units. Now as the Zeon Remnants began to secure the harbour, Federation Mobile Suits still stationed on board patrolling ships now tried to launch their own counter attack.

But it would appear that the Zeon Remnants had accounted for this to and the arm of a gigantic Mobile Armour came up and burst through the deck of the ship taking out one of the Federation Mobile Suits. The other Federation Mobile Suits tried to lock the arm, which they failed to do. It smashed down on the one then grabbed and crushed the other till it fell apart. After that it was satisfied that there were no other Mobile Suits on deck it began to savage the side of the ship causing an explosion that certainly killed the entire crew.

The main base at Torrington had picked up on the massive Mobile Armour in the ocean and were calling for any form of reinforcements. At the same time their own Mobile Suit force was fighting off Zeon Mobile Suits that were descending from the sky. They were fighting Mobile Suits that had been used in the many conflicts with Zeon and a few new ones to boot. Despite the resistance the Federation Mobile Suits were mounting, the Zeon Remnants attack was starting to overwhelm them.

The Zeon Remnants were well organised and had a rather good commander at the helm. So far they had only been attacking the military facilities and personnel in Torrington. That had been due to Yonem Kirks who was in command of the Zeon Remnants who had a good birds eye view of the battle ground as he provided sniper support for his allies. But that was all about to change and this battle was going to take a turn for the uglier.

Whose bright idea was it to put a partly unstable 18 year old young lady into the AMA-X7 Shamblo any way? None could be entirely sure where the blame would lie. But the issues of a malfunctioning psycommu paired with a rather unstable and if push to it blood thirsty and vengeful pilot could to.

It came, the moment that caused many to despair and few to rejoice, the moment the AMA-X7 Shamblo started to go on a rampage. Any orders that Yonem had given its pilot Loni to avoid unnecessary casualties and killing had been lost just like all those lives the explosion caused were. It was not a battle any more it was a slaughter that would only further the hatred those upon Earth had for Zeon and those in space and thus the cycle, the curse of hatred would continue.

As the battle continued to rage, the older and outdated Zeonic Mobile Suits had the element of surprise as well as veteran pilots on their side. Though the Federation Mobile Suits stationed at Torrington were an up hill battle with the vain hope that reinforcements would arrive to relieve them. It was clear that the Zeon Remnants were making headway if not totally annihilating them. Any forms of counter attack at the air base were cut down as they were coldly shot down from above by a Mobile Suit sniper that had to be none other than Yonen Kirks.

The battle seemed to be going in the favour of the Zeon Remnants in all sectors except one. In that place the outdated Mobile Suits that the remnants of Zeon were being shot down. They were up against a Mobile Suit reminiscent of the Gryps Conflict. The suit was actually the MS RX-160S Byarlant Custom and it was piloted by a former titan by the name of Robin Diez. He in his lone Mobile Suit was not only giving the Zeonic Mobile Suits a hard time, but he was also taking them down as well.

Even the MS Geara Zulu units were unable to take him down meaning that the rampage of the AMA-X7 Shamblo that had gone off and was still attack the city instead of the military base was now costing the Zeon Remnants dearly. Now as the MS Byarlant Custom took flight, several older Zeonic Mobile Suits took flight as well to bring it down.

Both those Mobile Suits were shot down by the Ms Byarlant Custom with ruthless efficiency. If the AMA-X7 Shamblo did not provide back up for its own forces instead of destroying the city. The attack would have been defeated by a single Mobile Suit, though that was something Zeon at this point had to have gotten used to.


With Banagher

Banagher now stepped back from where Suberoa was lying on the ground beaten up. He now said "I don't get it, you got a message saying that Marida was in the area, even if life is full of sorrow and pain, we can't just close our hearts off because of it."

Suberoa who had a number done on his face by Banagher managed to pull himself up with Flaste watching. As he managed to sit it Banagher was saying "It is because we have hearts that we can feel sadness."

Now as Banagher put his hand to where he heart was, his tone and pitch became much louder as he said "That's why I want to become a man who can acknowledge that sadness, the kind of man you are Captain!"

Suberoa Zinnerman at this point now felt as if he had been hoisted by his own petard, the words that he had said to Banagher had now come back to bite him in the ass. Also not made any better by his own crew refusing to get up and help him with the fight before.

Flaste now asked his Captain "So do we turn and pick up Marida, I mean he won the fight fair and square Captain."

Suberoa wanted to tell Flaste to such his mouth but he was in a bit too much pain to lash out. But the kid and Flaste did have a point, it was heartless of him to just ignore the location of Marida that they were given. One thing they all knew now was that they had to go and get Marida.

Gilboa who now came onto the bridge saw what had happened and sighed. He now looked to Banagher whom had almost killed him had it not been for the timely intervention of Anthony Hitoro. It was clear to both Banagher and Suberoa when they looked at him that he had heard every single word that had been said. Giloa's eyes now went from Banagher to Suberoa and he said "Banagher is right Captain, we have to go back for her, we have to get Marida."

In reply to this Suberoa tried to argue saying "We are in the middle of an operation that turned from ugly into I don't want to know and you suggest we break off and go to the outskirts in order to pick up Marida, she won't take kindly to us putting ourselves in harms way trying to get her back we all know that except for the kid."

In response to that Banagher said "Then let me launch I'll draw any attention until you guys get Marida back."

Now while Banagher was confident that he could do this, the others were not sure if they were willing to risk him like that. He had just joined their cause as it were thanks to the Captain not too long ago and now he was ready to put his life on the line so they had a chance to rescue Marida. They could not let him do this alone and live calling themselves men and soldiers if he died out there.

So now Gilboa stated "I'll go out with Banagher the two of us can watch each others backs while we draw fire away from you bring her back to us Captain, bring her back."

Suberoa now grumpily agreed to that and now contacted their hangar bay and said "Prepare to launch, Gilboa and the kid are going out while we go to pick up Marida."

Suberoa now looked to Banagher and Gilboa before he said "Now don't go doing anything unnecessarily, while I don't want you to get killed, there is little I can do if we are engaged by Federation Reinforcements. Gilboa look after him out there and kid, don't do anything reckless we still need to find out what is in Laplace's Box you hear me."

Banagher managed to give the Captain a smile before he and Gilboa headed off to the hangar bay to launch. After they left Flaste told his Captain "The kid is right and so is Gilboa, we can't sacrifice who we are, if we do that we are no better than the Federation who killed out families at the end of the One Year War."

Suberoa did not snark back, his own thoughts were rushing with the idea that the boy was right. He had no right to show others hell just because he had seen it. No matter how hard he tried to be a soldier he was a father first even if it took a 15 year old kid to kick his face in to remind him of it. But now all he needed was for Marida to be at the location that had been sent, who knows what the pilot of that suit had done to her.

Actually Suberoa was aware that he would not have done anything to her at all, he did go out of his way to save her. That did beg the question as to why he had done so when they were on the two opposite sides and the fact that this Anthony was clearly Anti Zeon. But if what Suberoa had heard was true, then he was not Pro Earth Federation either which would make him a unique case of not being on either side, but siding with one over the other at least for now.


With Anthony

He was too late to stop it, that bitch had gone nuts and was now trying to destroy all that was in her path. The psycommu in the Mobile Armour may have been to blame, but if Anthony knew anything it was not just it at fault. Now while that was the cause of the pilot going on a berserk rampage, it merely gave permission to do so. The fact that it had got this far was a testament to how weak the pilot was or to how strong the psycommu was.

But in either case he could not let it rampage any longer, he could see the victims of it's attacks. The Zero-System made sure he did so he also knew its next attacks were going to land. He had to act quick and fast, but he also wanted to limit the civilian casualties to a minimum so staying high up in the air was his only real option. Quick lighting strike attacks of him diving in and out with his beam sabres that was he had to do.

Using the Twin Buster Rifle was out of the question unless by some miracle he was able throw the giant red Mobile Armour into the air. Then charge and fire the Twin Buster Rifle in the correct spot at the correct angle with the correct charge to hit and annihilate the Mobile Armour.

But first he would attract its attention before he attacked, he could have chosen not to do so. But the future he saw there would lead to the death of many innocent people. So no grabbing the attention of literally everyone now on the battlefield Anthony Hitoro broadcast "Hey you there, in the large Mobile Armour why don't you pick on those who can fight back, unless you are a coward and deserter who abandons their allies in pursuit of petty vengeance."

The taunting had worked and now the AMA-X7 Shamblo turned to look at the MS Agito Zero. Anthony was aware that the pilot was not in her right state of mind. But right now he did not care about that, she was going on a rampage and she had to be stopped no matter the cost. MS Agito Zero flew around doing aerodynamic manoeuvre in order to avoid getting hit by the Particle Cannons of the AMA-X7 Shamblo.

The real issue was that there was a limit to where he could dodge and where he could not. He also could not keep dodging forever or else his enemy would not go down. It was far too early to show the world his NTD mode so instead Anthony opted to use Trans-am in order use hit and run tactics on the much larger AMA-X7 Shamblo.

Looking now at the path the Zero-System gave him in order to do as much damage as possible while limiting the amount of destruction to the civilian area. Anthony now took in a rather deep breath before he said the word "Trans-Am!"

In a burst of speed that would make lighting jealous, he struck now with both beam sabres in each hand cutting off one of the large claw like arms of the AMA-X7 Shamblo. Before it could hit the ground he had the MS Agito Zero turn around return the beam sabres to their holders and rush back and catch the exploding arm before it hit the ground. He then threw what was left of it as it finished exploding at the fishlike head of the gigantic red MA. Causing it to shake and lose balance and focus which for the moment allowed the MS Agito Zero to take out a few of the Reflector Bits.

Deactivating Trans-am for a shot period in order to let the GN-Drive rest, Anthony had the MS Agito Zero avoid the counter attack of the AMA-X7 Shamblo. Which came in the form of the Particle Cannon and what was left of the Reflector Bits. The destructive capability of the AMA-X7 Shamblo had been brought down, but it was not out of the fight just yet, not by a long shot from what the Zero-System said at any rate.

Taking in another deep breath Anthony saw how the Zero-System now revised the plan that he had entered into. If it was sign of something, Anthony took it that the psycommu in the enemy MA must have been trying to adapt. Too bad it did not know what it was truly up against, if it did it might of actually stood a chance. Changing tactics now Anthony said "Trans-Am!"

Instead of diving in once more and going for the other arm of the AMA-X7 Shamblo, Anthony guided the MS Agito Zero to instead attack the Reflector Bits. But with each attack, Anthony could feel a rage building within his heart a fire that was burning so fiercely it was begging to be released. But not now at least not yet, he knew what to do with that anger for anger as a Newtype was not to be wasted or taken lightly.

No for now he continued to take out the Reflector Bits avoid any counter attacks made by the AMA-X7 Shamblo. Each time he dodged an attack he could almost feel the frustration of the pilot Loni Garvey. She had gone berserk, but she clearly knew when she was screwing up. It wouldn't be too long now before he could take out the AMA-X7 Shamblo entirely, so it could no longer pose a threat to the civilian populace or to anyone.

The only question was what to do with it, once he was done, he didn't wish to kill Loni Garvey if she did not force him to. But currently he was unsure if the thing had a self destruct or not, if it did, that would be bad, very bad. Anthony knew then he had to try to get it out of the city after he was able to disable it. He would be pushing the MS Agito Zero hard to do it, but the Zero-System as well his own Newtype abilities showed him how it could be done. It caused him to smile since the method of doing so would give him a few kicks while he did it.


With Yonem

Yonem Kirks had been now watched in a mix of both awe and horror now as the AMA-X7 Shamblo was being brought down by a single MS. No normal beam sabres could cut through the AMA-X7 Shamblo the way that he had just seen it be done. The arms of it had anti-beam coating upon them, yet the beam sabres had gone through them as if they would any other MS or MA. It did beg the question of what other nasty surprises did this new MS have in store?

Yonem had worried that this could cause only more damage to the civilian sector and their own cause. But the way that MS moved it was almost like it was dancing as it avoided and any and every attack that Loni sent his way. The pilot had to be some form of Newtype to do that, there was no way that person was just an ordinary pilot even if that MS was special.

He was also worried that Loni would be killed by this pilot and had tried to aim to take a few shots in order to save her. But none he couldn't get a lock on that suit, especially when it was glowing red, it seemed to increase its own speed at such a rate that it was impossible even from this distance to correct your aim in time to take a shot. The battle had not been going according to plan, Loni had gone nuts and attack the civilian populace, then this suit had showed up.

That is not the mention that he knew that Federation reinforcements were on their way here as well as those left were able to launch a counter attack that was being led if not was solely done by a MS RX-160S Byarlant Custom.

But now, now he witnessed something he thought he would never see. That single caped MS had now completely disarmed the AMA-X7 Shamblo. The red glow that had been on the caped MS slow vanished now as it came to sudden halt. It was close to the cockpit where Loni was in and now fearing for her life Yonem lined up a shot at the caped MS.

If the MS dodged then, he knew that Loni would die. His inability to make the decision mean it was done for him now as caped MS began to grow red again and to Yonem's disbelief began to pick up what was left of the AMA-X7 Shamblo.

A voice that sounded that did not sound quite human and was far angrier than any person should be now yelled across the Zeonic Channels as it began to ascend into the air griping the remains of the AMA-X7 Shamblo. The pilot now yelled its inhuman voice "Is this what Zeon stands for! The False Comet has promised you hope he promised your victory he promised you a future, this may be news to you but ZEON HAS NO FUTURE!"

As he said those last four words the caped MS hurled what was left of the AMA-X& Shamblo over, away from where Yonem was. Which he was partly thankful for, since he knew that the Federation Reinforcements were coming from this direction. The other part was that from the way he had thrown it and the area it would land in, Yonem was certain or at least believed that Loni would survive. But this battle was far from over, Yonem knew that, the caped MS and the Federation reinforcements would have to be dealt with or at least fended off.

That said he now contacted five MS pilots and now told them "Break off the attack and retreat, we have to recover Loni and what is left of the Shamblo."

He received no arguments from either of the five pilots, they knew that he was giving them a way out. For those who would stay to fight on, death was certain. The Federation was not going to take kindly to what had gone down here now after what Loni had done more than ever. The only thing they could do now was hold out as long as they could and take down as many of the Federation MS as they could.


With Banagher

Up until this point, there had been no incidents and any reinforcements of the Federation were yet to arrive. They had been on route to pick up Marida and everything. But suddenly Banagher began to quiver inside the RX-0 Unicorn in dread, it was like he could feel that something was going to happen and then it happened. The red light that had shone from Torriginton was more than visible from where they were and it was terrifying to all who saw it.

But that alone was nothing compared to the pressure that Banagher felt as the words had been said. The pressure had increased greatly when the last four words had been yelled, but now it was gone. The NTD in the RX-0 Unicorn had almost activated because of it. Banagher was not sure what he felt, was it fear, was it anger, was it shame, he did not know what. That voice, it had been Hitoro's but it also had not been someone else's, Banagher was not able to pick up what it was that made the voice sound inhuman as it were.

One thing Banagher did not want to think of, was how this would effect Marida, she being a Cyber Newtype and all. He also wanted to know how Loni the girl he had met in passing was, she was the pilot of the big red MA or at least he felt that she was. One thing Banagher was sure of, was that Hitoro had done this because of what had gone down at Torrington. He must have been enraged by what the Zeon Remnants had done and were still doing there, just he had been in his MS when he saw it and not inside a ship on board their bridge starting a fight with the ship's Captain.

He would have to ask him what had gone through his head when he had decided to do this. He also wanted to know what he meant when he said that Zeon had no future. Did he mean that he would take out Zeon right here and now or did he mean that Zeon had no future as in it was all pointless. There were other possibilities as well, but right now in the heat of the moment, Banagher could not think of them. But one thing he could think of right now was going there and putting a stop to all of this.

So now he contacted the bridge of the Garencieres asking "Captain I want to go over there, someone needs to put a stop to this."

This idea was shot down by Suberoa who told him "No out of the question, if you go there you will get caught up in all of that, not to mention that the Federation's Reinforcements are going to arrive any minute now."

In reply to this Banagher said "No I am certain I can stop this, Hitoro will stop if I go to him, I am sure of it Captain."

Suberoa was not buying it and told him "I am not sure about you, but from the way he sounded and what he said he was not in the mood for talking, kid is not that I don't believe in you but if do go there then you would be at risk."

At this point the voice of Gilboa chimed in saying "What if he's not alone, he has faith in this Hitoro guy and right now we have eyes on Marida so we know he can't be that bad a guy."

Banagher was glad that Gilboa had decided to speak and help out here. Clearly he had more faith than Suberoa did at this point at least. Banagher could now hear Suberoa grumble that he was being tag teamed by the two of them before he said "Fine go, but pull back as soon as it seems to be going to out of control, I don't want to lose one of you yet alone both."

Before Banagher could thank him Suberoa cut the line, which in turn caused Gilboa to say "Well Banagher we are up I do hope you won't have to fight you friend, it would be hard on you I know."

Banagher gave the older man a nod before checking up to see now that the Garencieres was now landing and taking in Marida. He wondered if she had an answers as to why Hitoro was doing this, but then again she might know as much as he did. When he was in and out of a MS or rather that MS the Agito Zero, Hitoro was like two very different people it was something that had stuck in the back of Banagher's mind for a while, now it was only more evident than before.


Ra Cailum

Bright Noa was not sure what he had just seen, but something big was going down at Torrington. He had heard no news of a new MS that could output that much light. Now with the sudden change to the situation he was no longer sure if it was plausible to send in the Team Jesta or any other units to reinforce Torrington. Not until he had a grasp of the situation and the state of the battlefield there.

But at this point he was just a cog in the wheel and he had to follow his orders. So now he ordered from the bridge "Launch Team Jesta but approach with caution we don't yet know the full situation at Torrington yet."

There was something a miss here, something he had not been informed of and he was not pleased about that. All he could do was hope that the Federation Forces at Torrington could hold out against whatever it was they were facing. Yet some how deep within his years of experience with the MS like RX-78-2 Gundam, the MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam and the MSZ-010 ΖΖ Gundam. Told him that something similar was going on, he'd soon meet a pilot on par with the boy from Side 7 Amuro Ray, Kamille Bidan the child of Gryps and Judau Ashta the kid from Shangri-La.

The real question was why where they are Torrington, why now and why was it that they did not start off on his ship. Bright Noa though knew he had a job to do so now he pushed these thoughts to the back of his mind. In a rather commanding voice he now said "Begin the Operation to Relieve Torrington Base!"

There were a lot of things he did not like about this situation but he could do nothing about it. He would have to proceed with the operation as it was and the Ra Cailum would have to do its best, that was all they could do.


With Johnny Ridden

Former Ace pilot of the Principality of Zeon had been reading a few of the reports from Dakar when suddenly Uma Lightning burst into the room. "Johnny hey Johnny did you hear it, did you hear the news, the Zeon Remnants attacked Torrington and then well it all went up in smoke!"

Johnny raised his eyebrow as he now looked to the Cyber Newtype "So first Dakar and now Torrington, I guess they are trying to make a statement, I'm not sure what that is right now and I'm sure the Federation doesn't know either."

That was not what Uma wanted to hear at all, so he instead now elaborated for Johnny's sake. "No Johnny, that is not what I am saying, that Suit that strange Mobile Suit that we had been monitoring it rocked up there and then wrecked the giant Mobile Armour that the Remnants were using to tear up the civilian sector of Torrington."

Johnny now got up from where was sitting and shook his head in anger "I guess those idiots will never learn, I guess Zeon doesn't ever learn, we only have screw up after screw after screw after screw up! Attacking the civilian sector of a city, yes because that helps their cause so much."

Uma gave a pause before he spoke, Johnny was angry and it was not a good thing to reveal bad news to a guy who is already clearly pissed off. He let Johnny take in a few deep breaths before he broke the news to him "The guy in that Mobile Suit chose to broadcast a message across all Zeonic Channels. I'm not sure how he did that, but he said that Zeon had no future Johnny, he also didn't sound human when he said it, not to mention clearly very angry."

Johnny before he was about to ask what had been said or if they had it recorded paused to consider how Uma got this information. There was only one way he could have, so Johnny asked "Uma, how is it that we know he did this?"

Uma paused now as he felt some sweat roll down the back of his neck as he said "Um, he made broadcast, Johnny?"

Johnny now sighed as he said "You were listening in on it weren't you, how many times do I have to tell you, I was not going to just follow Char, I am not going to follow someone who thinks he is Char. Don't go using that damn channel and giving them false hope. On second thought do that, just to get rise out of them every once in a while."

Johnny was about to dismiss it when he recalled he had missed out one thing, that was Radio Channel and the others were links to Full Frontal. How did Uma know what the MS had done at Torrington and then the answer came to him and sighing now he asked "Full Frontal sent a video and you watched before clearing it with anyone didn't you Uma?"

Uma did not reply but the look on his face told Johnny he was guilty as charged. Johnny was tempted to put him in the brig, but that was not something he did to people. No when someone acted up he just scolded them, rather harshly or he cuffed them. So he now told Uma "Hey Uma, come a bit closer for a moment will ya?"

Uma obeyed and came closer to Johnny and in return for this, Johnny boxed him on the ear. Not hard enough to do any permanent damage, but enough to reprimand him. Uma did not strike back, he stepped back now nursing his ear as he asked Johnny "Hey what did I do to deserve that Johnny?"

In reply to this Johnny said "You know what you did, you have a habit of jumping the gun on literally everything, I may put up with it, but the others might not, I am not sure how many times you've been told this but here I'll try. YOU NEED TO GROW UP UMA AND ACT YOU BLOODY AGE ALREADY, YOU ARE NOT A FUCKING KID FOR FUCKS SAKE!"

At this point Ingrid walked into the room and saw what was going on she had chuckle to herself before she asked "Hey Johnny what did Uma do this time? Did he suggest destroying the Earth Federation or killing Full Frontal again?"

Johnny shook his head "No he did something even more stupid, he received communications from Full Frontal and did not relay them to me or call me to check out what was going. Instead he viewed it himself then came to me and over reacted to it, nothing new about the last part."

Ingrid now asked a rather relevant question "Just who left Uma alone in the Communications Room, no offence Uma but I don't believe that you are cut out for it, actually why were you in there in the first place don't we have two people monitoring it?"

Uma at this point said "Oh I was reviewing the data on that pilot, I think he might have been from the Flanagan Institute. Or he could be from the Murusame Labs, I'm not sure, but if it is the former he could be a data clone of Johnny like that Full Frontal guy is for Char."

Johnny now looked at Ingrid and was about to ask her if that made sense to her, but he did not. He could see now that Ingrid was considered at least something that Uma had just told them. So instead he now asked Ingrid "What is it is, do you believe that is a possibility that he could be from either of those two places?"

Ingrid now sighed as she said "If he is one, I'd hazard a guess to say that made him very durable, from what I have seen or what Full Frontal let us see of his data. He either uses lighting strike tactics to take enemies out as quickly as possible or he uses attrition to wear down his opponents without tiring out himself. If he is a Cyber Newtype then he is one hell of a monster that I would never want to be in the same room let alone fight in a Mobile Suit."

Johnny sighed before he said "Let's hope he is not a Cyber Newtype then, on the other hand, Uma go get the data that Full Frontal sent us this time, along with any clips and recordings of what is going on at Torrington. Ingrid go tell the others to set a course for Torrington, or at least the area around it, we won't arrive in time for the battle, but we can at least find him after it is done."

Uma did not need to be told twice but there was a question that began to burn inside him that he just had to ask right now. "Hey Johnny you're thinking of taking on this guy aren't you, Mobile Suit to Mobile Suit?"

Johnny shook his head before saying "Don't be absurd, I wouldn't want to fight that Suit or its pilot unless I had no other choice. But I wouldn't mind meeting him and learning where he trained as a Mobile Suit Pilot, it'd give some closure on how he is able to pilot his Suit in the way that he does."

Ingrid for her part had already left to tell the others what they planned to do now, so it was just Uma who heard Johnny say this. Which in turn caused him to ask "Johnny, by any chance, you are not jealous of this guy are you?"

Johnny looked at Uma as if he was an idiot and then said "Don't be a dumbass Uma, why would I be jealous, I am just interested in where he learnt to pilot like that, also where did he get is Mobile Suit from, I don't think Anaheim made it that is for sure. If they did they'd have used it by now and showed it off to the world, like they usually do."

Uma gave a nod and chose to say no more as he now rushed off to do as Johnny had instructed him to do. Johnny for his part sighed thinking about how a meeting between him and this guy would go. He was also still a little angry at the Zeon Remnants attacking the civilian part of Torrington, what the hell were they thinking.

If he'd been there he'd have been bloody pissed of with what was going on too and to boot they did it in the name of Zeon. Johnny was not sure about the Zabi Family, but he was sure that Zeon Zum Deikun was rolling in his grave at this.

He had to wonder where it all went wrong, was it the declaration of Independence of the Republic of Zeon? Was it the sudden death of Zeon Zum Deikun? Was it OPERATION BRITISH and the failure of holding General Revil who gave his now famous Zeon is Exhausted speech? Or was it even before that, before Zeon Zum Deikun himself, Johnny had to wonder about it right now, but at the moment, he guessed he would never truly know.


With Marida

Marida was not sure what had happened, thankfully she had been far enough away from Torrington not to get hit by the worst of the Newtype pressure wave that had been sent out form there. But she had been hit by the aftershock of it as it were. Anthony, no Xavier clearly had not liked what he had seen in Torrington and she could feel his anger even here. If she had to hazard a guess, it would be civilian casualties, needs civilian casualties that would cause herself to pause in horror at what had been done.

She had seen the approach of the Garencieres, they had come for her despite what was going on at Torrington. She also had seen Gilboa and who she could only suspect was Banagher in their own MS heading of to Torrington. Marida had to consider why they were going there and what they were going to do at Torrington once they got there?

Now as it came closer she was able to tell that it was not going to land just for her, that would be too dangerous. Now as they came within a reasonable range and hovered above in the air. From the MS launch hatch came a rope that fell down and from there Marida could see Tomura waving his arms at her and shouting something.

Whatever he was saying she could not hear it over the noise that the ship was making but it was clear he wanted her to grab onto the rope and climb up it. If it had been someone else, this might have been too much of an ask for they would likely begin to move as soon as possible. But for Marida, climbing that rope was not beyond her abilities, so she now ran for it and grabbed it before swinging closer to the hull of the ship and using that to help her climb/walk up the rope.

Even as she did this she felt the uneasiness of the ship and almost slipped, but should would not do so. Even though she did have to push her body to do it, she was able to make it up the rope with time to spare. As she did this she was received by Tomura who patted her on the back and said "Good to see you are alright Marida, we feared the worst."

The two of them now began to quickly pull up the rope before they retreated further inside the ship as the hatch began to close. Only after this and the extra noise was all gone, did Marida speak to Tomura which was "I am fine, what of Banagher and Gilboa, it was Banagher in the Unicorn wasn't it?"

Tomura took in a deep breath before he said to her "You might want to get to the bridge and ask the Captain about it."

From what Tomura just said and his facial expression while he said it, Marida was able to tell that something had gone done while she was away. Something that she needed to get an update on as soon as possible so she now told him "I will do just that and Tomura, it is good to see you to."

She did not see it but Tomura seemed to have a rather pleasant smile on his face after she said this to him. She was yet to realise it but he had not expected her to say that and was pleasantly surprised that she had done so. But she had no eyes for that sort of thing, right now she wanted to know what they were going to do next.

She also wanted to know why or how Banagher was able to cooperate with them so easily as it was. Up in space the last time she had seen Banagher, he had been trying to kill Full Frontal. So now as she got to the bridge she was getting ready to ask what had happened and report what had happened to her in kind. Although she was sure that they would not believe her so easily and they were right to doubt her.

The pilot of that MS Agito Zero was a man who she had seen was both kind, gentle, carefree, humble and relaxed. Yet at the same time he had shown her that he was both cocky, brutal, effect and merciless. He was a sort of man who wore masks, many masks, which was his actual face, if she had not seen his memories she would not have been able to tell.

Ayu Lori that name meant something to him more than anything else in the world, more than his own life even. She now had to decided if she would inform them of the link she had with him while in atmospheric re-entry or not? While it was private, at this point she did not know if he was the enemy or not. But she knew that she would have to come to a decision and come to it soon for she was now arrive at the bridge of the Garencieres.

Meaning she would soon be face to face with her Master the man who had saved her from that place. Marida now took in a deep breath as she now stepped out on the bridge, making the decision of what she was going to say?

Hey guys thanks for reading all this way please leave a review no flaming thanks

Also just to let you know I did start up a if any of you wanted to support me there it would be much appreciated.

Account P a treon: (slash) JAGA03