This is a little Soriel fic based off a request I got on my tumblr.
Please enjoy!
To say time hadn't left its mark on her, Toriel would be lying to herself. True, that although she was technically immortal, the years that had passed had aged her mentally. Years and years of being in the ruins, trying and failing to protect every human that had fallen through, before finally being able to see the surface had left the former queen mentally set: she may not look like it, but she was old.
It wasn't a hard concept to accept, just a complicated one. With her looks, she didn't look a day over thirty. With her cream colored fur, bright smile, and warm eyes, she could've easily been passed off as an average monster mother. But, everyone had already known. That boss monsters can never age unless they have a child, in order to take their place. And she had a child. She had two, in fact. Two lovely children, way back when life was somewhat peaceful, with bright smiles and warm embraces.
True, she has a child now, a very wonderful, adorable young child with the compassion of a saint. Her little savior, the one who freed the monsters and gave everyone a new hope to look forward to. But, knowing that they'll age on, whether or not they had a child, Toriel couldn't help but feel a bittersweet pain hitting her soul. She would watch her child grow old, alongside her friends, while she would remain forever young. She'd hate to watch a child die again, even through old age.
And with that thought, she had refused to get into romantic relations, discarding Asgore without a second thought, because immortality or not, she could not get back with him. That also closed off any other chances for other monsters to make their move on the goat mother. She couldn't afford to get attached, not when she could lose much more than what she already might've.
But, fate was in fact, a cruel thing, & Toriel couldn't help but feel her worries wash away when she was with him. She knew it had started way back when he began to visit her at the ruins, behind the door that separated her from the world. His deep voice, his humorous punchlines and his resonating laugh. She'd memorized it all, and back then she hadn't even known his name. He didn't know hers, either, but they both seemed so content with it that they never mentioned it. She'd listen to his cute stories involving his overeager brother, laugh at his terrible yet funny jokes, and miss his company when he'd leave.
She didn't want to, but she had gotten attached to him, to the point where she could call him her best friend. He'd even kept her promise, and looked after the child she so dearly called her own. She was indebted to him, and she'd be lying if she didn't hold a soft spot for him in her heart.
When she finally met him in person, she was certainly amused. He was a bit smaller than she expected, much rounder too. But he was adorable. His everlasting smile, his laid back attitude, his little pink fluffy slippers! She was delighted and excited to finally meet him face to face, and she felt even happier when they finally began to speak face to face, as if old friends.
And his name. Sans. It suited him perfectly.
Toriel knew that even after they've settled up at the surface, she'd be seeing more of Sans the punny skeleton. What she didn't expect was her developing more-than-friendly feelings for the small skeleton.
Like before, it wasn't hard. He was always there, always alongside Frisk & Papyrus, making sure they stayed in check when she was busy. He'd stay around to help Frisk with their schoolwork, keep Toriel entertained with news and jokes, and drain their supply of ketchup weekly. That last one wasn't much of a bonus, but Toriel admired his quirky taste for the condiment.
She also admired the way his smile would seem much more genuine when she was around, aas if he was truly happy to see her. She'd get a giddy feeling when she'd see that sly smile he'd have, right before saying a pun that would send Papyrus reeling. It was obvious to her, she really liked the skele-man. But, after he'd leave, her worries and fears would come rushing back, and she'd deject herself into thinking that, even if she wanted to, she could never be with him.
With the unsure feeling of having a relationship, along with the lingering fear of losing him as a friend, Toriel decided that she would keep her feelings about the skeleton hidden.
After all, he knew what she'd gone through, they all have. He had a feeling on how old she could be. And he knew about her status as former queen, and even then she couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.
She may look young, but in every monster's eyes, she will always be the century-old runaway queen.
Sans was nervous. Which was weird, considering his laziness & chill attitude, but he could not help it. He'd always get this way around her, and he wondered if she'd ever notice. But, this time was significantly different.
He won't be just talking to her tonight. He'll be asking the Queen of Monsters out. On a date.
Cue shaking knees.
He'd known he'd had these sweet feelings for the goat momma ever since he first spoke to her, when she laughed at his terrible joke like it was the best she's ever heard. He cared for her, which is why he kept his promise with the kid, despite his problem with promises. He even made a promise to himself, that if the lady behind the door would ever decide to leave, he'd take her out to dinner.
What he didn't expect was Asgore's long lost ex being behind the damn door. That had totally derailed him internally, but he had years of training in keeping his cool. He made sure he acted the same around her, making sure she was still comfortable. He had a feeling she wouldn't like him as much if he started being cautious around her and treating her like royalty, after all they've been through.
He decided to stay mellow and easy, doing small favors for the boss monster like look after the kid and keep her company like he'd used to. And frankly, it was relaxing. As if they were back in the Underground, talkin' it up like old times except he could hear her amazing laugh more clearly, and see her warm eyes light up and her fantastic smile and-okay buddy, easy there, you're rambling.
But he truly did care for her, a lot more than what friends usually care for.
And, he felt that it was about time he held up his personal promise, which is why he was outside the door of her house.
At 8 in the evening.
Shaking like a tree in high winds.
jeez, was it always this hard? get a grip, buddy…
Sans took a deep breath, even though he didn't necessarily need it, but this was putting a lot of pressure on him. There would be a lot of things at stake here, his friendship with her, his friendship with the kid, Papyrus's friendship with the family as well. There's also the slim chance that she could still have lingering feelings for Asgore, no matter how mad she was at him. They had a kid together, no pun intended.
Yeah, there really was a large chance of screwing up here. But, Sans was already here, and he couldn't back out now. Well, he could, but he knew he shouldn't, so he won't.
Raising a shaking hand to the door, he knocked twice.
heh, knock knock…
"Who is it?" he heard her sweet voice call out from inside.
"harry." He heard her soft laugh from behind the door.
"Haha, harry who?"
"harry up its cold out here." Sans grinned, as he was greeted with a giggling Toriel.
"Good Evening, Sans. Come in?" she offered.
Sans' nervousness came back full force once more, but he managed to swallow it down. "u-uh, not tonight, tori….b-but uh, i did come here t-ta ask ya something, heh…" he rubbed the back of his head nervously.
Toriel gazed down at the shaking skeleton, concern on her features. "Yes? Is everything alright?"
"o-oh u-uh" he clears his throat "mm, yeah, everythin's fine. just….tori?" he looks up at her.
"Y-Yes?" she inquired softly.
"h-how would you…um, i mean….ah damn uh…" he shook his head and stared into her eyes. "w-would ya wanna go out….with me, t-to dinner sometime?" he asked, cautiously.
To say that his question caught Toriel off guard would be an understatement. She was completely and utterly derailed from her train of thought.
"W…Whu…u-um, p-pardon?" she stutters, her face blushing scarlet.
Sans swallowed down a non-existent lump in his throat and looked at her with a fixed gaze. "t-tori…will ya go out to dinner with me?"
It took her a bit to process it, and when she did, she had to refrain from spontaneously combusting on the spot. He had asked her out on a date.
She looked at the small skeleton, and wanted so badly to accept his offer, but….her fears came rushing back in a blaze. Her chest tightened, as she felt very vulnerable and insecure.
You will always be the century-old runaway queen. A nasty voice spoke inside her head.
Toriel looked down at the skeleton, her heart paining deeply. "That sounds wonderful, Sans…" she saw his face light up. "…but, it's an offer I must refuse…I'm sorry…" she apologized, looking away from his face, before shutting the door.
Sans couldn't feel a thing for a while. He stood on the placemat for a solid three minutes, his eye-sockets blank, before he started shaking.
He felt his soul slowly chip apart, and he inhaled deeply, the feeling of rejection stabbing deep into his soul.
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
i should've known she'd say no. i mean, how could she ever consider a bonehead like me? heh…i'm such a goddamn idiot…
Sans turned on his heels and started walking down to the sidewalk, head downcast, eye-sockets still dark.
Those weren't tears streaking down his cheeks, no, it was just raining outside. And that stabbing in his being was from consuming a bad hotcat. Not the cold hard grip of hurt. Who was he kidding? He's Sans the skeleton. Nothing ever got to him.
Not even the former Queen of All Monsters.
He felt his soul break more, but he still managed to take a shortcut straight to his home, not once looking back at the house he was just standing at.
Check out the next chapter to see what happens next!