Hey there! Since so many started liking and following this story, I decided I would take the hint and try to update a second chapter with a short explanation of how Ramona survived the week. So, here we go...

The charade was working, it had been three days already and Ramona hadn't show up for lunch at the castleteria, instead she walked proudly through the corridors, biting into an apple and smiling broadly at every student that dared gaze her way. She had been the trending topic all week and rumors spread fast, specially with Blondie doing all the gossip. Many wondered if the baddest villain in Ever After, one of the few that still embraced their destiny, would eventually go to the other extent and forsake the tale altogether.

Cerise just leaned into her looker hearing all the chitchat in the halls about her sister. Darling approached her after seeing Ramona devour a carrot "I must say, Ramona is truly putting quite the show"

"I know! I can't believe Headmaster Grimm hasn't called her bluff"

"How does she manage though?" Darling asked "If she loves meat half as much as you do, this must be torture"

"Well you know, she has her methods"

"Cerise Hood, report to Headmaster Grimm's office" she heard in the speakers.

"It has something to do with this?" Darling asked a bit concerned.

"Can't think of anything else" she waved goodbye.

"He will receive you in a moment" a secretariat told her. So Cerise waited outside, being able to hear every bit of it.

"I am truly outraged!" Bad Wolf shouted "No daughter of mine can be a vegetarian!"

"I agree Mr. Bad Wolf, have she mention any of this to you?"

"Not once!" He growled. Now Cerise knew where her sister had inherit her acting skills. "I sure hope you have a plan! Ramona never acted this way back in the reserve, must be all this Royals around her. I've even heard she befriend that Royal Dancer girl"

"Well since all this Rebel and Royal calamity, many students have doubted their destinies and followed Raven Queen and her ideals"

"Well, I sure hope you have a plan to set this right! I only enrolled her because I thought she could reach her full potential, not to have a mayor set back!"

"I can assure you this will be my priority"

"Mr. Grimm, Cerise Hood is here" The secretariat said

"Hood?" Bad Wolf repeated " I sure hope she is not your solution" He walked to the door growling before winking her way.

"Miss Hood, come in" Grimm fixed his tie " I am sure that by now you already know about your villain's situation. She has not eaten meat in the past few days a very impressive deed"

"I've heard" she answered in her low voice.

"Miss Hood, are you content with your destiny?" he asked looking through the window


"You are willing to follow it, am I right?"


"Then you must know this is no good. No descent Bad Wolf can be as absurd as to be vegetarian"

"I don't know what to say, sir. She looks determined"

"I cant loose another villain to this ridiculous cause! Much less the daughter of a professor"

Cerise smiled to herself, if only Grimm knew about her "Well...I do love my mother's legacy. I wouldn't want it to all puff away, so she does need to play her part"

"Hexactly! Very well Miss Hood you might go now"

"Ok. I will do some deliveries in the good spirit of my tale"

"Of course! A marvelous idea" he said with conviction.

Cerise left the office and looked for her basket, a smile hiding in her lips. She wandered around the halls like a good Little Red Ridding Hood, until she finally stopped at a door and knocked five times.

The door swung open and she was pulled inside in less than a second.

"Where have you been?!" Ramona drove her to her side of the room locking the door.

Cerise gazed around before pulling her hood down exposing her ears.

"Headmaster Grimm's office" she laid the basket on the bed " Dinner" she announced.

"Oh, great I am starving! What are we having today?" She opened the basket finding her meal. She took some chicken feasting on it "so how is Grimm?"

"He fell for it, dad played his part well, he sure gave me the chills, I've never seen him act so mad"

"Nice!" She took another piece.

"You sure made the scheme" Cerise grabbed a chicken wing eating as well.

"It has been a perfect plan so far. I am surprised no one notices that you disappear every afternoon to come here"

"They are too busy gossiping about you to notice me"

"Well, couple of days more and this will be our usual dinners together"

"I would love that"

"Then lil sis" she took a couple of sodas "I will toast to that"

Cerise smiled "for Little Red Ridding Hood's story!"

"For The Big Bad Wolf tradition!"


I hoped you all liked it! Thanks for the reviews, the favs and follows! I will be working on my other fic Crown me Knight for now, but tell me your thought about this second part, thanks!