Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: You can never forget.
Your memories of her is engraved in everything.
Her smile in the sun. Her eyes in the moon. Her sweet disposition. Her dresses in bright, frilly kind of colors. Her comfort in soft pillows. Her kindness in your arms. Her long black hair in expensive silk.
Her kisses in your lips.
Her love.
You remember and it is a blessing, but more so is it a curse.
You are warmed and left cold both.
You remember her, this girl, this woman.
But no matter how hard you try, you cannot remember her face.
She haunts your dreams, the beautiful nightmares, and she smiles, the curve of her pink lips so pronounced, and there is the sea, and a meadow, and what looked like a long stairway. And a kiln, maybe, with her shoulders hunched and covered by wool. And you are beside her, near her, and oh you desperately want to take her hand but you don't. You are smiling, sadly, happily, you don't know. And she has no face, and you wake up gasping for air, heart on your throat, wheezing out a forgotten name.
Woo Bin tells you her name was Ga Eul.
She's your wife.
Both of you had been on an accident. Your Bentley lie smashed beside the highway.
Your arm is broken, and two of your ribs are in bad condition. Your hands are fine though, but you feel no relief where you should have.
"Where is she?" you ask them, concerned. "How is she?"
Jun Pyo swallows, brows furrowed. No one meets your eyes and you take a breath, and two, then three, and twice as rapid, until you realize that Ji Hoo is there to give you a shot, and tell him "Stop! Stop, don't. No. No, Ji Hoo!"
She could have survived, Jan Di tells you wobbly when you're done hyperventilating. She's crying, carrying a babe in her arms. "But, Ga Eul ah, she. Ahh… She begged the doctors to save the baby first."
When Ji Hoo, the only one strong enough to see you crumble, shows you her face, you cried. In your arms, your son cries with you.
Chu Ga Eul, staring at the camera, smiling at you mid-sunbae.
You remembered.
You can never forget.