He already knew that it was Spencer, he heard her voice before and sounded exactly like the shouting. He felt bad that he left her, he didn't want to and wished he didn't, he regretted it so badly.
He rushed in through the doors and saw his beauty in her worst state, she had tears down her face and looked wrecked and the most upset she's been. She was screaming from the pain but fidgeting from the uncomfortable situation. There was a nurse attempting to calm her but just made it worse. He rushed to her side and held her, tight and tried to stop her from moving. "It's okay Spence, I'm here"
She calmed knowing he was there although the tears didn't stop. She was in so much pain. She cried in his arms for a while until the sobbing slowed. He began to loosen his grip around her, but made sure not to go too far. He kept his hands intertwined with hers and made sure to keep his body as close to her as possible. He kissed her on her forehead and looked into her eyes, concerned.
"What happened Spence?" He asked slowly
She shook her head "I don't know"
"Okay…its fine…I'm here now" He placed another kiss on her forehead.
"I thought you left me" She said slowly "I was scared you wouldn't come back" She said even quieter.
"Spence I would never leave you. I just went to tell the girls what was happening that's all"
Spencer nodded and asked, "Can you turn the lights off again please?" as the nurse turned them on when she came in.
"Sure" He got up, switched them off and went back to his seat, next to Spencer. She didn't want to close her eyes when he wasn't holding her hand or just holding her so stared at him walking across the room until she could touch his soft skin again.
"Spence get some sleep, I won't move from this spot" He reassured her.
Spencer slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep once more. She carried on having the dream about the hallway and the darkness. The falling wouldn't stop, she wanted it to stop. She needed it to stop.
She was flinching in her sleep but Toby tried to ignore it knowing she needed the sleep. At that moment, Veronica came through the door.
"I came as soon as I could" She tells Toby "How is she?" She asks
"She's okay, they don't know what's wrong with her yet"
Spencer begins to move more but quickly settles down.
"Okay, I'm going to speak to the doctor to find out what's going on" She says as she walks out the door.
At this point Spencer was beginning to moan and whimper in her sleep causing Toby to wake her up.
"Spence…Spence…wake up" He nudged her a little.
Spencer opened her eyes wide suddenly and looked at Toby. She wanted him to get into bed with her and hold her but she knew that it would cause more pain if she were to move.
"What?" She asked
"Were you having a nightmare?" He asks
"No" She lies
"Okay, your mum is just talking to the doctor" He informs her.
"How long has she been here?" She questions
"She only just arrived, she said she came as fast as she could"
"Okay" Spencer laid her head back again only this time keeping her eyes open for when her mother returned.
She didn't have to wait long as her mother came almost instantly, rushing to her daughters side. Even though Spencer felt comfortable with her mother she still kept a firm grip on Toby's hand throughout everything.
"How are you feeling honey" She asked her daughter
"Okay" She responds. Spencer didn't want to tell her mother the reality of her pain. In all honesty her mouth was dry and sore, her head pounding and dizzy.
"Okay, well the doctor said they don't know what it is but your completely stable so you can go home today"
Spencer was happy about the news although she didn't really want to go home as that meant Toby couldn't stay with her throughout the night and hold her hand.
"Okay" Spencer whispered
"We just have to wait for your prescriptions which she said will be about 10 minutes" Veronica announced
"Do you want me to go find a wheelchair Spence?" Toby asked
"Uhh…yeah please" Spencer found it hard to let him go but she knew he wouldn't be long so she just tried to hold on.
"Why didn't you call me?" Veronica asked her daughter, now with her hand on Spencer's leg at the side of her bed.
"I didn't want to bother you" Spencer admitted
"Well you should of…I'm taking the next week of work to stay with you"
"You don't have to do that" Spencer said, her voice getting quieter
"Spencer I'm your mother, of course I have to do that"
Just a second later Toby came in with a wheelchair and wheeled it over to the side of Spencer's bed
"I'm going to go hunt down those prescriptions but I'll meet you in the reception" Veronica said knowing the two wanted to be alone.
"Right babe, can you swing your legs round off the bed?"
"Yeah I think so" Spencer said
She took a deep breath and moved her legs, she had to hold onto Toby to help her sit up and stable herself but eventually sat in the position.
Toby held Spencer close, his arms around her waist and her's around his neck.
"I love you Toby Cavanaugh" Spencer said as they stared into each other's eyes
"I love you too" He said, giving her a light kiss in the lips.
"Can you stand or do you want me to lift you?"
"I think I can stand" Spencer said unsure
She gripped to Toby just in case and eventually got herself into the chair.
The rest of the journey to the car and home passed by and before Spencer knew it she was being carried up the stairs to her room by the one she loved most.
He placed her on her bed and pulled the covers over her.
"Stay with me?" Spencer asked
"I wouldn't be anywhere else" Toby said as he kissed Spencer passionately.