"Now have you got your toothbrush? Do you have enough jackets? Do you have that emergency phone book I gave to you-"
"Mom!" Marty McFly exclaimed in exasperation. "Mom, it's all cool! I've got everything and I'm fine, really! It's not like I'm getting shipped off to the 'Nam, it's just college!"
"Oh I know honey," Lorraine's eyes welled up with tears. "But oh George! I cannot believe it. I cannot believe it! Our own baby is off to college."
Marty flushed crimson and his dad seemed to have noticed his embarrassment.
"Now Lorraine," George comforted his wife, wrapping an arm around her adoringly. "I know this is overwhelming but remember what we promised Dave when he went to college?"
"No mushy business," the couple answered in unison.
"And I think it's only fair we don't embarrass Marty on his first day of college," George concluded. "Come on Lorraine, you weren't this distraught when I went off to Stanford."
"Oh you're right George," Lorraine sighed, wiping her tears away. "I was near hysterics when you enlisted though. Do you remember that?"
"How could I not?" George smiled fondly. "You scared the damn enlisting officer to death until he finally gave you my flight number."
"Let's not go down the memory lane," Marty interrupted, sensing the lovey-dovey tension between his parents was escalating too quickly for his liking.
Ever since he altered the timeline, his parents were closer and more in love than any couple than you could imagine and sometimes he was still weirded out by how intimate they were. His old parents couldn't even get a word across to each other and there was always that uncomfortable awkward tension that permeated the air whenever he was in a room with them.
"Yes, yes, you're right Marty," Lorraine sobered up. "Oh baby I'm just going to miss you so much! I'm just so glad Jennifer's going here as well as soon as she gets back from Wisconsin. At least I know you'll have a friend here and she'll look after you; she's such a good girl."
"Yeah you got that right," Marty grinned at the irony. His old mom hated Jennifer while this mom simply adored her.
"Now remember," George placed a hand on Marty's shoulder. "If you have any issues with the students just go talk to my friend alright? Professor Curtis, he teaches comparative literature and he'll help you with whatever issue you come across."
"I know dad, I know," Marty rolled his eyes. "I've met him before, at that weird authors convention thing?"
"Well he's a nice guy," George said. "And he's one of the finest authors I've - Hey! Isn't that Dean Vernon?"
"You're right George," Lorraine said, as she spotted the dean striding across the quad talking to some couple with a weedy nerdy kid between them. "Maybe we should go say hi."
"Well I'm going to my dorm to unpack then," Marty said. Dean Vernon could be only summarised in one word according to Marty: Dickhead. He had no interest talking to that douchebag any more than he could since he was going to live with him for the next 4 years.
"Oh Marty, then we'll come with you," Lorraine began.
"NO! NO! It's cool! Really," Marty quickly replied. "You just go talk to Dean Vernon and I'll meet you guys up later."
Before his mom could protest Marty slung his guitar over his back and took his bags, heading towards the dorm rooms.
John Hughes University had been Marty's first choice of a college. This place was Doc's alma matter after he got expelled from Brown and Harvard and Doc said he had some of his best memories here at John Hughes. The campus was great, the dorm rooms had been good and in Doc's opinion the professor back in his day weren't asses but after meeting Vernon, Marty wasn't so sure.
But hey, college couldn't worse than facing off with Buford 'Mad dog' Tannen or having the destiny of your whole family resting on your shoulders right?
There were exactly four defining moments in Cameron's life where he absolutely freaked out:
1. The time when he broke his retainer
2. The time when Ferris had broke his mother's Italian flower vase
3. The time when Ferris had taken his dad's Ferrari
4. The time he found out he had Charles Mason's nephew was his roommate
"Hey Peewee," Charles Mason Jr. said, not noticing Cameron's panic at the sight of the knife in his hands. "Why don't you take a picture instead of standing there like a retard."
Cameron didn't respond.
"Let me rephrase," his roommate said. "Do. You. Speak. English?"
Endless possibilities ran through Cameron's head as his blue eyes just stared at his roommate.
What if he was a drug dealer? What if he was a homicidal maniac? What if he was burglar? What if he was a terrorist? What if he was a rapist?
This place just had to be the worst place ever to exist. This was even worse than his home.
First he found out that Ferris was in the same college; that meant trouble. Then he finds out that Rooney was a professor here; that meant shit. And now he has a homicidal maniac as his roommate; that meant fuck.
His roommate just glared back at him before rolling his eyes muttering something about being stuck with a retard before going back carving his bed posts.
Judging by the fact that his roommate seemed like a homicidal maniac, rapist, drug dealer and a burglar all at the same time Cameron could only stare and hope that his roommate would be arrested before term started.
What had he gotten himself into?
Can anybody guess who Cameron's roommate is? And remember reviews= LOVE