So I'm trying something new by writing a Vampire Knight (VK) fanfiction -and this is my first one- since I always loved the manga and anime. Please, feel free to enlighten me about VK anytime.
This is a "what if" type of fanfic. What if Yuki was never turned into a human and she lived with her brother, Kaname Kuran, instead of growing up with Kaien Cross? This how I imagine things will be. Tell me what you think.
Warning: This fanfic is an AU. The characters will be OOC. There will be dark content such as sexual content, violence, and adult language. I'm rating this story Mature.
Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Knight or the characters.
Strong arms wrapped around me as a soft voice whispered in my ear. "I'm sorry, Yuki." One arm loosened from around me and gently brushed the hair away from my face. It was dark in the empty hallway and the smell of blood was getting stronger. I hugged my mother as my fear rose. The blood was heady and familiar. As a vampire, I recognized whose blood was being shed.
"Fa-th-er," I squeaked.
"Everything will be alright," my mother said. Her words were meant to comfort me but I knew better. Father's blood was a warning that whoever was after us was far stronger than any of us. Mother, big brother and I couldn't get out of here alive.
"Mommy, I'm scared," I whispered. Tears fell from my eyes and down my cheeks as I buried my face against the crook of her neck. "It's getting closer."
She hugged me tighter. "Yuki, my dearest daughter," she said next to my ear. She pushed aside some hair away from my face before she continued. "Please forgive me."
I pulled away from her. "Mom-my?"
Even in the dark, I could see my mother's saddened brown eyes staring back at me. "You won't understand today but someday you will."
"We are purebloods and your Uncle Rido is after you because of my fatal mistake. In order to protect you, I will seal away your pureblood powers. I won't turn you into a human. That will leave you too vulnerable. Instead, I will make you into an ordinary vampire and no one but your big brother will be able to know your true identity."
I didn't understand what her words meant but I could tell from her action, she was saying goodbye.
"Mommy," I squeaked as I hugged her tightly.
"Stay by Kaname's side. He is cursed to carry darkness and you are his only light."
"Mommy!" I said desperately. Her voice was fading.
"Promise me," she said weakly. Her grip loosened around my form.
"Mom!" I pushed away from her chest and my eyes widened at the sight in front of me. My mother's arms went limp at her sides as she fell down to the floor. Blood marred her once beautiful and ethereal face. It traveled down her body, staining her light dress and pooling around her prone form. I backed away stunned. Words were caught in my throat as the unnatural vampire glow faded from her eyes.
The smell of her blood mixed with father's blood.
I backed away until I lost my balance. My rear hit the ground hard as my shallow breaths filled the eerie silence in the hallway. There was no way mom could be dead. Then more tears burst from my eyes.
It didn't register in my mind when a door opened by my side to let the light pour into the dark hallway or when a hand shot out and dragged me into a windowless room. The sudden shaking of my whole body and my brother's pale face were the only real things that shook sense into me and then I was in his arms, holding on for dear life as my cries echoed in the room I had known all my life. It was the same room that my parents kept me under lock and key for the fear of what the Council had in store for the pureblood vampires. It was the only room my family gathered in and told me stories about the outside world when I wasn't allowed to leave the house.
I was kept hidden but Uncle Rido knew about my existence and he wanted me.
"I'm sca-red," I sobbed into my brother's shoulders. I could feel an ominous presence getting closer to us. The air around us intensified. I could hear the sound of shoes hitting the polished floors. "Mommy." I struggled to get out of my brother's hold as I realized our mother's lifeless body lay in the hallway for the monster to find.
"No," Kaname warned me. "We can't go out there yet!"
"But mommy!"
"She's gone!" I beat against his chest with my fists but he was stronger than me. He pulled me against his frame and buried my face against his neck.
"Mommy!" I tried to cry out her name but he muffled my cry with one of his hands.
"He will be distracted by her blood but if you make too much noise, he'll come for us."
The footsteps got louder outside the door and then it suddenly stopped. My sobs died as I strained my eyes to see the doorknob. I waited for the knob to turn and for the door to fling open to reveal the monster. Instead silence greeted us.
"This must be our chance," Kaname said. "I will count to three and when I do, we'll make a run for it outside the house. Do you understand?"
I somewhat nodded my head.
"And no matter what you do, don't look back." He didn't remove his hand from my mouth.
Again, I nodded.
"Okay," he whispered. He breathed in before he slowly counted out the numbers. "1, 2 and 3."
He quickly let me go to only grab and tug on my hand. With his other hand, he pushed open the door and ran into the hallway with me in tow. The light from the windowless room provided a little glow but it was enough for me to see the gruesome sight. I should have listened to my brother's words but I couldn't fathom the idea of leaving our mother's dead body behind.
My head turned while my brother pulled me with all his might. Yet nothing could have prepared me as I watched a lithe figure crawling on the floor. His tongue was licking at the excess blood around our mother's dead body. His dark and beady eyes turned towards me as he raised his head and his bloody lips turned upward in a menacing smile. My lungs froze as my heart lurched in my throat.
Then I heard his wicked laughter follow us all the way down the hallway.
I awoke in a large bedroom, drenched in sweat. The blue light bulb from across my bed flashed at me, causing me to squint my eyes. I shook my head as I swiped a hand through my damp tresses. It was another night my parents' death haunted me in my dreams. Lately, I had been having recurring dreams about their deaths. It was as if my dreams were warning me about something, but I didn't know what.
I sat up and the bed sheets fell to my waist, exposing my thin bage tank top. I pushed away the heavy sheets, to swing over my legs to side of the bed. Instantly, I noticed how the usual gray sweat pants I slept in was nearly falling from my waist. It was a good thing Kaname wasn't here to see it or else his dark eyes would linger there and flash red. I rose and lifted my slender arms over my head. I stifled a yawn with the back of my hand before making my way to the metal doorframe of my room. I switched another light on and headed to my desk where an open journal and pen was waiting for me. I made a habit to write down my dreams, no matter how painful or absurd they were because I believed they sent key messages or warnings. Mostly, I told Kaname about my dreams to discover their meanings, but for some reason I couldn't talk to him about our parents' deaths. Their deaths happened a long time ago that I couldn't remember how old I was.
The chair scraped across the wooden floor, as I pulled it out to take a seat. I winced at the sound, hoping it didn't alert Kaname of my presence. I wanted enough time to record my dream in detail. As I turned to a new page and began to scribble down the events that I could recall, I heard a sudden twitch of a lock being unbolted. Quickly, I closed my book, opened a draw and tossed the book inside it while the metal door opened to reveal my tall and handsome brother.
He walked right into my room as though he owned it and he made himself comfortable on my unmade bed. I sighed as I turned my whole body toward his direction. Momentarily, his eyes roamed my figure, taking in the curves my beige tank top exposed and low dip of the sweat pants at my hips. I could have sworn I saw his eyes flashed red but it was my imagination. His eyes usually turned red if he lusted for blood or if he used his vampire powers. He had fed from me four hours ago and my blood had enough sustenance to hold him over until the next day unless he used his vampire pureblood power. If he did use his power, then he had to feed twice from me. The only problem was he had to be careful how he spilled my blood because it intoxicated other vampires. We learned it the hard way after our parents died.
We were running through the forest to get away from Uncle Rido when the branches from a tree sliced my face. Blood leaked out from the shallow cut, but it was enough to attract a Level E vampire nearby. Usually, Level E vampires were humans who turned into vampires but due to their constant craving for human blood, their minds became degenerate. They simply turn into mindless zombies searching for human blood and flesh to gorge in. Kaname saved my life by crushing the Level E vampire's head. I would never forget how his eyes brightened with bloodlust as he licked the vampire's blood off his fingers.
From then, we learned that although my blood still maintained the sweet aroma that purebloods carried, my pureblood powers dispersed. I wasn't human since I could still drink blood but I couldn't use any powers at all. I became an ordinary vampire, Level C or probably Level D. As long as my blood remained in my body, other vampires such as the noble vampires and the pureblood vampires would think I was an ordinary vampire.
"Yuki," my brother greeted me in a husky tone.
"Brother," I returned, knowing that I could only refer to him by that title when we were alone. If there were other people around, I referred to him by our last name as a form of respect and his title, a pureblood.
"I see you're awake."
I closed the draw with my elbow while keeping my attention on him. "I couldn't sleep," I answered truthfully. He would be able to scent my deceit.
"You care to share your dreams with me?" he questioned as he pushed his body upright. He leaned forward on the bed with his elbows on his knees. He gave me one of those intense stares, which left me feeling unnerved.
My lashes lowered as I shifted uncomfortably on the chair. "I don't know."
"You don't know about what?"
"I... don't th-ink.. it's important," I stuttered like some school girl idiot.
He was up in a flash. His large form knelt before me so he was at level with me. His large and warm hand gently pushed aside my bangs until I had no choice but to look at him.
"Everything you tell me is important," he revealed to me. He gently brushed the back of his hand against my right cheek. His eyes turned gentle. He was only this gentle and warm when he was with me. When he was with other people, he became cold, commanding and elegant. His change in demeanor came with his status as a pureblood. Pureblood vampires were considered royalty.
"I know but I don't want to burden you with any more trivialities." I turned my gaze to the silky black buttoned up top he wore.
His knuckles grazed the bare skin of my throat until it was under my chin. His fingers curled around the curve of my chin and he gently tilted my head. He used his knuckles as a leverage to keep my chin in place, my eyes were leveled on his unusual red-brown eyes. I couldn't look away from him. "You can never burden me, Yuki."
Our relationship was quite different and awkward from other normal relationships. In the human world, siblings couldn't be together because it was considered incest. Incest was a taboo. In the vampire world, incest was normal. It was how most pureblood vampires were able to exist, especially the Kuran family. Kaname and I were brother and sister and we agreed a long time ago to follow in our parents footsteps. We were going to be like them when we got older. However, Kaname wasn't my real brother. He was a distant ancestor of a Kuran who replaced my brother's body.
"I know," I responded. My eyes drifted shut as my forehead slightly touched his.
Maybe if I lived as a human and was raised with their customs then I would think of our relationship as wrong. Perhaps. But it felt right to be with him.
His hot breath puffed against my face, stirring a hunger inside me. My heart quickened and my throat went dry. I pulled away from him and breathed in a large amount of air into my lungs. I was afraid to open my eyes because he might see my bloodlust.
"Yuki," his smooth voice called to me.
Another breath escaped me as my body shuddered from the catch in his masculine tone.
"Look at me." His breath was hot on my cheek.
Stubbornly, I shook my head.
"Yuki," he admonished in a serious tone.
When Kaname turned serious, he was showing his regal side, which refused any denials or rejections from his requests. I gulped, knowing he might punish me if I refused to open my eyes.
"Yuki, open your eyes."
I inhaled a breath through my nose before doing as he commanded and my heart fluttered as his dark orbs searched my own. "Were you simply going to deny your hunger?" he chided me.
I settled with crossing my arms over my chest. "You and I both know I can't feed from you," I reminded him. I had to constantly warn him about what would happen if I ever drank his rich blood. Any vampire would detect his blood running through my veins and I would be severely punished or sentenced to death.
"Don't give me that cryptic stuff," Kaname's voice lowered an octave. "There's no one but Seiren to scent my blood and she's the only other person who knows who you are."
Seiren was our friend and bodyguard. Kaname stumbled across her plight when he was away on a Council Meeting trip. She had lost her home and family due to the Council and came on our doorstep with bloody and tattered clothing. Kaname and I decided for her to stay with us and she had been with us ever since.
I turned my head away from him before sighing. "What about that insufferable Aido?"
"What about him?" I could sense Kaname's playful smirk.
"He's rude and childish."
"And..." I wanted to wipe his smirk off his face.
"He spends too much time in our home."
"Do I sense jealousy?"
I snapped my head in his direction. Disbelief was written on my face. "You got to be kidding me?"
His dark eyebrow rose in question. "Well, he gets to spend more time with me."
"That's because you have me locked up like some animal," I retorted. Then I clamped a hand over my mouth, realizing my sudden mistake. My eyes widened when he shifted away from me.
As he turned his back to me, I reached out and grabbed the end of his shirt. My head lowered in shame. "I'm sorry, big brother."
He shook his head. "No, it's my fault-."
"You don't keep me here because you want to. You keep me because you have to. We don't know the Council's reactions if they find out about my existence."
"That's where you're wrong," Kaname said in a low tone that was almost impossible for me to hear.
"What?" I asked in astonishment.
"I want nothing more than to lock you away from the world," he said. Then he turned to face me. The intensity in his red eyes caused me to scramble back in my chair until it tipped over and fell on the floor. I squeaked, preparing to follow the chair when his arm shot out and curved around my waist. He hauled me into his hard chest.
"Yuki," he whispered my name. His hot breath blew against the shell of my ear. I shuddered before realizing our predicament. There was no way I could let him feed from me again. He would be taking too much blood. I began to push against his chest with my hands but my attempts was futile. He was too strong and he was caught in his bloodlust to realize what he was doing.
"Broth-Kaname, no!" I shouted as I struggled against him. "You can't!"
"Yuki," he said as though he was caressing my name before his wet lips touched the bare skin of my throat. I gasped as my whole body stiffened. One part of me wanted to give in, to let him take my blood. Another part wanted me to stop him. Unlike him, I didn't produce enough blood after each feeding and I didn't feed that night. If Kaname took too much blood, it could mean my death.
"Please, no!" I struggled harder until I felt one of his canine pierced my skin. My eyes shot open and my body stilled.
I felt my blood leaked from the wound he niched and then his tongue swirled around the cut. I tried my best not to move while he satisfied his craving. Fighting against him only invited his darker vampire side to indulge in his prey's fear. And I was his prey.
Yet if he took too much blood, which had happened before, he would severely punish himself. He would avoid me for many days and his rejection would pain me. It was his avoidance that made me realize how much he meant to me. He was literally my world.
His face stayed by my throat as he breathed in my scent and then he moved his face away until he was within my eye sight. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I didn't mean to."
His dark eyes looked away. He was drawing away from me as he straightened me up in his arms. His face was semi-turned when my hands fisted into his shirt. There was no way I was going to let him punish himself. I couldn't bear not seeing him for days. He was the only one who was allowed into my room. If I saw the others, Aido or Seiren, I had to be in his study. But then again came the common question from Aido. "Who is she when she's not a noble?"
And according to Kaname, Aido was observant. I couldn't be seen in close proximity with him, not when Kaname was working on the Cross Project. The Cross Project was an educational institution in which vampires and humans could attend. This helped vampires and humans to coexist on common ground. He needed the Council's approval. If the Cross Project was accepted, then I would be associated with other vampires. More so, I could interact with humans. It was our mother's dream for vampires and humans to coexist someday and the first step began with establishing a safe environment. However, this meant that Kaname had to correlate with Aido since Aido's father had high connections with people in the Council.
It also meant that Kaname had to leave home often. Sometimes he would be gone for a couple days. Other times he could be gone for as long as two months. During those times, I dreaded his departure. Although Seiren kept me company, the large house we lived in felt dead. I missed him so much that I couldn't concentrate on my studies.
"It's okay," I whispered back to him. "It's not your fault."
I must have said the wrong words because he pulled away, not heeding how I clutched on tightly to his black shirt. In the next moment, we collapsed on my bed in tangle of limbs. I was sprawled on top him while he laid back on the mattress. Both of us were heavily panting. One of my hands let go of his shirt to brush back his dishevel locks when I noticed his eyes didn't have the unnatural red gleam. I closed my eyes and touched my forehead to his hard chest.
"Bother," I said, hoping he could hear me. "I don't blame you for craving my blood. I crave for yours too -."
"But I'm a monster," Kaname interrupted me. "As much as I love you, I can't control myself when I'm around you. You're not safe."
I lifted my head while I let go his shirt with my other hand. Forcefully, I cupped his face with my hands, turning his face so I could look into his clouded eyes. There was so much regret and sadness that I felt a pain in my chest. I slightly shook my head, blocking the feeling.
"The last time I checked, I'm still alive." I gave him a shaky smile. "Besides, if you leave me alone for too long, I will rebel and go out to find you."
"We can't have a repeat of last time," he said quietly. I almost didn't hear him. His long fingers glided gently through my hair. I refrained from closing my eyes and immersing myself in such a simple pleasure. Instead, I focused on comforting him
"It won't happen again as long as you stay with me."
His eyes were clearing up. "What about those days when I have to attend a Council's meeting?"
"Then take me with you."
"I wish I can but they mustn't know about your existence."
I sighed. "I wish I can go outside with you and let people see us together."
His fingers glided from my hair to the back of my throat. His thumbs trailed small circles until goose bumps formed along my exposed skin. "We're both working hard to make that day happen. That's the Cross Project objective."
"I know but that stupid project makes me see less of you these days."
His pale lips tugged upward in a small half smile. "Again, it sounds like your jealous of Aido."
I frowned at him, momentarily forgetting the pleasurable sensation at the nape of my neck. "No, I think he has somewhat of a crush on you."
Kaname shook his head until dark hair fell into his eyes. I brushed the hair away. "You sourly mistaken. He has a list of fan girls he dates every week."
"Yet when you call for him, he drops everything, even them, to come to you."
"What can I say?" He smirked. "The last time I check, I'm royalty."
"Oh I forgot," I said. I pulled my upper body, removing his caressing hands at my neck until I straddled him. I waved my hand in the air to salute him. "All hail Lord Kuran."
"And my little Lady Kuran," he added. Both his large hands grasped the sides of my waist and he raised me with ease. He sat up on my bed and repositioned me to sit comfortably in his lap.
"Unfortunately, you and Seiren are the only ones who know who I am."
"And if I continue to have my way, I will keep everything as it is so I can have you all to myself."
I thumped a fist to his chest. "That's unfair!"
His eyes flashed red before turning back to normal. "I don't think so."
He hugged me as I huffed at him. "Seriously, you get to have all the fun and I have to study all the time."
He raised an eyebrow. "Not all the time."
I flushed and my eyelashes lowered. He chuckled. It vibrated from his body to mine. I smiled, feeling contented at the fact I was able to lighten his dark mood. I never completely understood what mother meant about Kaname having a darker side. To me, all vampires have a dark side. We were natural predators. However, I would keep our promise about staying at his side. I knew his secrets. I have seen how he looked at me compared to other people.
His eyes may have glinted red when they landed on me but I was the only who could satisfy his hunger. There was no room for anyone else.
Or so I thought...