Thanks for the reviews!

I Write Stories Sometimes (sorry your name isn't fully accurate-the document refuses to save it correctly): For some reason (pretty much my rush), I didn't see your review for last chapter. Now that I'm reading it, though, I'm laughing super hard. "Daddy Maou" just made my day, so thanks!

3mee: I also didn't see your review, sorry. The mystery of getting Urushihara a cure will begin to clear up soon…

Reader: Ok your review was one of the most inspiring I have seen. I am so happy that you like this story, and here's a soon-ish update :)

PineconeQueen: Glad to know my writing gives people feels :P Enjoy the Chiho and Emi scene! (I totally missed seeing your previous review, so sorry for not responding! And thanks for reviewing again regardless!)

BloodiedCoreOfHope: Logging in is overrated anyway. It's awesome that you think nobody's too OOC, thanks!

Blackthorn Ashe: That suggestion is actually really amazing, and you'll find it in this chapter! Thank you for the brilliant idea!

pikaree1: I can totally relate with checking your email for updates! Well, this time, your email did not disappoint :)

As the preschoolers filed out for recess, Mr. Kato had some time to mull over the meeting. Normally he would worry for Urushihara at this time, but now he just felt…empty. There was no proof that he could even take to the police. There was nothing he could do.

Meeting Maou and learning more about Urushihara's home life had short-circuited the teacher. There were far too many horrors and new ideas for Mr. Kato to process. He didn't even know where to begin.

Both of Urushihara's guardians seemed to dislike him immensely, to the point where he was left alone at home. Apparently, he also "hates leaving the house," but Mr. Kato suspected that the toddler was more of a prisoner.

Well, if nothing else, Mr. Kato thought as he watched the kids play, I guess I'll just keep a closer eye on him from now on.

Ashiya was at the library of a neighboring town when his phone rang. "Sire?" he asked in surprise.

Maou's voice came pouring through the phone. "I messed up big time. I'm at MgRonald's all day today—I didn't think and I accidentally scheduled a shift for right now."

Ashiya blinked. "But Urushihara needs to be picked up in half an hour."

"That's the reason I called." Maou laughed sheepishly. "Could you pick him up today?"

Closing his book with an irritated snap, Ashiya realized why he had figured coming to this particular library in search of new material was a bad idea. "Rush hour is now. Unfortunately, if I hurried back, I would still be late."

A new voice came over the phone. "Mr. Maou?"

"Yeah, Chi?"

Ashiya wondered whether or not to hang up, but decided to stay on the line just in case.

"If you wanted, I'd be happy to pick up Urushihara. I was just about to leave," Chiho offered.

Ashiya knew he had to speak before Maou agreed. "Sire, if I may, are you sure that nothing will happen to Urushihara if he is out in the world with no protection?"

"I guess," Maou agreed. There was a pause, then he grudgingly added. "I guess it's time to call Emi. Even though she's a complete pain, and a good-for-nothing irritant who's always in the way, and my complete enemy—not to mention that she…"

That was when Ashiya hung up.

Urushihara was super irritated when his day at preschool ended. Acting like a little kid was hard, even if he'd gotten kind of used to it. And to make things worse, Rei had sat down on his carpet square. Everyone knew that the purple square in the corner was his!

"Is not!" Rei taunted, not moving.

"Is too!" Urushihara crossed his arms.

With a jolt, he shook himself and found a different carpet square. "I think spending time with these little idiots is messing me up," he muttered to himself.

Luckily, the bell distracted him from his horrible thoughts.

Unluckily, neither Maou nor Ashiya walked in with the other parents. The hero and burger-flipper did.

Chiho immediately squealed, ignorant of the guarded way the teacher was watching her. "Mr. Maou told me about you, but I didn't think you'd be so cute!" She rushed over and tried to hug Urushihara, which he evaded.

Emi stalked over behind Chiho, clearly irritated about being there. "Don't spoil him just because he's small."

Urushihara glared at her.

"You still hate him, Miss Yusa?" Chiho sounded interested.

Emi shook back her hair. "I can't just forgive him!"

"I am standing right here you know."

Unfortunately, neither Emi nor Chiho paid Urushihara any attention as they continued their conversation.

"You don't know him like I do." Emi continued haughtily. "He's horrible."

The sound of someone spluttering turned their heads, but when they saw the teacher was just choking on water, all three people turned back.

Urushihara was the first to speak. "Then why'd you give me crayons?" He tried to sound more biting, but in a toddler's voice, it was kind of pathetic.

Emi's cheeks burned bright red. "Shut up! I told you, Maou made it sound like you were dumber!"

Urushihara knew that Maou hadn't told Emilia the Hero that his brain was unchanged, but he still snorted, feeling triumphant of getting a rise out of Emi. "Of course he did." Even he couldn't tell if his words were sarcastic or not.

Chiho butted in. "Don't say that about Mr. Maou! He is very absentminded. Maybe if it was Mr. Ashiya…"

Urushihara smirked as he looked up at her (why were little kids so short). "Yeah, he hates me. Pretty sure they both do."

Frowning, Chiho once again stood up for Satan. "Mr. Maou lets you stay with him!"

Emi was the one to argue next. "I doubt he's capable of any positive feelings."

Although Urushihara was no longer serving under Maou, he still felt the need to retaliate. "I doubt you are, cou egil teko." Without realizing it, he slipped into Ente Islan. "Htij ij sujh lire zayr in Enhe Ijla ften, ften cou rillex pe." It was still hard for him to talk about, but he plowed through anyway as Emi scowled, Chiho cocked her head, and Mr. Kato raised an eyebrow. "Cou alfacj tage ho injulh Rinv Jahan, egen htouvt te ij jhkonvek htan cou'x egek tome ho ze!"

Emi bristled, and automatically responded also in Ente Islan. "Cou'ke one ho halr, NEEH!"

"Don't stoop to his level, Miss Yusa!"

Unfortunately, Emi didn't pay any attention to Chiho as she continued her rant. "In wayh, cou'ke fokje htan tip! Ah leajh te ayhuallc fokrj ho yonquek hte foklx!"

Surprisingly enough, Mr. Kato cleared his throat and walked over, stopping Emilia in her tracks. "Would it be better if this young woman just took Urushihara home?" he asked in an overly polite tone. "It seems as though you two need some time away from each other."

Urushihara pretended to study the room as the last students floated out to hide his amusement.

As Emi spluttered, Chiho spoke up. "Nice to meet you, Mr…"


Chiho smiled. "Mr. Kato. I'm Chiho Sasaki, and I'm a friend of Mr. Maou's!"

Mr. Kato visibly reddened. "Ah, yes, he has told me about you."

"I'm Emi Yusa," the hero added, having regained her composure. "And sorry about just now, Urushihara and I got a little…carried away."

"No worries," Mr. Kato replied, but there was a strange look in his eyes.

"Well, I don't want to be stuck here any longer than I have to," Urushihara mumbled when the silence grew.

"Fine. It was nice meeting you!" Emi said winningly. However, the act was broken slightly as she mumbled, "It's your fault that you're here in the first place."

Mr. Kato felt his mind explode that night.

I hope you liked this chapter!

For the Ente Islan, here's the translation code I used:



And here are the translations from the story:

cou egil teko: you evil hero

Htij ij sujh lire zayr in Enhe Ijla ften, ften cou rillex pe: This is just like back when, when you killed me

Cou alfacj tage ho injulh Rinv Jahan, egen htouvt te ij jhkonvek htan cou'x egek tome ho ze: You always have to insult King Satan, even though he is stronger than you'd ever hope to be

Cou'ke one ho halr, NEEH: You're one to talk, NEET

In wayh, cou'ke fokje htan tip! Ah leajh te ayhuallc fokrj ho yonquek hte foklx: In fact, you're worse than him! At least he actually works to conquer the world.