This story will be very strange. With Urushihara's mind in a toddler's body, anything can happen...


Urushihara Hanzo smirked delightedly as he began to soak up magic from the pedestrian distress leaking into the one room apartment he shared with Maou and Ashiya. Soon he'd have enough magic to extend his wings.

However, something was off. Instead of flowing into him, Urushihara could almost feel the distress whirling around him. It began moving faster and faster, making him dizzy just to watch.

Then with a bang, the human emotions rushed into Urushihara in a new way, and he collapsed on the floor.

When Maou got home from work, he noticed the apartment was empty. Ashiya was at the library for the day, so that wasn't strange, but Urushihara was a self proclaimed hermit. What trouble could the fallen angel have gotten himself into this time?

A small groan came from the bathroom, and Maou rushed over. "Urushihara! Are you hurt?" he called, but there was no response.

Finally, Maou opened the door. Inside the room lay a toddler.

The toddler wore a small pair of shorts and a purple t-shirt. His hair was purple, longer in the back than in the front.

With a dawning horror, Maou realized. "Is that really you, Urushihara?"

The toddler groaned again and opened its violet eyes, sitting up and looking around confusedly. "What happened?" he asked in a small voice.

"I don't know," Maou said slowly in his babyish tone. "Nice to meet you. I'm a friend."

Maou smiled a winning smile and held his arms out for the toddler to hug. Yeah, he knew it was kind of awkward, but he was the devil! He didn't have any experience with children!

Toddler Urushihara rolled his eyes. "Being your usual idiotic self, I see, Maou. I guess the human emotions just made me pass out. Huh. I was sure something…bad had happened. My voice is pretty high, though. Maybe I'm getting sick." He put a pudgy hand to his throat.

The words, coming out of a kid's mouth, stunned Maou and he sat there dumbfounded before bursting out into laughter.

"What?" Urushihara asked skeptically. "Tell me, what is funny this time?"

Unable to explain, Maou reached out and plucked Urushihara up, holding him in front of the mirror.

Urushihara screamed. "Is that me?" he asked, in a panicky little kid's tone.

Maou nodded, biting his lip to keep from bursting into more laughter.

Just then, Ashiya returned from the library. "Hello, sire," he greeted, putting down his book bag. "Hello—"

Ashiya stopped and turned slowly to face the bathroom, where Maou still stood holding the toddler Urushihara. "What has occurred? Urushihara?! What have you done this time?"

"Jeez, relax," the toddler said, squirming out of Maou's arms and trotting over to his computer. "I didn't do anything. There must be a way to fix this," he muttered, typing into the computer as fast as his little hands could manage.

Ashiya struggled to form a coherent sentence. "You…what…young…gone…Sire…can't…"

Maou watched him with a grin.

Finally, Ashiya took a hold of himself. "I'll make dinner," he decided, and began cooking with a flourish.


The next day, Maou left for work early, unwilling to spend another minute looking at Urushihara. Sure, it had been funny at first, but after a while, it was just creepy.

Ashiya felt the same, and decided to go to the library. "Don't get into trouble!" he commanded.

"I won't, I won't," Urushihara said, his toddler eyes never leaving his computer.

"And don't leave the house."

"Whatever, mom."

Around noon, Urushihara had just about had it with his computer. Typing as a little kid was hard, and the searches never yielded results.

So, pointedly ignoring Ashiya, Urushihara set out for a walk.

It was funny how many people gave strange looks at Urushihara, and if anyone approached him, he'd intentionally mess with them.

"Honey, are you lost?" A woman approached him with concern in her eyes.

This wasn't the first time he'd been asked that, and Urushihara had long since mastered pretending to be a toddler. "My name's not Honey," he said, scratching his head. "And I'm just going for a walk!" Urushihara smiled proudly, making sure to keep his face clear of all signs of mirth.

A sly smirk began creeping up his face as the woman asked where his parents were, and Urushihara had to cover it with a hand.

As it had been with the last few encounters, the woman decided to phone the police. That was when Urushihara would stun her with a full adult-like sentence, his voice dripping with sarcasm, such as, "I'm incredibly sorry for the mix-up, Ma'am, but I really must be heading on my way. It was absolutely wonderful to converse with you!"

Then he'd make his escape.

After a few hours, Urushihara was getting tired. His little legs couldn't get him as far as normal, and even messing with adults was growing old.

As he headed home, a man stopped him. Urushihara sighed, ready to play his little charade once more, but the man was already on the phone.

"—lost, by the looks of it. Yeah, thanks. I'll wait here with him."

He'd called the cops! It was always a possibility, but most adults in this world played the part of concern and didn't actually act.

Urushihara made to escape, but the man grabbed his hand, and his new toddler body was powerless.

Urushihara struggled and called the man a few choice words before giving up.

"I'm not here to hurt you," the man reassured, thinking the little boy was running out of fear. "I just want to help you find your parents."

A police car showed up a few minutes later.

"Ashiya will destroy me," Urushihara muttered as he was taken to the station. "And there will be nothing left to bury."


So, what did you think? I'll try to update soon :)