Baby Psycho-

My first evo-fic, please be kind. It's about Pietro thinking/arguing with himself about his father, just before the episode Day of Reckoning.

I just thought I needed to write something to make myself feel better about his betrayal, and Tada! I wrote this.

DISCLAIMER-I don't own x-men evolution, I would like to though.

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Heart of Betrayal

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The room was almost empty, all that was there was a bed and a small wardrobe. It seemed like no one lived there until you noticed the small details, the smiley face boxers, the scorch marks in the carpet and the empty bottles of cola that peeked from under the bed.

In the window sat a boy, the occupant of the room. His silvery white hair and pale face were bathed in moonlight, making him seem ethereal. And in some strange way he was. He wasn't a human, no matter what most people thought.

The night was very cold and his room didn't have a heater, but the boy didn't notice. He was too busy thinking. At the moment he was thinking of the stars, the small and distant bursts of light that reminded him so much of himself. But, like all nights, his thoughts drifted to another person, and, like always, his heart and his brain fought.

'He loves me'

'Does he?'

'Yes, he does. He told me so.'

'Did he really?'

'HE DID ...he did, he told me that he loved me and that I was important in his future plans.'

'Yes, I'm sure he LOVED you'

'Oh shut up! You know what I mean. He loves me.'

'How come you never see him, how come he abandoned you?'

'They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. And he didn't abandon me, he was still around'

'He has NEVER visited, not even when you were sad'

'He would of, but he was busy. He is a very important man, my father is the salvation for mutants everywhere'

'I thought he loved YOU, I thought he loved you for just being yourself?'


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Lance jerked up in surprise as the scream began. Once he realised what it was about he glared at the wall that separated his room from Pietro's. He briefly considered starting a mini avalanche, but decided against it and banged his fist against wall and shouted back,


Lance was normally fond of his fellow brotherhood members, but at moments like these he remembered why he hated sharing a house. He let the last strands of his song play out, before switching of his radio and storming out of his room.

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Pietro couldn't stop the silent tears that fell down his face as the last sentence of the song played. Sliding to the floor he wept, he wept for the family he never had, the life that he could never live, and, most of all, for the sadness and hate he would cause with his betrayal.

The jeep roared out of the driveway, taking Lance, Todd and Fred away with it. That left only two people in the house, a girl who only knew how to hate, and a boy who just wanted to be loved.

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Umm, I would love it if someone could review. Thanks for reading