Previously on Marry Me:

"I don't mind but do you promise we'll come back?" Amber asked.

"I promise sweetheart," Levy kissed Amber's head before the two walked out.

"This may be a bit of a problem," I sighed.

"I agree. How can we be sure Natsu doesn't find out about Lucy's condition? And meet Amber for that matter?" Erza asked tiredly. This was taking a toll on all of us.

Review Corner:

NastyYuki – Can't wait for the next update ~ :D The previous chapter was fun though ]

FTNALUCelestialFire – NO. Pleaseplease update! You cant leave me hanging here!


The following day Gray and Erza returned to the hospital in low spirits. Everything was going downhill. Lucy probably wouldn't wake up. Natsu was back. Everyone was miserable. What was the point of continuing?

Gray sighed as they walked up the stairs to Lucy's floor. He and Erza didn't talk. Once they reached the door that would leas them to Lucy's sleeping face they paused and exchanged glances with each other. There was a doctor in there. That couldn't be good news.

Erza swung the door open as Gray rushed inside, his eyes scanning the scene.

"What's happening?" Erza demanded an answer moments before she froze in shock. Both her and Gray couldn't believe the sight before them. Were their eyes playing tricks on them? There was no way this could possibly be real.

Gray reacted first. He hesitantly took a step forward and reached a hand forward to the very much awake blonde girl. "L-Luce?" He stuttered.

The doctor who was sitting besides her stood p and cleared his throat. "May I please talk to you two outside?" He asked. Neither Gray or Erza reacted.

Lucy was watching them with wide curious eyes. It was as if she was taking in every detail of their appearances for the first time. The doctor was growing visibly impatient as he crossed his arms. "I understand that this may be a shock but there are some details that I must discuss with you."

Erza snapped out of her trance and quietly walked out the door, the doctor following behind her.


How was this happening? Just yesterday Lucy was in a coma and oblivious to everything that was happening around her. Yet now she was wide awake and seemed perfectly fine?

I watched the doctor suspiciously as he cleared his throat. "As you can see, Miss Heartfillia has woken up since yesterday."

I growled lowly under my breath. There was no need for him to point out the obvious. I would much rather be in that room hearing the sound of Lucy's angelic voice.

The doctor nervously gulped at my reaction. "S-Sorry," he stammered. "I need to discuss with you some details about your friend's condition."

"What is it?" I muttered, only half paying attention.

"She has amnesia," he deadpanned. I blinked once. Then twice.

"What?!" I exclaimed in surprise. Lucy with amnesia? Our little Lucy, not being able to remember things? "How much as she forgotten?" I asked nervously.

"From the questions I've been asking her, it would seem like most things. She still understands the basics, such as the English language, how to move and what different objects are. However, she doesn't know the date, how old she is or who her friends and family are."

Without waiting for him to explain any further I rushed back into Lucy's room to find Gray shaking next to her bed. His cheeks were once again wet with tears while Lucy stared at him in confusion.

"Is he okay?" She asked me blankly. Her voice was exactly how I remembered, but there was no happiness, no passion behind it.

"He'll be fine," I whispered as I walked up to Gray, placing my hand on his shoulder. Once he realised I was there he looked up at me.

"What's wrong with her? Why can't she remember me?"

In response I answered, "She has amnesia Gray."

Gray angrily stood up, shoving my hand off of his shoulder. Coldness was radiating off his skin, small specks of ice were beginning to form a glistening shine over his body. Lucy gasped in shock as she reached her hand out towards him.

"He's freezing!" She exclaimed in horror. "You have to help him!" She turned to me, her eyes pleading. She didn't even remember Gray yet she was scared for him. She didn't know what he'd done for her yet she wanted to help him. At least deep inside she was still the Lucy that we all knew and loved.

I lead Gray out of the door, leaving the clueless Lucy behind us.

"Calm down," I hissed at him. He would cause no good by destroying a hospital. If anything it would make the master even more furious. Gray took a few deep breaths and the cool air around him lessened. "Good."

"Is this all a joke? Is someone trying to mess with us?" He asked. He sounded like a kicked puppy.

I sighed. "It's real Gray. We're going to have to do everything we can to make her better. All we can do now is try to teach her everything."

"She has a daughter Erza. What will happen to Amber?"

I paused. That was a valid point. I'd been so caught up with Lucy that I'd almost forgotten about her poor daughter. "I'm sure Amber will be fine with Levy for a bit longer. We'll break the news of her mother to her soon enough."

Gray ran a hand through his hair. "Lucy has amnesia. How could this happen?"

Honestly, it's like you guys have never heard of the saying "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." If you hate my story so much just leave.