Disclaimer: I do not own Jurassic Park.
Surviving Isla Sorna
Chapter One
People will tell you stories of what they think they know about the multiple islands and the creatures that exist among them, but no one can come close to understanding the vast mysteries the islands really hold…not unless you've experienced them yourself. No one knows the true story about what happened to me on that island in the eight weeks I was there. Not until now. And I wasn't alone.
What you don't know is that I had a friend on that island; a girl named Amy. When we returned, I was told to never speak of her, but I knew I couldn't keep her a secret forever. Now the time has come for people to know the real story; our story.
It was my last day of school. I was so happy it was finally summer because my soon-to-be stepfather was going to take me and one other person, of my choosing, to Costa Rica in a few weeks. Of course I was planning on asking my best friend, Amy, to come with me. We have been best friends since we were little. Amy is a tomboy with blond shoulder-length hair, fair skin, and blue eyes. She is the smallest kid in my grade and many kids like to tease her about it. Their teasing never seemed to affect her, but I still stood up for her when they did.
Finally the school bell rings and I gather my stuff to leave. I glance over to Amy who gave me an excited smile. I walk over to her.
"I can't believe school's over." she tells me.
"I know. I can't either." I reply. "Hey, I need to talk to you about something on our way home."
"Okay, let's go." she tells me and we start walking out of the classroom and into the school halls. She stops by her locker and pulls out the rest of its remains while cramming it into her backpack. When she finishes, she looks up at me with her bright blue eyes cause a strange, yet familiar tingle to run through me.
"So what did you want to talk about?" she asks me.
"You know about the trip to Costa Rica I've been talking to you about?"
"Yeah, you can't stop going on and on about it." she says, laughing.
I take a second to chuckle along with her. It's true. I've been looking forward to this trip for three months now. "Well Ben said that I can take a friend and I want you to come."
Amy's smile grows wider, but then it falters as if she's realized something. "Do you think my foster parent's would let me?"
Amy's a foster kid. Her parents died quite some time ago in an accident before we even met. I don't know exactly what happened to them, but she doesn't talk about it. I can't blame her though. I heard it was pretty awful.
"They have to! Come on, please!" I plead with her. "We will pay for everything!"
She sighs and that wide grin returns again. "Okay, I'll ask them!"
"Yes!" I hug her. "You're the best."
"I know." she tells me. "I will call you tonight and tell you what they say."
"Sounds good!" I reply. Soon we part ways and I walk the rest of the way to my house. When I get home I plop onto the couch and turn the TV on and wait for Amy to call even though I know that might not be for a while. I'm still too eager to know the answer to do anything else but wait though.
A few hours later mom calls me into the kitchen to have dinner. I walk into the kitchen and sit down at the table. Most nights, we order take out since my mom's never been a very good cook. Before my parents were divorced, my dad was the one that always cooked. Tonight, we're having pizza. A begin eating, glancing at the phone every few seconds.
Finally the phone rings and I jump to my feet, nearly causing my mom to spill her drink at my sudden movement. She looks at me surprised as I run over to grab the phone.
I answer it, making sure to hide the anticipation that I'm feeling. "Hello?"
"Guess what…" I recognize Amy's voice instantly.
"What?" I ask her, feeling myself begin to grin.
"They said I can go with you to Costa Rica!"
"Yes!" I jump up and pump my fist into the air.
Amy giggles. "I'm so excited! I can't believe they said yes!"
"Me too! I'll make sure to tell Ben! We leave in three weeks."
"Sounds good. I'll make sure I'm ready by then."
"Sweet." I reply.
"I have to go eat now, but I'll talk to you again soon!"
I can't help a slight pang of disappointed that she has to go so soon, but I do my best to ignore it. "Alright! I'll see you soon!"
"Okay! Bye!"
Three weeks later…
Finally! We're going to Costa Rica! Ben, Amy, and I have already boarded our plane and we're now waiting for departure. Once all of the passengers have seated and the over-head compartments have been shut the flight attendants begin doing their regular flight routine. Amy is sitting next to the window, I'm in the middle, and Ben is on the aisle.
Amy pulls out a bag of peanut M&Ms from her back-back and tears it open. She hands a few to me, and then offers some to Ben who takes a few himself. Finally the plane begins moving and I can't help but feel even more excited as the plane makes its way to the runway.
"This is my first time on an airplane." Amy whispers to me. I meet her eyes and notice that she looks nervous but excited all at once.
"Really?" I ask her, honestly surprised. I've been able to travel a few times across the states with my family so being in a plane is not a new thing for me. I guess I kind of figured the same for most people.
"Yeah." She replies. She then grabs my hand, causing that tingling sensation to run through me once again. She gives me a big smile before turning towards her window to look out, all while still holding onto my hand. I can feel my face heating up by the second. I look down to avoid being seen by Ben, but after hearing a knowing chuckle come from him, I know I'm caught. Feeling even more embarrassed, I turn my head towards Amy who's still looking out of the window.
I feel the plane's engines get louder and I know we're about to take off. As we begin moving, I lean over her to look out the window myself.
"We're taking off now." I tell her. She squeezes my hand a little harder in response. We speed up and soon the front wheel is off the ground. When, the entire plane is off the ground, Amy let's out an excited laugh. She turns her head to me and I realize my face is within inches of hers. I quickly back away and lean back into my seat, trying to avoid eye contact with her for a bit. However, tempted, I sneak a glance at her and think I notice a slight blush on her face as she stares at the seat in front of her.
A few hours later…
Finally, we're in Costa Rica. We arrived at our hotel suite only a few minutes earlier. It's a nice little suite having two bedrooms, a little seating area, and a tiny kitchen with a small table. Now we're all sitting in the little seating area to relax a bit.
"I've got some exciting news!" Ben tells us. "Some friends of mine agreed to take us on a boat and go paragliding near Isla Sorna."
"Really!?" I ask excitedly.
"Yep! Technically, no one is supposed to go near that island, but just for us, they've made an exception.
"Isla Sorna?" Amy says, sounding a little confused.
"It's an island just off the coast of Costa Rica. It's rumored to have dinosaurs on it." I tell her, excitedly.
"Dinosaurs?" Amy replies, bursting out with a chuckle. "Let me guess. It's haunted as well?"
"I guess we'll have to just go and find out" Ben tells us, with a smile. "We should leave now though so we don't end up staying out too late."
Soon enough we're at the docks to board onto the small boat that holds two other men, which I assume are Ben's friends. Ben steps inside and holds out his hand to help Amy in. When she doesn't except it right away, I look over to her and notice she's gone a bit pale.
"Hey, what's the matter?" I ask her, placing my hand on my shoulder. "You alright?"
Amy takes a deep breath, then looks at me and smiles. "Just fine." she replies and then accepts the hand Ben is offering to her. I follow behind her and climb into the boat. We take our seats in the back, and I can't help but notice that Amy's still a bit pale and also looks a bit tense. She looks frightened, but why, I am not sure. Instead, I gather a bit of courage and take her hand in my own. She looks up at me and gives me a small smile.
Soon we're off. The boat ride is long but we begin to see a big green island about three or four hours in. The boat slows till it is just drifting on the top of the water.
The town man stand up and begin pulling out the equipment on needed for paragliding. To my surprise, I realize they're strapping all three of us together.
"Are you sure this can hold all of us." I ask one of the men.
"Well, considering how small your friend is, it won't be a problem." Amy's eyes narrow a bit, but she says nothing. "Here you go, my friend." He says as he hooks the rope onto us.
"Make sure you get us as close as you can. I'll give you something extra if you make it a good trip." Ben tells them.
"I'm going to get you close, my friend, but not too close. You don't want to be eaten." he jokes. "You ready, amigo?"
"Ready!" we reply.
"One, two, three!" Ben pulls the shoot opened and we fly up into the air. We all begin whooping in excitement as we continue going higher. I then notice that Ben has the video recorder on. I'm glad he remembered. I completely forgot about it.
"Scared?" Ben asks us.
"Uh-Uh. This is great!" I reply.
"This is amazing!" Amy says.
"See anything yet?" I ask them teasingly as we look over the island.
"No." they both reply. Soon we lose sight of the boat because of a cloudy mist. A few seconds later the paraglide jolts, roughly. We all tense.
"…Was that supposed to happen…?" Amy asks.
Then we felt a few more rough jolts.
"What's going on?" I ask Ben.
"I don't know." Ben replied.
Then the boat reappears, but this time there's no one on it. We all stare down on it in horror. It looks like it's been thrown through a storm, and I think I might even notice a few bright red streaks on it that definitely wasn't there before.
"…What happened to them?" Amy asks. "Is this some sick joke?"
"Where'd they go?" I ask.
"I don't know." Ben replied.
Then we see rocks ahead and the boat is speeding right towards them.
"We're going to crash!" I scream.
"No, we're not. Move your hands." Ben tells us. Then he unhooks us from the boat, which then moments later slams into the rocks. Ben then grabs the two handles to steer us. "I'm going to try to land us on that Island."
"Are you crazy? There's a reason people don't want us near that island!" Amy tells him him.
"I don't think we have any other choice." he tells her. Then he starts to lower us to the mysterious Island.
"Watch out, we're getting to close to the trees." I warn Ben, but then we start to hit a few branches.
"Hang on!" Ben tells us. The sharp branches make a hole in our shoot, and now we're plummeting towards the ground through the trees. Then we all of a sudden we stop. I look up and see that our shoot got caught in the branches. I then look down. We're about six feet from the ground. We take a moment to catch our shaky breaths.
"Okay, I'm going to unhook you two, alright?" Ben tells us. "Amy, you first."
"Alright." Amy replies.
"One, two, three!" He unhooks Amy and she falls to the ground.
"Now you, Erik. One, two, three!" I too am then unhooked. When I stand up I notice the video camera's still on so reach up and turn it off.
"I'm going to unhook myself now." Ben tells us.
Suddenly we hear a strange screeching noise.
"…What was that?" Amy asks.
"I have no idea." I tell her. Then, before we can do anything else, two velociraptors jump out from behind the bushes right front of us.