I've decided to write another story. The summary makes it seem like this is all about Sally, but it's not. Most of this story will be about Percy growing up as a young god and the trials he'll face.

As she walked down the streets of New York, Leto sighed and stuffed her hands into her pockets. Because of Hera, she wasn't able to see her children, Artemis and Apollo, and it pained her. Although she was comforted by the fact that they had become Olympian gods, and no one would dare touch them, she felt incomplete.

She never got to take care of the twins because they had grown up so quickly. For the gods sake, Artemis helped her give birth to Apollo. She didn't feel like a mother.

Leto stepped into a candy shop and bought some candy; while she was there she saw a small family. The couple was extremely young, but looked to be in love. The girl was heavily pregnant and look tired, but happy.

A girl, Leto thought. She's going to have a baby girl. Her eyes brightened. That's it. I'm going to have a baby. She giggled a little and quickly left the shop. Out loud she whispered, "I need to contact Aphrodite."

Once she was in Aphrodite's temple, her nose and eyes were assaulted. Everything was pink and red. Different types of perfume and cologne diffused throughout the whole area coming from a central room. Leto strolled into the room calling the love goddess' name.

"Hello, Leto," A response came from behind her, causing her to jump in fright. "What are you doing here?"

Aphrodite certainly deserved the title of goddess of beauty; she was absolutely stunning. Despite the fact that Aphrodite constantly changes her looks based on whomever sees her and what they find attractive at that time, she always looks the same to Leto. Silky black hair and electric blue eyes- the characteristics of Zeus, her one true love- the father of her children.

She spun around to face the goddess, Leto opened her mouth to began to speak, "Well-"

"Come," Aphrodite dragged her over and pulled her down onto a couch. "Do you want some tea?" She asked popping the tea into existence. "It's green tea; it'll help with facial blemishes." Leto grabbed a cup and took a sip; afterwards, she placed it onto the coffee table in front of them. Aphrodite smiled at her then placed Leto's hand inside both of hers. "Now that we're situated, how can I help you?"

Leto blushed then continued on with what she had started before, "I'm just going to come right out and say it: I want a baby."

Aphrodite blinked, "Well. Okay? I'm not sure how you want me to help. You know how to get one; you've had two."

Leto took her other hand and placed it on top of Aphrodite's. "That's my problem. I never got to raise my babies. I don't feel like a mother; I don't feel complete. I need your help."

"So if you just want a baby, go find a mortal, and have a baby."

"It's not that easy. I don't want a relationship. All I want is a baby, one that I can care for and raise." Leto hoped that Aphrodite got her hint.

Aphrodite's eyes glinted and she clasped her hands to her face in shock, "You want to have a god? You want to have a little baby god?"

Leto laughed. "Yes! But I only love one, and he's married to crazy Hera."

The other woman jumped up. "Hera is a problem, but Zeus cheats on her all the time with mortals. You shouldn't be any different. In fact, he has two children right now from the same woman. Get this- the oldest one, Thalia is five years old and from his Greek aspect, while Jason is two years old and from his Roman aspect." She gained a sheepish expression, "Oh wait. I didn't mean to offend you."

Leto smiled sadly, "It's fine. I guess he still gets around." After a moment of quiet reflection Leto reacts to Aphrodite's comments, "I am different because two of my children are on the Olympian council, I technically don't exist anymore, and I'm me." Leto dumped her head into her chest.

Aphrodite rolled her eyes, "Don't worry. We can fix all of your problems. Well, not the Artemis and Apollo one because you know why. We just have to make you appear mortal so that you two can get it on."

"And how do we do that?" Leto questioned.

Aphrodite exhaled, "As much as I don't want to admit it, we'll need the help of Miss. Smarty-pants herself."

"You don't mean-? She's Zeus's right hand. She'll immediately tell him if she smells something fishy!" Leto exclaimed.

"And that's why we'll just tell her the truth and hope for the best." Aphrodite looked determined, "We're going to get you that baby."

The two goddesses arrived at Athena's temple a short time after their discussion in Aphrodite's temple.

"Do we knock?" Leto asked. Aphrodite shook her head and walked straight into the temple.

"Athena!" She yelled. "I have something interesting for you to do!"

While Aphrodite searched for the other goddess, Leto wandered off into the temple. She came across a huge room- a library by the appearance of it- and stepped inside. The shelves were twenty feet tall and stocked full with all different types of books. There were different sections ranging from 'The History of Battle Tactics' to 'Titans, Primordials, and Monsters', to even 'The Genius' Guide to gods and goddesses'.

"Impressive right?" Aphrodite steps into the room with Athena by her side. She continues, "I mean how could one use this entire space as a shelter for books?"

Athena ignored her and walked over to Leto, "I see that you haven't faded." She raises an eyebrow, "Interesting. Aphrodite has told me of your desire, and I've decided to help you."

"Really?" Leto blurted out in excitement. "You'd help me?" Her face eyebrows furrowed and her eyes squinted, "What's the condition?"

"I do not have one as of right now. You will just owe me a favor later." Leto did not take the time to consider the consequences and squealed in excitement- Aphrodite joined her.

"Enough of that. I've found a way to make you appear mortal to Zeus, but keep most of your powers. The problem that you face is that you are a titan; you have a powerful aura. Aphrodite will bless you so that you appear mortal, this will take away a little bit of your power, but you'll regain it when the baby is born."

"This sounds good. A perfect plan; let's do it right now!" Aphrodite said as she pointed at Leto.

"Wait." Athena stopped her. "I haven't told you everything. Since you're a deity, you will always be able to see through the mist, and normally only a select few mortals can. So, you have to pretend to be a descendant of another god. It has to be one of the big three because they are the strongest of us. I assume that you will choose Poseidon."

"Don't you think that we're including too many people?" Leto asked worriedly.

"Only those that are necessary," Athena responded.

"How are we supposed to contact Poseidon? We can't enter a god's domain without their permission and there isn't a council meeting any time soon," Leto pondered.

All three women began to think.

"Why don't we just call him?" Aphrodite asked confused.

"Call him?" Both Leto and Athena asked in return. "He has a phone? And you have his phone number?"

Aphrodite chuckled. "I have all the gods' phone numbers." She took out her phone and dialed Poseidon. "Hello, Poseidon. How are you? Good? That's great. I'm going to need you to come to Athena's temple. Look- I know- just get here now!" She hung up frustrated and glanced at Athena. "He really doesn't like you."

The goddesses had moved to Athena's living room and were sitting quietly waiting for Poseidon to appear. After about ten minutes had passed a man dressed in a hawaiian shirt and cargo pants strolled into the room.

"I'm here," He grunted. "What do you want?" Looking at all of the women in the room he gave out a small yelp. "Leto!"

Aphrodite sighed. "Yes. She's still here; she never faded. Blah, blah, blah. You need to bless her."

Athena explained the whole situation to the god.

Poseidon blinked then said, "Let me get his straight. Leto wants to become human-"

Leto interrupted him, "Partially human."

He started up again, "Partially human to have a baby with Zeus? And I need to bless her so that he won't question why she can see through the mist? Is that right?"

The women nodded and looked at him expectantly. He shaked his head quickly and gave an affirmative no.

"C'mon you guys. Think. Why would I help create another spawn of Zeus?"

Athena answered him, "I know you have kelp-for-brains, but I'm going to dumb it down for you- again. The child would be a god, and us gods don't normally recognize familial relations. If that doesn't sway you, the godling would be partially yours."

"Mine?" He asked. All the women nodded. "Alright," he agreed. "But I get to play the fatherly role because I wouldn't be breaking the ancient laws."

They all turned to Leto. "That's great!" She said, excited her dream was coming true. "The baby will need a father-figure."

And with that that Aphrodite and Poseidon each blasted Leto with their power. Rays of blue, green, pink, and red hit her causing her to pass out.

"I'll move her onto the couch," Poseidon offered. Once that was done he asked, "What now?"

Athena sat down in an arm chair and flashed a book into her lap, "Now we wait."

After what seemed like hours, Leto began to awake. Poseidon was snoring in a chair, and Aphrodite was texting one of her new beaus. Athena had already finished her first book, and was in the middle of her third.

"Did it work?" Leto asked groggily.

Aphrodite glanced up at her and her eyes widened. "Aahh!" She screamed, startling Poseidon who fell off of his chair.

"Ow." He groaned. "Is she up?"

Athena gave a slight smile, "It seems that we were successful in our work. What is your new alias?"

Leto grinned then answered, "Sally Jackson."

That's it! I hope y'all like it! :)