Gotham City Prison
1:43 am
Police sirens wail as three police cars drive past an alley where a black limousine is parked. Inside the back seat of the limousine, a man in a suit, his face in shadow, speaks up. "Good job, boys. Let's go to the safe house. I've got a call to make."

Mount Justice
8:51 am

Yellow light filled the secret base as the zeta tube transported someone. "B1, Robin"

The team turned as Robin walked up. Black Canary didn't turn from the computer as Robin joined them. "Hello, Robin. Batman is busy, so I will be giving your team it's next mission. You will be investigating the escape of a Gotham crime boss named-"

The zeta tube powered up once more, and Batman sprinted towards the team before the zeta tube had even finished announcing him. "Robin! Oh, thank goodness. I've been looking everywhere for you."

Robin was understandably shocked. "Why were you looking for me?" Batman calmed down. "Robin, Zucco escaped." Robin's expression seemed to freeze. Pain, fear, and grief flashed across his face, then it settled into a perfectly blank mask. In that moment, he looked exactly like Batman.

"Let's go." Black Canary was floored. "Wait! What do you think you're doing? The team is going after Zucco!" Batman whirled around. "No. Robin and I will handle this." Kid Flash crossed his arms. "Why can't we help?" Robin stepped into the zeta tube. "It's personal."

Robin and Batman were in the Batcave, pounding away at their respective keyboards, staring intently at the monitors. Robin hadn't said a word since they had arrived at the Batcave. Batman kept silent, understanding the pain Robin was going through.

A call came up on Batman's screen. Batman hesitated, but accepted it. Superman and Black Canary's faces appeared on the screen. "Batman, what's going on? You haven't acted like this since before Robin became your sidekick!"

Batman moved the window that held Superman and Black Canary to the side so he could multitask. "As Robin said, it's personal." Superman shook his head. "That's not good enough. Why?"

Batman leveled a glare. "It's not my place to tell you. And I highly doubt you'll get anything out of Robin."

A cry escaped Robin as a call came up on his screen. It was Tony Zucco. "H-how? W-what? I-I'm going to accept it." Batman gently placed a hand on Robin's shoulder. "You don't have to." Robin squared his shoulders. "Yes, I do."

Superman and Black Canary were watching silently from Batman's screen. They were afraid that if they spoke up, Batman would end the call.

When Robin tapped the screen, Tony Zucco's face appeared, looking smug. "Hello, Robin." Robin leveled a batglare at Tony Zucco. "What do you want, Zucco?"

Zucco grinned. "Why, Robin. I just want to chat. You know, something's been puzzling me. I wasn't the first arrest you ever made. However, there was something different. Normally you crack jokes, but when you were fighting me, you didn't."

"Then, I remembered your fighting style. It was very... acrobatic. And you talked in Romanian. You reminded me of a sweet little boy I met once, at a circus. I did some research, and my hunch was correct, Robin. Or should I say, Richard Grayson?"

Robin stumbled backwards. 'He knows, he knows, he knows,' his thoughts kept screaming. Zucco kept speaking. "I watched as you knelt in your family's blood. You mother, father, aunt, uncle, and cousin. You know, it was an accident. I only meant to scare Haley. It didn't occur to me that they would be stupid enough to perform without nets."

Robin flashed back to that night. •His father reached out to him as they fell. "Richard!"•

Zucco was still talking. "How does it feel to know that your family's deaths were an accident? That you're the last Flying Grayson?" Robin snapped out of his trance. He slammed his hands down and leaned in close to the screen. "I will find you. And when I do, you'll be sorry."

At his end, Zucco smirked as he severed the connection. "Yes, Robin. Come. You'll be flying right into my trap."

A/N: I have zilch info on Zucco's personality, so whatever. Anyway, three reviews and I post shoutouts! You know the deal! I am now a Young Justice fangirl too! Yeeeeaaaah... (crying because of the horrible timeskip and the cancellation) HOW COULD THEY!?