"Hey Sugar. What can I get ya?" An elderly waitress with fading brown hair asked.
Jon looked up at her and smiled. "Hey Gorgeous. How's it going? I'll have the Strip with a loaded coffee all to go. Thanks."
The waitress grinned and answered, "Not much. Still tryin' to make it big," as she wrote his order. "How's Miss Georgia? Haven't seen her in in a few weeks."
Jon ducked his head. Neither had he. "She's…uh, she's good." He hoped.
Dawn sighed and patted his shoulder squeezing just a tad as she walked off put his order into the system. Jon put his head in his hands and looked down at the table. Why had he come here? He knew that Dawn and Susie would ask about Georgia but damn he hadn't thought it'd be this damn hard. Georgia had broken up with him over a month ago and it just kept getting harder. After she had gone to his house and collected her things she hadn't been at her house in weeks and since the official split he hadn't seen her at work either. He missed her and it was killing him.
All because of a fucking rumor.
Susie was the one that brought his bag. "Here you go, Love. It'll get better I promise."
He stood and leaned down to kiss her cheek. "No it won't. But thanks."
Jon walked out just as a sudden thunderstorm poured down. He looked up and mentally flipped off the skies.
Fuck them. Fuck life. Fuck it all.
He tossed the food bag across the seat and put the coffee in the cup holder, a little more gently, then hopped in the cab and fired up the engine. He revved the motor and gunned his big red truck out of the parking lot. He turned up so stupid old rock station to blare out the noise in his own head.
It all started the night he won the WWE Heavyweight Championship. Renee had decided she wanted him back and started her quest by telling Paige and Bailey that they'd gone out for lunch when, really, he'd been at lunch with the other three competitors and Triple H finalizing all the details to the match. She'd even claimed to have proof, which of course never showed. He'd thought she'd been as over them as he'd been after all it'd been months and they'd managed to be friendly without killing each other but she'd apparently changed her mind. Georgia didn't even give him the time of day later that night, that only made winning the biggest title in wrestling not as special.
Georgia had heard this information from Bailey but hadn't bothered to ask him when she had finally talked to him it was to yell and accuse him of lying and cheating which only pissed him off and he yelled back. It wasn't until the next morning when he woke to find her bags gone that he realized what had happened. He'd been sick. Disgusted with his own actions and with Renee's. But mostly he'd been sick to his stomach at even the thought of not having Georgia in his life. He wanted to cry to scream to kill something someone he didn't care who was in his way. He actually felt like reverting back to his eighteen-year-old self and beating the hell out of every person who talked to him.
Fuck the red light and fuck Georgia.
Okay maybe not…
Fuck! How she messed with his head.
Jon pulled into the airport storage lot and parked his truck. After making sure he had all his bags he locked the truck up tight and tapped it's back bumper lovingly as he walked passed it. Well there was one thing he could always rely on waiting for him in Vegas.
Jon jet packed around wherever the company told him to for a week fighting each night like a robot on a mission win after win even a few he should have lost. Ambrose wins. Ambrose wins. Ambrose fucking wins. Then back home for a night. Or so he thought….
"Why does the world hate me?" His truck had been broken in to and the tires slashed. The radio was gone and the dash a total loss. "Yeah I understand." Jon spoke to the security guard trying not to punch the guy how could this happen in a well-lit area with camera and not one of those caught the act. He didn't understand it at all actually.
"Jon?" He heard that familiar voice and his heart jumped into his throat. "Ohmigod! Jon! What happened?"
He felt Georgia's hand on his arm and he wanted so badly to reach for her but he forced the ball in his throat down and stepped away. "Some asshole fucked up my truck."
"Why? How? The whole place is lighted and everything." Georgia stepped closer but stopped when she noticed him stepping back. "Well do you want a ride home?"
Jon choked back a harsh laugh, barely. "Nah I can take a cab."
"Jon we live right by each other. Come on."
He didn't hold back the laugh this time but ignored her to talk to the guard. "I'll call a tow truck and have them come get it." To Georgia, while he started walking away, "I know where I live and I think I can get there on my own."
"Jon! Damnit! Just let me give you a ride!" He heard her call after him. "You ass!"
He smiled a little at that. "Fine Georgia give me a ride if you want."
"Oh hell no not now."
He turned to see her walk away and laughed. Just like his…no not his, just like Georgia. He kept walking to the cab terminal while waiting for one to open up he heard honking. "Oh for the love of all that is insane! Jonathan, get in the fucking car!"
"For fuck's sake." Jon groaned under his breath but made his way to her little car. "You really want to give me a ride?"
Georgia glared up at him but said nothing. So he threw his bags in the back seat and hopped over the passenger door and slide the seat belt across his upper body. Georgia took a left and a hard right to sling them out onto the highway. Jon looked at her shocked.
"Damn if I had known you were going to try to kill me I'd have taken my chances in a cab." She rolled her eyes and turned the radio up, Tyler Ward's Sipping on Fire came over the speakers. And he thought it kind of fit them, how they were dancing around the truth at the moment. He cleared his throat suddenly unsure of himself. "So how have you been?"
Georgia stopped at a red light and looked at him. Her look said half amused half annoyed.
"Okay, lame. But I honestly don't know where to go from here."
She closed her eyes and looked back to the road. "I don't either."
Jon looked at her in surprise. Georgia had always had an idea of what they were doing. Beautiful Rose by Sean McConnell sang them into a thoughtful mood as she punched the gas again. Singing about how a love wasn't what he had thought it should have been and even though it was thorny along the way the relationship was worth it.
He didn't want to go down that road right now. Hell he didn't want to be in the actual car with her much less in a thoughtful one. He ran a hand through his unruly hair and reached back for his ball cap. He didn't miss the cute half smile she tried to hide as he slipped it on backwards. His heart skipped a beat and he couldn't stop himself from asking the question that had been gnawing on him.
"What the hell did she show you, Georgia?"
Georgia looked at him confused, narrowly missing a other car. "Um…Are you hungry?"
"What the hell does that have to do with…well with anything?" Jon asked more confused than she had just looked.
"Well I am so we're stopping here."
Jon looked up to see they were at White Castle. His stomach betrayed his announce and hungry. Stop trying to get away from her idiot, he thought, more time for you to actually breath and not feel like you're dying.
"Yeah fine I could eat."
He got out of the car walking to her side almost putting his arm around her then stopped himself feeling sick to his stomach. Okay maybe time wasn't a good thing for him. Georgia looked up at him and smiled sadly then looked away as they walked into to the air conditioned restaurant.
Had he just seen a tear?
Did she miss them as much as he did?
"Sit wherever and I'll order." Jon said needing space.
"What if I want something different?"
Jon smiled at her attempt at a teasing tone. "You never do, Ba….um," he didn't know how to end that so he just walked away leaving her staring and eyes glistening.
She did let him order as she went to the restroom. He was sick to his stomach again. Never in his life had he ever been one of those people that got sick during difficult times but damned if he didn't want to reach for Tums or Pepto not his drink cup. He sighed as he made his way to the booth farthest from others in the place. Jon waved her over and she smiled took a deep breath and made her way to the booth.
"Nice choice."
The booth or her drink?
"As I said you never change what you order."
Jon wanted to ask again what she'd seen that had made her leave him low wet and sick to his stomach but he didn't want to upset her. Not here. She surprised him.
"She showed me this."
Georgia handed him her pink phone and waited. What he saw was him and Renee on the same side of a bench in the same restaurant he'd been to the day of Money in the Bank….
No. No. No. No. That was so wrong and so fucked up he took a gulp of his drink before talking.
"I didn't. She wasn't…" Get your head together.
"Wow. Stuttering. Never figured you one to lose your cool over a picture."
Jon stared at her in shock and in total surprise of his own lack of words. He couldn't say anything yeah he'd been there with Renee—a year ago! A fan came up bringing him out of his stupor with her almost shocked scream.
"I'm sorry. I never do this." She gave the normal spill.
"It's okay at least we weren't eating yet." Georgia took over the greeting where he couldn't. "Did you want a picture?"
"Oh yes, please, if you don't mind." The fan, not much younger than them, tried not to gush. "You're my favorites in WWE. Dean's videos of his early work got me though so much stress and a horrible time in my life."
"Jon, please." He said. Hell if the girl already knew his name might as well use it. "You're welcome, I think."
"Oh yes thank you very much."
She was very sweet and not one of those tell-me-all-about-me-fans and he found himself enjoying her company. After she had her pictures and they had chatted a few minutes she left with a smile leaving Jon and Georgia with their own.
"I love when they're like that." Georgia commented.
"Me too."
He knew they'd have to get back on their original topic but damn he didn't want to. Until he remembered Joe had showed him a picture of him and Hunter at the restaurant he almost wanted to jump for joy. He quickly texted Joe to send him the picture. He dug into his burger while waiting for the text that would clear his name to the only person he had ever really gave a shit about.
"Here look." He handed Georgia his phone. "See it says 'Seen Dean Ambrose and Triple H at Hughe's today. Tots exciting.'" The words then spilled out. "I told you I wasn't with her. The picture she showed you and Bailey was from like a year and half ago."
He watched Georgia, intently, as she processed the picture and information in front of her. Georgia stared at the phone as it slipped from her hand. She looked up at Jon as it hit the table. She just sat there staring at him. There were too many emotions crossing her face for Jon to follow.
"Babe…er…Georgia I never cheated on you, I swear." Jon sighed and stood up. "But you know what? I've had a lot of people not trust me but never has it been someone I trusted and loved so I think you made the right decision for us both."
Jon leaned down kissed her cheek and walked away. Did I just say that? He thought walking out of the door. He kept walking. To her car. Got his bags. And then kept walking to the bus stop he'd seen on their way there. He didn't turn back like he wanted when he heard her call his name.
Damn it! He wasn't that person who needed love and attention. Never had been and wouldn't start at thirty. But damn it hurt hearing his name being called like that. He threw his bag down on the bench as the skies opened again. He heard a scream that ripped his heart out and stole his breath from his lungs.
"Ohmigod! Someone call 911! Hurry!"
"What happened"
"That girl just got hit by that car. It hit the curb when the rain hit."
Jon had never been more sick in his life as he turned around to see a car half over Georgia's seemingly lifeless body. He took off in a dead run and pushed people out of the way to reach her. The front passenger side tire was on the top of her thigh, he was pretty sure it was crushed. Her head had a huge gash from her forehead to somewhere by her ear. He heard someone say not to move her and another say he was a doctor then other voices added to the craze in his head and he closed his eyes finding the calm he found just before he went to the ring.
"We need to get the car off her leg." Said the voice that had claimed to be a doctor.
It was the only thing that made sense to Jon so he went with it. He, the doctor, and a few other strong looking men left the car and set it down to the right of Georgia. She moaned and Jon's heart went to his throat and bounced back down to the pit of his stomach.
She was alive.
But for how long?
"Georgia? Honey can you hear me?" Please don't die he thought.
"That's her name?" The self-professed doctor asked.
Jon nodded. "Yeah."
The doctor spoke to Georgia trying to get her to say her name, her age, where she lived anything that would make her have to think. When she didn't answer him a voice she didn't know he changed plans and turned to Jon. "Ask her to open her eyes or anything really get her talking."
Jon did as he was asked. "Georgi." She hated that nickname but it didn't get any rise from her. "Damn it Georgia Caroline Blake open your eyes and tell me you're okay."
"Jon?" Georgia asked so low he almost missed it.
"Yeah babe I'm right here. I need you to open your eyes."
"No it hurts my head."
Jon half laughed and leaned to kiss the not so bloody side of her face. "Why did you do that, you stupid, stupid, stupid girl? Huh? Why did you run after me?"
He heard the sirens when she answered. "Because I'm…" Georgia coughed, "oh that hurts."
"Don't talk anymore, baby, just stay awake okay? Stay with me."
He heard the doctor guy and another person telling someone her assumed condition and what had happened and a guy almost screaming that he was sorry.
That voice sounded familiar in an odd Spidey-sense tinkly way.
Jon wiped rain from his face and leaned over Georgia's face a little as the rain began again to protect her from it. A man put his hand on Jon's shoulder when Jon looked up he saw a guy in a black jacket with a reflective EMS patch leaning near him.
"My partner is headed this way, sir but I'll going to get started on some information I need."
"Okay." The man asked every question possible then allowed Jon to answer. "Georgia Blake. She's 24. No I take that back she just had a birthday she's 25. No illnesses or conditions before this she'd been in perfect health our company wouldn't allow anything less." Shut up Jonathan.
"Okay. Okay, that's good. Know anything else about her? Family? Address?"
"She's local. Her parents are somewhere on the east coast that's about it." Jon figured out the man was trying to keep him calm. It kind of annoyed him but it scared him even more. "Is she going to be okay?"
Answer straight, man, Jon thought. The EMT just looked solemn and then called for his partner to hurry. Jon set back on his heels but Georgia's death grip on his right hand kept him from going far. "Baby you have to let go of my hand so they can help you. Georgia I won't leave you I promise."
Her hand slipped weakly from his causing a small gasp of pain from her lips. He hated feeling so out of control. Jon heard a phone ringing and realized it was his. "Um…hello?"
"Hey man what's up?" Joe voice grounded him again.
"Well shit actually."
"Uh…I heard you left the airport with Georgia."
Jon let that sit there hanging in the air. "Yeah we did." He sighed. "Uh there was an accident. Georgia, she—uh, she was hurt bad."
"…Oh God! Is she alright?" Joes voice sounded as sick as Jon felt.
"I don't know I gotta go they're taking her now." Jon sighed. "Hey Joe call Vince for me will ya?"
"Yeah Bud. Call if you need anything or if you learn anything. You know if you need me I'll be on the first plane out, right?"
"Yeah man thanks."
Jon hung up and feeling of lost control settled back in his chest again. He knew he had to get away for a minute even if it was just to drive himself to the hospital. He walked back to Georgia as she was being loaded into the ambulance.
"Don't lea' me." She begged him.
The first EMT had already told him he couldn't ride with them because of the laws so it made it easy to say, "I'll be right behind you baby. I love you."
"lo' 'ou"
"We gotta go now!" The EMT almost yelled at his partner.
Jon waited until she was loaded safely before jogging to her car. "Shit keys." A waitress stepped forward with Georgia's purse and keys. "Thank you."