Author's Note: Hi there! So after nearly five years I'm uploading a new story here, shocker, I know, it's been that long. But I wanted to try writing again, I haven't done it in a while so please forgive me if there are still some typos and errors. I am, as you say, out of practice.

I do not own Frozen nor How to Train Your Dragon.

I hope you all would enjoy!





Eyes blue like the clearest skies moved right to left, following the steady rhythm of the pendulum of their grandfather clock. Nails tapping gingerly on the arm of the pure white sofa of their million-dollar house. A sigh escaped thin, full lips varnished with faded rose-pink lipstick. Anna was late. Again.

Elsa Arendelle fervently glanced at the front door for what seemed to be the hundredth time that night. It was nearly midnight, long past her curfew which was supposed to be at ten. Being the eldest of the two, she took on the role of being Anna's guardian, her shield, a parent figure since both of their parents recently died in a boating accident. So although their parents didn't leave them empty handed, they had enough money to last them for nearly a lifetime if they spend wisely, Elsa still had to look for a part-time job, to prove that she was capable of being the head of the household and could manage to take care of her, and her sister's needs even though she was only 18 years old.

Elsa's ears perked as she heard a car arriving and stopping by the driveway, soon followed by a hushed laugh belonging to no person other than Anna Arendelle, her baby sister. Elsa immediately stood up and sprinted toward the front door, opening it just before Anna could, surprising the other girl and her companion who tried so hard on keeping their voices low.

Angry? No she was more than that, she was fuming! Elsa set a hard glare at Anna before turning to her companion, a boy with smooth brown hair and dashing emerald-green eyes. He had ridiculous sideburns that seemed to fit him rather nicely, and a long thin nose that pointed at the tip.

"Elsa," Anna said as she placed a lock of her strawberry-blonde hair behind her ear, "you sure are up late today." She laughed nervously, unable to look at her sister straight in the eye.

"Who's this?" Elsa questioned, her voice cold and hard that sent shivers down their spines.

"Um, this is Hans." Anna tried to sound cheerful as she linked her arms to the boy who nodded at Elsa and offered a cheap smile. "We met at Merida's party."

Seeing as Elsa didn't smile or lighten her expression at all, Anna's forced cheerfulness instantly vanished. "Thank you for bringing my sister home, Hans, but you should go. It's nearly midnight and I believe I need to have a word with Anna. Have a good night." She curtly told him and stepped aside the doorway so that Anna could go inside. Without another word, Elsa closed the door and locked it, she headed to the living room, Anna dragging herself to follow.

"Anna, this is the third time you did this. It's 12 o'clock, way past your curfew! I specifically told you to be back before ten!" Elsa told her, feeling exasperated. "Not only that, but you were about to let a complete stranger into the house!"

Anna looked up at her then, her eyes flaring. "Hey don't bring Hans into this! He was nice enough to bring me home I just thought to offer him something to drink before he went home, it's common courtesy Elsa, you of all people should know that."

Elsa groaned. "Just make sure this doesn't happen again. I don't want to ground you, I'm not mom or dad I could do only so much." She mumbled as she dropped on the sofa and rubbed her forehead with her index finger and her thumb.

Anna frowned and sat beside her. "I'm sorry. I helped Merida clean up before Aunt Elinor, Uncle Fergus and the triplets came back. Hans stayed to help as well, he's new in town and offered to give me a ride home afterwards since his house is just a few blocks away from ours."

Elsa sighed and hugged Anna who returned the gesture. "You should've called if you were staying out so late so I would've picked you up."

Anna let out a laugh, "Well… I kinda forgot?" She sheepishly answered as Elsa broke the hug and looked at her sternly. "What? You know me, I'm quite the forgetful person." She giggled. Elsa chuckled and stood up.

"Come on, I think it's time to head to bed now, don't you think?"

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third threw out the remaining trash in the bin before heading back inside the mechanical shop where he worked as a part-timer. He wiped his hands on the worn-out apron he was wearing and went to get something to drink.

"Hiccup! Get me some of that mead would ya?" His boss and mentor, Gobber, called out from beneath the car he was fixing.

Hiccup did as he was told and took a bottle of mead out of the small cooler in the shop and placed it on the table which was littered with tools. "Shouldn't you go grab something to eat first before you drink that?" He asked.

"Aye, later, after I finish this!"

Hiccup chortled went to sit on the stool by the garage door and looked at the building right across the street, a girl with platinum-blonde hair went out then. She checked her phone as she just stood there, the sun beating down on her, making her pale skin flush pink because of the head and her hair nearly white. Hiccup thought she looked familiar but he couldn't place his finger on it. It's been a month since she kept appearing on that building and a month since he just kept on watching her whenever he could.

Hiccup thought that she was the most beautiful creature that graced this planet. Not only was she gorgeous but she was graceful as well, with perfect hair that always seemed to be in a braid, and big, blue doe eyes that he wished he could see up close. Hiccup ran a hand through his messy brown hair and saw Kristoff, the tall, burly guy who worked across the street come out from the building and approach the girl. She turned her attention away from the phone and smiled at Kristoff and the both went off somewhere, probably to eat lunch.

Hiccup sighed and turned back to Gobber who was looking at him with sly eyes as he drank the mead. "What are you looking at?"

Gobber took one last chug and let out a belch. "Pretty one, that girl." He commented knowingly.

Hiccup raised a brow at him and smirked. "Oh? Don't tell me you're interested? I mean, I think she prefers hygienic men with nice shirts and maybe a little bit on the younger side?" He joked.

Gobber laughed and thumped his protruding belly. "Oh and I bet she prefers those on the muscle department eh? Not all… this." He waved his hand towards Hiccup.

Hiccup chuckled and rolled his forest-green eyes heavenward. "You just gestured to all of me." He said, and though he wasn't the scrawny little boy like before, he was still a far-cry compared to Kristoff. He and the dirty-blonde haired guy knew each other for a while now, and the man was a good guy, a little weird maybe since he constantly talked to his reindeer friend talk back with this goofy voice; and yes, he kept an actual live reindeer named Sven. How he did it, Hiccup didn't have the slightest clue.

He and Kristoff even went to school together and now they worked right across each other. Kristoff worked in that building where he and the girl came out from. It was some ice shop that sold ice and accepted orders of ice sculptures. He didn't know much of the details since he's been there only a handful of times before only to buy ice, but ever since Gobber bought a cooler for the place, he hadn't been there since.

He was soon snapped out of his thoughts when Gobber called out to him for the second time. "You coming or what? I'm not gunna wait around all day for you lad! The sun's killing me 'ere!" He yelled and continued to walk away. Hiccup shook his head and hurriedly went to close the shop and catch up to his old mentor.