Parking duty may have been Judy's least favourite task, next to the agonizing bits paperwork after every case, but compared to Nick's current situation she could have been drifting on cloud nine. Even from the other side of the road her long lapine ears could hear the verbal abuse he was receiving from an irate Grizzly all too clearly, heck, she could see the slobber and spit flying forth from its maw plastering Nick's face and shirt. Surprisingly Nick didn't do much, no snide comment, no witty retort but instead just stuck the ticket in the bear's hand and walked away wiping off what he could of the slime before printing out another ticket, only to receive a similar treatment from a goat. All the yelling spoke the same words and some she heard before sometime ago.
" You're not a real cop!"
"Useless job for useless mammals"
"I pay my taxes, you can't ticket me!"
And some she hasn't.
"Just sizing up my car aren't you"
"Probably stole the uniform"
"Gotta steal one way or another, fox, legal or not"

'Gahh finally, end of the day' She thought stripping the vest next to her ever silent and still slimy friend, glancing at him she saw that his exterior mood was still the same, even after the colourful commentary he got throughout the day, the same flat look that shows little emotion.

"Still up for movie night? your pick this time", looking over to see Nick's gaze locked on his phone, " Earth to Slick, you there?", concern starting to creep on the small lapine's face.
"Oh yeah sorry, i'm still good for that, just let me shower and we can stop by the rental on the way, don't think you want your closet covered in slime after all".
" My APARTMENT is not a closet, it's perfectly sized for a conservative mammal as myself, though I don't think it's fair when you talk about it like that when I haven't even seen your place", Sticking out her tongue

"One of the many reasons you wont see it Fluff, would be so embarrassed and red you wouldn't be able to tell me apart from a beet", a small chuckle following the words.

Eventually the two friends have found themselves at Judy's after a time and with a movie in hand,a classic black and white spy movie, much to Judy's displeasure, reminiscent of the modern Jack Savage pieces. Lazily flopped around each other on her tiny bed watching it from her computer screen,Judy's legs propped on Nick's chest. This was a ritual since Nick came back from the academy, though they rarely made it to the end of movies, always passing out before the climax. But not tonight, for Nick at least, instead he just laid there, feet dangling over the side of the bed while his head was propped up by the many stuffed rabbits Judy keeps, thoughts rolling through his mind like the credits going down the screen while tiny snippets of snores came from the grey lump beside him.

Slowly and carefully Nick moved Judy's legs from atop of him, watching to make sure he didn't disturb her form, adjusting until he could finally stand up. Taking in the scene of the room and the Peaceful Judy, Snapping a quick picture while her mouth was open and her tongue lolling out in such a way one might consider it cute, but Nick wouldn't say that to her face, Nick grabs the notepad on her desk.
Couldn't sleep, decided to head home
Keep the helmet, it is yours after all.
Slick Nick
P.S. you snore :P
Turning off her computer and covering Judy back up with a quilt Nick takes in the scene once more before packing his bag and leaving, with the only sounds being a mutter under his breath.
"What a mess of a day".
The ride back to Happytown was quiet but i gave Nick time time think, think about what was to come next, what other things might come back to haunt what he might have to do to protect the one's he loves from the things he fears.