Miranda sits in the closet thinking about what Nigel said at lunch. His words running through her mind. "Could there really be something there? I know she is known as the harsh person, but she wasn't like that with me at the start… maybe there is something…" Miranda was lost in her thoughts when she heard the door to the closet slam shut. She sits up quickly and listens to see if anyone would come her way. She doesn't hear any footsteps, so she quietly gets up from her seat and walks towards the door. As she rounds the corner there is Andrea leaning up against the door with her eyes closed. "She looks so beautiful" Miranda thinks in the back corner of her mind. She just stands and stares taking in Andrea's appearance, she hadn't seen her in so long. "She looks tired…"

Andy could feel eyes on her, she snaps her eyes up and looks around for the source. Her brown eyes quickly meet icy blue eyes. She gasps softly, "had her eyes always been such a deep, expressive color?" Andy thinks. "Snap out of it Sachs!" Miranda sees something flash in Andrea's eyes before they quickly lose all emotion. Andrea stands up straight and in a cold voice says, "so I am paying you to stand around now?"

Miranda quickly looks away from Andrea. "Sorry Miss Sachs. I heard the door slam and I came to see what happened. I will get back to work." She turns and walks deeper into the closet away from those cold brown eyes with a frown on her face.

Andy slowly leans back against the door till her head thumps against it. "Back to Miss Sachs. What have you gotten yourself into Andrea." She turns and leaves the closet completely forgetting the reason she went there in the first place. She walks back to her office lost in her thoughts. As she makes it to her desk, she glances at the clock, "I think I am going to go home early. I need a night off, and a stiff drink to get those haunting blue eyes out of my head." Andy packs up her purse and sends Roy a quick text letting him know she wants to leave a little early and to let her know when he gets there. Then she sits down at her desk and waits while thinking about the sad look on Miranda's face, the one she had caused.

Finally after what seemed like hours her phone gets a text from Roy letting her know that he is downstairs and waiting for her. As gets up and walks out of the office barking at Emily to get her coat. "I need to give that girl a raise." She thinks absentmindedly as Emily rushes to get her coat. Sunglasses and coat in place she gets on the elevator down and is soon on her way home.

Back in the office, Emily is talking to Nigel, "I swear Nigel I don't remember the last time she went home so early! I hope she isn't getting sick or something. She has been in quite a mood recently. She even forgot to get the boots she wanted from the closet!"

"Wait she went to the closet? Herself?"

"Yes! She was muttering something about doing everything herself and stalks down there." Emily sniffed, "It's not like I couldn't do it. Anyways, she came back empty handed and deep in thought." Emily says a little concerned for her boss.

"Really? Interesting." Nigel says a quick goodbye to Emily and goes to find Miranda. He of course checked the closet first as that is basically Miranda's office now. He found her in the very back where they keep the clothes that didn't make the final cut. "Hey Mir." He got no answer from Miranda, she just gave a half hearted wave. "What's with the gloom and doom?"

"It's nothing." Miranda mutteres.

"Come on. Tell me. You know you can tell me anything." Nigel says seriously.

"Andrea was in here today." Miranda says so softly Nigel thought he had imagined the words.

"You know Emily said she came in here and then almost immediately went home. Andrea never goes home early." Miranda just shrugs. "Alright come on get up." Nigel starts pulling on Miranda's arm.

"Nigel! What are you doing?"

"I am getting you out of this funk! Come on, we are going to my office and we are getting you a drink." Nigel says firmly.

"You keep alcohol in your office?" Miranda asks bewildered.

"If you work here long enough, you have to keep alcohol close, now let's go!" Nigel pulls Miranda all the way to his office where he moves around behind his desk and quickly pulls out a half empty bottle of whiskey. "Now we were going to sit here and work some of this out."

"Nigel I got the girls at home. The nanny needs to be set home. My husband isn't living at home anymore so I have to take care of the girls." Miranda says with a small sigh, "how has my life become this messy?"

Nigel just nods in understanding. "Fine go take care of your girls. But tomorrow you are going to sit down with me and you will have at least one drink with me. Now get back to work!" Miranda just smiles at Nigel's antics. "Of course Nigel." Miranda goes back to the closet to finish out her work day.

The end of the day was less stressful for the office because of the fact Andrea wasn't there. Everyone could breath and get their work done. Some even left on time instead of the usual hours late. Miranda was one of those people who clocked out a five instead of her usual ten. She wanted to spend some time with her girls.

She made it home right in time for dinner. She stopped in the kitchen to ask the nanny to stay a little later tomorrow. After that was settled she quietly snuck into the dining room to surprise the girls. As soon as she steps into the room her arms are full of two of her favorite people in the world and her ears are filled with the scream of 'Mom' from both girls.

"Hello Bobbseys" she says with a bright smile on her face. "How are you guys today?" The dining room is quickly filled with the sounds of her daughters telling her about their day and about all the drama that occured at school the past week. Miranda just smiled through all of it because she had missed her daughters these past few days, working late and then getting up early for work hadn't allowed her time to see her girls so she was grateful for this time.

Soon the conversation wound down as the girls had finished telling Miranda about their days. After a few moments of quiet, Caroline said, "mom, is Stephen moving out forever?" Miranda sighed, she had almost forgotten about her husband and how he hadn't been home in weeks, rather staying in a hotel.

"Oh Caroline. I don't know my darling girl. Right now me and Stephen are having a disagreement. And I am sorry if-"

"No! Don't be sorry! I think I speak for both of us," the girls looked at each other and had a quick conversation with their eyes, "when I say that we don't miss Stephen. He never made you really happy mom. We just want you to be happy." she says softly.

Miranda had tears in her eyes, "I seem to be crying a lot recently" flashed across her head before she spoke to her daughter, "Girls… things are complicated. I need to talk to him and work things about but you two shouldn't worry about these things. When did you guys grow up?" She said with a sigh.

Both girls got up and gave their mother a hug, "we love you mom." they said in sync.

"And I love you to, Bobbseys." The Priestly girls had a long group hug. Finally Miranda pulled herself together, "I think we deserve some dessert and a movie. What do you girls think?"

"Chocolate ice cream and Harry Potter!" was shouted from both girls as they ran out of the dining room to the kitchen to get the ice cream.

"I swear you two practice talking at the same time." Miranda says with a laugh as she gets up and follows after them. Her heart lighter than it had been in weeks. " This is just what I needed."

Across the city Andy is having a horrible night. She came home early from work to get away from her thoughts but now she is in this big townhouse by herself with nothing but her thoughts. She was able to distract herself for a little but by working but soon finished what little was left for this month's issue.

Sitting around was never one of Andy's strong suites. She always had to be doing something. Tonight that something just happened to be drinking. She knew that drinking wasn't the best decision but that scotch was calling her name and she just couldn't resist.

After a few drinks and a sappy chick flick, one of Andy's weaknesses, later Andy was still on edge. She couldn't relax or really focus on anything, the only she did do was refill her glass over and over again and mull over the last couple of weeks. Till she finally made it to the topic of Miranda.

"Why iz her eyes so eyes? And tha hair swoop! That hair swoop is a swoop!" Andy laughs as she tries to swoop her own hair. "I fink her hair is soft! I should ask!" Andy stumbles over to her desk where her phone is. She struggles to unlock her phone because the number pad is a bit blurry. "Ha! Got it! Take that you, you blurry number thing!" she scrolls to find Miranda's name and types out a text: iiz, the huar,, swoop soft?...

Feeling accomplished Andy walks back to her couch where she flops down, phone still in hand. With a smile, she passes out. The only thing coming for the Sachs townhouse was the snores of the very drunk Andrea.

Back in the Priestly household, Miranda's phone went off with a soft vibration on her bedside table. But it fell on deaf ears as Miranda had already escaped to the land of dreams after her night with Caroline and Cassidy.

AN: Another chapter done! I'm still chipping away at this work paragraph by paragraph. I hope you guys enjoy! I am trying to get as much writing as done as I can but college is very good at distracting me. Leave me a review and tell me whatcha think! ~NinjahMonkey