And here is another fic that won't leave alone. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter I

A beautiful woman smiled as she picked up her young child that hatched a few days ago. Her crown shone beautifully telling everyone she is queen of their people, her eyes landed on her oldest son, he would be the next heir seeing that he had his flower-flame mark on his left side. Her young had his on his right side of his hip, meaning that he is an omega and a rare one at that. When someone is an omega, then they are very fertile and produce strong children, stronger than of a female's; she knew that her son will be fought over when he is ready to mate with the one he loves. Her face turns to see her mate, he did not take the news well and swore he will protect their young omega from all of those 'evil' beasts.

"He is just sleeping," she smiled as he held the both of them in his arms.

The young child was sound asleep without a care in the world in his mother's arms, both smiled in content, he took after his mother as his father had raven-hair with silver eyes. His mother had long thick strands of brown hair reaching past her waist, a light-green Victorian dress adorned her petite body, her brown eyes shone with a gentle expression and love only held for those of her family.

"Your majesty, you are to meet the royal Hawkans," one of their guards said as he knelt down before them.

"Bring in my son, he is almost of the age where he needs to be here with us." the king said walking ahead as the queen put back her sleeping son.

"An alliance will do us good with the Hawkans, and since they are allies to the dragons, we can soon be in peace and let our people know that our forces are growing stronger." she smiled walking with him.

"Yes, and today we sign and by next month we will be celebrating our alliance." he said and both walked downstairs as the guards open doors for them.

"Your majesties," the others bowed, the man had black hair with brown eyes, the woman has short light-brown hair with silver eyes and in her arms is a small child no older than two, he has black hair with silver eyes and he looked up at them with curiosity.

"I'm glad you had accepted our alliance, Takao of the Hawkan royalty." both bowed as they began to talk, the two queens smiled and went out to the gardens.

"How old is he?" the queen asked.

"He is one spring old," queen Takao replied as her son giggled walking away when she put him down.

"I have two sons, one is ten summers old while the other is only a few days hatched." she smiled.

"Very good, hopefully we could have more eggs," she giggled while the other smiled.

Both began to talk about their pasts, how they met their mates and how long they took to lay eggs. Both smiled happily laughing as if there was nothing wrong, but little do they know that it was the calm before the storm. During their alliance, they had gotten ridden of all the bad groups that had threaten to kill the royal family and take over the crown. They knew something was wrong when they thought that they had gotten ridden of all the rebels.

Five years passed and everything was at peace, they were going to sign an alliance against the most powerful creatures of their world, the dragons. King Furihata smiled as he walked to his wife and two sons, Shuuzou smiled playing with his younger brother, he is fifteen now and loved his kid brother to pieces, even though he doesn't show it. Kouki smiled as he caught the small flame bubbles he made. The queen smiled and walked up to her husband, giving him a kiss on his cheek, he smiled and put his arm around her shoulder.

"Kouki, look at this!" Takao had come to visit along while his family were at the dragon cove. They were going to meet at the dragon cove and leave Kazunari to his parents as they come back home.

"All right, we have to go. Your parents are probably waiting for you with the others." Shuuzou said holding Kouki by the hand, Kazunari held the other making Shuuzou wobble in the middle.

"Where are the kids?" asked queen Furihata looking around feeling scared all of a sudden.

"Here mama," Kouki giggled as he and Kazunari held on tighter to Shuuzou.

"Well, we must be off─" the king all of a sudden heard screams of pure pain and terror. A dark presence washed over him as he and Shuuzou stood right in front of the queen and kids. Kouki and Kazunari both began to shake feeling really scared.

The queen went to check outside and gasped, she began to shake as she watched her people getting killed by their enemies, tears ran down her cheeks as some of the guards were fighting off, but they were caught unguarded and are losing. The doors opened and in came creatures, all evil and different race, demons, witches/warlocks, werewolves, hell hounds and ogres. The queen silently gasped as four witches and four warlocks stood right in front of them, all of them smirked and looked at them in the eyes. Kouki and Kazunari were shoved right behind the queen, she began to shake in fright, when some of the wolves had pieces of her people in their mouths and some are almost dying. She didn't let the children see as her people began to scream for forgiveness, she looked away seeing as he was sliced in half and ended his misery. Her heart hurt.

"We will cast a spell so that you will never comeback, such a small kingdom. Yet when you die you burst in flames and are reborn. But, not anymore. Once we slice you with our magical swords, even if one small drop of blood is caused by our swords, you will never comeback." one of them smirked as the other seven began to line up with her.

They began to chant a spell, and Kouki had tears running down his face.

"Why are you doing this?" the king asked.

"Because you murdered more than half of our comrades. And we want revenge, what better revenge is to start with the smallest─yet the most helpful kingdom. With only a single tear, you saved a life, heal the sick, close the wound. This way the other kingdoms will not get their tears." she smirked as her eyes glared at the children.

"Please have mercy on the young, they are not at fault." the queen began to cry, but they all laughed as if it was the funniest joke in their world.

"Never, now." she pointed as some of the vampires attacked, the queen screamed holding the children to her chest, both boys were crying already.

"Get them out of here," her mate said throwing her something shiny, he also shoved Shuuzou with her as he turned with a sword out already. He began to fight and dodge the sharp swords ready to slice him. He winced when one of the vampires sliced his cheek. Gritting his teeth he sliced his head off with a bit of satisfaction.

"Father!" Shuuzou screamed as his mother sprouted her crimson wings and took off to the air with all three children. He had tears running down his face as he saw the vampires bounce on his father taking his blood. He held his mother tight, she too was sobbing, but right now all she had in her mind was to save her children.


"Not so fast!" a sword was thrust on his mother's chest, he saw that it almost sliced Kouki, and he thanked above that he was not touched by the sword.

"Open the doors to the other world!" she shouted as she threw a flame ball to the demon. He screamed as the flames devoured him, Shuuzou threw another flame ball when he saw more coming. But his were not as strong as his mother's, at least they were stopped by the fire.

A glowing pool of all colors opened and she went inside, Kouki felt like jumping on the mud, thick and and gooey. He closed his eyes when they were falling down, he looked up to see that the portal closed and no one else was following them. But he didn't know why they were falling harder and harder. Shuuzou sprouted his dark-red wings and tried to stop the fall as best as he could, but his young body could only handle so much weight. Especially his mother's wings that were still flapping, but didn't have anymore energy to keep them all up. He saw a lake and decided to guide them there instead of the hard ground.


A young boy of five was playing with his two older sisters, they were swimming inside the lake where their parents owned the cabin. It was passed down from generation to generation, and his older sister will inherit it when she gets older as his other sister get's the house. Kise was just happy how he is, his sisters stopped what they were doing and looked up. Kise looked up as well, his eyes widened when something was falling down from the sky. The girls were screaming as they swam away, the oldest grabbed him and got out still screaming. Their parents came out of the house running to see why they were screaming, the girls pointed up and they were just on time too see people coming down from the sky screaming. They saw the people make a huge splash and their mother gathered her children close to her, the children all still screaming, were shocked when they saw a woman with a light pink dress walking out. She was being held by a young teen and on her arms were two children, but that was not what they were shocked. They were shocked because the woman and teen had wings larger than their bodies, and the woman was bleeding from the middle of her chest. It seemed that the teen had guided them to the floor, so they didn't hit hard.

"Mom..." the oldest was shocked.

"What are they?" Mrs. Kise asked as her husband slowly walked towards them, "Honey be careful..." she said trailing off as the woman began to limp, blood still coming out of her wound.

"Can we help you?" the man asked slowly walking to them.

The woman reacted and held the children closer while the teen stood in front of the woman ready to fight. Both children were crying and looked beyond scared.

"I mean no harm, I just want to help you. We can call a doctor." he said and the woman fell down to her knees crying and paler.

" children..." she began to cry and the teen had tears running down his cheeks.

"I'll help," Mrs. Kise walked up to her, being a nurse, she took in her vitals.

"Mama..." Kise looked up to see his mother having a hard expression on her face.

"Not good, she's already dying..." she said as the woman was still on her knees, she too stayed holding her hands.

"" she began to cough out blood, the brunette child saw and began to cry along with the other boy.

"I will, I promise...but what are you?" she saw the crown and she gasped it was made out of real gold and jewelry.

"We...I...can..n't..Shouuzou...Kouki...mommy and you...Kazunari...forgive them" she fell to the ground landing on her side. The last of her tears fell down her beautiful face, Shuuzuo began to cry as he held both Kouki and Kazunari.

"I─" the Kise family gasped as the body burst in flames, they were too shocked to scream when the flames devoured the body and left nothing. Blood gone as well.

"What are you?" Mr. Kise asked as Shuuzou looked up at the sky with tears falling down his cheeks.

"Phoenix..." was all he said as he looked at his two now family members. He will protect them no matter what comes at him.

"As in the legend phoenix?" one of the older girls wiped their golden eyes.

"Yes..." he said kissing Kouki on the side of his head.

How was it, this seriously hit me and I was all let me type this now! xD Please review and tell me how it was!