Neko-chan: Speed up! Time to speed up the timeline! Also please continue to review and stuff to this story and any other ones you read. We authors need reviews to kept fed. Also I feel like I have to place this in every one of my stories and I personally do not like it but here you go.
with that off my chest I can move on, and by the way why am I ranting like this? Cause a review very annoyed me and I had about 2 hours of sleep within this week trying to get my work done for my university degree and writing helps me relax. So to the shitty review I will give you shit back. Rant over back to writing. If you have nothing better the say but to say your grammar is shit then don't say anything else.
2 years later
As I thought the war broke out it was about a year or so when it happened, when Minato came he did indeed try to get a treaty with us, along with many other ninja nations. They were all denied no one in our village wanted to deal with, what they called petty fights and to leave us out of it or they will have a third party to clean up the mess.
Of course this didn't really change some of the villagers as they continued to invade us, causing us children to get more training so we can look after ourselves, mother worked me like a slave along with everyone else the family. I was even stopped to cook in the eatery, the look on my face I gave to them made them cringe in guilt, as they took the only pleasure that I had in life. I sulked and gave them as mother said my most powerful move "Large sad puppy eyes" they then eased up after seeing that I wasn't getting any better within a week.
Today was a rare off day for me, I was doing what children my age should be doing, play with a ball I was dimly bouncing the white ball up and down as well as bouncing off the wall of the park. Everyone was busy, and when I was saying that I mean there was a festival happening today and everyone but us kids were pitching in to help.
I had no idea what the festival was, it was spring and the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, maybe it's that time. While the other kids were at home I told mother I wanted to go to the park, she was surprised as she saw me with the old white ball she never saw me as a normal child. I could see in her eyes she saw someone that was wiser then any child could be.
As I was lost in my thoughts I was kicking the ball like I use to, I was not that bad at football back in the day, I was playing with the boys more then girls. It was more fun getting muddy then just sitting about talking and doing handstands.
Over the last year I have been actually writing to Rin, we actually become pen pals of some sort she wrote to me, mainly complaining about Obito and the training of whatever her sensei was giving her. As well as she was telling me excitingly that she was learning medical jutsu, whatever that is, if I remembered healing and the odd green Chakra. She actually told me about the war and she hoped that we still could write to each other as it means a lot to her.
I unfortunately was actually developing feelings for the girl, now not the I am interested in you feelings, but more of the you are my sister and family feeling. I wish to see her again and I miss her, I was thinking of telling mother and grandpa about it to consider letting me travel to Rin just for a month or so, but quickly deleted the idea of it.
"Well, well well What do we have here, a little brat" I stopped my bouncing and looked up seeing a group of ninjas standing not that far away from me, I narrowed my eyes at them, didn't grandpa say that ninjas are now forbidden to come into the village? They must of planned sneaking in as we are busy with the festival. I quickly glanced at their symbol and found it to be of the rock the people that neighboured us.
I slowly backed away to my bag were it had my lunch as well as scrolls for my sword and equipment. I had to play dumb for now, I gave them a forced friendly smile and looked at them "Hello, who are you? Are you here for the festival?" as I hid behind my ball continuing backing away into my bag, they had a sickly grin on their faces, well at least two of them did, the female seemed to be uncomfortable about whatever they were planning to do.
"Sure you can say that kid where are your parents" the larger of the males looked at me as he gained some distance, I focused on his Hitai-ate and saw it was slash… so a missing ninja, his comrades seemed to have the same to theirs.
"Mama and Papa are busy at home they told me to go play" I gave them an extremely fake cheery smile and voice, I felt disturbed calling mother and father, that but I needed to act like a normal kid. Even if told not to talk to strangers kids will always do it.
"Well we are friends of your mum and dad and they asked us to get you back" he grinned at me as I resisted in flinching at the sick fucks smile, it looked borderline pedo. I gave them a smile and nodded picking up my bag, in general I had no choice in not going or not, if I didn't they could easily grab me and get me to where ever they want to take me, but if I acted dumb maybe I could get away.
The male then grunted at female as she took my hand before picking me up, as she picked me up I swore I heard a small sorry before my vision blacked out.
The next time I woke up I was gagged and in a bag, with my own bag dumped on top of me. I kept quiet as I moved the cloth off my mouth and dove into my sleeves my weapons were still there, these ninjas were stupid enough not to check me. I quickly unsealed a senbon and started to cut a small slit so I could see what was going on.
We were travelling away in the snow forest at a slowish pace it seemed like it was late afternoon, meaning I had been missing for at least four or five hours as it was late morning when I was in the park. I scanned the limited area I could see when there was a sudden halt. "We will make camp here after we continue to move out to the boss" I was dropped roughly and the top was opened, I quickly hid the needle in my mouth it was shorter then the ones adults handle so it easily fit as I slid it to the side of my mouth.
"Hey look our guest is awake, you kid are stupid to trust us, now you will never see your mummy and daddy again" he got into my face as he grinned touching me a bit too close. He saw me shiver and his sick grin grew, only to stop as the female gave a loud cough causing him to look about at her in anger.
"Stop it Dashi, The Tuskikage wants her unharmed and untouched, she is our hostage not your fuck toy" she glared at him as he squeezed my arm hard before throwing me to the ground making me cry out in pain.
"I am sure boss doesn't mind if I had a small taste of her I mean look at her she ready to fuck, you are too soft Maru" he grinned at me as I quickly backed away into the tree they threw me against, he only shut up when the other male spoke up making him sit down far away from me.
I let out a small whimper as the female of the group looked at me and gave me a hug, I flinched as she touched me, she was warm, the harsh weather around here was nothing to me though she was actually colder then me I gave her a small smile of thanks.
My mind was clicking away thinking, we were not that far from the three wolves if we go pass that it would be a high chance of me not being able to come back home, the thought made the feeling of dread fall over me.
Though I wanted why they were setting up camp here, I guess they are not use to the conditions here, it took a toll on most people, and the group looked weak to say the least, the female looked the most healthy out of all of them and that wasn't saying much.
A few minutes later one of the males Dashi, that seems to have escaped me had came back with a knocked out two animal cubs, my eyes widened that was an Andrewsarchus and an entelodon, both these animals are extinct back in my past life, the first one was a giant dog like creature with a huge over size head and when fully grown over six feet long. These animals actually roam about here and so do a lot of extinct animals, they tend to ignore us samurai as we give them respect as well throw our unwanted meals to them.
We actually have a couple tamed back at home, well the other one was known as the pigs from hell, they eat anything and everything taking on what ever they can find, they ate rotten meat and food like it was today's cooked dinner, while the ones on earth where just skin the ones here are covered by a thick layer of fur. These guys were a pest back home we kept a few as rides but they mainly stayed away from us. What was bad was that their parents are over protective of their young.
"Looks like we have dinner let's ge-" I didn't allow him to finish as I spat my senbon into his hand a stupid move I know, but I quickly ran and grabbed the animals hiding them in my clothes as the man cried out in pain pulling out the needle.
"YOU BITCH!" I was slapped across the face but I didn't let go of the two cubs as they awoke crying out for their parents. I tried to shush the two creature to no effect they continued to cry, when I was ripped from them, they fell out of my arms squealing out loudly.
"Fucking whore I am going to enjoy striping you and checking you to make sure there isn't anymore weapons you have on you" I cried out and struggled in his grip, before he could even get a sleeve of a loud roar and thundering of hooves were heard. I took that moment of distraction and pulled out a kunai plunging it into his skull.
I pushed as hard as I could blood sprayed all over me, as his body went and fell shocking his companions not a second later a herd of rampaging Entelodon stormed in, bowling into the last male taking him up in it's jaw ripping off one of his legs. I gasped as I scuttled back herding the two small animals they obeyed and huddled against me as we kept away from the hooves.
I heard gasping to my side and saw that the guy was still alive trying to crawl away from the hulking beast only to run into the massive jaws of an adult Andrewsarchus, as the jaws closed around him my vision was covered by the lady that part of the group.
"It's ok sweetie I will protect you I hate my village anyway, all this blood shed I hate it all I want is a nice place to rest and raise my bees" she gently wiped my face from the blood as I got a good look at her, black hair that was short to the shoulders pointed eyes that were gold, she was thin but I think that was more since of the condition of what Iwa is in right now. She didn't seem to be a bad person heck I think she was forced to do this, I think given a choice she would of ran away long ago.
The boar and andrewsarchus came out and looked at us sniffing about, I quickly pushed their young forward as they looked like they were going to charge as us. As soon as they saw their children running towards them, they looked back at us grunting though the two young ones ran back to my nuzzling my legs and sat down. The adults looked at me and nodded at me I looked at them gapping they were leaving there young with me?
Nevermind that both of them were the size of a great dane and I could ride on them, they were also licking me to get at the blood that was sprayed on me. The thought of me killing someone just now caught up to me I felt my stomach jump as I quickly tuned throwing up against the tree. I wept as the burning feeling in my mouth happen, the soothing circles that Maru-san was doing was little to nothing to help my thoughts.
I let out a small whimper as I hugged the andrewsarchus head for comfort all energy was drained from me, I could hear shouting in the distant the adults were catching up and Maru-san looked like she was about to bolt till I gripped her hand. I have no idea why I did it but I wanted her to stay, she would be safe in the village.
"FUYUKI! FUYUKI! WHERE ARE YOU HONEY!" the yell of my grandpa caught my attention as I sluggishly pulled myself onto the boar making it trot forward, my grip on Maru-san's hand tighten as we came out of the tree, there was half of the village and my family grandpa leading the horde of people.
"Grandpa..." I managed to whimper out as I shakily reached a hand out for him, his eyes widened as he rushed towards me picking me up hugging me the two animals squealed in protest. Though was silenced when he glared at them, he turned to Maru-san and growled she was surrounded by the other members swords pointing at her.
I whimpered before exhaustion took over me I was able to say the words "friends don't hurt them"
Neko-chan: that said I might of been watching and reading Cage of Eden to get the two monsters into this story, if someone wants to be my beta speak up in a PM to me.