Copyright and Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters here from Ghost Hunt, Initial D, Ouran High School Host Club or NCIS. The only character I own is Jessica Manyhorses and several other original characters I created.

This is the original 44 chapter story.

Things like this don't happen very often, but Naru smiled as he gazed upon Mai's sleeping figure next to him. He slid over closer to her and kissed her on the temple. "Wake up, Mai," he murmured in her ear as he brushed her hair away from her face and neck.

"Naru…" she whispered, "I don't want to get up yet."

Naru chuckled, "This is your big day," he kissed her on the neck under her ear. A positively mischievous gleam lit his cerulean blue eyes as he began tickling her on the side of her ribs.

Mai's eyelids flew open as she squealed and slid away from him.

"You're not getting away that easy," Naru smirked as he moved across the bed on his knees.

"No… Naru… please stop," Mai begged as he tickled her again and she erupted in high-pitched peals of laughter.

Naru fell on top of her as he pressed his lips to hers, "I love you, Mai."

Mai giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you too Oliver."

Naru released her, "As much as I'd like to continue this, you're graduating today, and tonight we'll be on a plane to London."

"So soon?" Mai could hardly believe her what he'd just said.

"Yes father needs to go back to London and we need to get started on your training, especially finding out that you can spiritually heal also."

Mai rose from the bed and her shoulders dropped as her chest ached. She would be leaving all her friends. She turned away from Naru as she bit her bottom lip and tears gathered at the back of her eyes.

Naru rose from the bed and padded barefoot across the carpeted floor gazing down on her face. He pulled her into an embrace, holding her tightly to him. "I know you're sad but truthfully Mai if you're untrained the next case I take could cost me my whole world." He struggled to swallow the cotton that was forming in his throat, as he closed his eyes. Opening his eyes again, he gazed pointedly into her eyes. "I don't want to lose you like I lost Gene."

Mai put a hand to his cheek as she could see his emotions clearly on his face. "How… how long will we be gone?"

"Possibly a year, maybe two, it all depends on how well you learn what the others will be teaching you." Naru brushed his lips across her mouth. "Go on and hop into the shower, I'll use the one down the hall. I also need to confer with my parents to see if they have everything prepared for our flight."

Stepping into the bathroom, she turned on the shower and quickly undressed. As she stepped into the shower, the warm water rained onto her skin. Dipping her head under the stream getting her head wet she pushed her hair back with both hands. As she soaped up, she couldn't help the thought of leaving her parents behind as a tear slid down her cheek. More joined the race, as she continued to shower. She didn't want to leave, but she also felt that her parents would be proud of her for taking this step.

The thought was comforting as she turned around she leaned her head back into the water. As she washed the shampoo suds out of her hair, the water sent them in little streams down her back.

Turning off the water, she wrapped a towel around her body. It clung to her like a lover draping around her curves. Grabbing a second towel, she wrapped her hair into it.

Exiting the bathroom, she padded across the carpet to the closet. Pulling out her school uniform, she smiled at it sadly. This was the end of her childhood, and she placed the uniform reverently on the bed. Walking over to the dresser, she pulled out her undergarments.

Dressing quickly she sat on the edge of the bed and pulled up her leggings that reached her mid-thigh. Even though the temperature was calling for a warm day, it was still chilly outside.

Naru entered the room freshly showered and dressed. "Remember to pack your bags." He pulled out their suitcases and quickly had his packed.

Mai took her time carefully picking out several nice looking tops, skirts, skinny jeans, and shorts. Naru gave everything a glance and then pulled out some of her sweaters and packed them for her.

"Huh?" she glanced in his direction, "why the sweaters."

"Easy, it's still damp and chilly in England and I don't want you to get sick."

Mai huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest. "I guess that also means that I should pack my winter coat."

"No," he chuckled. A knock at the door caught their attention. "Mai, Noll, it's getting late."

"I know, Mother," Naru sighed as he opened the door. "We were just finishing packing Mai's bag."

Martin came up and took their luggage adding it to everyone else's, he and Lin began loading it all into both the SPR van and the van that Martin had brought along for the haunted hospital case. Once loaded, Mai hurriedly grabbed a slice of toast.

Luella made fussing noises as she grabbed Mai by the wrist. "This just won't do. You need real breakfast, and pushed the girl into a chair at the table."

"It's okay, really. Usually, I'm running so late that this is all I have time for." Mai whispered.

"Not anymore you're not. You may not be married to my son yet, but I refuse to allow you to get sick because of malnutrition." Luella shook her index finger at Mai punctuating each statement with a jab to the air.

Naru chuckled as he sat down at the table followed by Lin, Madoka, and Martin. Luella whisked plates in front of their faces covered with food. She sat down last with her own plate. Everyone ate with relish, and once their appetites were sated, Naru rose from the table. "Lin and Madoka will take you to school, Mai. I'll be there with Mother and Father a bit later." He gave her a little peck on the cheek as she nodded.

The auditorium was full with row upon row of folding chairs. The graduating class sat in the middle listening to the speakers as they each gave their speeches on what a bright future these graduates were facing.

Mai couldn't focus on the statements, to her, they all sounded like the blah, blah, blah only with no real diction. All the words seemed to blend into unintelligible speech. She glanced around for Naru and his parents. She finally spotted them over to the side in one of the side galleries set aside for parents and family. Other chairs sat behind the class filled with other people who were there for each graduate.

Mai glanced down at the ring on her finger, and Naru's words came back to her. He explained that the blue teardrop diamond symbolized his ice-cold heart that was waking from its frigid existence thanks to her love for him. The circle of white and black diamond's surrounding the blue teardrop diamond was a symbol of her and him.

She glanced around the room and saw her friends Keiko and Michiru. How could she tell them she was leaving them behind today. Everything felt so surreal.

With the last speech, the class was ordered to stand and each person's name was called. Many of her fellow classmates were surprised that she was actually graduating on time with her class. They had no idea that while she was out on cases, she was doing individual self-study assignments for her classes to keep her caught up with her classmates. The work was hard and if she had problems, Lin and Yasu usually helped her, but sometimes Naru would also help.

Mai's name was called and her smile beamed as she took her diploma, shook his hand and strode off the stage and returned to her seat. Excitement ran through her, no longer a high schooler.

As the class was dismissed, she ran over to where her SPR family had gathered with Naru's parents. Everyone congratulated her. Mai was lost in a sea of emotions. Naru was firm and gentle as he pulled her into his embrace, burning her lips with his mouth.

When they separated, several pairs of eyes gawked as her friends had come over to give her well wishes. Finally, Mai found her voice. "Uhm… guys I have to tell you. Tonight I'm leaving with Naru and his family and going to England."

Keiko and Michiru squealed in delight. Each one hugged her, "Oh my gosh," Keiko squealed again. "How long will you be gone?"

"That's just it. I think I'll be gone for a year could be longer."

"Exploring Europe or something to that effect?" Michiru was excited for Mai and hugged her.

All the faces around her blurred as she fought the tears that came to her eyes and felt Jessica wrap her in a hug. "It's okay to cry, but look at it this way you're going on an adventure and taking your first steps into a larger world."

Mai wiped the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. She had to admit, Jessica was right again. She smiled at the others as she hugged all her friends. She was going to miss each one while she was away. "I promise to call or text at least once a week to let you know what's going on."

Martin checked his watch, "We have enough time to fit in a quick dinner before we leave for the airport."

Keiko and Michiru both hugged their friend one more time. Looking at the others, they smiled and then turned on Naru. "Take care of Mai," Keiko glared at him as he raised an eyebrow at the girl.

Michiru shook her finger at him reminding him of a certain redheaded priestess who was snickering off to the side trying to still the laughter that threatened to bubble over. "Make Mai sad and I can make your life a living hell, Naru."

Takigawa couldn't take it anymore as both he and Ayako burst into a fit of laughter. Mirth showed in Lin's eyes as he glanced at the younger man.

"Guys," Mai gulped as she snaked an arm around Naru's waist. "Naru would never hurt me."

"Of course, I won't," he smirked down at Mai. Turning to face the girls, "I promise to keep her safe."

"We're going to hold you to your word." Both girls replied at the same time.

Mai waved to them as everyone made the walk to their respective vehicles. Jessica grabbed Mai one more time. "You know if you ever need to talk about anything call me. Ever since we met when that crazy tornado came through, I thought of you as my little sister."

Mai smiled at the older woman. "Thank you so much, Jessica, for everything."

Jessica released a nervous giggle. "I have to go, Ryosuke is expecting me."

"I'm not going to say goodbye," Mai sniffed a little as tears threatened to fall. "Instead, I'll just say see ya later because goodbye sounds so final."

Jessica waved once more as she strode over to her Mazda RX-7, and climbed in. Firing up the engine, she backed the car out of the parking slot, revved the engine once, and then sped off as a cloud of tire smoke filled the air.

Mai climbed into the van with Naru, Lin, and Madoka as Martin and Luella climbed in theirs. Both vans and Monk's car left the parking area and headed for a nearby restaurant.

The black of the oncoming night swallowed the sun. Naru noticed that Mai's face had a look of sadness but something else caught his attention. Could she be anxious? He pulled her towards him and put his arm around her shoulders in a comforting gesture.

"Naru, what's it like in England, I only know from what I've read about it."

"The weather is colder, certain classes are expected to behave different from others, but as a whole, they're not as formal as it is here. However like here you'll meet both friendly people and of course some who are not so nice."

"So what does that mean for your family is your family within one of those classes?" Mai asked as she yawned.

"My family may be one of those but my parents don't believe in all that stiff upper crust stuff that others do." Naru chuckled, "Thank goodness my mother realized early on that I was not the type of person to be pushed into a blind date like her friends wanted my mom to do trying to pawn their daughters off on me."

Mai smiled as she settled her head on his shoulder and allowed her eyelids to close. "I'm glad too," she whispered as she fell asleep.

A click sounded from the front of the van and Naru caught Madoka smiling brightly at the young couple. "Luella is going to love this," she commented as she hit send on the camera.

Naru muttered, "I knew I should have taken your cell phone away from you."

Madoka wagged her finger at Naru. "I don't think you'll do that especially if you don't want me to introduce Mai to Elmer."

Naru's eyes narrowed as he glared at his mentor. "You wouldn't do that especially not to Mai."

"You never know what I might do," the older woman sing-song and winked as she turned back around in her seat.

Lin glanced at Madoka and shuddered. "You wouldn't do that would you?"

Madoka's eyes flashed with a little mischievous gleam. "It might actually be interesting to see what Elmer thinks of her."

Naru gently shook Mai, who opened her eyes with a flutter. "We're here," he spoke gently.

Mai sat up and stretched, she picked up her carry-on bag from the floor by her feet, climbed out the side of the van, and stumbled slightly as she rubbed the sleep from the eyes. Her heart began to race as she heard the sounds of the airplane engines as some rose to a level announcing their intent to take off, others landing. Chaos reigned around her and it began to drain her energy.

Quickly she went through the motions that Jessica had taught her and grounded the negative energies that were building around her and allowed the light energy to balance her. Turning at the sound of another car pulling in next to the van, she saw that Monk had driven the rest of SPR to see them off on their trip.

Mai reached into the van to grab her suitcase but a larger hand beat her to it, "I can't let my little sister carry her own bag," Takigawa smiled down at her as he hefted the bag out of the back of the van.

The group entered the terminal each person dealing with their own feelings about Mai leaving. Monk passed Mai's bag over to Naru, and Masako surprised everyone when she reached out and hugged Mai. "I should have said something earlier, but was afraid you'd reject my apology." A tear ran down the medium's cheek, "I'm so sorry for being so mean to you over the past two years, but I thought I had feelings for Naru, but it took an absolute crazy college student to make me see that it was just infatuation."

Mai wiped a tear away that threatened to fall as she hugged Masako. "It's okay, I guess in a way we both behaved badly."

Both girls giggled nervously as they released each other. Masako turned to Naru with a stern look on her face. "Do anything to hurt Mai and you'll answer personally to me."

Naru nodded to Masako, as Yasu was next in line to hug Mai. "Take care of yourself."

"I will."

Ayako grabbed her and hugged her tightly. "I'll miss you, but you have fun while you're in England."

Mai nodded as John hugged her, "May God keep you safe."

"Thanks, John thanks, Ayako."

Monk was last. He pulled her into a huge hug, but not one of his bear hugs. "Take care Mai," he smiled down on her as the tears she'd been fighting finally began their race down her cheeks as she hugged him back.

"Take care of yourself and the others, Monk," Mai replied, her voice breaking as she did so.

They parted as Mai felt Naru's arm wrap around her waist. "We have to go." She waved to her SPR family and wiped the tears from her eyes. This is it. She took a deep breath as they moved through crowds of people to reach the check-in desk. Mai couldn't help but sneeze as some woman walked past the cloying scent of her perfume assaulted Mai's nostrils.

They met Naru's parents at the check in desk. Martin finished with the details of having the van and trailer filled with sensitive BSPR equipment shipped on the same plane. The guy behind the counter worked on checking them in as he kept throwing flirty glances at Mai.

Naru glared, and the guy either was just plain stupid or didn't care that he was in danger of getting a tongue-lashing from the Japanese SPR branch owner.

Mai reached out to take her ticket and made sure she flashed her engagement ring at the guy behind the desk causing him to stop his advances and Naru smirked.

They found their gate and went through the security check as their flight number was called. They strode up the ramp leading to the plane and handed the stewardess their boarding passes in first class.

Once everyone was seated, the flight attendants began the list of emergency procedures. Mai's nerves began to get the better of her, as different scenarios began to race through her head. The smell of jet fuel attacked her nostrils. Her fingers clawed at the seat.

"Mai," Naru cupped her cheek and forced her to look into his eyes, "it's okay." He bent his head down and claimed her lips with his. All thought of fear left her. She barely felt the plane roll down the runway or take off, as their kiss grew more passionate. However, his phone beeped alerting him to a text message, he reluctantly pulled away from Mai. Reaching into his pocket he pulled it out he read it and glanced at the seat in front of him seeing his mother peeking through the seats at them with a huge smile on her face.

He glared back, "Mother, it's indecent to do that on a plane."

She just grinned back like the proverbial Cheshire cat. She sent him another text. He read that one, "No."

She frowned, and his phone beeped again.

He smirked at her, "Yes, I am."

Mai glanced at his phone reading the words party pooper. She giggled and leaned her head on Naru's shoulder as she guessed what Luella was getting at. "She wants grandbabies doesn't she?"

He kissed the top of Mai's head, "Yes she does, but she can wait until after we're properly married."

Mai closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep with images of a crazed Luella chasing after her and Naru with a baby blanket in one hand and pacifier in the other. Mai giggled in her sleep.