Here is the chapter of Chris' life. Hopefully this will clear up some questions for everyone. If you sent in or posted a question I did answer it. Enjoy.

Chris' leg was jumping up and down so fast he felt as though he was going to wear a hole in the back of his jeans, he'd done it before and it he didn't exactly have the materials to patch a hole. "Well?" he prompted when it seemed as though Leo and Piper weren't going to start.

Leo's head snapped up, "Right, questions…"

"What was your life like?" Piper asked.

Well that was vague, "Busy"

That earned him two slight glares.

"Could you be a bit more specific?" Piper snapped.

"Could you?" Chris replied.

"Why don't you start at the beginning and go through what you remember. We'll add in questions as they come?" Leo suggested.

Chris shook his head, "That's not what I agreed to"

"It will get this over with quicker" Leo reasoned.

Sighing, Chris slumped back. He supposed Leo did have a point. If he just gave the basics and allowed them to ask questions then they could do this chronologically which would save on unneeded explanations later. "Fine."

Piper and Leo tried to keep the eagerness off of their faces as they got ready to listen to Chris' life story. It was slightly exciting to learn something about their youngest and of the future.

"My earliest memories are of my mat in the basement. As long as I lived in the manor that's where I slept. I remember Wyatt being down there with me, telling me a story or Piper singing me to sleep" A slight quirk upwards to the corner of Chris' mouth was the only indication the other two occupants had that these were pleasant memories. The rest of Chris' body was a complete blank.

"What did I used to sing to you?" Piper asked. If it was something that helped her son sleep then she would sing it every night.

"The lullaby from the Prince of Egypt"

"I don't?" Leo started but Piper cut him off.

"You mean the one that goes: Hush now my baby be still love don't cry,

Sleep as you're rocked by the stream,

Sleep and remember my last lullaby,

So I'll be with you when you dream.

River, oh river, flow gently for me,

Such precious cargo you bear,

Do you know somewhere he can be free,

River deliver him there"

Chris had closed his eyes and soaked in Piper's voice singing that song, his lullaby. Oh how he'd missed that. It was the one song that could put him to sleep. Wyatt had tried to sing it to him after their mother had passed but it had never been the same when it wasn't Mom's voice that sang it. "Yeah, that's the one"

"Why would I sing that song to you?" Piper didn't understand, that song was about a mother giving up her baby. It was a goodbye. Why would she make that her son's lullaby?

"You… future you, always said that one never knew when their last day would be. You never wanted me to forget that you loved me but that you might not be there the following day"

Leo and Piper were appalled, "Why would I ever want a child to know that? Let alone my child?"

"That was the nature of the world we lived in." Chris replied, "By the time I was born it was already obvious that something was wrong with Wyatt, having another male in the family scared the others and they didn't want anything to do with me. In the following years Wyatt was making a greater name for himself and no one was comfortable with him but knew better than to fight him as he was the twice blessed and it was the age of boys. It was no secret that anyone who had crossed paths with Wyatt in a negative way would go missing. Some would turn up days later traumatized and others would never turn up again. It wasn't uncommon even then for someone to leave for work in the morning and never return."

"How old were you when you learned that?" Leo asked revolted.

"I've always known," Chris shrugged, "That's life"

"That's not life Chris…" Piper started but he wouldn't listen.

"It might not be life for you currently but where I grew up that's the way things worked." Chris explained. "I've never known any different so it's not that big of a deal to me"

"It should be" Leo said, "Whether a person is still alive should matter!"

Rolling his eyes Chris turned to fully face Leo, "I know that life is important Leo, why do you think I started the resistance. I wanted to save as many as possible. That does not change the fact that someone disappearing and never showing up again was something to stop and mourn over, especially in the middle of a war."

"Alright" Leo sighed, he wouldn't get through to Chris in one conversation and they were currently here for another reason. "Let's just move on. What was your relationship like with the family? I know it wasn't pleasant but I am curious as to why you think we hate you?"

"As I have already stated they were not fond of me. Wyatt was fifteen when he slipped the two of you the lust potions, it was never planned to add another baby to the family. Wyatt had been giving you all enough trouble and, from what I've been told, every baby after him had made him angrier and angrier because they were all females. Wyatt had somehow learned of the 'age of boys' and wanted to test the theory. You," this he directed at Leo, "were also concerned about this prospect when I was born and you didn't want to have another Wyatt. From what I could understand you were not willing to admit to any failing as a parent and thus blamed Wyatt's… ways on the fact that he had so much power. After all as Lord Acton wrote in 1877 'power tents to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely'."

"You blamed the amount of power Wyatt had on his corruption and, since it was the age of boys, I would have a similar amount of power thus would be corrupted as well. Refusing to deal with another son like Wyatt you decided to 'keep me in line'. Somehow you had the others on your side with the exception of Piper. Again I think the way Wyatt acted helped the rest of the family to see me as a threat as well."

"I only remember living in the basement and from a very early age I had a lot of chores to do around the house. I was never allowed to play with my cousins or siblings though Wyatt was always there if I truly needed him. Leo, you would often find things wrong with anything I'd done. You would punish me regularly but it was always worse when Wyatt had done something evil as well. You knew you couldn't punish Wyatt so you would take it out on me instead."

"Chris, I…. I will never" Leo interrupted.

"You did" Chris replied, "And there is little reason to think you won't again if I do not save Wyatt. If I do then it will be a moot point as there will be no me."

Chris paused a moment to collect himself before continuing. He hated this but on some level it felt good to tell him parents the truth, to see the reactions on their faces. To see as they realized that they had not been wonderful parents, that they had made mistakes. Leo more so than Piper; but still mistakes none the less.

"When I was about four I started to go stir crazy cooped up in the manor all day long. You wouldn't let me out, didn't want others to see me or me to see them. Afraid that I might start going after those I didn't like or that others might come after me I do not know. The more I hated being stuck inside the more my magic would respond in kind. Eventually Piper, you talked Leo into letting me leave the house but Leo would only allow me to go to the underworld. I do wonder if he thought I would just end up dead down there and you all would be rid of me."

"Before I went down for the first time Wyatt pulled me aside and taught me a spell to change my orbs to black and how to pass as a dark lighter child. He also told me to let him know if anything bad happened to me down there. I did at first but quickly found that if I complained about another child being mean or picking on me as most small children do then I would never see that child again. Even at four I could tell something was wrong. I stopped telling Wyatt about things quickly enough."

"When I turned four and a half I killed my first demon. It wasn't on purpose. A demon had gotten into the house and was going after Piper. I didn't want to see her hurt so I ended up sending every knife in the kitchen into the demon. Did the trick; the thing went up in flames. I also managed to scare Paige, or Mrs. Paige, with the burst of power."

"Mrs. Paige? Why Mrs.? Why did you call me Mr. Leo earlier when you were five?" Leo interrupted.

"Because you all wanted nothing to do with me I was ordered to call all adult males Mr., and all adult females Mrs. The cousins would just be called by their first name. I also had to show submission by bowing my head slightly and never looking any of you in the eye" Chris explained.

"After that I had a quota for how many demons I had to vanquish in order to earn privileges. As proof I had to bring back a sample of ash, blood or some trinket. The good news was I was I had fewer chores and almost unrestricted access to the underworld and my friends."

"Your friends were… demons?" Piper asked.

"Yes" Chris nodded, "They thought I was a dark lighter child and we all had a good time. I rather enjoyed seeing them on a daily basis. The difficulty came in vanquishing demons when I couldn't really do it in front of my friends."

Chris waited a moment for any more questions before continuing on. "As to why I think you hate me, I don't I know you do. Leo you did everything in your power to ensure that the entire family not only hated me but treated me as a servant. I had to wait on you all hand and foot. I helped with the cooking, cleaning, vanquishes, potion making, everything. You also beat me at least once a week. There's not a doubt in my mind that you hate me."

"I'm not that Leo Chris" Leo stated, "I will never do those things to you. You are my son…"

"I'm not going to listen to your platitudes Leo. You feel bad now but that does not mean it won't happen. If I'm even born." Chris said simple.

"As for Piper. The fact that she hates me became painfully obvious when she left me."

"Left you?" Piper asked horrified.

"Yes," Chris nodded, "You gave up and left me with your body…" He couldn't continue. He hated that time; it was the worst moment of his life. He never wanted to think on it again let alone tell his future mother that she hated him so much she gave up, willingly died and abandoned her youngest child, a mere five year old at the time, to spend his last days alone in a small, cramped cave in the mountains to die. One his birthday no less.

"Chris…" Piper started. How could she respond to that? She didn't have all the details but she could safely assume that she had died. But then you know what they say about assuming. "Baby, I don't hate you. I would never have left you if I could have avoided it."

Chris merely shrugged before continuing on with his tale. The sooner he moved past this the better he'd feel. "After Piper… passed away, I was stuck at the manor with people who hated me. Wyatt was almost never around anymore, the only reason he'd ever been present regularly was because of Piper. She never abandoned her sons."

Piper felt pride well up in herself here. At least she'd tried, or her future self had, in some small way to make a good life for her children.

"I never did start school. Wyatt had wanted me to go but since Leo had to be the one to register me as the parent it didn't happen. After a year I think Wyatt had grown tired of arguing with everyone about me so he… took care of it his way."

"What does that mean?" Leo asked nervously.

"He killed everyone when they ignored my sixth birthday." Chris answered.

"Is that why no one came back with you? Because you're all that's left?" Piper asked horrified.

"Aside from Wyatt, yes, I am the only Halliwell left." Chris said.

"Why is Wyatt so protective of you?" Leo wondered.

"He wanted a brother and went to great lengths to get me" Chris explained, "He didn't want to be alone. His family was scared of him and he had no real friends. He wanted someone he could control but who would also love him and stand by him. He wanted someone who could understand him. He thought the best way to have all of that would be to have a male cousin or brother. Because he played such a large part in my conception and was there for my birth and taught me how to walk and talk he felt that he owned me, especially after Piper died."

"Even after you defied him by refusing to join him?" Leo continued.

"That he blamed on Piper. He said that she had screwed with my head by putting that whole good vs. evil crap in there. He also blamed the rest of the family for the way they treated me. He's said many times that he should have just taken me the moment I was born and never returned. He didn't because Piper had loved me and he had loved her. After she passed he thought I needed stability so he'd left me. Plus he was hurting them to."

"What happened after Wyatt… killed the family?" Piper hated to ask.

"I told you this wouldn't be something you'd enjoy" Chris replied seeing Piper's distress.

"And I told you this is something I want to know" Piper replied.

"We should stop this"

"NO" Piper stated. "You agreed to answer any and all questions we have. Now let's continue."

Chris hated to do this. He didn't want to relive it and had glossed over so much for Piper's benefit already. Still he woman was in pain because of what he was saying. One part of him felt horrible for putting his mother in pain. Another part of him was gaining some form of sick satisfaction from the pain of both his parents at what they had done to him. Regardless, he had agreed to do this so he would continue.

"After Wyatt killed everyone I orbed down to the underworld and cloaked myself. I had become very good at it by that point. I could hear Wyatt calling for me and trying to summon me but I had hidden myself well. Before Piper died she had helped me build a well-warded area in the underworld incase I ever needed a safe place to go. She was smart like that, always thinking ahead. She had stocked the place with potions, ingredients, spell books, some food and other necessities. It was our emergency bunker."

"I lived in the underworld after that. I spent time with my friends and stole food when I needed it. I studied the books in the bunker, a veritable library. Piper had saved many books from the library at magic school when they closed the place down. There was an entire cavern full of bookshelves that were overflowing. I learned a lot during that time."

"As the years passed Wyatt took over more and more. Soon it was join or die. Many of my friends lost their parents to Wyatt or his minions. I quickly found my little bunker filling with more and more children demon, dark lighter and witch alike. We knew we had to do something to keep ourselves alive and there wasn't enough food in the underworld to support us so we started to scavenge above ground. That's when I saw the true destruction of the world I had left."

"I knew who was responsible for the state of the world and felt that, as the last Halliwell left and as the brother of the cause of all of it, I had to do something to set things right. By this time the fact that I was half witch half elder had already come out amongst my friends but due to the war above and the fact that we were all orphans no one cared anymore. After our first foray above ground we all agreed that something had to be done and it was obvious the adults weren't doing anything. Naturally the only sane response was to do something ourselves. This was the start of the resistance."

"So the resistance was you and your friends?" Leo asked.

"Yes" Chris agreed.

"How old were you?" Piper wanted to know.

"I started the resistance when I was eight. My friends were around the same age, some were a little older but none over the age of ten." Chris explained. "As time went on and we started becoming better at battle tactics and started doing some actual damage to Wyatt's forces others began to take notice. At first a few of us would glamour ourselves to look older, I would be about sixteen or so, at that time it was a six year difference. Adults were hesitant but willing to follow a group of older teenagers. None were willing to follow a ten year old and his friends."

"It took four years for someone to learn the truth. I had been knocked unconscious in battle and was badly wounded. I had dropped my glamour unconsciously in an effort for my magic to try and keep me alive until help could come. I woke up on my cot a week later. That took a serious bit of explaining but since I was fourteen at that time and many of them had been with the resistance for years already everything smoothed itself out eventually."

"When I was eighteen I was captured by Wyatt's people. He tried to convince me to join his side. That's when he mentioned being captured as a child and how it was his superior power that had saved him. Not good or evil but power. I asked him how old he was but he wouldn't answer. Two and a half weeks later the resistance broke me out but that was the start to my plan."

"What did you find out?" Leo asked knowing that Chris was meticulous. He wouldn't have come back here without having some type of idea as far as a timeline went.

"That Wyatt did indeed go missing for a month when he was five years old. I don't know who took him or what happened but I believe that was the trigger for his turning. So I decided to come back to the past to fix things since nothing I'd been doing up until that point had made a difference"

"What does that mean?" Leo prodded, "What about the resistance, that made a difference"

Chris snorted, "Oh yeah, a real difference. It gathered everyone in one spot so that they would be prime for a slaughter"

"What?" Piper gasped.

"Wyatt found us eventually. Somehow snuck a spy in, a child of all things. I would never have suspected a child and Wyatt knew that. It was a week after my nineteenth birthday and all of a sudden Wyatt's minions came storming into the place, his entire army. We were no match; and even though we managed to stay alive for a few days it didn't end well. Three of us escaped, one of whom was the child. That's when I learned she was the traitor because she called for Wyatt. Grick and I left her and orbed out. We went straight to the manor. We were both supposed to come back but Wyatt's people showed up unexpectedly and Grick was killed with an energy ball as I came through."

Sitting back with a sigh Chris looked up at the two people across from him on the couch, "The rest you know. I was three days early for the titans so I waited and came when the time was right. Now I do believe I have held up my end of the bargain. So… It's time to let me leave."