

Stuff involving Room semblance

Chapter 5: Team's decided, (ex-) family talk and the first day

(Last chapter recap: Jane, Ruby, Yang, Blake and Weiss were fighting the Nethermore while Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora and Ren were fighting the Deathstalker. Though their not having much luck Jaune used up to much of his aura so he can barely even open a small Room and is currently resting while his partner and team NR fight the Grimm.)

Jaune's PROV

As we engaged the DeathStalker I switched out my empty magazine for my Explosion dust rounds and started firing, the others switched their weapons forms to long-range attacks. Ren's weapon or weapons seem to be a pair of green automatic handguns with extendable blades. His partner, Nora, transformed her war hammer into grenade launcher. Pyrrha, my partner placed her shield on her back and changed her Javelin into a riffle. Both Pyrrha and Ren's shots bounced off the beast's exoskeleton like a pebble being thrown at a brick wall.

Only my explosive rounds and Nora's grenades seemed to even affect it. It seemed to have leveled Nora and I as the threats and charged at us. I focused on the creature and activated my Kenbunshoku haki. It will swipe at us with its pincers forcing us to be in front of it. Then it will lunge its tail forward in hopes to impale us. I thought as he picked out the Grimm's plan of attack. "It's going to hit us with its pincers then try to impale us with its stinger!" I yelled out to them as I jumped out farther away from the Deathstalker.

The others didn't question how I knew that and just made sure to avoid the Grimm. "Ren, Pyrrha can you guys go melee me and Nora will cover you!" I told them as they nodded. Ren somehow got the blades on his gun to extend. Pyrrha's rifle transformed into a sword and took her shield on to her arm. Both charged the Deathstalker dodging its attacks as best they could. Nora and I kept firing yet all we seemed to do was cause a few extra cracks on its exoskeleton to form.

Damn it's to damn tough to make some actual damage on it. The only place that might harm it would be the eyes but if we get to close it will use its stinger to force us back. Due to Nora's weapon I don't think she has enough aim to hit it there and I'm not that good of a shot… "Guys I have an idea just keep it distracted for a moment okay?" I called out to my teammate and Ren. "Sure but hurry up stamina is not my strong suite!" Ren yelled as he was breathing hard. "Yes please hurry Jaune!" Pyrrha yelled as she before she was sent back a few feet from the DeathStalker's pincer hitting her shield.

"Hope I have enough aura for this." I said as I gathered most of my remaining aura to create a Room big enough to fit the Deathstalker in it. "Room!" I yelled as I felt it expand out of me and onto the area around us. I put away my gun and unsheathed Kikoku and covered it with busoshoku haki turning the blade a metallic black. "Scan." I panted as I forced the last bit of my aura into the blade as it locked on to one of the DeathStalker's eyes. "Nora turn your weapon back into a hammer and hit my sword from behind when I say shot." I told her as I was locked on all I need is to give the signal.

"Injection shot!" I called out as Nora hit the bottom of Kikoku towards the Deathstalker. With a loud *Squelch* Kikoku was hilt deep into the Grimm's felt as it stopped for a moment, as the Deathstalker just stood there not moving. "Man that was exhausting." I said as my vision turned black; guess I used way too much aura today.

Three hours later at Beacon's infirmary

Why is it so bright? I thought as the light invaders my eyelids forcing me awake. I looked around to see that I was in a large white room with a two rows of beds each one had a privacy sheet. I was in a bed that reminded me of the ones for patients at the hospital. I wondered where I was before I remember the fight with the Deathstalker. I checked on my aura levels, they're low but a few days rest and they'll be back at full. "Ah Mr. Arc good to see you up." I heard a voice say as I turned my head to see a woman walk though a pair of doors. She was about 5'6 with short red hair and grey eyes. She was wearing a dress shirt and pants with a lab coat over it.

"I'm Beacon's doctor my name is Ms. Wilson. Can you tell me how you feel?" She asked as she brought out her scroll and looked through it. "I feel fine. I guess I had aura exhaustion?" I asked her already knowing the answer. "Yes it appears so. Tell me how far did you push your reserves in the initiation?" She asked me as I tried recalling how much I had at the time. Aura exhaustion was when someone went passed his or her normal output of aura usage. It was like how the brain puts a limiter on muscle output to not hurt the body to use the muscle's full strength. Even a minor case can get the most experienced Hunter killed if he was hunting. "Well you should be good to go. Now get going to amphitheater it's almost time for the team selection." Ms. Wilson said as she helped me get up and kicked me out of the infirmary.

I better run! I thought as I ran as fast as I could.

Beacon's amphitheater

As soon as I got there I heard Ozpin's voice call out. "Due to an irregular number of students this year 1 team will have 5 member instead of 4. Now Jane Ark, Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna you are members of team Jewelry (JRWBY) led by Ruby Rose." Ozpin finished as team JRWBY walked onto stage. Ruby looked shocked that she was chosen as the leader and Weiss looked furious at that. Besides Yang who was sending Ruby a proud look the rest of the team didn't seem to care.

"Now then for the last team please come up Jaune D. Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos and Lie Ren you will be team Juniper (JNPR) led by Jaune D. Arc." Ozpin said as team JRWBY walked down the stage. As I walked up I saw my new team they seemed to be okay. Nora was talking to Ren excitedly and Ren nodded to me. Pyrrha was looking relived at my health she was carrying Kikoku and handed it to me. On stage I looked out to the crowd most where talking to their own team and ignoring us.

All except for Jane who was just starring at me with her mouth open in shock at learning my real name. "You all have been sent a message telling you where your room assignments are as well as the passwords to get in. With that this assembly is over please do enjoy the rest of your day." Ozpin said as he walked of stage and into the halls. "Well let's go check out our room." I told my team as they nodded before we left the amphitheater. All I knew I was ready to get some sleep.

"So this is our room. It's kind of small." I said as I looked at the room, that my team and I would be sharing for the next 4 years of our lives. The walls had an eggshell white paint. It had a single window in the middle of the room underneath it was a wide bookshelf. It had a door on the left side, most likely to a bathroom. It had four beds; each one was forced into a corner. Next to each bed were desks; each one had different set of luggage. In the front right corner held my white and black-checkered suitcase and my small black trunk. On the desk in the back right corner was a large jade green with pink accents camping backpack.

It's probably Ren's. I thought, as I looked at the other two's luggage.

The one in the front in left corner was a large red and bronze colored duffle bag. In the back left corner next to the desk was a large pink and silver trunk with a white hammer on the lid. I don't think I have to guess whom those belong to. "Okay guys how about we get some sleep and unpack tomorrow?" I asked as everyone nodded, seemingly tired from the initiation test. It seemed that Ren and myself was more so than Pyrrha and Nora. I took off my shoes and immediately went to my bed. Before I could even close my eyes I heard frantic knocking on the door.

Why couldn't she have waited till tomorrow? I asked myself already knowing who was behind the door, not even needing to activate my observation haki. I got up and walked back to the door ready to open it, then Nora spoke. "Oh, I wonder who it is? Maybe it's Ozpin coming to say I can bring Mr. Cuddly here?" Nora said as she bounced on her bed. "Nora the rules say no pets and I had you bring Mr. Cuddly back to the sloth exhibit at the zoo two weeks ago remember?" Ren asked his energetic partner, as he seemed to force himself to get up from under his sheets. "Oh right! I forgot we should visit next time we get time off. " Nora told Ren as he shook his head at her.

"Nora do you remember you've been banned from being within a ten mile radius of the Zoo?" Ren asked her as she shakes her head showing she didn't remember that. I was still at the door, but at the moment I was more interested and curious about what they were talking about. The nocking got louder and faster, Jane was never one for patience from what I remember, guess that's still the same. "Jaune please answer the door it's rude to make people wait." Pyrrha said, as she seemed to be taking off her bronze greaves. "Oh right sorry." I told her before I opened the door to see Jane.

I had a feeling this would be a serious talk but one thing made it so I couldn't take her seriously. The fact that she was wearing a pink footy pajama with bunny ears on the feet, it was to ridiculous looking and I had to hold myself back from laughing at it. "Hello Jane nice to see you again. Sorry that we didn't get a chance to talk yet." Pyrrha said as she saw Jane in front of the door. "Hey Py no problem. Sorry for disturbing you all I just need to talk to Jaune here okay." Jane said before she pulled me out into the hallway and closed the door.

"So…. How are things?" I asked her as she sent me a small glare and puffed her checks. "Well pretty good, except for the fact that my little brother lied to me after not seeing me for so long. Why did you lie to me back at the Bullhead?" She asked me still glaring. "I don't know I panicked okay. I mean you always treated me like I'll shatter if I get knocked over. I thought you would try to get me to leave immediately when you found out who I am." I told her as she lost her glare but sent me a look of pity. The same look mom and her used to give me after dad's training sessions. I thought as I looked into her eyes.

"I would have, for good reason to. Even if you're not my little brother anymore you're still a person and it's a Huntresses job to protect people. Jaune from what I've heard you're a great doctor, stick to that. You have never been cut out for combat, even today you had to go to the nurse from the initiation. So please go back to Vacuo and be a doctor." Jane said as she tried to put her hand on my shoulder trying to help get the point, which it was for my own good across with physical contact. "Jane I'm not going anywhere. I want to help people. I want to go outside the kingdoms and help the people in the Lost. They don't have access to hospitals and with my 'semblance' I don't need to much equipment to treat them." I told her not really bothered by the fact she already knew that I had a medical license.

"Fine, but I will try everything in my power to get you to give up in this. But before I go to bed I still have to do one thing." She told me as she rushed me and hugged me tightly. This was the reason I could never stay mad at her when we where kids. To her she isn't treating me with pity; she's just making sure her little brother is safe. I thought as I returned the hug. When we let go of each other we didn't' say a word and went back into to our dorm rooms. We didn't need to say anything it was unspoken but it was true for both of us.

I missed you little bro/sis

The next morning

We're going to need some ground rules and maybe a privacy curtain. I thought as I was showering. Now that I have had my rest I understood that I was sharing a room with two teenage girls and Ren, who based on his hair spent more time with it than Nora spent on her own. Thankfully I got up before the others due to my old shift starting at 4Am. Yeah the privacy curtain should be a good idea. It would save some trouble for when our team needs to change clothes.

I was brought out of my musing when I heard knocking on the door. "Hey is anyone in there?" I heard my partner's voice. "Yeah it's occupied just give me a moment and the bathroom is yours." I told her as I grabbed a towel and dried myself before changing into Beacon academy's male uniform. The uniform was a black suit lined with gold, accompanied by a blue vest and red tie. To personalize it I kept my belt with Law's Jolly Roger on the buckle. I opened the door and saw my partner waiting.

"There you go. If you need me I'm going to start unpacking my things." I told her as I got out of her way and went over to my luggage. Before I started unpacking I realized that I didn't see any dressers in the room. I looked around and realized under each bed had little handles so our beds where also our dressers. When I finished putting away my clothes Pyrrha finished getting out of the bathroom in her uniform. The top was the same jacket but with a ribbon instead of the red tie. Instead of the pants she was wearing a red plaid skirt and stockings with dress shoes.

"In case you're wondering there are compartments under the beds for your stuff." I told her before I started taking out the last of my stuff. I placed a few textbooks from med school that had stuff I still have a bit of trouble with and Law's journal in the bookshelf. I placed my empty suitcase and my small trunk next to my desk. I had Kikoku leaning on my bed and my gun on my desk. I decided to look through my desk to see a few notebooks, folders, pens and pencils. I took a look at my scroll to see that it was 6AM. "Hey Pyrrha should we wake them up?" I asked her as we saw them sleeping peacefully.

"We probably should. I'll get Nora you get Ren okay?" She asked me, as she was moving towards Nora. "Sure." I told her and walked to Ren's sleeping form. "Ren wake up. Come on man." I said as I started gently shaking him. "Silly leader that's not how you wake Ren." I looked to my looked to my right to see Nora standing next to me. "Okay Nora go ahead and wake him up. I'll let the two of you decide who showers first." I told her before I walked over to my desk and started refilling my dust clips except for my gravity dust, which I was out of.

"RRREEEEEENNNNNNNNN! IIIII'TTTTTTTSSSSSSSS MMMMOOOOORRRRRNNNNIIINNNNNNGGGG!" Nora yelled as she jumped on Ren's bed and picked Ren up and started shaking him. "Moring Nora… can you stop shaking me?" Ren asked her as she nodded and let go of Ren allowing him to fall back into his bed. "Hey Reny do you want to shower first or should I?" Nora asked Ren as she jumped of his bed. "You can go ahead Nora." Ren said as Nora nodded and grabbed her uniform and went to the bathroom. "Ren does she wake you up like that everyday?" I asked him as he nodded.

"Yeah I can need something like that to wake me up." Ren told me as he got up and started stretching. "Hey Pyrrha I'm going to get breakfast you want to come with?" I asked my partner as she shook her head. "No thanks I still need to unpack some things." She said as I nodded and walked out of my dorm room and to the cafeteria. I had some nice waffles knowing thinking that I won't be able to have them with Nora around. I looked around the cafeteria to see some of the other students there. The first thing I noticed was that the few students that where here.

I know there are only three teams this year and twelve un-teamed students. The un-teamed are those who passed the tests and paid tuition but failed the emerald forest test. They should hopefully be paired into teams in our second year. There were only 24 first year students. It seemed like such a low number for the size of the academy's campus. All 4 years had roughly the same number of students, give or take a few. I know in this time of relative peace most people wouldn't willingly send their kids to be trained to kill Grimm, but the number still seems so low. I felt my scroll vibrate in my pocket, showing me that me that it was 15 minutes till class starts.

I should go see if my team is still at the room. I thought as I walked to the room only to here a commotion from our neighbors across the hall. As I opened my room's door I saw both Ren and Nora in their uniforms. Ren was wearing the regular uniform with no modifications and Nora was wearing the girl's uniforms but without stockings. "Hey guys we need to get to our first class of the year. I think we need to going." I told them as they nodded all of us except Nora grabbed notebooks and headed to class.

At Professor Port's classroom

We made it to class a few minutes till the bell rung. As I saw the room I was reminded of lecture halls back in college due to the layout. In the center of the room was a desk with a globe on it on the walls where what looked like well-done hand drawn pictures of Grimm. Each one had notes on them for the physical week points. Above the ones in the middle picture was and axe and blunderbuss on a weapon rack. It was a simple weapon but one that was still questionable it was a normal blunderbuss but with axe blades on both sides of the stock. How he could aim with that I have no clue. Next to the desk was a golden bust of the professor.

Professor Port looked to be around middle aged, maybe his mid to late fifties? He was looked to be a bit shorter that Professor Ozpin. His hair was grey along with a grey mustache that was blocking his mouth from view. He was slightly overweight for a man his age. He wore a double-breasted burgundy suit with gold piping and buttons. His pants where tucked into olive boots.

I looked around to see whom we would be taking the classes with. Most of them didn't stand out as much or at all to be honest. They seem like the people who could fade into a crowd with no trouble. There was a few guys in class that where notable just due to physical traits. One guy with burnt orange hair and indigo eyes he was tall. Around a few inches taller than me.

He was sitting next to a few others who seemed notable. He was around 5'9 or so but what really took the attention was his hair. It was a light green Mohawk with stubble around the rest of his head showing that he used to have more hair recently. The next guy seemed much less noticeable, nothing to noticeable like they guys next to him. He looked around the same height as the one with the Mohawk, he had light brown hair and squinted eyes. The one next to the brunette one had dark blue hair combed back. Besides for those traits they didn't seem all that remarkable. The more I looked around I noticed that I couldn't see team JRWBY anywhere.

Before I could ask my teammates if they knew where the others whereabouts they all rushed into the room. "Ah good to see that you made it. I would hate to mark such beautiful ladies such as yourselves late on the first day." Professor Port said as all of team JRWBY looked like they where holding back a shiver at the man's attempt of flirting with them. "Well take your seats and I shall begin." Port said as they took their seats. "Now Grimm nothing but monsters of darkness. We don't know much of these dastardly beasts but we know enough to fight them and win. They feed on negative emotions. So keep positive students! It can help save your life. Why I remember on a hunt my positivity saved me…." I started to drift out of his lecture unknowingly.

I guess the reviews where right. This guy spends a lot talking about him-self…. Did he just say something about cabbage? I asked/thought to myself as I could have sworn I heard him say cabbage. I looked around to see if there was anyone paying attention to the man. To my surprise there where a few. Weiss was taking notes but every so often she would look towards her Ruby, whom was doodling, and her seemingly permanent scowl deepens with each look. Jane was also taking notes but she was doing it at a more relaxed pace. She only wrote down every seventh sentence he spoke. I saw a few of the un-teamed take notes as well.

I saw Blake reading a book and Yang was showing how much she and Ruby was related and was doodling as well. Nora was actually listening to Port but in the way a grandchild will listen to their grandparent tells them about when they where a kid, in other words paying attention but still somehow going through one ear and out the other. Ren was using his hands as a pillow as he tried catching a few Z's. Pyrrha was fallowing Jane's example and wrote every other sentence. I know I should be listening to him but I just can't bring myself to listen to such a boring story.

"… A true huntsman is must be honorable. A true huntsman must be dependable. A true huntsman must be strategic, well educated and wise." Port continued seemingly not noticing that most of the class was not paying attention. Ruby was trying to keep herself entertained during his talk on what a huntsman should be. Where did she get that book and apple? I asked myself as Ruby was somehow balancing an apple on a book on a pencil on her finger. She then started picking her nose seemingly like she didn't notice her white haired partner's glare. Weiss at this point was visible shaking with hate at that point.

"So which one of you believes yourselves to be the embodiment of these traits?" Port asked as not even a moment later Weiss raised her hand. "I do sir." She said as she stood up. "Well then step forward and face your opponent." Port said as he gestured to a steel cage holding what I assume is a Grimm due to the pure blood red eyes.

I must have been really zoned out if I didn't notice that cage. When did he bring that in, it wasn't there when we got here. I thought as the class waited for Weiss to retrieve her weapon. Out of boredom I once again looked at the people I'll hopefully graduate with in 4 years. The un-teamed looked disappointed that they wouldn't have a chance to stand out. The guys who had the physical traits that made them stand out were either asleep or using their scrolls for something. Ren was still sleeping peacefully. Nora was fidgeting and tapping on her desk trying to let some form of energy out. Pyrrha was looking over her notes from Port's story/lesson. Ruby was smiling seemingly happy that her partner got to show off to the class.

Blake was writing something on a flag, where she had gotten them from I have no idea, maybe it was from the same place Ruby pulled the apple and book from? Nah we're real people we don't have hammer spaces. Yang was subtly giving her sister a look a pity for how her partner acts. Jane was shaking her head and sighing. "Ah there you are Ms. Schnee are you ready to put today's lesson in progress?" Port asked Weiss as she entered the room. No wonder it took so long she was changing. I thought as Weiss was in her battle gear that was an exact replica of what she wore before and during initiation with silver rapier which was about 3 feet long.

"Why yes I am professor." Weiss said as she held her sword out in a fencing form in the direction of the cage. As if responding to the dismissal as a threat the Grimm in the cage let out agitated oink. "Go Weiss!" Yang cheered for her white themed teammate. "Fight well." Blake let out a slightly less enthusiastic cheer as she waved a small red flag with JRWBY written on it. "Don't let your guard down." Jane said, as Weiss seemed to send a small glare at her teammates with every cheer. "Yeah represent team JRWBY!" Ruby yelled as she either ignored or didn't notice Weiss's glare intensified at Ruby.

"Ruby I'm trying to focus!" Weiss yelled at her partner who if was a dog faunas her tail would tucked between her legs. "Oh sorry." Ruby said as she looked down but still had a small smile on her face. "Alright let the match begin." Port said as he picked up his blunderbuss-axe by the barrel and cut the cage open to reveal a boar like Grimm. It had many boar-like qualities. It had cloven feet, the line of hair sprouting from its spine, a snub snout and even tusks. But it had many things to make it apparent of its true species as a monster. Both it's skin and hair was of the darkest black. It had two sets of blood red eyes of Grimm. Like the DeathStalker it had bone like armor plating. As well as two large curved tusks. The last difference was the teeth.

Unlike normal boars, which are usually omnivores so they had teeth to tear both flesh and plant, the Grimm's though where more spiked showing it to be a carnivore. This is a Boarbatusk a less common Grimm. Unlike the Beowolfs, which can be found everywhere, this beast is usually found in Vales surrounding grasslands and mountains. This species is more It let out an angry oink and charged Weiss at a fast pace for a pig anyway. Weiss moved to the side and slashed the Grimm resulting with a clang from her rapier hitting the bone like armor. The Grimm slowed slightly and turned to face Weiss once again. The Grimm let out an angry oink at missing Weiss with it's attack. "Haha you weren't expecting that, where you." Port said as he stood by the cage looking on at the fight.

"Hang in there Weiss." Ruby said as Weiss charged at the Boarbatusk head on. Right before she was able to get a hit the beast moved its head catching Weiss's rapier with its tusks. Forcing Weiss to struggle to get her weapon free. "Oh a new approach I like it." Port called out once more as Weiss was trying to pull her weapon free. "Come on Weiss show it whose boss." Ruby called out to her teammate who took her attention away from the Grimm to giver her team leader another glare. With that lapse in focus the Grimm used it's tusks to throw Weiss's weapon away and get a solid hit on Weiss forcing her back. "Ho ho now what will you do without your weapon?" Port asked as he was stroking his mustache. The Boarbatusk charged at Weiss, who rolled out of the way making the Grimm to hit a desk and rollover on to its side.

As it picked itself up Weiss had enough time to grab her weapon. "Weiss go for its belly there's no armor underneath it." Ruby called out to her partner who once again ignored the Grimm to look at Ruby and glare but unlike last time Weiss had enough time to yell. "Stop telling me what to do!" Idiot shouldn't look away from it. I thought as that was the reason she lost her weapon a moment ago. The Boarbatusk jumped into the air and as it landed somehow curled up and started spinning with out having its huge tusks shred the floor somehow. "When the hell did the Grimm become Sonic the hedgehog. I though as I watched it charge up a spin dash.

As it went towards Weiss shed summoned two glyphs, one in front of her and another above/behind her. The Boarbatusk crashed into the glyph in front of Weiss using it's own momentum to hurt it and send it back a few feet and fall onto its side. Weiss then jumped back/up to the second glyph, turning it black and sending Weiss at the fallen Boarbatusk impaling it through it's neck with her rapier. The Boarbatusk let out a pained squeal as the force of Weiss's momentum sent both herself and the Grimm closer to the cage it was released from. As its squeal died down it went limp and Weiss was on her hands and knees, breathing heavily next to the dissipating corpse.

Well at least that was mildly entertaining. I thought as I looked at Port as he walked towards Weiss. "Bravo, bravo. It appears we are indeed in charge of a true huntress in training. I'm afraid that's all the time we have today. Be sure to cover the assigned reading and stay vigilant, class dismissed." Port said as he looked back at the rest of us in his class. Weiss gave her team the cold shoulder and walked away without saying a word. "Pyrrha, when you said you were like that, were you that bad?" I asked my redheaded partner. "Thankfully not as bad as that. I was just.. looked down on most of my opponents." Pyrrha said as she looked at the rest of team JRWBY with pity.

"Hey Pyrrha when did he assign us readings?" I asked Pyrrha, as I couldn't remember when Port assigned us to read anything. "I'm no sure to be honest. I think he mentioned reading up on the Boarbatusks." Pyrrha said as she looked through her notes.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter