Chapter 20- Journey

A/N: Longest chapter so far, I want to be 170% sure that I've fixed the short chapter problem

The train itself also followed the wizardry policy of "one-of-everything". The compartments were often crowded in order to attempt to spend as little money on simple things such as privacy. Most of the students here were dressed in muggle attire so as to avoid staring in the muggle world, though there were a clear amount of those who hadn't bothered, and the pathetic attempts including swimsuits and out of date clothing. Orval hoped he didn't make as embarrassing mistake when changing into wizard robes. They were at this point looking for an empty compartment as there were few left due to them being so late.

"Here's one" said Orval, but they didn't hear them and he didn't want to embarrass himself by speaking up, you'd think dying would have an impact on your self-esteem but no. Eventually though Harry noticed an empty compartment, but no sooner had they sat down the door had opened again.

There were three of them, all around Harry's age, the two on the flanks were tall, muscular and their faces were ugly. The only difference between the two that Orval could see was their hair colour, one was brown and the other black, the both of them looked to the one in the middle for almost constant instruction. That one in the middle was around average height, his hair was combed with particular care and was blonde. He was not muscular but held himself in a more commanding position.

"We were sitting here" said Ron.

"Yes well, the rest of the train's full, and we need somewhere to sit" replied the Blonde haired kid, he clearly felt that they should simply roll over.

"Then find somewhere else, we're here" replied Ron, this kid was just picking a fight.

"Who's that?" said the blonde pointing at Orval.

Orval looked at Harry, who looked either worried or humiliated.

"Well are you deaf, who are you?" asked the blonde kid, it was clear that he really wanted a fight.

"Orval Spear, Harry's bodyguard" said Orval, waiting for the obvious insult that would occur.

"What is the great Harry Potter not tough enough to pick his own battles?" sneered the blonde kid, this kid was not the pleasant sort but Orval had a sneaky insult.

"More likely he's just too important to be left to go around without one, you know unlike you" Orval replied, regretting it almost immediately. Both the blonde kid, and Harry went bright red, whilst they had different reasons they were both mortified.

"Now run along dears, or else there won't be anywhere left" said a kindly voice, the three bullies turned to see a short, elderly women pushing a cart along.

"C'mon" grunted the blonde kid and the three of them ran along.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" asked the women with a kind smile.

Though Orval didn't want anything, being a biomec and all, the three kids immediately stocked up on as many sweets, drinks and cakes as possible. As they continued a strange thing happened.

"So you're name's Orval right?" asked the one called Ron, bluntly.

Orval blinked that they were addressing him. "Yes" he replied.

"So have you done this before?" he asked.

"No" Orval said, this was his first time outside of training using a biomec.

"Ok" replied Ron, then went back to talking to Harry and Hermione about unimportant things like Hogsmade forms.

"Huh what's that Harry?" asked Hermione noticing a spinning thing in his trunk.

"Oh that's that sneakascope I got you" replied Ron.

"Oh, I read about those, they're meant to light up when someone untrustworthy is around" said Hermione, sounds useful. "Like it's doing now"

"I can imagine why" said Harry darkly, Orval's eyes became slits, it was clear that he didn't appreciate Orval's presence over his shoulder.

"It could be broken, we could get it fixed in Hogsmade" said Ron, Orval noticed he wished to change the subject.

"You'd have to get it fixed for me, my Uncle wouldn't sign the permission form" replied Harry grouchily. He must be having a bad day.

"Surely Mrs McGonagall will let you come, you can't be the only one not going" replied Ron. Harry snorted in response but he kept "or maybe Fred and George, I'm sure they'll know a way out of the castle"

"Ron I don't think Harry should be out of the castle with Sirius Black on the loose" said Hermione.

"Yeah I expect that's what she'll tell me when I ask her" grumped Harry. They went on complaining, whining and looking for solutions. Orval could understand, it was the only opportunity to get out of the school, it must get boring over time. Orval peered out the window, it was wet and cloudy, and the sky was darkening. The train was slowing down, until it stopped, though they weren't supposed to be there for another hour.

"M.A.C how far are we from the school?" asked Orval getting worried, the three too were muttering to themselves wondering why they stopped.

"According to GPS we're ahead of schedule but only by 20 minutes" replied M.A.C monotone yet with a hint of concern. "Warning unexplainable drop in temperature" it continued.

Orval looked at the window, it was icing up. The once pleasant atmosphere dissipated and instead came one of dread and foreboding. The lights flickered and died, it couldn't have been a power outage, as the only were lanterns. Orval was blind in darkness.

"M.A.C give me the eyes of an owl" begged Orval, he blinked once, and once his eyes opened they were of those of an owl, giving him perfect vision in the darkness. Ron and Hermione were shaking clear sweat dripping down their faces, Ron with his eyes in his hands and Hermione's eyes darting everywhere, but Harry was on the floor unconscious. Only Orval remained unaffected.

"M.A.C diagenetic scan NOW" screaming the last word Orval held Harry up. He appeared to be in a fit, but there was luggage everywhere that could harm him so he couldn't be allowed to fit freely.

"No physical abnormalities barring an increase in trauma" it replied now not even appearing monotone but distinctly worried for an A.I.

"Suggestions" begged Orval.

"Move him into the corridor where there is less chance of damage and cushion the head, timer has begun" replied M.A.C, keeping a timer to measure how long Harry was in the fit. Orval began dragging Harry into a safer location without so much luggage for Harry to bang himself on.

"What are you doing you're headed right to it" shouted Ron, his every voice scared. Orval turned and saw nothing and if there was a threat the biomec, and by extension Orval,was powerless to save Harry, though he could see nothing.

Then a faint voice came in the shadows, "None of us are hiding Sirius Black under our cloaks, leave" but there was no reply to the shadowed man "Expecto Patronum" he shouted.

In an instant, the man was illuminated, though Orval was unable to get a good look for a dazzling blue light had blinded him, out of the light came a huge wolf like figure of light blue. Instantly the ice rescinded and the lanterns flickered alight once more. The man who had saved Harry was around 30 in age. His robes were shabby and dirty having been stitched together multiple times, his face and hair showed signs of age ahead of his time, as it was uncommonly grey for his age. The man ran up to Harry and held his head. Harry was no longer in a fit, his eyes flickering though indicating he was still conscious.

"M.A.C rescan and revert eyes to normal" he blinked again, his vision back to that of a human's.

"Physically fine, no lasting damage" replied M.A.C, relief clear in its voice, the feminine voice reassuring Orval. "Small signs of trauma but not to a degree requiring medical attention"

Orval sighed a sigh of relief at Harry's well-being, Harry seemed to be waking up now fully.

"Who was screaming?" he asked, confusing Orval.

"No one screamed Harry, well maybe Ron" he said. Harry shot a look that meant "I'm serious".

"Here eat this it'll help" he said providing Harry a bar of chocolate, Orval saw sense, sugar could help with trauma "and divide it among your friends"

"We should get back to the compartment" Orval suggested and followed Harry.

"Some bodyguard you were" he said, with a hint of disgust, it stung. Why couldn't he see the creature, was it because he was a muggle, dead or some other reason. He dreaded the possibility of the first two, for it meant wizards would hold a distinct advantage over a world the Angel Division had hoped to equalize. How could they fight them, the biomec was limited in its magic only capable of that a first or second year could achieve for it held no imagination nor emotion.

When they returned to the compartment Harry dutifully handed out the chocolate but what had happened remained on everyone's minds so they didn't eat. Orval felt ashamed and useless for his failure, it was almost immediate that he realised things hadn't gone smoothly, and he would have to remain at Hogwarts. Much to Harry's dismay, the train was starting to move again. It was that at that moment that the man returned.

"I haven't poisoned that chocolate you know" he said pointing towards the uneaten chocolate. They all bit a bite and Orval saw the atmosphere in the room change completely to one more positive.

"What was that?" asked Orval.

"A dementor, a prison guard of Azkaban they've been sent to protect the school from Black, they were searching the train for him" he replied explaining multiple questions at once, but filling Orval with dread, they put them at the school?

"Didn't any of you lot fall out of your seats" asked Harry weakly, they all shook their heads.

"It was like the happiness was drained out of you, it felt ruddy terrible" replied Ron.

"I spoke with the driver, we'll be at the school in 40 minutes" said the teacher.

The rest of the trip passed in relative silence, the mood sombre and the room darkly contrasted against the outside rain. The 40 minutes moved at the pace of hours until they drew to a death and the train began to slow.