Chapter 16 Destiny Part 2

AN: So here's the happily ever after conclusion for OTA and Olicity and probably my last update until next summer! Many thanks for the joining me and for sharing your thoughts! BTW, I actually believe both Felicity and Barry are right about Destiny! ;)

*Please see Chapter 2 for SPOILER ALERT and DISCLAIMER!*


Scrubbing a hand over his face, Oliver decided not to push. "If you're sure everything is okay then go. We're here if you need us, Barry."

Barry actually chuckled since the other Felicity had been the one to express that sentiment previously. He took a moment to look at all them. They were all bruised and scarred but they were still together and still fighting. They were superheroes…and friends, family really, regardless of the timeline. Another glance brought his eyes to Lillian Worth's scowling image on the screen. It seemed there would always be villains too regardless of the timeline. Felicity might not believe in Destiny but he wasn't sure he didn't. With a final nod, Barry sped away.


"What do we know about Adrian Chase?" Diggle changed the subject after Barry's departure and nodded toward the screen.

"Why are you worried about him? Isn't Rose Wilson our main concern? If her mother is the brains then maybe she's the brawn." Roy asked curiously even as he watched Felicity pull up a second bio for the new DA.

"Anonymous source is what Lance always said when he worked with the Vigilante." Diggle's words brought all eyes to him and he continued before they asked any questions. "A job here can't be on anyone's wish list. Lyla mentioned that you were tracking new activity which everyone assumed was a power struggle to fill Darhk's shoes. It could be someone else has been tracking activity too and doing something about it."

Felicity's fingers froze. "To sum that up…we may have Slade's daughter hyped up on his serum and at large, the new DA may not be clean and law-abiding, and the only thing stopping a new criminal kingpin could be a new vigilante or two. How did we miss all of this happening in our own city?"

Seeing looks of guilt flash over many faces, Felicity covered her face with her hands. She took a deep breath before trying again. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean, I'm not blaming anyone—"

"No, you're right. We left and we should have remembered that things got ugly fast without you and Oliver here." Thea interrupted but smiled at the blonde woman. "You don't need to apologize."

"I do because I was thinking more about how I missed it. I've been here but I didn't see what was happening around me. I was too wrapped up in my own head." Felicity knew she had been struggling but she hadn't realized until that moment how her choices had impacted others. It really was time to make some changes.

Oliver moved close enough to touch her shoulder as he spoke only to her. "You aren't the only one who has been here, Felicity. It's not just your job either. We are partners in this, remember?"

Felicity remembered her conversation with Barry, remembered her own words about not moving forward alone. It wasn't just about her choosing to stay by Oliver's side but also about his choice to stay by hers. They were partners and it was time she remembered that and acted on it. Giving him a decisive nod even though her head was spinning with new thoughts, she turned and spoke to the others.

"I'll start searches and then we'll create another board and get organized. It'll take time but I think we can…"

Her voice trailed off and her eyes flew to Oliver's. Both of them had chosen to stay but the others had chosen to leave. There was no reason to believe their choices had changed even though they had returned to provide much needed assistance. Felicity did turn back to them though. There wasn't reason to believe but there was always reason to hope.

Diggle watched the byplay between the couple and understood the unspoken the words. Oliver and Felicity were partners but for so long it had been the three of them. There were still decisions to make but he was starting to remember how it felt to belong to Team Arrow. He focused on them both as he spoke up. "There's still a lot of work to be done here and it looks like you're going to need some help."

Felicity and Oliver both grinned briefly and Diggle did as well. He knew he needed to say more but he also still needed to think and to talk to Lyla. The bottom line seemed to be that the Team was better with all of them. He was also better when surrounded by the Team. Oliver's frown pulled Diggle's thoughts back to the immediate problems though.

"All of you deserve a life outside of the bunker. You shouldn't feel you have to—" Oliver felt he had to say the words. Despite wanting his Team, he also wanted their health and happiness. He had let his son go and he was trying to do the same for each of them. He still wasn't convinced he was as good for them as they were for him.

Roy was the one to interrupt. "Life on the outside isn't all it's cracked up to be if you're alone and everything you want is on the inside." He met Thea's eyes. Their words of love, a future, marriage, and kids were burned in his memory and heart. When tears welled in her eyes and she took his hand, he hoped she remembered them too.

"I'm not sure I can do this all the time. I'm not sure I'm that person or that I want to be that person." Thea considered Ollie and the Team her only family. She had struggled without them but she didn't want to be the reason they struggled if she returned. It was still important that she find herself if only to protect them.

Felicity blinked back tears as the Team rallied around Oliver once again. She moved close enough to brush his hand with hers. When he interlaced their fingers she smiled and spoke. "I think I can help with that, Thea. With all of the things we've seen, I can't help but wonder what else is out there. We need someone to be an emissary for us and you can go under the guise of a Palmer Tech rep. And since we know everyone needs back-up I think Roy should go with you."

Oliver couldn't even form a question. It shouldn't continue to happen but Felicity's mind always surprised him, as did her heart. She truly was remarkable.

When Thea and Roy exchanged shocked looks, Felicity continued. "You'll travel a bit and get some space and time. Roy can stay under the radar. You'll both in contact and able to help if necessary. We just might make some new friends who help out like Barry does."

"What about you guys?" Thea couldn't help but ask. She was surprised to find Oliver, Felicity, and Diggle grinning.

"The OG's." Diggle and Felicity spoke as one making the others smile. Only Felicity continued.

"If we need help, we'll call. We'll have Curtis and some new tech too. We'll be the home base here and work to keep Star City safe. You can connect us with others out there. They may have information or tech we need and it never hurts to have more back-up." Felicity squeezed Oliver's hand.

With all eyes on him, Oliver met each person's gaze. "I'm better with all of you. I know I brought this—"

A chorus of groans interrupted his words but Oliver waved them off and continued.

"I know I brought this into your lives but I'm grateful you all made the decision to stay. I am better with Team Arrow. There's definitely enough to do to keep us all busy." He offered his free hand to Diggle first.

A round of hugs was exchanged before more planning was discussed briefly. Regardless of the past or the future, they were together in the present. Thea and Roy left to make arrangements to ensure their return. When the room fell silent, Oliver looked first to Felicity and then Diggle. As much as he wanted their partnership, he didn't want to pressure them. When Diggle moved away, neither Oliver nor Felicity stopped him.

Diggle grinned and returned with the bottle of whiskey and three glasses. "I think we all deserve this."

Again, Felicity offered her favorite toast with a playful smile. "To the OGs, the Original Gangstas."

"To the OGs." Diggle confirmed and clinked glasses with her. They turned to Oliver who couldn't help but grin.

"The OGs." Oliver laughed at Felicity's look of surprised pleasure when he too toasted the Team.

After they shared the drink, Oliver tried again to share his thoughts. "I really want to thank you two for always backing me up. I know it hasn't been easy and it probably won't get easier either."

"I've always thought easy was overrated." Felicity quipped before becoming serious herself. "We've all left the Team at one time or another but we've all come back too. I want this and I want it with my partners, my Team."

Diggle reached over to squeeze her hand and watched as Oliver did the same. With Felicity between them, they were bound together and better than they were alone. They deserved the truth from him.

"There are still some things I need to work through, things about Andy. I need to make peace with the past."

Remembering a conversation from years before, Oliver responded to Diggle quietly. "The ghosts won't ever disappear but it does get easier."

Nodding, Diggle continued. "This Team is home. I'm glad to be back but I need to go see Lyla."

Felicity and Diggle shared another hug while the men shook hands. Diggle turned at the door and glanced around the room. "I'll be back tomorrow."

Oliver felt lighter than he had in months. With his eyes on Felicity, he couldn't help but try for more. "I have a new chili recipe I would like to try. Maybe we could—"

Felicity didn't even hear Oliver's words. She had to speak before she lost her nerve. Scrunching her face, she struggled to find the words as she interrupted him. As she didn't want to ramble, she spoke slowly. "Oliver, we need to talk. Barry asked me if I believe in Destiny, if I believe we were meant to be together. I told him no."

At her words, Oliver felt sharp pain pierce his heart. He had thought he had gotten his family back but if she left…

Seeing Oliver's pain, the words rushed out of Felicity. "I don't believe in Destiny but I believe in us. I didn't think I was strong enough to be me with you but the only time I am me, the best version of me, is when I'm with you. I'm making a mess out of this, I know. I'm sorry."

Feeling his heart race as the pain disappeared in a flash of hope, Oliver smiled and stepped close. He didn't touch her or say any words to pressure her.

"I just mean…we did find ourselves in each other and I won't leave you. You'll always have me Oliver. I'll be stronger this time—" Felicity breathed out the words in a rush.

The brush of Oliver's lips against her stole the breath from Felicity's lungs. She stood frozen for a moment before wrapping her arms around him and opening to him once again. The kiss was a sweet celebration of the love both still felt. Oliver reluctantly eased back sooner than either of them wanted. He moved his hands to cup her face tenderly and met her eyes for a long moment before speaking.

"All I've ever needed is for you to be you. I don't deserve to have you standing by my side but you'll always have me by yours. I'll never stop loving you, Felicity."

"I'm sorry for walking away—"

Oliver's lips stopped again Felicity's words but after a moment she was the one to pull back. With her hands over his, she spoke earnestly. "I don't want to repeat my mistakes but I want to try again. I haven't stopped loving you either and I don't want to stop. I'll always love you."

"So we start again. We've always been good partners on the Team. We'll do things differently, I promise. No more lies, no more running away."

Felicity gave him a trembling smile before she spoke. "We have a second chance and, regardless of whatever Destiny throws our way, we'll handle it together."

They were both still smiling when their lips met again. The kiss sealed their words – a solemn vow that meant their future was bound together by their own choice.



Just a friendly reminder that I'm running a contest to give away my book! If you made it this far (and hopefully had fun), I would love to give you a chance to try my original writing. To enter, just contact me through my author website and mention the name of this story ("Bound") in your message. My website address is in my profile or you can just google author Rennie St. James. Your e-mail must be received between July 20, 2016 – October 5, 2016 (midnight EST) and you must be a US resident. The prize is a signed copy of my book, Azimuth. A winner will be chosen randomly and I'll e-mail you for your mailing address. Thank you and good luck!