Chapter 13
Clearing his throat, he raised his hook into the air to land a strike on the wooden railing of the top deck. The bellows of the tipsy men lessened considerably before it became completely silent. The crack of the wood brought everyone's attentions directed to him in an instant, they looked at him expectantly and slightly annoyed that their fun had been interrupted, but, Hook continued to stare down at his crew before he opened his mouth.
"I must tell you… I am happy that you have stayed so loyal through the recent events…" He trailed off.
The crew were looking between each other with confused expressions, that is, except Billy and Smee.
"As you all know by now Peter Pan, our enemy, has been residing on our ship." The whispering increased, "But as confused and angry as you are I must explain what is happening… you see I have formed a truce with Pan."
Clangs of cups and the slosh of rum hitting the deck sounded out. Every curse word under the sun was being shouted out all at once and all of it was directed at him.
"Calm down now!" His metal hook once again connected with the wooden rail, "I understand you are angry! Enraged! But you must listen, there is something you will desire more than his life! Gold, jewels, riches, money all for us!" The angry shouts instantly ceased, they once again looked up to him with grins at the promise of riches. The best way to a pirate's heart.
Big Tom, one of his more trusted crew members, pushed through the cheering crowd and climbed the steps leading to the deck which he stood on.
Big Tom was a large man, he had dark brown hair and tender brown eyes which were too gentle for a malicious pirate. He was tall at six foot and had a large, muscular build, yet he was one of the kinder and more responsible crew members which helped when everyone got into the liquor supplies and ultimately resulted in everyone passed out on the deck. He had been loyal to him for almost thirty-seven years and had never betrayed his trust yet, for a pirate, he was very dependable.
"Captain, I answer for all of us… how can you promise such a thing. Never have we found any riches in Neverland, why now?" He asked curiously.
Hook smirked at Tom's confused expression.
The shadows of the trees flew past them as they hurdled through the forest. The Indians still pursued them although they had fallen far behind as they headed towards Hangman's Tree.
Although the Indian's most likely knew they were heading for their tree they would only follow for so long, see, they feared the faeries that hung around Hangman's Tree. They were instructed to never bother the faeries for they held a lot of power and were sacred ; since they lived close to Peter's hideout the had a limit time to catch him before he was lost.
Some of his stitches had come undone by now, the constant pressure applied sent spikes of pain throughout his body. His muscles ached and begged for him to stop but he kept running, he could feel the blood trickle down his leg and he could feel the weight he dragged along with him. The sound of rustling bushes and bare feet hitting dirt gained his attention, the lack of heavy slippers which the Indians wore told him they were far behind. His own feet were bruised and cut to ribbons from the unwelcoming earth. It hurt like hell.
The red roses - not 30 yards away - brought his attention. It was the boundary, the boarder of their territory. Not long now, it was a quick sprint away and the Indians were still far behind, his mind jumped and he ploughed on further in preparation to get through the acute thorns.
"Peter slow down! Stop!" Nibs panted as he watched from afar.
Peter ignored Nibs' warning and continued to sprint towards the bush, when he was within a good distance he pulled his right wrist back and carelessly yet cautiously flung the twin on the right so he landed on his back and pulling the other twin up to his chest only to leap over and clear the bushes.
He placed both twins on the ground and doubled over, putting his hands on his knees and breathing in and out heavily. He could feel the heat of his blood staining the shirt and blood seeping down his legs from where he had caught them on the other bushes. His feet ached still and were surely leaving bloody footprints behind him but he didn't want to think about it.
Instead he watched the other two boys leap over the wall of bushes and collapse into the grass next to him, panting.
Instead, he thought about the twins he had recently been pulling along, the both had no names, no identities and no individuality. he should remember that, he would ask them later, it was unfair for them to forever respond to twins.
Instead he picked himself up and started walking, pushing past the pain and the yells for him to stop and wait, he ignored it all and kept walking. The sooner they got to safety the better because the Indians would catch up soon and gladly take a shot at them. It wasn't safe here, they needed to keep moving.
To be continued...
it's me again with another chapter! I am planning to write again later so be on the lookout because i know this doesn't really explain much but READ BETWEEN THE LINES.
Please suggest names for the twins because i don't like constantly calling them twins and i want them to have some individuality!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please favourite, review and follow! I hope to be hearing from you soon!