Quidditch Pitch of Dreams

Ginny walked off the Hogwarts Express for the last time. She finished her education, much to her mother's delight. She had spent a month after the war debating on whether or not to go back to school and had finally decided to return to Hogwarts, if for no other reason than Quidditch.

She was the happiest when she was on a broom, any broom, no matter if it was her own broom, one that Harry had gotten her for her birthday last year, or Harry's Firebolt. She flew with grace and was one of the greatest fliers Gryffindor had seen since Harry made the team his first year.

After many lengthy conversations with Professor McGonagall and many, many lengthy conversations with Harry, Ginny decided to go back to school. She was given the captain's badge, to her delight, something that she really wanted. She recalled the day she had gotten the badge with the Gryffindor lion and a capital C.

She had opened the letter with her supply list for her seventh year when the badge fell out. She picked it up with a shaky hand and screamed. Then, once she was calm, she dashed to the Floo where she flooed to the Ministry and ran to the Auror office. Ginny had been a frequent visitor since Harry started working for the Auror office. He was scheduled to work a few days a week, which was considered training until Ginny left for Hogwarts, and then Harry would start working full time.

She had found her boyfriend, exiting the conference room. She ran to him and leaped into his arms. When Harry put her down, he asked what she was doing there, as it was too early for a lunch break. Ginny said nothing, but pull out the Captain's badge with a smile on her face so big that her cheeks were burning.

Once again, Harry lifted her into his arms and hugged her tightly, telling her he was happy for her and proud.

Now Ginny had finished her education, with an invitation to try out for her dream team- The Holyhead Harpies. Gwenog Jones came to nearly every Gryffindor game because there was only one chaser she was interested in. The veteran Quidditch player had come to her after the final Quidditch match of the year. Gryffindor had won the Quidditch Cup and Professor McGonagall allowed Harry and Ron to attend the victory party following the game. Gwenog hand delivered Ginny's letter with her invitation. Ginny had been so shocked that she was invited to a tryout with the Holyhead Harpies, that she didn't notice Harry had approached her.

She had read the letter multiple times since she received it.

Dear Miss Weasley,

It is our pleasure to invite you to the Holyhead Harpies' tryouts for the open Chaser position. Tryouts began Monday, July 5, 1999, at 10 a.m., for a period of three days. All necessary equipment would be provided, including a racing room, in order to ensure all candidates began on equal ground. Lodging accommodations will also be provided. If you are selected, you will be asked to sign a contract for a period of no less than a year. The tryouts are closed to the public. However, you may bring one guest.

We hope to see you there.


Gwenog Jones

Holyhead Harpies

This was Ginny's dream. The only person who knew about it was Harry. She knew some of her brothers would support her decision (George, Charlie, and Bill), one would see it as a way to get free tickets (Ron) while the other (Percy) thought she should join the Ministry. Her parents were a different tale. Her mother, who didn't like the idea of Ginny playing Quidditch at all, wouldn't support her, while her father would. As long as it made Ginny happy was all that mattered to Arthur.

She planned to tell her family about the invitation on Saturday at dinner. It was decided that they would have Ginny's party on Saturday and had respected her wish for family only, with Hermione and Harry.

Walking out further onto the platform, Ginny looked for her family. She didn't see any red hair except for her brother Ron, who was greeting Hermione. In her mother's last letter, she said that she wouldn't be there because she was getting the house ready for Sunday, cleaning and such and that Harry and Ron were coming to meet them. Then Harry's last letter said that if she wasn't too tired, he thought they could go out for dinner to celebrate the completion of Ginny's education.

Another letter to Molly and, Ginny was able to tell Harry, using the communication mirrors he had given her, to go ahead and plan the date. It gave Ginny and Harry something to look forward to. They used the mirrors and wrote letters, Harry came to Quidditch matches and Hogsmeade visits. They spend all their time together while Ginny was home for Christmas and Easter.

She began to drag her trunk towards the now snogging couple, but a pair of strong arms stopped her.

"Did you think I would forget about you?" a familiar voice said behind her.

"Harry!" she squealed. She turned around, jumping Harry, wrapping her legs around his waist. Her arms were wrapped around his neck, while his arms were wrapped around her waist. Their lips met and they kissed as if they hadn't seen each other in a long time, even though they just saw each other at the graduation ceremony the day before.

When they broke apart, Harry offered his hand to her, while shrinking Ginny's truck and sticking it in his pocket.

"Ready?" he asked her. She nodded, smiling as she remembered they were going to Harry's flat.

"Yes." Hand in hand, they headed to the floos and flooed to Harry's flat.


Ginny stood in the middle of Harry's flat, noticing the few changes since she was there at Christmas. A new rug under the table in the sitting room, a few pictures of Harry and Teddy hanging on the wall that was more recent, and she noticed an afghan that was unmistakably made by Molly.

Ginny turned and stopped. The center of the wall of pictures was the picture of her and Harry from last summer at Harry's birthday party. Harry was looking at the camera with a big smile on his face, while Ginny kissed his cheek.

"That's my favorite picture," she murmured to herself.

"What's your favorite picture?"

Ginny jumped and turned to find Harry standing a few feet away from her.

"I said that that's my favorite picture," she said, pointing to the one in the middle.

"Really? I figured the one we took on your birthday would be your favorite."

Ginny smiled, locating the picture Harry was talking about. The picture was taken in the garden where Ginny's seventeenth birthday party was held. She wanted something simple with just family, Hermione, and Harry. Hermione was playing with her Muggle camera when she decided to take a picture of Harry and Ginny. Instead of standing beside him, Ginny jumped on Harry's back, wrapping her arms around his neck. His arms wrapped around her legs, holding her up.

Hermione gave it to Ginny in a frame before they left for Hogwarts, giving Harry a copy.

"That picture is my favorite too." She smiled up at him, wrapping his arms around his waist. "I like any picture in which you're smiling in it," she whispered.

"I do smile," he replied, smiling cheekily at her. She lightly slapped his arm.

"I know you do, but it's rare that I see it."

Harry leaned in close to her and smiled. "Well, you make me smile," he whispered, wrapping his arms around her.

Ginny leaned in to kiss him. "Oh really?"

Their lips met and they kissed, slowly and deeply. Ginny deepened the kiss, relishing in the feeling of finally being in Harry's arms.

When they broke apart, panting for breath, Harry motioned for her to go in the bedroom. Confused, Ginny walked into his bedroom and stopped at the door. Now, she knew why Harry was motioning for her to go into his bedroom.

On the bed, was Ginny's green dress with a black belt, and her black heels. Sitting beside the dress, was the pearl earrings and necklace Harry got her for Christmas. She loved them and had left them at home to save them for the Victory ball Kingsley decided to have during Easter break, all so she could attend as Harry's date.

She was shocked to find her favorite dress sitting on the bed, with her favorite pieces of jewelry. Turning around, she found Harry leaning against the door frame, watching her.


"Well," Harry began. He pushed himself off the door frame and walked towards the beautiful redheaded woman in front of him. "I figured that if we go out tonight, you'll need something to wear. So I got them from your room at the Burrow."

"Oh. How did you know what I would choose?" Ginny asked.

Harry shrugged his shoulders. "Lucky guess?"

She kissed his cheek. "I'll go and get ready." Harry had enlarged Ginny's trunk and placed it in his bedroom. She dug around for her makeup bag, toiletry bag, and clean knickers. She grabbed the bra that was lying beside the dress and headed to the bathroom.

She took a quick shower, washing her hair, shaving her legs (borrowing Harry's razor) and when she finished, she painted her nails with nail polish she bought on a whim on the last Hogsmeade weekend. She used her wand to dry her hair and pulled it back in a ponytail. The June weather in London was too hot for her to wear her hair down.

Leaving the bathroom, she headed out into the kitchen, deciding to fix a little snack since it had been a while since she ate and she didn't know how long it would be before they would eat.

She didn't bother putting on clothes, just pulled on her dressing gown over her bra and knickers. Harry was in the kitchen when she entered, fixing sandwiches. He must have read her mind.

"Want a snack?" Harry asked her, turning to face her. "It might be a little bit before we eat."

"Sure." Ginny padded to the kitchen and accepted the sandwich Harry handed her. "Thanks."

Harry leaned against the counter, eating his own sandwich while Ginny sat at the bar on a stool she helped pick out. When Harry moved in, he asked Ginny to go with him to shop for furniture.

Once Ginny finished her sandwich and drank some Butterbeer she got out of the refrigerator she asked, "How did you get my clothes?"

"I might have flooed over when no one was home, or so I thought," Harry explained, nonchalantly.

"What?!" Ginny laughed.

"I flooed over and sneaked upstairs to your room. I found your belt and shoes easily. I knew the shoes I got were the ones you told me they were comfortable. I was trying to find your green dress because you, well, in my opinion, you looked beautiful and sexy in it and I couldn't find it."

"It's in my wardrobe," Ginny reminded him.

"I knew that. Well, I was trying to find it, muttering to myself where is it when I heard 'Looking for this?'"

Ginny leaned forward, anticipation feeling her.

"I turn around and see Molly standing there. She had taken it out to press it, figuring it's what you would wear for your date. I asked Arthur at work last week when Molly was having your welcome home dinner and he told me Saturday, so Charlie could be here. I asked if it was okay if you came home with me and we'll go on a date from my flat. He agreed."

Ginny busted out laughing, picturing Harry's face when he was caught by Molly.

"So after Molly caught me, she asked if this was the dress I was looking for. I nodded, not able to say anything, and then she turned around and dug into that top drawer in your chest of drawers, and handed me your, um," Harry waved his hand over his chest, face red as Ginny's hair and Ginny busted into another laughing fit.

"The word, you want Harry is a bra." She placed her plate in the sink and wrapped her arms around Harry's waist.

"I'll wait and let my toes dry, you go and get a shower," Ginny ordered, pointing to the bedroom.

"Yes, Ma'am!" Harry mock saluted her and walked to the bedroom.

Ginny smiled and then began to change in her dress while Harry showered. Now that she was finished with Hogwarts, she can spend more time with Harry.


Harry apparated him and Ginny to an alley a block away from their destination. They walked to the restaurant that had become a favorite among the couples they knew. It was where Harry brought her for their first date almost a year ago.

Ginny smiled when she realized she was dressed the same way she was on her first date. She pulled her hair up in a twisted bun, displaying the pearl studs, and put on a little bit of makeup. Harry told her once that she didn't need it, but she put on some mascara, a little bit of blush and lipstick.

She looked at Harry, standing next to her, waiting for the crosswalk to change colors. He was dressed in his black slacks and an emerald green button-up shirt. She recognized it as one of the shirts she bought him for Christmas.

When the light turned green, Harry took her hand and they walked across to the restaurant.

Harry opened the door for her and allowed Ginny to walk in. Then they approached the hostess.

"Hello, do you have a reservation?" she asked.

"Yes, for two under the name Potter," Harry answered.

The blonde headed woman grabbed two menus from the podium and utensils from the plastic bin "Right this way," she directed.

Putting his hand to the small of her back, Harry let Ginny walk in front of him, following the hostess out to the terrace.

"Here you are, enjoy your meal."

"Thank you." Harry pulled out Ginny's chair and then scooted it in when she sat down. He sat in the chair across from her. She smiled at him as their waiter came to their table for their drink order. Once he took their drink order and left, Ginny leaned forward.

"I'm glad we decided to do this."

Harry smiled at her and reached across the table for her hand. Her thumb stroked the back of his hand.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look?" Harry asked.

"Yes, about a thousand times, thank you." Ginny blushed slightly at Harry's compliment.

The waiter came by with their drink order. Ginny waited until took their order and left before she told Harry that she was going to accept the invitation to try out for the Holyhead Harpies.

"I have something to tell you," Ginny began. She took the half of breadstick Harry offered her and broke off a piece, chewing it for a minute to find her words.

"What is it, Gin?" Harry took a drink of the white wine they ordered. The waiter brought the Bruschetta Ginny decided on for their appetizer.

Ginny waited until he left before she told Harry her plan.

"I'm going to accept Gwenog's offer to try out for the Harpies."

Harry's smile got bigger and he looked like he could burst with pride. "That's great Ginny. This is your dream."

"I know," Ginny began. "She sent me a packet on the information for the tryout and general information for if I make the team."

"You'll make it," Harry assured her.

Ginny smiled. "I can bring one guest with me to the tryout. I don't need to bring my broom that will be provided for me. And if I make the team, I'll sign a contract with them later in the week when they announce their decision."

"Will you need to live in Holyhead?" Harry asked, dreading the answer.

"That was in the information packet for potential team members. She sent it so I'd be prepared for if I make the team." Ginny paused when the waiter brought their order. "I can live in London if I wanted to as long as I have a floo connection or can apparate. So living at the Burrow is out of the question."

"At least, you'll be close by, so I can still see you in the evenings and weekends," Harry said, cutting his meatball.

Ginny twirled some pasta on her fork. "Yeah."

The rest of dinner was spent talking about their future, Harry's growing Auror career and Teddy. When they finished their meal and Harry paid the tab, they decide to take their time walking back where they apparated from. They didn't talk much, just enjoying each other's company.

When they did return to the alley and apparated to another alley near Harry's flat, they decided to go for a walk around Soho. Harry had lived here for a year and so far, he loved it. When he moved in last April, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Dean, Seamus, and Neville came to help. Harry, Ron, and Neville moved the furniture and transported boxes to the flat from the Burrow. Hermione, Ginny, and Luna handled the more lightweight items like the duffle bags with Harry's clothes and personal belongings. Ginny had stayed after Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Luna left and helped Harry unpack the boxes. She had unpacked his clothes for him while he, Ron and Neville sat up the sitting room and Hermione arranged the books in his home office.

Dean and Seamus had come by to help and Dean painted Teddy's room. Harry's flat was three bedrooms. Harry took the master and the next largest room, he picked for Teddy's room for when he came over. The third bedroom was small, so Harry chose it to be his home office for the few occasions when he brought work home.

"So, how are like living in Soho?" Ginny asked as they walked past many shops and restaurants.

"I like it. The Leaky Cauldron isn't far. I have a lot of choices for takeaway, although, most of the time I end up at the Burrow and your Mum fixes me some of the leftovers and I don't have to worry about coming up with dinner for the next night."

Harry led Ginny into an alley where they Disapparated back to Harry's flat.

"I had a good time tonight," Ginny said, once they were back in Harry's flat.

Harry smiled at her and cupped her head with his hand. "I did too."

"Well, I better get home," Ginny said when she looked at the clock on the kitchen wall and seen that it was nearly ten o'clock. She turned to Harry and smiled, although it was more of a forced smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" she asked.

Harry nodded and wrapped his arm around her waist. Ginny suddenly decided to stay, seeing as it was late, she had her trunk and she was of age, so her mother couldn't say anything.

"You know what? I think I'm going to stay here tonight."

Before Harry could say a word, Ginny kicked off her shoes and firecalled the Burrow. Arthur was in the kitchen and she told him her decision.

"Hi Dad, do you mind if I decide to stay at Harry's tonight?" she asked.

"You're of age and out of Hogwarts. You don't need our permission, but thanks for checking in. We'll see you tomorrow," he told his daughter.

"Thanks, Dad."

When Ginny pulled her head out of the fireplace, she walked back into the bedroom.

"Unzip, will you?" She presented her back to Harry. Harry unzipped the dressed and Ginny walked to the bathroom where she changed into one of Harry's old Quidditch shirts and her pajama bottoms. She washed her face and left the bathroom with her hairbrush in hand.

Anytime she wore her hair up, Harry liked to take it down. So when she stepped out of the bathroom, she found Harry sitting on the bed in his Auror T-shirt and his old pajama bottoms.

She sat down on the bed and soon Harry's hands were in her hair, taking down the bun she had fixed. After the bun was undone, Harry took the brush from her and brushed her hair.

"Are you ever going to get tired of this?"

"No," Harry answered.

"I'm allowed to bring a guest with me to the tryouts. Would you want to go?" Ginny asked. She felt the brush pause and when it didn't continue, she turned around.

"You want me to go with you?" Harry whispered.

Ginny nodded. "I can't imagine anyone else coming with me. Plus, you are the most supportive of my decision."

"What about work?"

"I already talked to Kingsley about it. He actually owled me to tell me to take you somewhere for a few days to relax and I replied, 'is Holyhead for my tryouts good enough?' and he replied saying yes and that I should take you along with a good luck."

Harry leaned his head on Ginny's shoulder. "I'll have to thank him when I go into work tomorrow," Harry stated.

Ginny patted his head. "While you do that, I'll get what we need for the trip."

Harry looked at his girlfriend. He loved her and supported her decision. He wasn't going to keep her from her dreams like she wouldn't keep him from his. "Thanks, Gin," he whispered.

Ginny smiled at him and replied, "You're welcome, babe."


Harry walked into work the next day, heading straight to his cubicle. The only problem was he had to pass Robards office to get to it.

Just as Harry passed Robards's office, the head Auror bellowed, "Potter! Get in here!"

Harry mouthed "Crap" and walked to Robards office.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" he stuttered.

"What is this I hear you're going to Holyhead next week?" the head Auror asked the young Auror.

"Ginny's been offered to try out for the Harpies and she can bring a guest with her," Harry explained. "She's chosen me because if I can be honest, other than her brothers, all of whom are not available to go with her, I'm the most supportive of her choice. Plus, I can provide support that they… um, can't."

"Understand, when you be back?"

"Is it okay if I come back on the following Monday? We're going to have to take a portkey and…"

Robards raised his hand to silence Harry. "Say no more, I understand. Tell Ginny good luck and have a good holiday. You've more than earned it."

"Thanks, sir." Harry headed towards his cubicle to begin his day.


Harry apparated to the landing in front of his flat. He noticed that flat across from him was empty, due to the Flat for Let sign on the door. He just hoped he didn't get a crazed Harry Potter fan for a neighbor. Entering his flat, he flipped through the mail he had picked up at the mailbox. He had spent the morning with Teddy, watching Saturday morning cartoons. Then when Andromeda came back from her brunch, Harry headed to Muggle London to do some shopping.

He tossed a bag on the bed, hoping he remembered to pack it or sneak it in Ginny's suitcase. He told Ginny he had some errands to run in Muggle London when he really went out shopping for some new clothes for Ginny. Most of Ginny's, what Harry knew was termed work out, clothes were getting old, had stains and holes, or look like they had been worn to death.

Making a decision, he flicked his wand at the hall closet and a box came sailing out and landing on the table. Placing the clothes in the box, Harry closed the lid and wrapped it in some twine paper he had in the closet. Once he was done, he realized he was going to be late getting to the Burrow for Ginny's party.

He quickly changed his clothes and then grabbed the parcel and his wand and apparated to the Burrow.

Upon entering the kitchen, he found Molly transferring some food onto serving platters.

"Hello Harry, dear. How are you?"

"I'm fine, Molly. Ginny upstairs?"

Molly nodded and Harry headed upstairs. Ginny was sorting through her clothes, trying to find something to pack for the tryouts.

"I don't have anything decent to wear," he heard her say.

"Open this," Harry told her, handing her the parcel. Ginny took it and tore off the paper and then opened the lid.

"Oh, Harry. You didn't," she breathed. She pulled out new jogging pants, yoga pants, and a few shirts. The pants were varying shades of dark gray or black. Harry had picked out purple, green, dark blue shirts, varying from racer back, sleeveless, or short sleeve. He even picked a peach color shirt which he was drawn to from some reason or another.

"Thank you." Ginny turned to Harry, hugging him tightly.

"You're welcome. I knew that you didn't have anything decent and I figured you wanted something nicer for your tryouts. I hope you're not mad at me."

Ginny cupped Harry's head with her hand. "I'm not. I love you."

"I love you, too."

Together they headed downstairs and out to the back garden where the party was going to take place.

Ginny had told her parents what her plans were. Molly had been tight-lipped about her thoughts on the matter, but Arthur wished her luck.

It wasn't until after dinner and before dessert was served that Ginny told the rest of the family.

"I have an announcement to make," she said before Molly started to serve dessert. "I've accepted an invitation to try out for the Holyhead Harpies.

This announcement was meant with different responses.

"That's your dream job. I hope you get it."

"Congratulations, Ginny. Good luck."

"That's great, Ginny. Fleur and I wish you the best of luck."

"Does this mean you can get me Cannons tickets?" This was followed with a whack from Hermione.

"Quidditch? Really Ginevra?"

Arthur picked up his glass and said, "If I may." Everyone picked up their glasses. "To our Ginny bug, we wish you good luck on your tryouts and may your dreams come true."

"Thanks, Dad."

Later, that evening, Ginny and Harry were in her room getting her things together to leave for Holyhead in the morning. Ginny wanted to leave on Sunday to find her way around Holyhead and explore the town a little before she was busy with tryouts. Harry was fine with the plan and had agreed to help her pack.

"Are you packed?" Ginny asked.

"I think so," Harry yawned.

"Why don't you go home? All I have left is to add my last minute stuff."

"Okay." Harry headed out of her room and down to the floo, deciding it would be quicker.

"I'll see you in the morning. We don't leave until noon. Want to meet me at my place and we'll have breakfast?" Harry asked.

"Sure," Ginny agreed. "And I can make sure you really are packed."

"Okay," Harry laughed and kissed her good night. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Once Harry was gone, Ginny headed up to her room to finish packing. "He's probably throwing things in his bag as we speak."

In London, Harry was throwing everything he could think of so it would appear he had packed. He knew, though, he couldn't fool Ginny.


Harry and Ginny walked into the Portkey office where they would catch the Portkey to Holyhead They were the only ones taking the Portkey to Holyhead. At noon the portkey glowed and they were then in Holyhead Stadium. Ginny managed to land on her feet while Harry fell on his face.

"You're never going to get used to traveling by Portkey are you?" she asked, laughing.

"Shut it," he grumbled.

They walked hand in hand to the clubhouse doors and Ginny knocked. The door opened.

"Ginny! Welcome to Holyhead! Come on in!" Gwenog greeted, opening the door, farther for them to enter.

"Hello Ginny, my name is Gwendolyn Sanders and I'm the Harpies manager."

Ginny accepted the hand she offered and shook it firmly. "Nice to meet you. I don't think I need to make introductions with my guest?"

Gwendolyn sputtered, "Harry Potter, it's an honor to meet you."

"Thanks," Harry shook the hand she offered. He turned to Gwenog, "I think we met at….."

"Horace Slughorn's Christmas party in 1996," Gwenog finished. "Yes, he talked about you most of the night."

"So, I bet you're here to check the place out and find a place to stay?" Gwendolyn asked.

"Yes, I didn't know about where we'd be staying," Ginny explained.

"Here is the hotel information. It's just down the street from here." Gwendolyn handed Ginny the directions and her room number for the hotel. "Is it okay that we put you two together?"

"That's fine," Ginny assured them, looking at Harry who nodded.

"Okay, tryouts began at ten. We'll see you then!" Gwenog said, motioning for them to follow her. Ginny and Harry followed Gwenog to the hotel where they got the key to their room and Gwenog left them in the lobby, heading back to the clubhouse to meet with the team.

"Pinch me, Harry. I must be dreaming." She turned and looked up at him, the biggest smile on her face. "Am I really here?"

"You are," he whispered.

They took the lift to their room and Ginny was amazed at the view. She still couldn't believe she was here.

She turned around to find Harry had flopped on the double bed and appeared to be asleep.

"Are you awake?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm awake. What do you want to do? Room service or go out and find somewhere and eat?"

Ginny thought for a moment, then said, "Let's go out to eat." She opened her suitcase to unpack some clothes she could change into.

"I can't believe I'm here," she whispered. She felt like she was dreaming.

She turned and looked out the window, loving the view. She felt strong arms wrap around her and she leaned back against Harry.

"Ready to go?" Ginny asked.

"Yeah, let's go." The couple decided to go to the restaurant they passed on their walk to the hotel.


Ginny woke up Monday morning, surprisingly feeling calm. She had been calm about the tryouts since she received the invitation. She turned over and smiled at the sight of her boyfriend. Harry was still asleep. When Gwendolyn said that she put Harry and her in the same room, she was thrilled.

She and Harry had slept together before, especially after the war. It helped with the nightmares and when she went to Hogwarts, she missed having Harry there with her.

Even back when they first started dating, it was nothing for them to lounge on the couch and fall asleep on each other. Ginny had secretly nicknamed Harry cuddle buddy. She loved snuggling next to him on the couch or in the bed.

Quietly as she could, she slipped out of the bed and headed to the bathroom to shower. She wanted to make a good first impression with the team members who will be present at the tryouts if they were any.

When Ginny left the bathroom, she found Harry sitting up on the side of the bed.

"Good morning, how did you sleep?" Ginny asked.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Harry inquired, yawning and stretching his arms above his head.

"I slept fine, sweetie. You?" Ginny picked up her brush and began to pull her hair up in an out of the way ponytail.


Ginny slipped on her socks and shoes and collected her workout bag with some clothes she selected for the tryouts. Pulling out the paper that Gwendolyn gave her yesterday, she found a form for the practice uniform. She smiled when she remembered the Quidditch uniform at Hogwarts. Especially how well, Harry's fit him in her fifth year.

She wanted to hex everyone who stared at her boyfriend, but then again, everyone stared at Harry. A goofy smile came over her face when she remembered one time she followed Harry down to the pitch for practice. He hadn't put the robe on yet and she got a good view of how well the pants fit him, especially outlining his bum. She loved seeing him in jeans for the same reason.


She smiled when she remembered the time Harry had took his shirt off in the common room, not realizing that a bunch of girls were in the room, or more particularly Harry Potter fangirls.

What little Ginny was able to see, Harry had built up some muscle in his years of playing Quidditch. She smiled wider when she realized that Harry still had the same muscular built, just more toned.

Someone whistled at her and snapped their fingers at her. "Earth to Ginny."

Dazed, Ginny looked up at Harry. She smiled at him. "I'm sorry, did you say something?"

"No. You just had a goofy smile on your face."

Ginny just smiled at him and patted his cheek. "Let's head to breakfast."


The continental breakfast at the hotel was more than what Ginny had expected. There was a crepe station, waffle station, baskets of breakfast breads and scones, with platters of eggs, bacon, sausage and a variety of cereal and fruits.

Ginny looked over the selection and selected a chocolate chip scone. By the time she headed to the table Harry was sitting at, she had a chocolate chip scone, a banana, a waffle, a plate with eggs, bacon, and toast.

"Hungry?" Harry asked, his eyes darting from her plate to his. Compared to his, Ginny's was piled full.

"This is how I've always eaten before the Quidditch matches at school. You, on the other hand, wouldn't eat anything and I used to have to make you eat a piece of toast."

Harry didn't say anything, just shrugged and drank his tea. He didn't argue with her when she was right.

After breakfast in the dining room of the hotel, Harry and Ginny made their way to the stadium. They walked in silence to the stadium, not needing to talk. When they reached the stadium, they followed the signs that were posted where they needed to go.

When they reached the 'Player's only' area, Harry pulled Ginny into a loving embrace. "Good luck," he whispered. He kissed her before he let go and headed up the steps to the bleachers.

Once Ginny was out of sight, Harry headed up to the bleachers and found a spot where he could see Ginny in plain view. She smiled when he saw her a few minutes later. She stood out being the only redhead.

Gwendolyn came up a few minutes later with a tray of water, tea, and other refreshments. She walked over to where Harry was sitting.

"Help yourself," she told the group of boyfriends and husbands.


Harry leaned back in the bleachers watching the tryouts. He smiled as Ginny flew pass the section where he was sitting. The pants he bought her looked really good on her. She had picked the green shirt that was close to the Holyhead Harpy green.

"Nice day for Quidditch isn't?"

Harry turned to the dark brown headed man sitting in the seat next to him. He looked to be close to Harry's age and the same build as him.

"It is," Harry agreed. The weather was warm and sunny, perfect for a day of Quidditch. It was shady where they were sitting with the perfect view of the pitch.

The two men sat in silence for a minute until the man realized something. "Oh, how rude of me. My name is Andrew." He offered his hand to Harry.

"I'm Harry," Harry replied, shaking the offered hand.

"So, who are you with?" Andrew asked.

"The redheaded one. She's easy to spot since she's the only one," Harry replied. They glanced out to the pitch where Ginny was flying towards the Quidditch hoops with a quaffle under her arm. Her hair flew behind her, pulled into a ponytail.

"What position is she trying out for?"

"Chaser," Harry replied, promptly. "She can play seeker if she needed to." Harry picked up the cup of water he had picked up from the refreshment table and sipped on the water. He turned to Andrew as he sat down the cup. "Who are you with?"

"My girlfriend's the brown-headed one, there."

Harry looked at where he was pointing and nodded. "What is she trying out for?"

"Seeker," Andrew answered.

"I was a seeker when I played at Hogwarts," Harry said, making conversation. "Ginny, my girlfriend was my replacement if I was unable to play. I was team captain my sixth year and you know about what would have been my seventh."

Harry had been thinking where he had seen the man before, and then it clicked. "You work in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, don't you?"

"Yes, I'm an Obliviator."Andrew nodded and then asked, "What do you do now?"

"I'm an Auror."

The two men sat back and talked while watching the tryouts. Harry watched as Ginny mounted the broom once more as Gwenog announced another Chaser tryout. Harry kept his eyes on Ginny as she flew around the pitch. He remembered her look concentration when she played Quidditch at Hogwarts.

He knew this was her dream and he wasn't foolish enough to stand in her way.

"She's good," Andrew commented, as Ginny threw the Quaffle into the hoop.

"She taught herself to fly when she was seven by breaking in the broom shed and borrowing her brothers' brooms. She tried out for the Quidditch team when I was team captain. Her brother is one of my best friends and I stayed with them in the summer before school and we would play Quidditch together. She's a great chaser and she's just as good as seeker as I am."

Andrew took a drink of the water he had. "Carey is a great seeker. This is a dream of hers and plus there's family history. Her aunt played for the Harpies and retired due to her father's declining health and helped her mother take care of him. Carey had always looked up to her."

Harry looked around to make sure no one was listening before leaning in closer and whispering "Ginny would probably kill me for saying this, but she has a Gwenog Jones poster in her bedroom."

Andrew chuckled. "Secret is safe with me."


Ginny all by collapsed on a bench in the locker room and began to take off her boots. She felt exhausted. She hadn't felt this way since back in the spring when she upped her training at the pitch. She had worked herself to the point where she had fallen asleep on Harry in the hammock in the back garden at the Burrow after she did more training at the padlock with Harry during Easter break.

Molly had found them both asleep and quietly snapped a picture. Ginny had a copy of the picture in her photo album.

"Exhausting isn't it?"

Ginny turned and found a petite brown headed woman, sitting down on the other side of the bench.

"Yeah, maybe I can talk Harry into a foot massage. The bloke owes me one for the many times I've rubbed his back."

"Boyfriend?" the woman asked.

Ginny smiled and nodded. "Yes, do you have one?"

"Yes, Andrew is his name." Then the woman light smacked her head. "Where are my manners? I'm Carey," she offered her hand to Ginny.

"Ginny," She shook her offered hand.

"So, what does he do?" Carey asked, starting a conversation.

"He's an Auror. He came with me." Ginny followed Carey towards the shower area.

"Andrew is an Obliviator," Carey explained. "He also came with me for support." She and Ginny walked to the showers, telling each other about their lives and how much they wanted a spot on the team.

They parted after they showered and changed into clean clothes. Ginny went off to find Harry. She found Harry standing at the visitor's exit and walked towards him.

"You look exhausted," Harry blurted.


They walked back to the hotel, Ginny leaning against Harry tiredly. They walked for a little way until Harry picked her and carried her back to the hotel. It wasn't for the fact he was around Muggles, he would apparate them back to the hotel.

"Room service?" Harry asked.

"Read my mind," Ginny mumbled against his shoulder.

An hour later, Ginny was leaning against Harry's shoulder watching television. She looked up at Harry, smiling like the Cheshire cat.

"Harry," she said in a sing-along voice. "Can I get a foot rub?"

Harry waited for her to reposition herself before he picked up her feet, placing them in his lap. Gently he began to massage her foot.

"Thank you. You're a saint," she purred. Harry chuckled.

"You've rubbed my back and shoulders many times. I still remember you rubbing my back when we came back from Quidditch practice my sixth year. I owe you."

Ginny smiled, sinking deeper into the couch.

"If I do make the team, will you do this for me every night?" Ginny asked.

"I will do this every night and until my hands fall off," Harry promised.


Harry shielded his eyes from the sun with his hand, watching Ginny fly around the pitch. She had the Quaffle under her arm and was zooming for a hoop on the other side of the pitch.

Every now and then, Harry would peek down at the current team and the Harpies management team, all were taking notes and discussing amongst themselves.

"Carey feels that the tryouts are going good for her," Andrew intoned. He was standing next to Harry, watching the tryouts.

They noticed that there were fewer girls there today than there was yesterday. Ginny had told Harry over breakfast that morning that Gwenog had cut some of the girls yesterday after the tryouts were over and they were in the locker room.

Gwendolyn and two other witches were standing at the player's entrance that morning just to make sure they didn't come back. She greeted Ginny and Harry with a good morning and motioned for Ginny to go on after she kissed Harry 'see you later'.

"I don't know what Ginny would do if she doesn't get it," Harry murmured, his eyes never leaving Ginny.

"She doesn't have a Plan B, does she?"

"No," Harry deadpanned. "She could write about it, I guess."

At lunch, Ginny climbed up to the bleachers towards where the men were. She sat down next to Harry, her hair in a braid and pulled up in a ponytail. She wore the Harpies green shorts and tank top today, something Gwenog gave her as she entered the locker room that morning.

"I'm getting a grilled chicken salad, what do you want?" Ginny asked, taking the water Harry handed her.

"I'm going with you," Harry informed her and got up to follow her. He was stiff from sitting on the bleachers for a long as he did.

"You know, for an Auror, you're moving awful slow," Ginny called as she sprinted down the stairs.

"You haven't sat in the same spot for five hours without moving," Harry argued.

Ginny muttered something about 'poor baby' and followed the other girls down to the concession area where lunch was being provided. As Harry predicted, Ginny chose a grilled chicken salad, opting for one without cheese.

Harry chose a chicken sandwich and a bag of crisps.

Ginny picked up a bottle of strawberry water, which Harry wrinkled his nose at.

"I think I would stick to plain water," he intoned.

Ginny followed Harry back up to the bleachers where the girls decided to eat lunch with those who came with them.

Andrew and Carey sat in the next section, everyone must have been thinking the same thing. Spending time with their boyfriends, husbands, and friends.

"So, tomorrow's it," Harry said, not knowing what else to say.

Ginny nodded.

"It's a good sign I'm still here, right?" she asked.

Harry, who had just taken a bite of his sandwich, looked at her puzzled. "Why would you think that?"

"Because I'm starting to think that….."

"You haven't earned this," Harry finished for her. He set his sandwich down on a napkin and took Ginny's hand. "Gin, you have. You've worked hard for this. I know, because you've nearly knocked me off my broom a few times because you give it your all when you throw the quaffle. You've earned this."

"Thank you, babe. You know what to say to me don't you?"

"That took practice, though," Harry reminded her.

Ginny finished her lunch and drink some of her water while sneaking one of Harry's crisps for her.

"How you could stand sour cream and onion is beyond me," she muttered. Then she realized why. Harry now had the freedom to choose what he wanted to eat and could eat all without worrying about being caught. Ginny sometimes wished she could hex the Dursleys but had kept herself from doing so for Harry's sake.

"I'm sorry, I didn't…." Harry cut her off.

"It's okay, remember it took me a while when we went back to Hogwarts for me to remember that I had the freedom to choose what crisps I wanted and to eat said crisps."

When Ginny finished her lunch, Gwenog called the girls back to the pitch. She was about to clean up from her lunch when Harry waved her off.

"Go on, I got this."

Ginny climbed down the bleachers. When she turned to head down the steps, she stood at the top for a second and turned around to face Harry. She waited until he had dumped the trash before she took his hand and pulled him close to her and kissed him on the mouth.

When they parted, she patted his cheek and headed down the steps.

"See you later," she called over her shoulder.

Harry returned to his seat just in time to see Ginny walking out to the pitch.


The last morning of the trial dawned bright and early. Gwenog had done the same thing she did the day before, cutting girls from the trials. There were now ten girls for the five open slots.

"Which would you rather, Reserves or the Practice squad?" Harry asked over breakfast.

"It doesn't matter, most likely reserves," Ginny replied and then took a bite of eggs.

"Is there more something involved with the reserves or something?"

Ginny shook her head. "According to Caroline, the current Keeper, they usually don't put someone as young as me on the practice squad. But Gwenog said that I had potential for either."

"I would take that as a good sign," Harry whispered over handed her a cup a tea.

"I am," she whispered back.

The walk to the pitch was quiet as it was for the last two mornings.

"Today's is half a day," Ginny explained. "Gwenog wants to make the decisions by tomorrow and the trial will end at noon today. She's meeting with the team this afternoon to get their thoughts."

"Knock them dead, Gin."

They parted at the player's entrance and Harry headed on up to the bleachers.

"Good morning," Gwendolyn greeted as she placed tea and other refreshments on a table by the bleachers where all the guests were gathered.

"Morning," Harry returned and sat down on beside Andrew.

The conversation quickly turned to the trials and how they felt their girlfriends were fairing. Harry noticed that this time, Ginny was going to be playing as a seeker.

He had to smile when he remembered the games he and Ginny played with a seeker. In Hogwarts, Harry and Ginny often played a game of Quidditch, just them two and with just a snitch. When Ginny asked him to play it last summer, he felt rusty from not playing for close to a year.

"She's good, is there anything she can't do?" Andrew asked.

"Keeper," Harry replied, promptly. "She could possibly play beater if she wanted to."

"But…." Andrew implied.

"I wouldn't want to give her a beater's bat. She's lethal."

Andrew chuckled. "She is, is she?"

Harry just nodded. "She may be small, but you know that saying 'big things come in small packages?'"

Andrew nodded, realizing what Harry was meaning.

"Her size doesn't say anything about what type of a player she."

"Right," Harry said, watching as Ginny caught the snitch and then landed beside Gwenog at the middle of the pitch.

Ginny walked back to where the player's bench was and she looked up at Harry. They caught eyes for a moment and shared a smile. Ginny blew him a kiss just as she disappeared from view.

"You two are in love, aren't you?" Andrew asked, whispering.

Harry nodded. "I'm planning on waiting until we're established in our careers before I ask her to marry me."

Andrew smiled and nodded. They settled back watching their girlfriends.


All too soon, the noon hour came and Gwenog blew her whistle. Everyone landed and then Gwenog's amplified voice filled the pitch.

"That concludes the trials, thank you for those who tried out. The roster will be posted tomorrow at nine am and will be posted until noon. Thank you."

Harry and Andrew made their way to the locker rooms where they would wait for their respective girlfriends. Harry leaned against the opposite wall of the locker room, waiting for Ginny. They didn't have to wait long before the girls showed up. Carey had jumped Andrew the second she saw him and they disappeared after waving to Harry and Ginny.

"That was brutal," Ginny muttered.

With Ginny standing in front of him, he got a good look at how brutal the scrimmage was. Bruises were forming on her arms, her knuckles were cracked and she looked exhausted.

"Shower at the hotel?"

Ginny nodded, leaning Harry's shoulder. Harry looked around before picking Ginny up and walking to the apparition point.

"Good thing I brought the Auror first aid kit with me," Harry thought, and he disapparated to the hotel.


Ginny picked at the eggs on her plate, in nervousness. Today was the day she would find out whether or not she made the team.

She propped her chin in an upturned palm, smiling softly at a family at a nearby table. She made a note to stop by the Harpies shop and pick up some souvenirs for Teddy. The little boy at the table reminded her of her godson. She could see herself and Harry with two or three children, having breakfast together.

A tap on her shoulder brought her attention to the present. She turned and found Harry standing behind her.

"Eat this," Harry ordered, handing her a banana.

"Thanks," she said softly as Harry sat in the chair across from her.

Ginny took the piece of fruit, peeled it and broke it in half, giving Harry the other piece.

"What time do we need to be there?" Harry asked, spearing a piece of sausage.

"Anytime before noon," Ginny deadpanned. She picked up her plate and dumped the eggs on Harry's. He didn't say anything.

After Ginny drunk the rest of her juice, she suggested that they head to the gift shop and kill some time. They would stop by the Harpies shop on their way to the Portkey office.

Looking around the gift shop, Ginny found something for Molly and Arthur and a little something for Teddy. Their stop at the gift shop only took up an hour of the time they needed to kill.

As they were headed towards Holyhead Stadium, Harry pointed out a coffee shop and Ginny was in a mood for a muffin. They sat in silence as Ginny munched on the muffin and sipped on some tea. Once they were done, they headed to the stadium.

Upon arrival, Ginny joined the cluster of women who were waiting for Gwenog to post the roaster. Harry stood back with some of the guys who had accompanied their girlfriends.

At exactly nine in the morning, Gwenog tacked the roster to the bulletin board and stood aside. Everyone rushed forward, but Ginny hung back, waiting until the coast cleared.

She stood there a few minutes after the coast was clear, but suddenly she was scared to look. She felt hands on her shoulders, familiar hands, otherwise, she would have thrown them over her shoulder.

"Gin, are you going to look?" Harry whispered in her ear.

"I'm afraid to," Ginny whispered.

Then, she felt Harry gently push her towards the rooster. Ginny closed her eyes, afraid to look.

Harry sighed to himself and looked at the roster. A smile spread over his face

Ginny Weasley… Chaser…. Practice Squad.

Harry whispered to her, "Baby, look."

Ginny listened and opened her eyes. She smiled, feeling Harry's arms wrap around her.

"I did it," Ginny said softly.

"You did it." Harry hugged her to him.

"I've dreamed of this my whole life: playing for the Holyhead Harpies. I didn't care which position as long as I was on the team." Ginny looked up at her boyfriend and patted his cheek. "Well, marrying you is another dream of mine," Ginny added.

Harry took her hand and led her back to the hotel to check out and then to head to the Harpies Shop. "Let's go home."


When Harry and Ginny arrived at the Burrow later that afternoon, everyone was present. Arthur and Molly were sitting on the couch. Bill and Fleur were on another. Charlie, George, and Angelina were standing in half circle talking. Hermione sat in an armchair while Ron sat on the arm.

All eyes went to Ginny as she entered the room with Harry behind her.

Charlie broke the silence. "Well?"

Ginny looked at Harry and then back to her family. She looked at each and every one of their faces before she announced, "I made the team."

Cheers erupted from the family as everyone took turns in hugging Ginny.

When it was Molly's turn, she asked, serious as a heart attack. "Is this what you want?"

The question silenced the conversations that had broken out amongst the family. Everyone knew about Molly's disappointment in Ginny's career choice. She even went as far as to write Minerva McGonagall to talk Ginny into another career. Ginny's career advice meeting ended with her in tears and in search of Harry. At the time, Harry was her only supporter of her career choice, but to please Molly, Ginny took classes that would allow her to have any job in the Ministry she wanted.

But they wouldn't be needed, or at least for now.

"Yes, Mum. This has been my dream for a long time."

Arthur looked between his daughter and wife. "Molly?"

Finally, Molly spoke. "If it makes you happy, then I'm happy."

Ginny smiled and hugged her mother, while all the men present took a collective sigh of relief.

AN: I was going to make this a one-shot, but it was getting too long, so I decided to split this up into two chapters. I thought this would be a good ending point for Chapter 1.
