Disclaimer: I don't own Steven Universe!

Title: Viva La Vida

Summary: Slight AU in which Amethyst ends up leaving the kindergarten after a few hundred years and gets picked up by the local village. Now, considered a deity of war and good harvest, her world is turned on its head when another being like her appears in Green Growth.

(Yes, the title is a joke towards the Coldplay song.)


Amethyst knew very little about who or what she was. She only had vague memories, little half-notions.

She knew she'd been reborn in the Dark-Rock place. She knew that fighting was a part of her soul. And she knew that she would follow her leaders unto death. She'd never had any leaders, or fought any wars, but it was almost as though she was made to feel that way; the thought was ever present and welcome.

She didn't, however, remember leaving the Heavens.

She'd told the man with fancy clothes that, immediately after they'd taken her in. Desperate for shelter, she'd crawled under a tarp, only to be found by a village warrior. He'd bowed upon sight of her purple skin, begging for forgiveness. Not long afterwards she'd been escorted to a bathhouse of gleaming white stone, rough in design but able to last the ages.

The man- her adviser, he'd informed her, humbly there to serve- had then told her what she was. A servant woman- Zadi- had appeared soon after, and gently run her fingers through her hair whilst they talked. She was tall and wide, with long brown hair and brown eyes. Freckles dusted her face.

"I don't remember any of that, though." She'd fretted, long hair plastered to her face. She'd been reborn with the long tresses, but would later experiment with shorter hair, only to return to the original style.

Her adviser grinned, a consoling gesture. "The Gods must have wiped your memory before gifting the world to you. Your experience will be more pure, that way."

"Oh." That made sense, in a way. Amethyst found herself hesitating. "Are you sure they wouldn't do that because I did something bad?"

"If that is the case, my Goddess," He assured, gently clasping her hand. "Then you have been sent down to atone."


"Of course, my Goddess. To make right what was once wrong." The adviser stood up, turning away so he didn't see anything improper. "Green Growth is your home now, if you will it."

Amethyst's eyes grew large. Her only home before had been the Dark-Rock place, and perhaps the Heavens before. She had never even been inside a town before, watching from afar as mankind grew and evolved. "Really?"

"We'd be honored. You will bless us with good luck and happy lives."

"I'll take care of you." Zadi pulled her into a gentle embrace. "Things have not been the same since my son went to war. And, imagine; helping a Goddess find her wings!"

The- no, her- adviser nodded excitedly. "Zadi is the most nurturing woman in Green Growth. The Gods will smile favorably upon this arrangement. Now, please. Finish getting ready. Your people wish to meet you."

Your people, she repeated mentally, turning over the words. She watched as the man slipped out of the room. They were her's, now. What did one do with their own group of people?

(Fight for them, a voice whispered. Protect them. Be loyal.)

"This must be a lot to take in." Zadi hummed, rubbing scented oils into her arms. "The Adviser can be a tad... excitable."

"I really don't remember anything." She confessed, brow drawn. "If I'm a Goddess, why do you all remember the Heavens better than I do?"

"Poor thing." She murmured, petting her head soothingly. "It must be hard, to forget something so wonderful."

Amethyst didn't feel any particular draw to the Heavens, however. It bothered her. Shouldn't the afterlife tug at her, like the Dark-Rock place did, at times? Even now, the memories of her hole and the big teeth bit into her. "Does The Adviser have a pretty name, like yous?"

Zadi shook her head, smiling. "The Adviser is just that- The Adviser. He has given up his name to become his title." She paused thoughtfully. "Although, perhaps now he will become The Gods' Adviser?"

Her heart warmed. Even if she never understood these people, she would at least have her adviser to guide her. And Zadi.

"Zadi?" She said, testing the name on her tongue.


"Thank you. For taking care of me."

"It's an honor, my Goddess." Zadi answered simply.

She took her from the warm water and dried her off. She then wrapped her in a light and clean gown, draping a golden necklace around her chest. Golden string was braided into her hair on either side, leaving strands to drape downwards. A simple yellow crown of leaves was knotted into the top of her head.

"We made these for a shrine." She admitted sheepishly. "But we never expected to have the real thing."

"A shrine?" Amethyst replied. "For who?"

"Oce, the Goddess of rebirth." Zadi searched her face. "Does the name sound familiar?"

She slowly shook her head.

"She is tall, with four arms. You don't remember her at all?"

Again, the answer was no.

For a moment, she deflated, but eventually Zadi nodded her understanding. "It was a silly hope. If anything, I doubt you are related by blood. The Gods are all related, of course, but not always by birth. You and Oce will see each other again someday." She stood and gently grabbed her hand. "Come. The Adviser waits."

Green Growth, she found, was a mixture of stone and wood. A farming village by nature, most of the huts were a deep rich brown, with little stone trinkets scattered about. Only places like the big bathhouse- empty to give her extra space- was made of only rock, as well as the Adviser's hut.

People swarmed the streets, bowing and praying. Amethyst, unused to so many voices, clung closer to Zadi.

"There's a lotta people here." She whispered.

"Not really. We're a small village compared to the others." Zadi flashed her a smile. "That may soon change, though."

Amethyst gingerly brushed her fingertips against the hesitating hands of the children, watching them shriek and scramble away in joy. It made her heart swell.

Her people. She could get used to that.

Author's Note: It's not a real fandom without a god/goddess story! (Although, I'm sure I'm far from the first one.) =)

Also, considering it's canon that they don't have holidays and WW2 wasn't really a thing (or something like that; check me if i'm wrong), I think it's okay if I play around with God/Goddess names a little bit. And have them stem back to fusions. This is a completely different timeline from ours, after all.
